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import type {
} from '@apollo-elements/core/types';

import type { PropertyValues } from 'lit';

import type {
} from '@apollo/client/core';

import { GraphQLScriptChildMixin } from '@apollo-elements/mixins/graphql-script-child-mixin';

import { ApolloElement } from './apollo-element.js';

import { ApolloMutationController } from '@apollo-elements/core/apollo-mutation-controller';

import { controlled } from '@apollo-elements/core/decorators';

import { customElement, state, property } from '@lit/reactive-element/decorators.js';

import { isEmpty } from '@apollo-elements/core/lib/helpers';

import { bound } from '@apollo-elements/core/lib/bound';

import {
} from './events.js';

declare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { 'apollo-mutation': ApolloMutationElement } }

/** @noInheritDoc */
interface ButtonLikeElement extends HTMLElement {
  disabled: boolean;

/** @noInheritDoc */
interface InputLikeElement extends HTMLElement {
  value: string;
  disabled: boolean;

/** @ignore */
export class WillMutateError extends Error {}

const defaultTemplate = document.createElement('template');
defaultTemplate.innerHTML = `<slot></slot>`;

 * Simple Mutation component that takes a button or link-wrapped button as it's trigger.
 * When loading, it disables the button.
 * On error, it toasts a snackbar with the error message.
 * You can pass a `variables` object property,
 * or if all your variables properties are strings,
 * you can use the element's data attributes
 * See [`ApolloMutationInterface`](https://apolloelements.dev/api/core/interfaces/mutation) for more information on events
 * @fires {WillMutateEvent} will-mutate - The element is about to mutate. Useful for setting variables. Prevent default to prevent mutation. Detail is `{ element: this }`
 * @fires {WillNavigateEvent} will-navigate - The mutation resolved and the element is about to navigate. cancel the event to handle navigation yourself e.g. using a client-side router. . `detail` is `{ data: Data, element: this }`
 * @fires {MutationCompletedEvent} mutation-completed - The mutation resolves. `detail` is `{ data: Data, element: this }`
 * @fires {MutationErrorEvent} mutation-error - The mutation rejected. `detail` is `{ error: ApolloError, element: this }`
 * @fires {ApolloElementEvent} apollo-element-disconnected - The element disconnected from the DOM
 * @fires {ApolloElementEvent} apollo-element-connected - The element connected to the DOM
 * @slot - Mutations typically trigger when clicking a button.
 *         Slot in an element with a `trigger` attribute to assign it as the element's trigger.
 *         The triggering element. Must be a button or and anchor that wraps a button.
 *         You may also slot in input elements with the `data-variable="variableName"` attribute.
 *         It's `value` property gets the value for the corresponding variable.
 * @example <caption>Using data attributes</caption>
 * ```html
 *          <apollo-mutation data-type="Type" data-action="ACTION">
 *            <mwc-button trigger>OK</mwc-button>
 *          </apollo-mutation>
 * ```
 * Will mutate with the following as `variables`:
 * ```json
 *          {
 *            "type": "Type",
 *            "action": "ACTION"
 *          }
 * ```
 * @example <caption>Using data attributes and variables</caption>
 * ```html
 *          <apollo-mutation data-type="Quote" data-action="FLUB">
 *            <mwc-button trigger label="OK"></mwc-button>
 *            <mwc-textfield
 *                data-variable="name"
 *                value="Neil"
 *                label="Name"></mwc-textfield>
 *            <mwc-textarea
 *                data-variable="comment"
 *                value="That's one small step..."
 *                label="comment"></mwc-textarea>
 *          </apollo-mutation>
 * ```
 * Will mutate with the following as `variables`:
 * ```json
 *          {
 *            "name": "Neil",
 *            "comment": "That's one small step...",
 *            "type": "Quote",
 *            "action": "FLUB"
 *          }
 * ```
 * @example <caption>Using variable-for inputs</caption>
 * ```html
 *          <label>Comment <input variable-for="comment-mutation" value="Hey!"></label>
 *          <button trigger-for="comment-mutation">OK</button>
 *          <apollo-mutation id="comment-mutation"></apollo-mutation>
 * ```
 * Will mutate with the following as `variables`:
 * ```json
 *          { "comment": "Hey!" }
 * ```
 * @example <caption>Using data attributes and variables with input property</caption>
 * ```html
 *          <apollo-mutation data-type="Type" data-action="ACTION" input-key="actionInput">
 *            <mwc-button trigger label="OK"></mwc-button>
 *            <mwc-textfield
 *                data-variable="comment"
 *                value="Hey!"
 *                label="comment"></mwc-textfield>
 *          </apollo-mutation>
 * ```
 * Will mutate with the following as `variables`:
 * ```json
 *          {
 *            "actionInput": {
 *              "comment": "Hey!",
 *              "type": "Type",
 *              "action": "ACTION"
 *            }
 *          }
 * ```
 * @example <caption>Using DOM properties</caption>
 * ```html
 *          <apollo-mutation id="mutation">
 *            <mwc-button trigger label="OK"></mwc-button>
 *          </apollo-mutation>
 *          <script>
 *            document.getElementById('mutation').mutation = SomeMutation;
 *            document.getElementById('mutation').variables = {
 *              type: "Type",
 *              action: "ACTION"
 *            };
 *          </script>
 * ```
 * Will mutate with the following as `variables`:
 * ```json
 *          {
 *            "type": "Type",
 *            "action": "ACTION"
 *          }
 * ```
export class ApolloMutationElement<D = unknown, V = VariablesOf<D>>
  extends GraphQLScriptChildMixin(ApolloElement)<D, V> {
  static readonly is: 'apollo-mutation' = 'apollo-mutation';

