

1 hr
Test Coverage


namespace Atk4\Ui;

use Atk4\Core\Factory;
use Atk4\Core\HookTrait;
use Atk4\Data\Field;
use Atk4\Data\Model;
use Atk4\Ui\Js\Jquery;
use Atk4\Ui\Js\JsExpressionable;
use Atk4\Ui\Js\JsReload;
use Atk4\Ui\UserAction\ConfirmationExecutor;
use Atk4\Ui\UserAction\ExecutorFactory;
use Atk4\Ui\UserAction\ExecutorInterface;

 * @phpstan-type JsCallbackSetClosure \Closure(Jquery, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed): (JsExpressionable|View|string|void)
class Grid extends View
    use HookTrait;

    /** @var Menu|array|false Will be initialized to Menu object, however you can set this to false to disable menu. */
    public $menu;

    /** @var JsSearch|null */
    public $quickSearch;

    /** @var array Field names to search for in Model. It will automatically add quicksearch component to grid if set. */
    public $searchFieldNames = [];

     * Paginator is automatically added below the table and will divide long tables into pages.
     * You can provide your own Paginator object here to customize.
     * @var Paginator|false
    public $paginator;

    /** @var int Number of items per page to display. */
    public $ipp = 50;

     * Calling addActionButton will add a new column inside $table, and will be re-used
     * for next addActionButton().
     * @var Table\Column\ActionButtons|null
    public $actionButtons;

     * Calling addActionMenuItem will add a new column inside $table with dropdown menu,
     * and will be re-used for next addActionMenuItem().
     * @var Table\Column|null
    public $actionMenu;

     * Calling addSelection will add a new column inside $table, containing checkboxes.
     * This column will be stored here, in case you want to access it.
     * @var Table\Column\Checkbox
    public $selection;

     * Grid can be sorted by clicking on column headers. This will be automatically enabled
     * if Model supports ordering. You may override by setting true/false.
     * @var bool
    public $sortable;

    /** @var string|null Set this if you want GET argument name to look beautifully for sorting. */
    public $sortTrigger;

    /** @var Table|false Component that actually renders data rows / columns and possibly totals. */
    public $table;

    /** @var View The container for table and paginator. */
    public $container;

    public $defaultTemplate = 'grid.html';

    /** @var array Table\Column seed to use for ActionButtons. */
    protected $actionButtonsSeed = [Table\Column\ActionButtons::class];

    /** @var array Table\Column seed to use for ActionMenu. */
    protected $actionMenuSeed = [Table\Column\ActionMenu::class, 'label' => 'Actions...'];

    protected function init(): void

        $this->container = View::addTo($this, ['template' => $this->template->cloneRegion('Container')]);

        if (!$this->sortTrigger) {
            $this->sortTrigger = $this->name . '_sort';

        if ($this->menu !== false && !is_object($this->menu)) {
            $this->menu = $this->add(Factory::factory([Menu::class, 'activateOnClick' => false], $this->menu), 'Menu');

        $this->table = $this->initTable();

        if ($this->paginator !== false) {
            $seg = View::addTo($this->container, [], ['Paginator'])->setStyle('text-align', 'center');
            $this->paginator = $seg->add(Factory::factory([Paginator::class, 'reload' => $this->container], $this->paginator));

        // TODO dirty way to set stickyGet - add addQuickSearch to find the expected search input component ID and then remove it
        if ($this->menu !== false) {
            $appUniqueHashesBackup = $this->getApp()->uniqueNameHashes;
            $menuElementNameCountsBackup = \Closure::bind(fn () => $this->_elementNameCounts, $this->menu, AbstractView::class)();
            try {
                $menuRight = $this->menu->addMenuRight(); // @phpstan-ignore-line
                $menuItemView = View::addTo($menuRight->addItem());
                $quickSearch = JsSearch::addTo($menuItemView);
                $this->stickyGet($quickSearch->name . '_q');
            } finally {
                $this->getApp()->uniqueNameHashes = $appUniqueHashesBackup;
                \Closure::bind(fn () => $this->_elementNameCounts = $menuElementNameCountsBackup, $this->menu, AbstractView::class)();

    protected function initTable(): Table
        /** @var Table */
        $table = $this->container->add(Factory::factory([Table::class, 'class.very compact very basic striped single line' => true, 'reload' => $this->container], $this->table), 'Table');

        return $table;

