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Test Coverage
// Copyright © 2016 Asteris, LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package resource

import (


// FieldMap represents a map of field names to interfaces
type FieldMap map[string]interface{}

/* Rules for field access in structures:

- Fields that are tagged with `export` will be exported.

- Named structs that are tagged with `export` will be exported as a struct

- Embedded structs will have their exported fields exported in the namespace of
    the containing struct

- Embedded interfaces will not be exported, nor have their fields exported

- If an embedded struct field name collides with a field from the struct that
    it's embedded in, both will be exported with the embedded struct being
    accessible with 'StructName.FieldName' */

var (
    // ErrNilStruct is returned if there is an attempt to introspect a nil value
    ErrNilStruct = errors.New("cannot inspect types with a nil value")

    // ErrNonStructIntrospection is returned when attempting to introspect fields
    // on a non-struct type.
    ErrNonStructIntrospection = errors.New("cannot extract fields for types other than struct")

    // ErrFieldIndexOutOfBounds is returned when a field index is beyond the
    // number of fields in the struct type
    ErrFieldIndexOutOfBounds = errors.New("struct field index is out of bounds")

    // ErrDuplicateFieldName is returned if there is a duplicate reference name in
    // an exported field slice during map construction
    ErrDuplicateFieldName = errors.New("detected duplicate field name")

// ExportedField represents an exported field, including the containing struct,
// offset, field name, and lookup name
type ExportedField struct {
    FieldName     string
    ReferenceName string
    StructField   *reflect.StructField
    Value         reflect.Value

func newExportedField(input interface{}, index int) (*ExportedField, bool) {
    if nil == input {
        return nil, false

    val, err := getStruct(reflect.ValueOf(input))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, false

    if index >= val.Type().NumField() {
        return nil, false
    fieldType := val.Type().Field(index)
    fieldVal := val.Field(index)
    exportedName, ok := fieldType.Tag.Lookup("export")
    if !ok {
        return nil, false
    return &ExportedField{
        FieldName:     fieldType.Name,
        ReferenceName: exportedName,
        Value:         fieldVal,
    }, true

func isExportedField(input interface{}, index int) bool {
    if nil == input {
        return false

    val, err := getStruct(reflect.ValueOf(input))
    if err != nil {
        return false

    if index >= val.Type().NumField() {
        return false
    fieldType := val.Type().Field(index)
    if _, ok := fieldType.Tag.Lookup("export"); ok {
        return true
    if _, ok := fieldType.Tag.Lookup("re-export-as"); ok {
        return true
    return false

// ExportedFields returns a slice of fields that have been exported from a
// struct; including embedded fields
func ExportedFields(input interface{}) (exported []*ExportedField, err error) {
    nonEmbeddedFields := make(map[string]struct{})
    embeddedFields := make(map[string][]*ExportedField)
    if nil == input {
        return exported, ErrNilStruct
    asStruct, err := getStruct(reflect.ValueOf(input))
    if err != nil {
        return exported, err
    for i := 0; i < asStruct.Type().NumField(); i++ {
        isAnon, anonErr := fieldIsAnonymous(input, i)
        if !isExportedField(input, i) && !isAnon {

        if anonErr != nil {
            return exported, anonErr

        if isAnon {
            isKind, kindErr := fieldIsKind(input, i, reflect.Struct)
            if kindErr != nil {
                return exported, kindErr
            if !isKind {
            thisField := asStruct.Field(i).Interface()
            fromEmbedded, err := ExportedFields(thisField)
            if err != nil {
                return exported, err
            embeddedFields[asStruct.Type().Field(i).Name] = fromEmbedded

        exportedAs, isReExported := asStruct.Type().Field(i).Tag.Lookup("re-export-as")
        if isReExported {
            if !asStruct.Field(i).IsValid() {

            if k := asStruct.Field(i).Kind(); k == reflect.Ptr || k == reflect.Interface {
                if asStruct.Field(i).IsNil() {

