

0 mins
Test Coverage


namespace Atk4\Ui\Behat;

use Atk4\Core\WarnDynamicPropertyTrait;
use Behat\Behat\Context\Context as BehatContext;
use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\AfterStepScope;
use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\BeforeStepScope;
use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\StepScope;
use Behat\Gherkin\Node\ScenarioInterface;
use Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement;
use Behat\Mink\WebAssert;
use Behat\MinkExtension\Context\RawMinkContext;

class Context extends RawMinkContext implements BehatContext
    use JsCoverageContextTrait;
    use RwDemosContextTrait;
    use WarnDynamicPropertyTrait;

    public function getSession($name = null): MinkSession
        return new MinkSession($this->getMink()->getSession($name));

    public function assertSession($name = null): WebAssert
        return new class($this->getSession($name)) extends WebAssert {
            protected function cleanUrl($url)
                // fix
                return $url;

    protected function getScenario(StepScope $event): ScenarioInterface
        foreach ($event->getFeature()->getScenarios() as $scenario) {
            $scenarioSteps = $scenario->getSteps();
            if (count($scenarioSteps) > 0
                && reset($scenarioSteps)->getLine() <= $event->getStep()->getLine()
                && end($scenarioSteps)->getLine() >= $event->getStep()->getLine()
            ) {
                return $scenario;

        throw new \Exception('Unable to find scenario');

     * @BeforeStep
    public function closeAllToasts(BeforeStepScope $event): void
        if (!$this->getSession()->isStarted()) {

        if (!str_starts_with($event->getStep()->getText(), 'Toast display should contain text ')
            && $event->getStep()->getText() !== 'No toast should be displayed'
        ) {
            $this->getSession()->executeScript('jQuery(\'.toast-box > .ui.toast\').toast(\'destroy\')');

     * @AfterStep
    public function waitUntilLoadingAndAnimationFinished(AfterStepScope $event): void
        if (!$this->getSession()->isStarted()) {


        if (!str_contains($this->getScenario($event)->getTitle() ?? '', 'exception is displayed')) {


    protected function getFinishedScript(): string
        return 'document.readyState === \'complete\' && typeof jQuery !== \'undefined\' && typeof atk !== \'undefined\''
            . ' && === 0' // no jQuery AJAX request,
            . ' && jQuery.timers.length === 0' // no jQuery animation,
            . ' && document.querySelectorAll(\'.ui.animating:not(.looping)\').length === 0' // no Fomantic-UI animation,
            . ' && atk.vueService.areComponentsLoaded()';

     * Wait till jQuery AJAX request finished and no animation is perform.
    protected function jqueryWait(string $extraWaitCondition = 'true', array $args = [], int $maxWaitdurationMs = 5000): void
        $finishedScript = '(' . $this->getFinishedScript() . ') && (' . $extraWaitCondition . ')';

        $s = microtime(true);
        $c = 0;
        while (microtime(true) - $s <= $maxWaitdurationMs / 1000) {
            $this->getSession()->wait($maxWaitdurationMs, $finishedScript, $args);
            if ($this->getSession()->evaluateScript($finishedScript, $args)) { // TODO wait() uses evaluateScript(), dedup
                if (++$c >= 2) {
            } else {
                $c = 0;

        throw new \Exception('jQuery did not finish within a time limit');

    protected function disableAnimations(): void
        // disable all CSS/jQuery animations/transitions
        $toCssFx = static function (string $selector, array $cssPairs): string {
            $css = [];
            foreach ($cssPairs as $k => $v) {
                foreach ([$k, '-moz-' . $k, '-webkit-' . $k] as $k2) {
                    $css[] = $k2 . ': ' . $v . ' !important;';

            return $selector . ' { ' . implode(' ', $css) . ' }';

        $durationAnimation = 0.005;
        $durationToast = 5;
        $css = $toCssFx('*', [
            'animation-delay' => $durationAnimation . 's',
            'animation-duration' => $durationAnimation . 's',
            'transition-delay' => $durationAnimation . 's',
            'transition-duration' => $durationAnimation . 's',
        ]) . $toCssFx('.ui.toast-container .toast-box .progressing.wait', [
            'animation-duration' => $durationToast . 's',
            'transition-duration' => $durationToast . 's',

