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Test Coverage
// Copyright © 2016 Asteris, LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package cmd

import (

    log ""

// Once the command line options are parsed, these will hold real values
var paramsJSON string
var params []string

func registerParamsFlags(flags *pflag.FlagSet) {
    flags.StringVar(&paramsJSON, "paramsJSON", "{}", "parameters for the top-level module, in JSON format")
    flags.StringSliceVarP(&params, "params", "p", []string{}, "parameters for the top-level module in key=value format")

// parseKVPair parses an input of the form "key=value" into its
// corresponding pair of strings. It returns an error on malformed input.
// Everything before the first "=" is considered the key, while everything after
// it is the value.
func parseKVPair(raw string) (string, string, error) {
    pair := strings.SplitN(raw, "=", 2)
    if len(pair) < 2 {
        return "", "", fmt.Errorf("malformed parameter: %v", raw)
    return pair[0], pair[1], nil

// insert either puts a key and value into a map, or returns an error if there
// is a duplicate key.
func insert(values render.Values, key string, value interface{}) error {
    if _, duplicate := values[key]; duplicate {
        return fmt.Errorf("duplicate entry: found %v=%v and %v=%v", key, values[key], key, value)
    values[key] = value
    return nil

// parseKVPairs parses a list of key=value pairs into a map[string]Value.
func parseKVPairs(pairs []string) (values render.Values, errors []error) {
    values = make(render.Values)
    for _, raw := range pairs {
        if key, value, err := parseKVPair(raw); err != nil {
            errors = append(errors, err)
        } else {
            if err = insert(values, key, value); err != nil {
                errors = append(errors, err)
    return values, errors

func getParamsFromFlags(flags *pflag.FlagSet) (vals render.Values, errors []error) {
    // get parameters passed to the --params flag
    vals, errors = parseKVPairs(params)

    // get parameters passed to the --paramsJSON flag
    jsonParams := render.Values{}
    if len(paramsJSON) > 0 {
        err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(paramsJSON), &jsonParams)
        // accumulate errors
        if err != nil {
            errors = append(errors, err)

    // merge the two sets of parameters
    for key, value := range jsonParams {
        if err := insert(vals, key, value); err != nil {
            errors = append(errors)

    return vals, errors

// getParams wraps getParamsFromFlags, logging and exiting upon error
func getParams(cmd *cobra.Command) render.Values {
    params, errors := getParamsFromFlags(cmd.Flags())
    for i, err := range errors {
        log.WithError(err).Error("error while parsing parameters")

        // after the last error is printed, exit
        if i == len(errors)-1 {
            log.Fatalf("errors while parsing parameters, see log above")
    return params

func getParamsRPC(cmd *cobra.Command) map[string]string {
    params := getParams(cmd)

    clientParams := map[string]string{}
    for k, v := range params {
        clientParams[k] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", v)

    return clientParams