   * False when the element is a link.
  private static isButton(node: Element|null): node is ButtonLikeElement {
    return !!node && node.tagName !== 'A';

  private static isLink(node: Element|null): node is HTMLAnchorElement {
    return node instanceof HTMLAnchorElement;

  private static toVariables<T>(acc: T, element: InputLikeElement): T {
    // querySelectorAll ensures the data-variable attr exists
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
    return { ...acc, [element.dataset.variable!]: element.value };

  private static isTriggerNode(node: Node): node is HTMLElement {
    return node instanceof HTMLElement && node.hasAttribute('trigger');

  private static debounce(f: () => void, timeout: number): () => void {
    let timer: number;
    return () => {
      timer = window.setTimeout(() => { f(); }, timeout);

  private inFlightTrigger: HTMLElement | null = null;

  private doMutate = (): void => void (this.mutate().catch(() => void 0));

  private debouncedMutate = this.doMutate;

  #buttonMO?: MutationObserver;

  #listeners = new WeakMap<Element, string>();

  get #root(): ShadowRoot | Document | DocumentFragment | null {
    const root = this.getRootNode();
    if (root instanceof ShadowRoot || root instanceof Document || root instanceof DocumentFragment)
      return root;
      return null;

   * Variable input nodes
  protected get inputs(): InputLikeElement[] {
    const forInputs = (this.id && this.#root ?
      Array.from(this.#root.querySelectorAll(`[variable-for="${this.id}"]`)) : []) as InputLikeElement[];
    return forInputs.concat(Array.from(this.querySelectorAll<InputLikeElement>('[data-variable]')));

   * Slotted trigger nodes
  protected get triggers(): Element[] {
    const forTriggers =
      (this.id && this.#root) ? this.#root.querySelectorAll(`[trigger-for="${this.id}"]`) : [];
    return Array.from(forTriggers).concat(Array.from(this.querySelectorAll('[trigger]')));

   * If the slotted trigger node is a button, the trigger
   * If the slotted trigger node is a link with a button as it's first child, the button
  protected get buttons(): ButtonLikeElement[] {
    const { isButton, isLink } = ApolloMutationElement;
    return this.triggers.map(x => {
      if (isLink(x) && isButton(x.firstElementChild))
        /* c8 ignore next 3 */
        return x.firstElementChild;
        return x;

  get template(): HTMLTemplateElement {
    return super.template ?? defaultTemplate;

  controller: ApolloMutationController<D, V> = new ApolloMutationController<D, V>(this, null, {
    onCompleted: data => {
      const trigger = this.inFlightTrigger;
      this.dispatchEvent(new MutationCompletedEvent<D, V>(this));
      if (ApolloMutationElement.isLink(trigger) || trigger?.closest?.('a[trigger]'))
        this.willNavigate(data, trigger);

    onError: () => {
      this.dispatchEvent(new MutationErrorEvent<D, V>(this));

   * When set, variable data attributes will be packed into an
   * object property with the name of this property
   * @example <caption>Using the input-key attribute</caption>
   * ```html
   *          <apollo-mutation id="a" data-variable="var"></apollo-mutation>
   *          <apollo-mutation id="b" input-key="input" data-variable="var"></apollo-mutation>
   *          <script>
   *            console.log(a.variables) // { variable: 'var' }
   *            console.log(b.variables) // { input: { variable: 'var' } }
   *          </script>
   * ```
   * @summary key to wrap variables in e.g. `input`.
  @property({ attribute: 'input-key', reflect: true }) inputKey: string|null = null;