            'if (\'style\'), (e) => e.getAttribute(\'about\') === \'atk4-ui-behat\').length === 0) {'
            . ' $(\'<style about="atk4-ui-behat">' . $css . '</style>\').appendTo(\'head\');'
            . ' = true;'
            // fix self::getFinishedScript() detection for Firefox - document.readyState is updated after at least part of a new page has been loaded
            . ' window.addEventListener(\'beforeunload\', (event) =>;'
            . ' }'

    protected function assertNoException(): void
        foreach ($this->getSession()->getPage()->findAll('css', 'div.ui.negative.icon.message > div.content > div.header') as $elem) {
            if ($elem->getText() === 'Critical Error') {
                echo "\n" . trim(preg_replace(
                    '~(?<=\n)(\d+|Stack Trace\n#FileObjectMethod)(?=\n)~',
                        '~(^.*?)?\s*Critical Error\s*\n\s*|(\s*\n)+\s{0,16}~s',
                        strip_tags($elem->find('xpath', '../../..')->getHtml())
                )) . "\n";

                throw new \Exception('Page contains uncaught exception');

    protected function assertNoDuplicateId(): void
        [$invalidIds, $duplicateIds] = $this->getSession()->evaluateScript(<<<'EOF'
            (function () {
                const idRegex = /^[a-z_][0-9a-z_\-]*$/is;
                const invalidIds = [];
                const duplicateIds = [];
                [...(new Set(
                    $('[id]').map(function () {
                ))].forEach(function (id) {
                    if (!id.match(idRegex)) {
                    } else {
                        const elems = $('[id="' + id + '"]');
                        if (elems.length > 1) {

                return [invalidIds, duplicateIds];

        if (count($invalidIds) > 0) {
            throw new \Exception('Page contains element with invalid ID: ' . implode(', ', array_map(static fn ($v) => '"' . $v . '"', $invalidIds)));

        if (count($duplicateIds) > 0) {
            throw new \Exception('Page contains elements with duplicate ID: ' . implode(', ', array_map(static fn ($v) => '"' . $v . '"', $duplicateIds)));

     * @return array{ 'css'|'xpath', string }
    protected function parseSelector(string $selector): array
        if (preg_match('~^\(*//~s', $selector)) {
            // add support for standard CSS class selector
            $xpath = preg_replace_callback(
                static function ($matches) {
                    if ($matches[0] === '') {
                        return '';

                    return '[contains(concat(\' \', normalize-space(@class), \' \'), \' ' . $matches[1] . ' \')]';

            // add NBSP support for normalize-space() xpath function
            $xpath = preg_replace(
                'normalize-space(translate($0, \'' . "\u{00a0}" . '\', \' \'))',

            return ['xpath', $xpath];

        return ['css', $selector];

     * @return array<NodeElement>
    protected function findElements(?NodeElement $context, string $selector): array
        $selectorParsed = $this->parseSelector($selector);
        $elements = ($context ?? $this->getSession()->getPage())->findAll($selectorParsed[0], $selectorParsed[1]);

        if (count($elements) === 0) {
            throw new \Exception('No element found in ' . ($context === null ? 'page' : 'element')
                . ' using selector: ' . $selector);

        return $elements;

    protected function findElement(?NodeElement $context, string $selector): NodeElement
        $elements = $this->findElements($context, $selector);

        return $elements[0];

    protected function unquoteStepArgument(string $argument): string
        // copied from
        return str_replace('\"', '"', $argument);

     * Sleep for a certain time in ms.
     * @Then I wait :arg1 ms
    public function iWait(int $ms): void

     * @When I write :arg1 into selector :selector
    public function iPressWrite(string $text, string $selector): void
        $elem = $this->findElement(null, $selector);
        $this->getSession()->keyboardWrite($elem, $text);

     * @When I drag selector :selector onto selector :selectorTarget
    public function iDragElementOnto(string $selector, string $selectorTarget): void
        $elem = $this->findElement(null, $selector);
        $elemTarget = $this->findElement(null, $selectorTarget);
        $this->getSession()->getDriver()->dragTo($elem->getXpath(), $elemTarget->getXpath());

