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Test Coverage
// Copyright © 2016 Asteris, LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package load

import (


type dependencyGenerator func(g *graph.Graph, id string, node *parse.Node) ([]string, error)

// ResolveDependencies examines the strings and depdendencies at each vertex of
// the graph and creates edges to fit them
func ResolveDependencies(ctx context.Context, g *graph.Graph) (*graph.Graph, error) {
    logger := logging.GetLogger(ctx).WithField("function", "ResolveDependencies")
    logger.Debug("resolving dependencies")

    groupLock := new(sync.Mutex)
    groupMap := make(map[string]struct{})
    g, err := g.Transform(ctx, func(meta *node.Node, out *graph.Graph) error {
        if graph.IsRoot(meta.ID) { // skip root
            return nil

        node, ok := meta.Value().(*parse.Node)
        if !ok {
            return fmt.Errorf("ResolveDependencies can only be used on Graphs of *parse.Node. I got %T", meta.Value())

        depGenerators := []dependencyGenerator{getDepends, getParams, getXrefs}

        // we have dependencies from various sources, but they're always IDs, so we
        // can connect them pretty easily
        for _, source := range depGenerators {
            deps, err := source(g, meta.ID, node)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            for _, dep := range deps {
                if err := out.SafeConnect(meta.ID, dep); err != nil {
                    return err

        // collect group information
        if meta.Group != "" {
            groupMap[meta.Group] = struct{}{}

        return nil

    for group := range groupMap {
        if depG, grpErr := groupDeps(ctx, g, group); grpErr != nil {
            return depG, grpErr
    return g, err

func getDepends(g *graph.Graph, id string, node *parse.Node) ([]string, error) {
    deps, err := node.GetStringSlice("depends")
    switch err {
    case parse.ErrNotFound:
        return []string{}, nil
    case nil:
        for idx, dep := range deps {
            if ancestor, ok := getNearestAncestor(g, id, dep); ok {
                deps[idx] = ancestor
            } else {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("nonexistent vertices in edges: %s", dep)
        return deps, nil
        return nil, err

func getParams(g *graph.Graph, id string, node *parse.Node) (out []string, err error) {
    var nodeStrings []string
    nodeStrings, err = node.GetStrings()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    meta, found := g.Get(id)
    if !found {
        return nil, errors.New("error: node is not in the provided graph")

    if metaIface, ok := meta.LookupMetadata("conditional-predicate-raw"); ok {
        if str, ok := metaIface.(string); ok {
            nodeStrings = append(nodeStrings, str)

    type stub struct{}
    language := extensions.MinimalLanguage()
    language.On("param", extensions.RememberCalls(&out, ""))
    language.On("paramList", extensions.RememberCalls(&out, []interface{}(nil)))
    language.On("paramMap", extensions.RememberCalls(&out, map[string]interface{}(nil)))

    for _, s := range nodeStrings {
        useless := stub{}
        tmpl, tmplErr := template.New("DependencyTemplate").Funcs(language.Funcs).Parse(s)
        if tmplErr != nil {
            return out, tmplErr
        tmpl.Execute(ioutil.Discard, &useless)
    for idx, val := range out {
        ancestor, found := getNearestAncestor(g, id, "param."+val)
        if !found {
            return out, fmt.Errorf("unknown parameter: param.%s", val)
        out[idx] = ancestor
    return out, err

func getXrefs(g *graph.Graph, id string, node *parse.Node) (out []string, err error) {
    var nodeStrings []string
    var calls []string
    nodeRefs := make(map[string]struct{})
    nodeStrings, err = node.GetStrings()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    meta, found := g.Get(id)
    if !found {
        return nil, errors.New("error: node is not in the provided graph")

    if metaIface, ok := meta.LookupMetadata("conditional-predicate-raw"); ok {
        if str, ok := metaIface.(string); ok {
            nodeStrings = append(nodeStrings, str)

    language := extensions.MinimalLanguage()
    language.On(extensions.RefFuncName, extensions.RememberCalls(&calls, 0))
    for _, s := range nodeStrings {
        tmpl, tmplErr := template.New("DependencyTemplate").Funcs(language.Funcs).Parse(s)
        if tmplErr != nil {
            return out, tmplErr
        tmpl.Execute(ioutil.Discard, &struct{}{})
    for _, call := range calls {
        vertex, _, found := preprocessor.VertexSplitTraverse(g, call, id, preprocessor.TraverseUntilModule, make(map[string]struct{}))
        if !found {
            return []string{}, fmt.Errorf("dependency generator: unresolvable call to %s", call)
        if _, ok := nodeRefs[vertex]; !ok {
            nodeRefs[vertex] = struct{}{}
            out = append(out, vertex)
            if peerVertex, ok := getPeerVertex(g, id, vertex); ok {
                out = append(out, peerVertex)
    return out, err

func getPeerVertex(g *graph.Graph, src, dst string) (string, bool) {
    if dst == "." || graph.IsRoot(dst) {
        return "", false
    if g.AreSiblings(src, dst) {
        return dst, true
    return getPeerVertex(g, src, graph.ParentID(dst))

func getNearestAncestor(g *graph.Graph, id, node string) (string, bool) {
    if graph.IsRoot(id) || id == "" || id == "." {
        return "", false

    siblingID := graph.SiblingID(id, node)

    valMeta, ok := g.Get(siblingID)
    if !ok {
        return getNearestAncestor(g, graph.ParentID(id), node)
    _, ok = valMeta.Value().(*parse.Node)
    if !ok {
        return "", false
    return siblingID, true

func withoutRoot(in []string) (out []string) {
    for _, id := range in {
        if !graph.IsRoot(id) {
            out = append(out, id)
    return out