     * Add new column to grid. If column with this name already exists,
     * an. Simply calls Table::addColumn(), so check that method out.
     * @param string|null                             $name            Data model field name
     * @param array|Table\Column                      $columnDecorator
     * @param ($name is null ? array{} : array|Field) $field
     * @return Table\Column
    public function addColumn(?string $name, $columnDecorator = [], $field = [])
        return $this->table->addColumn($name, $columnDecorator, $field);

     * Add additional decorator for existing column.
     * @param array|Table\Column $seed
     * @return Table\Column
    public function addDecorator(string $name, $seed)
        return $this->table->addDecorator($name, $seed);

     * Add a new button to the Grid Menu with a given text.
     * @param string $label
    public function addButton($label): Button
        if (!$this->menu) {
            throw new Exception('Unable to add Button without Menu');

        return Button::addTo($this->menu->addItem(), [$label]);

     * Set item per page value.
     * If an array is passed, it will also add an ItemPerPageSelector to paginator.
     * @param int|list<int> $ipp
     * @param string        $label
    public function setIpp($ipp, $label = 'Items per page:'): void
        if (is_array($ipp)) {
            $this->addItemsPerPageSelector($ipp, $label);
        } else {
            $this->ipp = $ipp;

     * Add ItemsPerPageSelector View in grid menu or paginator in order to dynamically setup number of item per page.
     * @param list<int> $items an array of item's per page value
     * @param string    $label the memu item label
     * @return $this
    public function addItemsPerPageSelector(array $items = [10, 100, 1000], $label = 'Items per page:')
        $ipp = (int) $this->container->stickyGet('ipp');
        if ($ipp) {
            $this->ipp = $ipp;
        } else {
            $this->ipp = $items[0];

        $pageLength = ItemsPerPageSelector::addTo($this->paginator, ['pageLengthItems' => $items, 'label' => $label, 'currentIpp' => $this->ipp], ['afterPaginator']);
        $this->paginator->template->trySet('PaginatorType', 'ui grid');

        $sortBy = $this->getSortBy();
        if ($sortBy) {
            $pageLength->stickyGet($this->sortTrigger, $sortBy);

        $pageLength->onPageLengthSelect(function (int $ipp) {
            $this->ipp = $ipp;
            // add ipp to quicksearch
            if ($this->quickSearch instanceof JsSearch) {
                $this->container->js(true, $this->quickSearch->js()->atkJsSearch('setUrlArgs', ['ipp', $this->ipp]));

            // return the view to reload
            return $this->container;

        return $this;

     * Add dynamic scrolling paginator.
     * @param int    $ipp          number of item per page to start with
     * @param array  $options      an array with JS Scroll plugin options
     * @param View   $container    the container holding the lister for scrolling purpose
     * @param string $scrollRegion A specific template region to render. Render output is append to container HTML element.
     * @return $this
    public function addJsPaginator($ipp, $options = [], $container = null, $scrollRegion = 'Body')
        if ($this->paginator) {
            // prevent action(count) to be output twice
            $this->paginator = null;

        $sortBy = $this->getSortBy();
        if ($sortBy) {
            $this->stickyGet($this->sortTrigger, $sortBy);

        $this->table->addJsPaginator($ipp, $options, $container, $scrollRegion);

        return $this;

