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Test Coverage
// Copyright © 2016 Asteris, LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package graph

import (

    cmap ""

// WalkFunc is taken by the walking functions
type WalkFunc func(*node.Node) error

// TransformFunc is taken by the transformation functions
type TransformFunc func(*node.Node, *Graph) error

type walkerFunc func(context.Context, *Graph, WalkFunc) error

// An Edge is a generic pair of IDs indicating a directed edge in the graph
type Edge struct {
    Source     string   `json:"source"`
    Dest       string   `json:"dest"`
    Attributes []string `json:"attributes"`

// Graph is a generic graph structure that uses IDs to connect the graph
type Graph struct {
    inner  *dag.AcyclicGraph
    values cmap.ConcurrentMap

    innerLock *sync.RWMutex

// New constructs and returns a new Graph
func New() *Graph {
    return &Graph{
        inner:     new(dag.AcyclicGraph),
        values:    cmap.New(),
        innerLock: new(sync.RWMutex),

// Add a new value by ID
func (g *Graph) Add(node *node.Node) {
    defer g.innerLock.Unlock()

    g.values.Set(node.ID, node)

// Remove an existing value by ID
func (g *Graph) Remove(id string) {
    defer g.innerLock.Unlock()


// Get returns the value of the element and a bool indicating if it was
// found. If it was not found the value of the returned element is nil, but a
// valid node will be constructed.
func (g *Graph) Get(id string) (*node.Node, bool) {
    raw, ok := g.values.Get(id)
    if !ok {
        return nil, ok
    return raw.(*node.Node), true

// GetParent returns the direct parent vertex of the current node.
func (g *Graph) GetParent(id string) (*node.Node, bool) {
    var parentID string
    for _, edge := range g.UpEdges(id) {
        switch edge.(type) {
        case *ParentEdge:
            parentID = edge.Source().(string)

    return g.Get(parentID)

// GetParentID is a combination of getting the parent the getting the ID.
func (g *Graph) GetParentID(id string) (string, bool) {
    node, ok := g.GetParent(id)
    if !ok {
        return "", false
    return node.ID, true

// AreSiblings returns true if both nodes share a parent edge, or both nodes are
// at the root of the graph (and have no parent edge).  It returns false if both
// IDs are the same.
func (g *Graph) AreSiblings(fst, snd string) bool {
    fstParent, fstFound := g.GetParentID(fst)
    sndParent, sndFound := g.GetParentID(snd)
    return (fstParent == sndParent) && (fstFound == sndFound) && (fst != snd)

// IsNibling checks to see if second is the child of a sibling of the first.
func (g *Graph) IsNibling(fst, snd string) bool {
    sndID, sndHasParent := g.GetParentID(snd)
    if !sndHasParent {
        return false
    if fst == sndID {
        return false
    if g.AreSiblings(fst, snd) {
        return true

    if !sndHasParent {
        return false
    return g.IsNibling(fst, sndID)

// ConnectParent connects a parent node to a child node
func (g *Graph) ConnectParent(from, to string) {
    defer g.innerLock.Unlock()

    g.inner.Connect(NewParentEdge(from, to))

// Children returns a list of ids whose parent id is set to the specified node
func (g *Graph) Children(id string) (out []string) {
    downEdges := g.DownEdges(id)
    defer g.innerLock.RUnlock()
    for _, edge := range downEdges {
        if _, ok := edge.(*ParentEdge); ok {
            out = append(out, edge.Target().(string))

// Connect two vertices together by ID
func (g *Graph) Connect(from, to string) {
    defer g.innerLock.Unlock()

    g.inner.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(from, to))

// SafeConnect connects two vertices together by ID but only if valid
func (g *Graph) SafeConnect(from, to string) error {
    defer g.innerLock.Unlock()

    g.inner.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(from, to))

    if err := g.Validate(); err != nil {
        g.inner.RemoveEdge(dag.BasicEdge(from, to))
        return err
    return nil

// Disconnect two vertices by IDs
func (g *Graph) Disconnect(from, to string) {
    defer g.innerLock.Unlock()

    g.inner.RemoveEdge(dag.BasicEdge(from, to))