    // {{{ button

     * @When I press button :arg1
    public function iPressButton(string $buttonLabel): void
        $button = $this->findElement(null, '//div[text()="' . $buttonLabel . '"]');

     * @Then I see button :arg1
    public function iSeeButton(string $buttonLabel): void
        $this->findElement(null, '//div[text()="' . $buttonLabel . '"]');

     * @Then I don't see button :arg1
    public function idontSeeButton(string $text): void
        $element = $this->findElement(null, '//div[text()="' . $text . '"]');
        if (!str_contains($element->getAttribute('style'), 'display: none')) {
            throw new \Exception('Element with text "' . $text . '" must be invisible');

    // }}}

    // {{{ link

     * @Given I click link :arg1
    public function iClickLink(string $label): void
        $this->findElement(null, '//a[text()="' . $label . '"]')->click();

     * @Then I click using selector :selector
    public function iClickUsingSelector(string $selector): void
        $element = $this->findElement(null, $selector);

     * \Behat\Mink\Driver\Selenium2Driver::clickOnElement() does not wait until AJAX is completed after scroll.
     * One solution can be waiting for AJAX after each \WebDriver\AbstractWebDriver::curl() call.
     * @Then PATCH DRIVER I click using selector :selector
    public function iClickPatchedUsingSelector(string $selector): void
        $element = $this->findElement(null, $selector);

        $driver = $this->getSession()->getDriver();
        \Closure::bind(static function () use ($driver, $element) {
        }, null, MinkSeleniumDriver::class)();


     * @Then I click paginator page :arg1
    public function iClickPaginatorPage(string $pageNumber): void
        $element = $this->findElement(null, 'a.item[data-page="' . $pageNumber . '"]');

     * @When I fill field using :selector with :value
    public function iFillField(string $selector, string $value): void
        $element = $this->findElement(null, $selector);

    // }}}

    // {{{ modal

     * @Then I press Modal button :arg
    public function iPressModalButton(string $buttonLabel): void
        $modal = $this->findElement(null, '');
        $button = $this->findElement($modal, '//div[text()="' . $buttonLabel . '"]');

     * @Then Modal is open with text :arg1
     * @Then Modal is open with text :arg1 in selector :arg2
     * Check if text is present in modal or dynamic modal.
    public function modalIsOpenWithText(string $text, string $selector = '*'): void
        $textEncoded = str_contains($text, '"')
            ? 'concat("' . str_replace('"', '", \'"\', "', $text) . '")'
            : '"' . $text . '"';

        $modal = $this->findElement(null, '');
        $this->findElement($modal, '//' . $selector . '[text()[normalize-space()=' . $textEncoded . ']]');

     * @When I fill Modal field :arg1 with :arg2
    public function iFillModalField(string $fieldName, string $value): void
        $modal = $this->findElement(null, '');
        $field = $modal->find('named', ['field', $fieldName]);

     * @Then I click close modal
    public function iClickCloseModal(): void
        $modal = $this->findElement(null, '');
        $closeIcon = $this->findElement($modal, '//i.icon.close');

     * @Then I hide js modal
    public function iHideJsModal(): void
        $modal = $this->findElement(null, '');
        $this->getSession()->executeScript('$(arguments[0]).modal(\'hide\')', [$modal]);

    // }}}

    // {{{ panel

     * @Then Panel is open
    public function panelIsOpen(): void
        $this->findElement(null, '.atk-right-panel.atk-visible');

     * @Then Panel is open with text :arg1
     * @Then Panel is open with text :arg1 in selector :arg2
    public function panelIsOpenWithText(string $text, string $selector = '*'): void
        $panel = $this->findElement(null, '.atk-right-panel.atk-visible');
        $this->findElement($panel, '//' . $selector . '[text()[normalize-space()="' . $text . '"]]');

     * @When I fill Panel field :arg1 with :arg2
    public function iFillPanelField(string $fieldName, string $value): void
        $panel = $this->findElement(null, '.atk-right-panel.atk-visible');
        $field = $panel->find('named', ['field', $fieldName]);