            val, err := getStruct(asStruct.Field(i))
            if err != nil {
                return exported, err

            thisField := val.Interface()
            fromEmbedded, err := ExportedFields(thisField)
            if err != nil {
                return exported, err
            for _, f := range fromEmbedded {
                f.ReferenceName = exportedAs + "." + f.ReferenceName
                exported = append(exported, f)

        if field, ok := newExportedField(input, i); ok {
            nonEmbeddedFields[field.ReferenceName] = struct{}{}
            exported = append(exported, field)
    for embeddedStruct, fieldSet := range embeddedFields {
        exported = append(exported, disambiguateFields(nonEmbeddedFields, embeddedStruct, fieldSet)...)
    return exported, nil

// disambiguateFields will prefix the struct name to the exported field name for
// any exported field whos name would collide with the exported fields of the
// parent struct
func disambiguateFields(
    structFields map[string]struct{},
    structName string,
    fields []*ExportedField,
) []*ExportedField {
    for _, field := range fields {
        if _, ok := structFields[field.ReferenceName]; ok {
            field.ReferenceName = structName + "." + field.ReferenceName
    return fields

// GenerateLookupMap takes an exported field list and generates a map of lookup
// names to values
func GenerateLookupMap(fields []*ExportedField) (FieldMap, error) {
    output := make(FieldMap)
    for _, field := range fields {
        _, ok := output[field.ReferenceName]
        if ok {
            return output, errors.Wrap(ErrDuplicateFieldName, field.ReferenceName)
        output[field.ReferenceName] = field.Value.Interface()
    return output, nil

// LookupMapFromStruct generates a lookup map from a struct
func LookupMapFromStruct(input interface{}) (FieldMap, error) {
    exported, err := ExportedFields(input)
    if err != nil {
        return make(FieldMap), err
    return GenerateLookupMap(exported)

// LookupMapFromInterface gets the concrete implementation of an interface and
// then gets the struct fields from it
func LookupMapFromInterface(input interface{}) (FieldMap, error) {
    switch reflect.ValueOf(input).Kind() {
    case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface:
        return LookupMapFromInterface(reflect.ValueOf(input).Elem().Interface())
    case reflect.Struct:
        return LookupMapFromStruct(input)
    return make(FieldMap), ErrNonStructIntrospection

func getFieldKind(input interface{}, index int) (reflect.Kind, error) {
    if input == nil {
        return reflect.Invalid, ErrNilStruct
    asStruct, err := getStruct(reflect.ValueOf(input))
    if err != nil {
        return reflect.Invalid, err
    if index >= asStruct.Type().NumField() {
        return reflect.Invalid, ErrFieldIndexOutOfBounds
    fieldType := asStruct.Type().Field(index).Type
    for fieldType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
        fieldType = fieldType.Elem()
    return fieldType.Kind(), nil

func fieldIsKind(input interface{}, index int, kinds ...reflect.Kind) (bool, error) {
    for _, kind := range kinds {
        actualKind, err := getFieldKind(input, index)
        if err != nil {
            return false, err
        if kind == actualKind {
            return true, nil
    return false, nil

func fieldIsAnonymous(input interface{}, index int) (bool, error) {
    if input == nil {
        return false, ErrNilStruct
    asStruct, err := getStruct(reflect.ValueOf(input))
    if err != nil {
        return false, err
    if index >= asStruct.Type().NumField() {
        return false, ErrFieldIndexOutOfBounds
    return asStruct.Type().Field(index).Anonymous, nil

func getStruct(val reflect.Value) (reflect.Value, error) {
    for val.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
        val = val.Elem()
    if val.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
        return val, ErrNonStructIntrospection
    return val, nil

func interfaceToConcreteType(i interface{}) reflect.Type {
    var t reflect.Type
    switch typed := i.(type) {
    case reflect.Type:
        t = typed
    case reflect.Value:
        t = typed.Type()
        t = reflect.TypeOf(i)
    for t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
        t = t.Elem()
    return t