// SafeDisconnect disconnects two vertices by IDs but only if valid
func (g *Graph) SafeDisconnect(from, to string) error {
    defer g.innerLock.Unlock()

    g.inner.RemoveEdge(dag.BasicEdge(from, to))

    if err := g.Validate(); err != nil {
        g.inner.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(from, to))
        return err
    return nil

// UpEdges returns inward-facing edges of the specified vertex
func (g *Graph) UpEdges(id string) (out []dag.Edge) {
    defer g.innerLock.RUnlock()

    for _, edge := range g.inner.Edges() {
        if edge.Target().(string) == id {
            out = append(out, edge)

    return out

// DownEdges returns outward-facing edges of the specified vertex
func (g *Graph) DownEdges(id string) (out []dag.Edge) {
    defer g.innerLock.RUnlock()

    for _, edge := range g.inner.Edges() {
        if edge.Source().(string) == id {
            out = append(out, edge)

    return out

// DownEdgesInGroup returns the outward-facing edges of the specified vertex in
// the specified group
func (g *Graph) DownEdgesInGroup(id, group string) (out []string) {
    var ingroup []string
    for _, edge := range g.DownEdges(id) {
        edgeID := edge.Target().(string)
        if edgeNode, ok := g.Get(edgeID); ok {
            if edgeNode.Group == group {
                ingroup = append(ingroup, edgeID)
    return ingroup

// UpEdgesInGroup returns the outward-facing edges of the specified vertex in
// the specified group
func (g *Graph) UpEdgesInGroup(id, group string) (out []string) {
    var ingroup []string
    for _, edge := range g.UpEdges(id) {
        edgeID := edge.Source().(string)
        if edgeNode, ok := g.Get(edgeID); ok {
            if edgeNode.Group != "" && edgeNode.Group == group {
                ingroup = append(ingroup, edgeID)
    return ingroup

// Descendents gets a list of all descendents (not just children, everything)
// This only works if you're using the hierarchical ID functions from this
// module.
func (g *Graph) Descendents(id string) (out []string) {
    defer g.innerLock.RUnlock()

    for _, node := range g.inner.Vertices() {
        if IsDescendentID(id, node.(string)) {
            out = append(out, node.(string))

    return out

// Dependencies gets a list of all dependencies without relying on the ID
// functions and will work for dependencies that have been added during
// load.ResolveDependencies
func (g *Graph) Dependencies(id string) []string {
    var uniq []string
    for key := range g.dependencies(id, make(map[string]struct{})) {
        uniq = append(uniq, key)
    return uniq

// internal version of dependencies with a carry map
func (g *Graph) dependencies(id string, carry map[string]struct{}) map[string]struct{} {
    for _, edge := range g.DownEdges(id) {
        elem := edge.Target().(string)
        carry[elem] = struct{}{}
        carry = g.dependencies(elem, carry)
    return carry

// Walk the graph leaf-to-root
func (g *Graph) Walk(ctx context.Context, cb WalkFunc) error {
    return dependencyWalk(ctx, g, cb)

// dependencyWalk walks a graph leaf-to-root respecting dependencies
func dependencyWalk(rctx context.Context, g *Graph, cb WalkFunc) error {
    // the basic idea of this implementation is that we want to defer schedule
    // children of any given node until after that node's non-child dependencies
    // are satisfied. We're going to have a couple major components of this.
    // First, a scheduler/latch to make sure we don't schedule work more than
    // once. We also need the workers themselves, which take care of waiting for
    // their own dependencies and executing the callback for their node once the
    // dependencies are satisfied.
    root, err := g.Root()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    logger := logging.GetLogger(rctx).WithField("function", "dependencyWalk")


    // errors
    var (
        errLock      = new(sync.RWMutex)
        errs         = map[string]error{}
        errDepFailed = errors.New("dependency failed")
    getErr := func(id string) error {
        defer errLock.RUnlock()
        return errs[id]
    setErr := func(id string, err error) {
        defer errLock.Unlock()
        errs[id] = err

