* Based on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28985075/sails-orientdb-bi-directional-edge
* Associations docs at https://github.com/balderdashy/waterline-docs/blob/master/associations.md
* More info at https://github.com/balderdashy/waterline
// Example on how to run:
// mkdir manyToMany
// cd manyToMany
// npm install waterline
// npm install sails-orientdb
// node node_modules/sails-orientdb/example/associations/many-to-many.js
var setupWaterline = require('../raw/bootstrap');
var connections = {
associations : {
adapter: 'sails-orientdb',
host: 'localhost',
port: 2424,
user: 'root',
password: 'root',
database: 'example-waterline-manyToMany'
var collections = {
questions: {
tableName: 'questionsTable',
identity: 'questions',
connection: 'associations',
attributes: {
id: { type: 'string', primaryKey: true, columnName: '@rid'},
question : { type: 'string'},
// user: { model: "User", required: true },
answerOptions: {type: 'json'},
imagefile: {type:'string'},
answers: {
collection: 'answer',
via: 'questions',
answer: {
tableName: 'answerTable',
identity: 'answer',
connection: 'associations',
attributes: {
id: {
type: 'string',
primaryKey: true,
columnName: '@rid'
answer: 'string',
questions: {
collection: 'questions',
via: 'answers'
collections : collections,
connections : connections
}, function waterlineReady (err, ontology){
if (err) throw err;
console.log('\nWaterline initialized\n');
var question1, answer1;
ontology.collections.questions.create({ question: 'question1' })
question1 = question;
return ontology.collections.answer.create([{ answer: 'answer1' }, { answer: 'answer2' }]);
answer1 = answers[0];
return question1.save();
return ontology.collections.questions.findOne(question1.id)
console.log('Question', populatedQuestion.question, 'has the following answers:', populatedQuestion.answers, '\n');
return ontology.collections.answer.findOne(answer1.id)
console.log('Answer', populatedAnswer.answer, 'has the following questions:', populatedAnswer.questions, '\n');
console.log('All done, have a nice day!\n');