     * @Then I press Panel button :arg
    public function iPressPanelButton(string $buttonLabel): void
        $panel = $this->findElement(null, '.atk-right-panel.atk-visible');
        $button = $this->findElement($panel, '//div[text()="' . $buttonLabel . '"]');

    // }}}

    // {{{ tab

     * @Given I click tab with title :arg1
    public function iClickTabWithTitle(string $tabTitle): void
        $tabMenu = $this->findElement(null, '');
        $link = $this->findElement($tabMenu, '//div[text()="' . $tabTitle . '"]');

     * @Then Active tab should be :arg1
    public function activeTabShouldBe(string $title): void
        $tab = $this->findElement(null, ' >');
        if ($tab->getText() !== $title) {
            throw new \Exception('Active tab is not ' . $title);

    // }}}

    // {{{ input

     * @Then ~^input "([^"]*)" value should start with "([^"]*)"$~
    public function inputValueShouldStartWith(string $inputName, string $text): void
        $inputName = $this->unquoteStepArgument($inputName);
        $text = $this->unquoteStepArgument($text);

        $field = $this->assertSession()->fieldExists($inputName);

        if (!str_starts_with($field->getValue(), $text)) {
            throw new \Exception('Field value ' . $field->getValue() . ' does not start with ' . $text);

     * @Then I search grid for :arg1
    public function iSearchGridFor(string $text): void
        $search = $this->findElement(null, 'input.atk-grid-search');

     * @Then I select value :arg1 in lookup :arg2
    public function iSelectValueInLookup(string $value, string $inputName): void
        $isSelectorXpath = $this->parseSelector($inputName)[0] === 'xpath';

        // get dropdown item from Fomantic-UI which is direct parent of input HTML element
        $lookupElem = $this->findElement(null, ($isSelectorXpath ? $inputName : '//input[@name="' . $inputName . '"]') . '/parent::div');

        // open dropdown and wait till fully opened (just a click is not triggering it)
        $this->getSession()->executeScript('$(arguments[0]).dropdown(\'show\')', [$lookupElem]);
        $this->jqueryWait('$(arguments[0]).hasClass(\'visible\')', [$lookupElem]);

        // select value
        if ($value === '') { // TODO impl. native clearable -
            $value = "\u{00a0}";
        $valueElem = $this->findElement($lookupElem, '//div[text()="' . $value . '"]');
        $this->getSession()->executeScript('$(arguments[0]).dropdown(\'set selected\', arguments[1]);', [$lookupElem, $valueElem->getAttribute('data-value')]);

        // hide dropdown and wait till fully closed
        $this->getSession()->executeScript('$(arguments[0]).dropdown(\'hide\');', [$lookupElem]);
        $this->jqueryWait('!$(arguments[0]).hasClass(\'visible\')', [$lookupElem]);

     * @When I select file input :arg1 with :arg2 as :arg3
    public function iSelectFile(string $inputName, string $fileContent, string $fileName): void
        $element = $this->findElement(null, '//input[@name="' . $inputName . '" and @type="hidden"]/following-sibling::input[@type="file"]');
            const dataTransfer = new DataTransfer();
            dataTransfer.items.add(new File([new Uint8Array(arguments[1])], arguments[2]));
            arguments[0].files = dataTransfer.files;
            EOF, [$element, array_map('ord', str_split($fileContent)), $fileName]);

    private function getScopeBuilderRuleElem(string $ruleName): NodeElement
        return $this->findElement(null, '.vqb-rule[data-name=' . $ruleName . ']');

     * Generic ScopeBuilder rule with select operator and input value.
     * @Then ~^rule "([^"]*)" operator is "([^"]*)" and value is "([^"]*)"$~
    public function scopeBuilderRule(string $name, string $operator, string $value): void
        $name = $this->unquoteStepArgument($name);
        $operator = $this->unquoteStepArgument($operator);
        $value = $this->unquoteStepArgument($value);

        $rule = $this->getScopeBuilderRuleElem($name);
        $this->assertSelectedValue($rule, $operator, '.vqb-rule-operator select');
        $this->assertInputValue($rule, $value);