     * Add dynamic scrolling paginator in container.
     * Use this to make table headers fixed.
     * @param int    $ipp             number of item per page to start with
     * @param int    $containerHeight number of pixel the table container should be
     * @param array  $options         an array with JS Scroll plugin options
     * @param View   $container       the container holding the lister for scrolling purpose
     * @param string $scrollRegion    A specific template region to render. Render output is append to container HTML element.
     * @return $this
    public function addJsPaginatorInContainer($ipp, $containerHeight, $options = [], $container = null, $scrollRegion = 'Body')
        $this->table->hasCollapsingCssActionColumn = false;
        $options = array_merge($options, [
            'hasFixTableHeader' => true,
            'tableContainerHeight' => $containerHeight,
        // adding a state context to JS scroll plugin
        $options = array_merge(['stateContext' => $this->container], $options);

        return $this->addJsPaginator($ipp, $options, $container, $scrollRegion);

     * Add Search input field using JS action.
     * By default, will query server when using Enter key on input search field.
     * You can change it to query server on each keystroke by passing $autoQuery true,.
     * @param array $fields       the list of fields to search for
     * @param bool  $hasAutoQuery will query server on each key pressed
    public function addQuickSearch($fields = [], $hasAutoQuery = false): void
        if ($this->model === null) {
            throw new Exception('Call setModel() before addQuickSearch()');

        if (!$fields) {
            $fields = [$this->model->titleField];

        if (!$this->menu) {
            throw new Exception('Unable to add QuickSearch without Menu');

        $view = View::addTo($this->menu->addMenuRight()->addItem());

        $this->quickSearch = JsSearch::addTo($view, ['reload' => $this->container, 'autoQuery' => $hasAutoQuery]);
        $q = $this->stickyGet($this->quickSearch->name . '_q') ?? '';
        $qWords = preg_split('~\s+~', $q, -1, \PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
        if (count($qWords) > 0) {
            $andScope = Model\Scope::createAnd();
            foreach ($qWords as $v) {
                $orScope = Model\Scope::createOr();
                foreach ($fields as $field) {
                    $orScope->addCondition($field, 'like', '%' . $v . '%');
        $this->quickSearch->initValue = $q;

    public function jsReload($args = [], $afterSuccess = null, array $apiConfig = []): JsExpressionable
        return new JsReload($this->container, $args, $afterSuccess, $apiConfig);

     * Adds a new button into the action column on the right. For Crud this
     * column will already contain "delete" and "edit" buttons.
     * @param string|array|View                     $button     Label text, object or seed for the Button
     * @param JsExpressionable|JsCallbackSetClosure $action
     * @param bool|\Closure<T of Model>(T): bool    $isDisabled
     * @return View
    public function addActionButton($button, $action = null, string $confirmMsg = '', $isDisabled = false)
        return $this->getActionButtons()->addButton($button, $action, $confirmMsg, $isDisabled);

     * Add a button for executing a model action via an action executor.
     * @return View
    public function addExecutorButton(ExecutorInterface $executor, ?Button $button = null)
        if ($button !== null) {
        } else {
            $button = $this->getExecutorFactory()->createTrigger($executor->getAction(), ExecutorFactory::TABLE_BUTTON);

        $confirmation = $executor->getAction()->getConfirmation();
        if (!$confirmation) {
            $confirmation = '';
        $disabled = is_bool($executor->getAction()->enabled)
            ? !$executor->getAction()->enabled
            : $executor->getAction()->enabled;

        return $this->getActionButtons()->addButton($button, $executor, $confirmation, $disabled);

    private function getActionButtons(): Table\Column\ActionButtons
        if ($this->actionButtons === null) {
            $this->actionButtons = $this->table->addColumn(null, $this->actionButtonsSeed);

        return $this->actionButtons; // @phpstan-ignore-line

     * Similar to addActionButton. Will add Button that when click will display
     * a Dropdown menu.
     * @param View|string                           $view
     * @param JsExpressionable|JsCallbackSetClosure $action
     * @param bool|\Closure<T of Model>(T): bool    $isDisabled
     * @return View
    public function addActionMenuItem($view, $action = null, string $confirmMsg = '', $isDisabled = false)
        return $this->getActionMenu()->addActionMenuItem($view, $action, $confirmMsg, $isDisabled);