    // tracking which dependencies have finished
    done := map[string]chan struct{}{}
    for _, id := range g.Vertices() {
        done[id] = make(chan struct{}, 0)

    // create a child context out of the parent we receive. We'll use this to
    // make everything cancellable.
    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(rctx)
    defer cancel()

    wait := new(sync.WaitGroup)

    // keep track of what we've scheduled so we don't schedule the same work
    // twice
    var worker func(id string)
    scheduler := make(chan string)
    go func() {
        logger.Debug("starting scheduler")
        // it's OK to leave this unguarded by a lock, since we're only accessing
        // it in a single thread. If this algorithm ever changes to schedule
        // work in parallel, this should be protected by a lock (and the lock
        // should be held until the work is completely scheduled)
        scheduled := map[string]struct{}{}

        for {
            select {
            case <-ctx.Done():
                logger.Debug("stopping scheduler")

            case id := <-scheduler:
                if _, ok := scheduled[id]; !ok {
                    logger.WithField("id", id).Debug("scheduling")
                    scheduled[id] = struct{}{}
                    go worker(id)
                } else {
                    logger.WithField("id", id).Debug("already scheduled")

    // utility function to wait for a list of IDs
    waitFor := func(ids []string) error {
        for _, id := range ids {
            depChan, ok := done[id]
            if !ok {
                return fmt.Errorf("%q did not have done channel", id)

            logger.WithField("id", id).Debug("waiting for id")
            select {
            case <-ctx.Done():
                return nil

            case <-depChan:
                if err := getErr(id); err != nil {
                    return err

        return nil

    worker = func(id string) {
        defer wait.Done()

        logger.WithField("id", id).Debug("starting worker")

        var deps, children []string
        for _, edge := range g.DownEdges(id) {
            switch edge.(type) {
            case *ParentEdge:
                children = append(children, edge.Target().(string))
                deps = append(deps, edge.Target().(string))

        myDone, ok := done[id]
        if !ok {
            setErr(id, errors.New("could not get done channel"))
        defer close(myDone)

        // schedule deps - this prevents against the case where only Connect has
        // been used and there is no lineage information in the graph. If this
        // isn't here we'll be waiting for dependencies that never got scheduled
        // below.
        for _, dep := range deps {
            select {
            case <-ctx.Done():
            case scheduler <- dep:

        if err := waitFor(deps); err != nil {
            setErr(id, errDepFailed)

        for _, child := range children {
            select {
            case <-ctx.Done():
            case scheduler <- child:

        if err := waitFor(children); err != nil {
            setErr(id, errDepFailed)

        logger.WithField("id", id).Debug("executing")
        val, _ := g.Get(id)
        if err := cb(val); err != nil {
            setErr(id, err)



    // construct error
    if len(errs) > 0 {
        var err error
        for k, v := range errs {
            if v == errDepFailed {
            err = multierror.Append(err, errors.Wrap(v, k))
        return err
    return nil

// RootFirstWalk walks the graph root-to-leaf, checking sibling dependencies
// before descending.
func (g *Graph) RootFirstWalk(ctx context.Context, cb WalkFunc) error {
    return rootFirstWalk(ctx, g, cb)

// rootFirstWalk is separate for internal use in the transformations
func rootFirstWalk(ctx context.Context, g *Graph, cb WalkFunc) error {
    root, err := g.inner.Root()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    logger := logging.GetLogger(ctx).WithField("function", "rootFirstWalk")

    var (
        todo = []string{root.(string)}
        done = map[string]struct{}{}

    for len(todo) > 0 {
        id := todo[0]
        todo = todo[1:]

        select {
        case <-ctx.Done():
            return fmt.Errorf("interrupted at %q", id)

        // first check if we've already done this ID. We check multiple times as a
        // signal to re-check after finding a dependency needs waiting for.
        if _, ok := done[id]; ok {