func withoutModule(g *graph.Graph, in []string) (out []string) {
    for _, id := range in {
        if meta, ok := g.Get(id); ok {
            if node, ok := meta.Value().(*parse.Node); ok {
                if !node.IsModule() {
                    out = append(out, id)
    return out

func withoutSelf(self string, in []string) (out []string) {
    for _, id := range in {
        if id != self {
            out = append(out, id)
    return out

func highestGroupEdge(g *graph.Graph, id, group string) string {
    edges := g.UpEdgesInGroup(id, group)
    for _, edge := range edges {
        if !graph.IsRoot(edge) && edge != id {
            return highestGroupEdge(g, edge, group)
    return id

func moduleEdge(g *graph.Graph, id string) string {
    edges := graph.Sources(g.UpEdges(id))
    for _, edge := range edges {
        if graph.IsRoot(edge) {
            return edge

        if meta, ok := g.Get(edge); ok {
            if node, ok := meta.Value().(*parse.Node); ok {
                if node.IsModule() {
                    return meta.ID
                return moduleEdge(g, meta.ID)
    return id

type byDependencyCount struct {
    g     *graph.Graph
    nodes []*node.Node

func (b byDependencyCount) Len() int      { return len(b.nodes) }
func (b byDependencyCount) Swap(i, j int) { b.nodes[i], b.nodes[j] = b.nodes[j], b.nodes[i] }
func (b byDependencyCount) Less(i, j int) bool {
    return len(b.g.Dependencies(b.nodes[i].ID)) > len(b.g.Dependencies(b.nodes[j].ID))

func groupDeps(ctx context.Context, g *graph.Graph, group string) (*graph.Graph, error) {
    logger := logging.GetLogger(ctx).WithField("function", "groupDeps").WithField("group", group)

    nodes := g.GroupNodes(group)
    sort.Sort(byDependencyCount{g, nodes})

    for _, meta := range nodes {
        l := logger.WithField("id", meta.ID)
        // align all up edges in a single branch
        alignG, err := alignEdgesInGroup(ctx, g, meta.ID, group)
        if err != nil {
            return alignG, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to align edges in branch")

    g, err := connectIsolatedGroupNodes(ctx, g, nodes, group)
    if err != nil {
        return g, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to connect group nodes")

    g, err = connectIsolatedGroupBranches(ctx, g, nodes, group)
    if err != nil {
        return g, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to connect group branches")

    return g, nil

func alignEdgesInGroup(ctx context.Context, g *graph.Graph, id, group string) (*graph.Graph, error) {
    upEdges := withoutRoot(g.UpEdgesInGroup(id, group))
    for i, upEdge := range upEdges {
        if i > 0 {
            dest := highestGroupEdge(g, upEdges[i-1], group)
            if err := g.SafeDisconnect(upEdge, id); err != nil {
                return g, err

            if !willCycle(g, upEdge, dest) {
                if err := g.SafeConnect(upEdge, dest); err != nil {
                    return g, err

        // if the node has more than one down edge we want to keep the one with
        // the most dependencies
        downEdges := g.DownEdgesInGroup(upEdge, group)
        if len(downEdges) > 1 {
            var downNodes []*node.Node
            for _, downEdge := range downEdges {
                if meta, ok := g.Get(downEdge); ok {
                    downNodes = append(downNodes, meta)
            sort.Sort(byDependencyCount{g, downNodes})
            for i := 1; i < len(downNodes); i++ {
                if err := g.SafeDisconnect(upEdge, downNodes[i].ID); err != nil {
                    return g, err
    return g, nil

func connectIsolatedGroupNodes(ctx context.Context, g *graph.Graph, nodes []*node.Node, group string) (*graph.Graph, error) {
    // collect remaining group nodes that have no edges
    var unconnected []*node.Node
    for _, meta := range nodes {
        downEdges := withoutSelf(meta.ID, g.DownEdgesInGroup(meta.ID, group))
        upEdges := withoutModule(g, withoutRoot(g.UpEdgesInGroup(meta.ID, group)))
        if len(downEdges) == 0 && len(upEdges) == 0 {
            unconnected = append(unconnected, meta)

    groupDep := func(id string) string {
        pid := graph.ParentID(id)
        if !graph.IsRoot(pid) {
            id = pid
        return id

    // connect unconnected in single branch
    for i, meta := range unconnected {
        if i > 0 {
            from := meta.ID
            to := unconnected[i-1].ID
            if !g.AreSiblings(from, to) {
                from = groupDep(from)
                to = groupDep(to)
                "from": from,
                "to":   to,
            }).Debug("connecting isolated group nodes")
            if err := g.SafeConnect(from, to); err != nil {
                return g, err
    return g, nil

func connectIsolatedGroupBranches(ctx context.Context, g *graph.Graph, nodes []*node.Node, group string) (*graph.Graph, error) {
    // collect all unconnected group branches
    var groupBranches []*node.Node
    for _, meta := range nodes {
        downEdges := g.DownEdgesInGroup(meta.ID, group)
        if len(downEdges) == 0 {
            groupBranches = append(groupBranches, meta)

    // connect branches into a single branch (if in the same module)
    for i, treeRoot := range groupBranches {
        if i > 0 {
            from := treeRoot.ID
            dest := highestGroupEdge(g, groupBranches[i-1].ID, group)

            if moduleEdge(g, from) == moduleEdge(g, dest) {
                if !willCycle(g, from, dest) {
                    if err := g.SafeConnect(from, dest); err != nil {
                        return g, err
    return g, nil

func willCycle(g *graph.Graph, from, to string) bool {
    var willCycle bool
    for _, dep := range g.Dependencies(to) {
        if dep == from {
            willCycle = true
    return willCycle