     * @return View
    public function addExecutorMenuItem(ExecutorInterface $executor)
        $item = $this->getExecutorFactory()->createTrigger($executor->getAction(), ExecutorFactory::TABLE_MENU_ITEM);

        // ConfirmationExecutor take care of showing the user confirmation, thus make it empty
        $confirmation = !$executor instanceof ConfirmationExecutor ? $executor->getAction()->getConfirmation() : '';
        if (!$confirmation) {
            $confirmation = '';
        $disabled = is_bool($executor->getAction()->enabled)
            ? !$executor->getAction()->enabled
            : $executor->getAction()->enabled;

        return $this->getActionMenu()->addActionMenuItem($item, $executor, $confirmation, $disabled);

     * @return Table\Column\ActionMenu
    private function getActionMenu()
        if (!$this->actionMenu) {
            $this->actionMenu = $this->table->addColumn(null, $this->actionMenuSeed);

        return $this->actionMenu; // @phpstan-ignore-line

     * An array of column name where filter is needed.
     * Leave empty to include all column in grid.
     * @param array|null $names an array with the name of column
     * @return $this
    public function addFilterColumn($names = null)
        if (!$this->menu) {
            throw new Exception('Unable to add Filter Column without Menu');
        $this->menu->addItem(['Clear Filters'], new JsReload($this->table->reload, ['atk_clear_filter' => 1]));

        return $this;

     * Add a dropdown menu to header column.
     * @param string                                                $columnName the name of column where to add dropdown
     * @param array                                                 $items      the menu items to add
     * @param \Closure(string): (JsExpressionable|View|string|void) $fx         the callback function to execute when an item is selected
     * @param string                                                $icon       the icon
     * @param string                                                $menuId     the menu ID return by callback
    public function addDropdown(string $columnName, $items, \Closure $fx, $icon = 'caret square down', $menuId = null): void
        $column = $this->table->columns[$columnName];

        if (!$menuId) {
            $menuId = $columnName;

        $column->addDropdown($items, static function (string $item) use ($fx) {
            return $fx($item);
        }, $icon, $menuId);

     * Add a popup to header column.
     * @param string $columnName the name of column where to add popup
     * @param Popup  $popup      popup view
     * @param string $icon       the icon
     * @return mixed
    public function addPopup($columnName, $popup = null, $icon = 'caret square down')
        $column = $this->table->columns[$columnName];

        return $column->addPopup($popup, $icon);

     * Similar to addActionButton but when button is clicked, modal is displayed
     * with the $title and $callback is executed.
     * @param string|array|View                  $button
     * @param string                             $title
     * @param \Closure(View, mixed): void        $callback
     * @param array                              $args       extra URL argument for callback
     * @param bool|\Closure<T of Model>(T): bool $isDisabled
     * @return View
    public function addModalAction($button, $title, \Closure $callback, $args = [], $isDisabled = false)
        return $this->getActionButtons()->addModal($button, $title, $callback, $this, $args, $isDisabled);

     * @return list<mixed>
    private function explodeSelectionValue(string $value): array
        $res = [];
        foreach ($value === '' ? [] : explode(',', $value) as $v) {
            $res[] = $this->getApp()->uiPersistence->typecastAttributeLoadField($this->model->getIdField(), $v);

        return $res;

     * Similar to addActionButton but apply to a multiple records selection and display in menu.
     * When menu item is clicked, $callback is executed.
     * @param string|array|MenuItem                           $item
     * @param \Closure(Jquery, list<mixed>): JsExpressionable $callback
     * @param array                                           $args     extra URL argument for callback
     * @return View
    public function addBulkAction($item, \Closure $callback, $args = [])
        $menuItem = $this->menu->addItem($item);
        $menuItem->on('click', function (Jquery $j, string $value) use ($callback) {
            return $callback($j, $this->explodeSelectionValue($value));
        }, [$this->selection->jsChecked()]);

        return $menuItem;