        // make sure all sibling dependencies are finished first
        var skip bool
        for _, edge := range g.DownEdges(id) {
            if _, ok := done[edge.Target().(string)]; g.AreSiblings(id, edge.Target().(string)) && !ok {
                logger.WithField("id", id).WithField("target", edge).Debug("still waiting for sibling")
                todo = append(todo, id)
                skip = true
        if skip {

        logger.WithField("id", id).Debug("walking")

        raw, _ := g.Get(id) // we want to call with every value, including nil
        if err := cb(raw); err != nil {
            return err

        // mark this ID as done and do the children
        done[id] = struct{}{}
        for _, edge := range g.DownEdges(id) {
            todo = append(todo, edge.Target().(string))

    return nil

// Transform a graph of type A to a graph of type B. A and B can be the same.
func (g *Graph) Transform(ctx context.Context, cb TransformFunc) (*Graph, error) {
    return transform(ctx, g, dependencyWalk, cb)

// RootFirstTransform does Transform, but starting at the root
func (g *Graph) RootFirstTransform(ctx context.Context, cb TransformFunc) (*Graph, error) {
    return transform(ctx, g, rootFirstWalk, cb)

// Copy the graph for further modification
func (g *Graph) Copy() *Graph {
    out := New()

    for _, v := range g.Vertices() {
        val, _ := g.Get(v) // we don't care if it's nil here, we're doing a direct copy

    for _, e := range g.inner.Edges() {

    return out

// Validate that the graph...
// 1. has a root
// 2. has no cycles
// 3. has no dangling edges
func (g *Graph) Validate() error {
    err := g.inner.Validate()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // check for dangling dependencies
    var bad []string
    for _, edge := range g.inner.Edges() {
        if !g.inner.HasVertex(edge.Source()) {
            bad = append(bad, edge.Source().(string))

        if !g.inner.HasVertex(edge.Target()) {
            bad = append(bad, edge.Target().(string))

    if bad != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf(
            "nonexistent vertices in edges: %s",
            strings.Join(bad, ", "),

    return nil

// Vertices will get a list of the IDs for every vertex in the graph, cast to a
// string.
func (g *Graph) Vertices() []string {
    graphVertices := g.inner.Vertices()
    vertices := make([]string, len(graphVertices))
    for v := range graphVertices {
        vertices[v] = graphVertices[v].(string)
    return vertices

// Nodes will return all nodes in the graph
func (g *Graph) Nodes() []*node.Node {
    var nodes = []*node.Node{}
    graphVertices := g.inner.Vertices()
    for v := range graphVertices {
        id := graphVertices[v].(string)
        if meta, ok := g.Get(id); ok {
            nodes = append(nodes, meta)
    return nodes

// GroupNodes will return all nodes in the graph in the specified group
func (g *Graph) GroupNodes(group string) []*node.Node {
    var nodes = []*node.Node{}
    if group == "" {
        return nodes

    graphVertices := g.inner.Vertices()
    for v := range graphVertices {
        id := graphVertices[v].(string)
        if meta, ok := g.Get(id); ok {
            if meta.Group == group {
                nodes = append(nodes, meta)
    return nodes

// Contains returns true if the id exists in the map
func (g *Graph) Contains(id string) bool {
    _, found := g.Get(id)
    return found

// Edges will get a list of all of the edges in the graph.
func (g *Graph) Edges() []Edge {
    graphEdges := g.inner.Edges()
    edges := make([]Edge, len(graphEdges))
    for idx, srcEdge := range graphEdges {
        edge := Edge{
            Source: srcEdge.Source().(string),
            Dest:   srcEdge.Target().(string),

        if _, ok := srcEdge.(*ParentEdge); ok {
            edge.Attributes = append(edge.Attributes, "parent")

        edges[idx] = edge
    return edges

// Root will get the root element of the graph
func (g *Graph) Root() (string, error) {
    r, err := g.inner.Root()
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    return r.(string), nil

func (g *Graph) String() string {
    return strings.Trim(g.inner.String(), "\n")

func transform(ctx context.Context, source *Graph, walker walkerFunc, cb TransformFunc) (*Graph, error) {
    dest := source.Copy()

    err := walker(ctx, dest, func(meta *node.Node) error {
        return cb(meta, dest)
    if err != nil {
        return dest, err

    return dest, dest.Validate()