     * HasOne reference or enum type rule for ScopeBuilder.
     * @Then ~^reference rule "([^"]*)" operator is "([^"]*)" and value is "([^"]*)"$~
    public function scopeBuilderReferenceRule(string $name, string $operator, string $value): void
        $name = $this->unquoteStepArgument($name);
        $operator = $this->unquoteStepArgument($operator);
        $value = $this->unquoteStepArgument($value);

        $rule = $this->getScopeBuilderRuleElem($name);
        $this->assertSelectedValue($rule, $operator, '.vqb-rule-operator select');
        $this->assertDropdownValue($rule, $value, '.vqb-rule-input .active.item');

     * HasOne select or enum type rule for ScopeBuilder.
     * @Then ~^select rule "([^"]*)" operator is "([^"]*)" and value is "([^"]*)"$~
    public function scopeBuilderSelectRule(string $name, string $operator, string $value): void
        $name = $this->unquoteStepArgument($name);
        $operator = $this->unquoteStepArgument($operator);
        $value = $this->unquoteStepArgument($value);

        $rule = $this->getScopeBuilderRuleElem($name);
        $this->assertSelectedValue($rule, $operator, '.vqb-rule-operator select');
        $this->assertSelectedValue($rule, $value, '.vqb-rule-input select');

     * Date, Time or Datetime rule for ScopeBuilder.
     * @Then ~^date rule "([^"]*)" operator is "([^"]*)" and value is "([^"]*)"$~
    public function scopeBuilderDateRule(string $name, string $operator, string $value): void
        $name = $this->unquoteStepArgument($name);
        $operator = $this->unquoteStepArgument($operator);
        $value = $this->unquoteStepArgument($value);

        $rule = $this->getScopeBuilderRuleElem($name);
        $this->assertSelectedValue($rule, $operator, '.vqb-rule-operator select');
        $this->assertInputValue($rule, $value);

     * Boolean type rule for ScopeBuilder.
     * @Then ~^bool rule "([^"]*)" has value "([^"]*)"$~
    public function scopeBuilderBoolRule(string $name, string $value): void
        $name = $this->unquoteStepArgument($name);
        $value = $this->unquoteStepArgument($value);

        $idx = ($value === 'Yes') ? 0 : 1;
        $isChecked = $this->getSession()->evaluateScript('$(\'[data-name="' . $name . '"]\').find(\'input\')[' . $idx . '].checked');
        if (!$isChecked) {
            throw new \Exception('Radio value selected is not: ' . $value);

     * @Then ~^I check if input value for "([^"]*)" match text "([^"]*)"~
    public function compareInputValueToText(string $selector, string $text): void
        $selector = $this->unquoteStepArgument($selector);
        $text = $this->unquoteStepArgument($text);

        $inputValue = $this->findElement(null, $selector)->getValue();
        if ($inputValue !== $text) {
            throw new \Exception('Input value does not match: ' . $inputValue . ', expected: ' . $text);

     * @Then ~^I check if input value for "([^"]*)" match text in "([^"]*)"$~
    public function compareInputValueToElementText(string $inputName, string $selector): void
        $inputName = $this->unquoteStepArgument($inputName);
        $selector = $this->unquoteStepArgument($selector);

        $expectedText = $this->findElement(null, $selector)->getText();
        $input = $this->findElement(null, 'input[name="' . $inputName . '"]');
        if ($expectedText !== $input->getValue()) {
            throw new \Exception('Input value does not match: ' . $input->getValue() . ', expected: ' . $expectedText);

    // }}}

    // {{{ misc

     * @Then dump :arg1
    public function dump(string $arg1): void
        $element = $this->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath', '//div[text()="' . $arg1 . '"]');

     * @Then I click filter column name :arg1
    public function iClickFilterColumnName(string $columnName): void
        $column = $this->findElement(null, "th[data-column='" . $columnName . "']");
        $icon = $this->findElement($column, 'i');

     * @Then ~^container "([^"]*)" should display "([^"]*)" item\(s\)$~
    public function containerShouldHaveNumberOfItem(string $selector, int $numberOfitems): void
        $selector = $this->unquoteStepArgument($selector);