     * Similar to addModalAction but apply to a multiple records selection and display in menu.
     * When menu item is clicked, modal is displayed with the $title and $callback is executed.
     * @param string|array|MenuItem             $item
     * @param string                            $title
     * @param \Closure(View, list<mixed>): void $callback
     * @param array                             $args     extra URL argument for callback
     * @return View
    public function addModalBulkAction($item, $title, \Closure $callback, $args = [])
        $modalDefaults = is_string($title) ? ['title' => $title] : []; // @phpstan-ignore-line

        $modal = Modal::addTo($this->getOwner(), $modalDefaults);
        $modal->set(function (View $t) use ($callback) {
            $callback($t, $this->explodeSelectionValue($t->stickyGet($this->name) ?? ''));

        $menuItem = $this->menu->addItem($item);
        $menuItem->on('click', $modal->jsShow(array_merge([$this->name => $this->selection->jsChecked()], $args)));

        return $menuItem;

     * Get sortBy value from URL parameter.
    public function getSortBy(): ?string
        return $this->getApp()->tryGetRequestQueryParam($this->sortTrigger);

     * Apply ordering to the current model as per the sort parameters.
    public function applySort(): void
        if ($this->sortable === false) {

        $sortBy = $this->getSortBy();

        if ($sortBy && $this->paginator) {
            $this->paginator->addReloadArgs([$this->sortTrigger => $sortBy]);

        $isDesc = false;
        if ($sortBy && substr($sortBy, 0, 1) === '-') {
            $isDesc = true;
            $sortBy = substr($sortBy, 1);

        $this->table->sortable = true;

        if ($sortBy && isset($this->table->columns[$sortBy]) && $this->model->hasField($sortBy)) {
            $this->model->setOrder($sortBy, $isDesc ? 'desc' : 'asc');
            $this->table->sortBy = $sortBy;
            $this->table->sortDirection = $isDesc ? 'desc' : 'asc';

            new JsReload($this->container, [$this->sortTrigger => (new Jquery())->data('sort')])

     * @param array<int, string>|null $fields if null, then all "editable" fields will be added
    public function setModel(Model $model, ?array $fields = null): void
        $this->table->setModel($model, $fields);


        if ($this->searchFieldNames) {
            $this->addQuickSearch($this->searchFieldNames, true);

     * Makes rows of this grid selectable by creating new column on the left with
     * checkboxes.
     * @return Table\Column\Checkbox
    public function addSelection()
        $this->selection = $this->table->addColumn(null, [Table\Column\Checkbox::class]);

        // move last column to the beginning in table column array
        array_unshift($this->table->columns, array_pop($this->table->columns));

        return $this->selection;

     * Add column with drag handler on each row.
     * Drag handler allow to reorder table via drag and drop.
     * @return Table\Column
    public function addDragHandler()
        $handler = $this->table->addColumn(null, [Table\Column\DragHandler::class]);

        // move last column to the beginning in table column array
        array_unshift($this->table->columns, array_pop($this->table->columns));

        return $handler;

    private function setModelLimitFromPaginator(): void
        $this->paginator->setTotal((int) ceil($this->model->executeCountQuery() / $this->ipp));
        $this->model->setLimit($this->ipp, ($this->paginator->page - 1) * $this->ipp);

    protected function renderView(): void
        // take care of sorting
        if (!$this->table->jsPaginator) {


    protected function recursiveRender(): void
        // bind with paginator
        if ($this->paginator) {

        if ($this->quickSearch instanceof JsSearch) {
            $sortBy = $this->getSortBy();
            if ($sortBy) {
                $this->container->js(true, $this->quickSearch->js()->atkJsSearch('setUrlArgs', [$this->sortTrigger, $sortBy]));


     * Proxy function for Table::jsRow().
     * @return Jquery
    public function jsRow(): JsExpressionable
        return $this->table->jsRow();