   * @summary Optional number of milliseconds to wait between calls
  @property({ type: Number, reflect: true }) debounce: number | null = null;

   * @summary Whether the mutation was called
  @controlled() @property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true }) called = false;

  /** @summary The mutation. */
  @controlled() @state() mutation: null | ComponentDocument<D, V> = null;

  /** @summary Context passed to the link execution chain. */
  @controlled({ path: 'options' }) @state() context?: Record<string, unknown>;

   * An object that represents the result of this mutation that will be optimistically
   * stored before the server has actually returned a result, or a unary function that
   * takes the mutation's variables and returns such an object.
   * This is most often used for optimistic UI, where we want to be able to see
   * the result of a mutation immediately, and update the UI later if any errors
   * appear.
   * @example <caption>Using a function</caption>
   * ```ts
   *         element.optimisticResponse = ({ name }: HelloMutationVariables) => ({
   *           __typename: 'Mutation',
   *           hello: {
   *             __typename: 'Greeting',
   *             name,
   *           },
   *         });
   * ```
  @controlled({ path: 'options' }) @state() optimisticResponse?: OptimisticResponseType<D, V>;

   * An object that maps from the name of a variable as used in the mutation GraphQL document to that variable's value.
   * @summary Mutation variables.
  @controlled() @state() variables: Variables<D, V> | null = null;

   * @summary If true, the returned data property will not update with the mutation result.
  @controlled({ path: 'options' })
  @property({ attribute: 'ignore-results', type: Boolean })
    ignoreResults = false;

   * Queries refetched as part of refetchQueries are handled asynchronously,
   * and are not waited on before the mutation is completed (resolved).
   * Setting this to true will make sure refetched queries are completed
   * before the mutation is considered done. false by default.
   * @attr await-refetch-queries
  @controlled({ path: 'options' })
  @property({ attribute: 'await-refetch-queries', type: Boolean })
    awaitRefetchQueries = false;

   * Specifies the ErrorPolicy to be used for this mutation.
   * @attr error-policy
  @controlled({ path: 'options' })
  @property({ attribute: 'error-policy' })
    errorPolicy?: ErrorPolicy;

   * Specifies the FetchPolicy to be used for this mutation.
   * @attr fetch-policy
  @controlled({ path: 'options' })
  @property({ attribute: 'fetch-policy' })
    fetchPolicy?: 'no-cache';

   * A list of query names which will be refetched once this mutation has returned.
   * This is often used if you have a set of queries which may be affected by a mutation and will have to update.
   * Rather than writing a mutation query reducer (i.e. `updateQueries`) for this,
   * you can refetch the queries that will be affected
   * and achieve a consistent store once these queries return.
   * @attr refetch-queries
  @controlled({ path: 'options' })
    attribute: 'refetch-queries',
    converter: {
      fromAttribute(newVal) {
        return !newVal ? null : newVal
          .map(x => x.trim());
  }) refetchQueries: RefetchQueriesType<D> | null = null;

   * Define this function to determine the URL to navigate to after a mutation.
   * Function can be synchronous or async.
   * If this function is not defined, will navigate to the `href` property of the link trigger.
   * @example <caption>Navigate to a post's page after creating it</caption>
   * ```html
   *          <apollo-mutation id="mutation">
   *            <script type="application/graphql">
   *              mutation CreatePostMutation($title: String, $content: String) {
   *                createPost(title: $title, content: $content) {
   *                  slug
   *                }
   *              }
   *            </script>
   *            <mwc-textfield label="Post title" data-variable="title"></mwc-textfield>
   *            <mwc-textarea label="Post Content" data-variable="content"></mwc-textarea>
   *          </apollo-mutation>
   *          <script>
   *            document.getElementById('mutation').resolveURL =
   *              data => `/posts/${data.createPost.slug}/`;
   *          </script>
   * ```
   * @param data mutation data
   * @param trigger the trigger element which triggered this mutation
   * @returns url to navigate to
  resolveURL?(data: Data<D>, trigger: HTMLElement): string | Promise<string>;

  constructor() {
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias
    const el = this;
    Object.defineProperty(this.controller, 'variables', {
      get(): Variables<D, V> | null {
        if (this.__variables)
          return this.__variables;
        else {
          return (
            el.getVariablesFromInputs() ??
            // @ts-expect-error: TODO: Find a better way to do this
            el.getDOMVariables() as Variables<D, V>