        $items = $this->getSession()->getPage()->findAll('css', $selector);
        $count = 0;
        foreach ($items as $el => $item) {
        if ($count !== $numberOfitems) {
            throw new \Exception('Items does not match. There were ' . $count . ' item in container');

     * @Then I scroll to top
    public function iScrollToTop(): void
        $this->getSession()->executeScript('window.scrollTo(0, 0)');

     * @Then I scroll to bottom
    public function iScrollToBottom(): void
        $this->getSession()->executeScript('window.scrollTo(0, 100 * 1000)');

     * @Then Toast display should contain text :arg1
    public function toastDisplayShouldContainText(string $text): void
        $toastContainer = $this->findElement(null, '.ui.toast-container');
        $toastText = $this->findElement($toastContainer, '.content')->getText();
        if (!str_contains($toastText, $text)) {
            throw new \Exception('Toast text "' . $toastText . '" does not contain "' . $text . '"');

     * @Then No toast should be displayed
    public function noToastShouldBeDisplayed(): void
        $toasts = $this->getSession()->getPage()->findAll('css', '.ui.toast-container .toast-box');
        if (count($toasts) > 0) {
            throw new \Exception('Toast is displayed: "' . $this->findElement(reset($toasts), '.content')->getText() . '"');

     * Remove once and
     * are fixed and released.
     * @Then ~^PATCH MINK the (?i)url(?-i) should match "(?P<pattern>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$~
    public function assertUrlRegExp(string $pattern): void
        $pattern = $this->unquoteStepArgument($pattern);


     * @Then ~^I check if text in "([^"]*)" match text in "([^"]*)"~
    public function compareElementText(string $compareSelector, string $compareToSelector): void
        $compareSelector = $this->unquoteStepArgument($compareSelector);
        $compareToSelector = $this->unquoteStepArgument($compareToSelector);

        if ($this->findElement(null, $compareSelector)->getText() !== $this->findElement(null, $compareToSelector)->getText()) {
            throw new \Exception('Text does not match between: ' . $compareSelector . ' and ' . $compareToSelector);

     * @Then ~^I check if text in "([^"]*)" match text "([^"]*)"~
    public function textInContainerShouldMatch(string $selector, string $text): void
        $selector = $this->unquoteStepArgument($selector);
        $text = $this->unquoteStepArgument($text);

        if ($this->findElement(null, $selector)->getText() !== $text) {
            throw new \Exception('Container with selector: ' . $selector . ' does not match text: ' . $text);

     * @Then ~^I check if text in "([^"]*)" match regex "([^"]*)"~
    public function textInContainerShouldMatchRegex(string $selector, string $regex): void
        $selector = $this->unquoteStepArgument($selector);
        $regex = $this->unquoteStepArgument($regex);

        if (!preg_match($regex, $this->findElement(null, $selector)->getText())) {
            throw new \Exception('Container with selector: ' . $selector . ' does not match regex: ' . $regex);

     * @Then Element :arg1 attribute :arg2 should contain text :arg3
    public function elementAttributeShouldContainText(string $selector, string $attribute, string $text): void
        $element = $this->findElement(null, $selector);
        $attr = $element->getAttribute($attribute);
        if (!str_contains($attr, $text)) {
            throw new \Exception('Element " . $selector . " attribute "' . $attribute . '" does not contain "' . $text . '"');

    // }}}

     * Find a dropdown component within an HTML element
     * and check if value is set in dropdown.
    private function assertDropdownValue(NodeElement $element, string $value, string $selector): void
        if ($this->findElement($element, $selector)->getText() !== $value) {
            throw new \Exception('Value: "' . $value . '" not set using selector: ' . $selector);

     * Find a select input type within an HTML element
     * and check if value is selected.
    private function assertSelectedValue(NodeElement $element, string $value, string $selector): void
        if ($this->findElement($element, $selector)->getValue() !== $value) {
            throw new \Exception('Value: "' . $value . '" not set using selector: ' . $selector);

     * Find an input within an HTML element and check
     * if value is set.
    private function assertInputValue(NodeElement $element, string $value, string $selector = 'input'): void
        if ($this->findElement($element, $selector)->getValue() !== $value) {
            throw new \Exception('Input value not is not: ' . $value);