      set(v: Variables<D, V> | null) {
        this.__variables = v ?? undefined;


  private onLightDomMutation(records: MutationRecord[]) {
    /* eslint-disable easy-loops/easy-loops */
    for (const record of records) {
      for (const node of record.removedNodes as NodeListOf<HTMLElement>) {
        const type = this.#listeners.get(node);
        if (type == null) return; /* c8 ignore next */
        node.removeEventListener(type, this.onTriggerEvent);

      for (const node of record.addedNodes) {
        if (ApolloMutationElement.isTriggerNode(node))
    /* eslint-enable easy-loops/easy-loops */

  private onSlotchange(): void {
    for (const button of this.buttons)
    for (const trigger of this.triggers)

  private addTriggerListener(element: Element) {
    const eventType = element?.getAttribute?.('trigger') || 'click';

    if (
      !this.#listeners.has(element) &&
      element.hasAttribute('trigger') ||
    ) {
      element.addEventListener(eventType, this.onTriggerEvent, {
        passive: element.hasAttribute('passive'),
      this.#listeners.set(element, eventType);

  private willMutate(trigger: HTMLElement): void {
    if (!this.dispatchEvent(new WillMutateEvent<D, V>(this)))
      throw new WillMutateError('mutation was canceled');

    this.inFlightTrigger = trigger;

    for (const button of this.buttons)
      button.disabled = true;

    for (const input of this.inputs)
      input.disabled = true;

  private async willNavigate(
    data: Data<D>|null|undefined,
    triggeringElement: HTMLElement
  ): Promise<void> {
    if (!this.dispatchEvent(new WillNavigateEvent(this)))

    const href = triggeringElement.closest<HTMLAnchorElement>('a[trigger]')?.href;

    const url =
        typeof this.resolveURL !== 'function' ? href
        // If we get here without `data`, it's due to user error
      : await this.resolveURL(this.data!, triggeringElement); // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion

    history.replaceState(data, WillNavigateEvent.type, url);

  private didMutate(): void {
    this.inFlightTrigger = null;

    for (const button of this.buttons)
      button.disabled = false;

    for (const input of this.inputs)
      input.disabled = false;

  @bound private onTriggerEvent(event: Event): void {

    if (this.inFlightTrigger)

    try {
      this.willMutate(event.target as HTMLElement);
    } catch (e) {


  protected createRenderRoot(): ShadowRoot|HTMLElement {
    if (this.hasAttribute('no-shadow')) {
      const root = this.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
      root.classList.add(this.getAttribute('no-shadow') || 'output');
      this.#buttonMO = new MutationObserver(records => this.onLightDomMutation(records));
      this.#buttonMO.observe(this, { childList: true, attributes: false, characterData: false });
      return root;
    } else
      return super.createRenderRoot();

   * Constructs a variables object from the element's data-attributes and any slotted variable inputs.
  protected getVariablesFromInputs(): Variables<D, V> | null {
    if (isEmpty(this.dataset) && isEmpty(this.inputs))
      return null;

    const input = {
      ...this.inputs.reduce(ApolloMutationElement.toVariables, {}),

    if (this.inputKey)
      return { [this.inputKey]: input } as unknown as Variables<D, V>;
      return input as Variables<D, V>;

  update(changed: PropertyValues<this>): void {
    if (changed.has('debounce')) {
      this.debouncedMutate =
          this.debounce == null ? this.doMutate
        : ApolloMutationElement.debounce(this.doMutate, this.debounce);

   * A function which updates the apollo cache when the query responds.
   * This function will be called twice over the lifecycle of a mutation.
   * Once at the very beginning if an optimisticResponse was provided.
   * The writes created from the optimistic data will be rolled back before
   * the second time this function is called which is when the mutation has
   * succesfully resolved. At that point update will be called with the actual
   * mutation result and those writes will not be rolled back.
   * The reason a DataProxy is provided instead of the user calling the methods
   * directly on ApolloClient is that all of the writes are batched together at
   * the end of the update, and it allows for writes generated by optimistic
   * data to be rolled back.
  public updater?(
    ...params: Parameters<MutationUpdaterFn<Data<D>, Variables<D, V>>>
  ): ReturnType<MutationUpdaterFn<Data<D>, Variables<D, V>>>;

  public mutate(
    params?: Partial<MutationOptions<Data<D>, Variables<D, V>>>
  ): Promise<FetchResult<Data<D>>> {
    return this.controller.mutate({ ...params, update: this.updater });