Feature: Crud
Given I am on "_unit-test/crud.php"
Scenario: add
Then I press button "Add Country"
Then I fill in "atk_fp_country__name" with "Test"
Then I fill in "atk_fp_country__iso" with "XT"
Then I fill in "atk_fp_country__iso3" with "XTT"
Then I fill in "atk_fp_country__numcode" with "123"
Then I fill in "atk_fp_country__phonecode" with "1"
Then I press Modal button "Save"
Then Toast display should contain text 'Country action "add" with "Test" entity was executed.'
Scenario: search
Then I search grid for "united kingdom"
Then I should see "United Kingdom"
Then I should not see "No records"
Scenario: add after search and sort
# cover https://github.com/atk4/ui/commit/d42b07fbcc
# TODO generalize JS reload with component reload
When I click using selector "//th.sortable[//div[text()='Name']]"
Then I should see "United Kingdom"
Then I press button "Add Country"
Then I fill in "atk_fp_country__name" with "Test 2"
Then I fill in "atk_fp_country__iso" with "XT"
Then I fill in "atk_fp_country__iso3" with "XTT"
Then I fill in "atk_fp_country__numcode" with "123"
Then I fill in "atk_fp_country__phonecode" with "1"
Then I press Modal button "Save"
Then Toast display should contain text 'Country action "add" with "Test 2" entity was executed.'
# TODO add should keep search
# related with https://github.com/atk4/ui/issues/526 (list newly added record first)
Then I search grid for "united kingdo"
Scenario: edit
Then I press button "Edit"
Then Modal is open with text "Edit Country"
Then I press Modal button "Save"
Then Toast display should contain text 'Country action "edit" with "United Kingdom" entity was executed.'
# make sure search query stick
Then I should see "United Kingdom"
Scenario: edit - with unlocked DB
# hotfix "element not interactable"
# TODO modal should be always fully (re)loaded on open and fully destroyed once it is closed
# https://github.com/atk4/ui/issues/1928
Given I am on "_unit-test/crud.php"
Then I search grid for "united kingdom"
Then I should not see "My United Kingdom"
When I persist DB changes across requests
Then I press button "Edit"
Then Modal is open with text "Edit Country"
Then I fill in "atk_fp_country__name" with "My United Kingdom"
Then I press Modal button "Save"
Then Toast display should contain text 'Record has been saved!'
Then I should see "My United Kingdom"
Scenario: delete
Then I press button "Delete"
Then I press Modal button "Ok"
Then Toast display should contain text 'Country action "delete" with "United Kingdom" entity was executed.'
Then I should not see "United Kingdom"
Scenario: search across multiple columns
Then I search grid for "420 zech"
Then I should see "Czech Republic"
Scenario: search no match
Then I search grid for "420X zech"
Then I should see "No records"
Then I should not see "Czech Republic"
Scenario: Modal in modal
Given I am on "_unit-test/crud-nested.php"
Then I click using selector "(//div.ui.button[i.icon.book])[1]"
Then Modal is open with text "Edit product category"
Then I click using selector "(//div.modal.active//div.ui.button[i.icon.edit])[1]"
Then Modal is open with text "Edit Product"
Then input "atk_fp_product__name" value should start with "Mustard"
When I press Modal button "Save"
Then I click close modal
Then I click using selector "(//div.ui.button[i.icon.book])[1]"
Then Modal is open with text "Edit product category"
Then I click using selector "(//div.modal.active//div.ui.button[i.icon.edit])[2]"
Then Modal is open with text "Edit Product"
Then input "atk_fp_product__name" value should start with "Ketchup"
When I press Modal button "Save"
Then I click close modal
Then I click using selector "(//div.ui.button[i.icon.book])[2]"
Then Modal is open with text "Edit product category"
Then I click using selector "(//div.modal.active//div.ui.button[i.icon.edit])[1]"
Then Modal is open with text "Edit Product"
Then input "atk_fp_product__name" value should start with "Cola"
When I press Modal button "Save"
Then I click close modal
Scenario: edit /w array persistence (strict comparison)
Given I am on "collection/crud3.php"
Then I click using selector "//table//tr[3]//i.icon.edit"
Then Modal is open with text "Edit Country"
Then I press Modal button "Save"
Then Toast display should contain text "Record has been saved!"
Scenario: delete /w array persistence (strict comparison)
Then I click using selector "//table//tr[3]//i.icon.trash"
Then Toast display should contain text "Record has been deleted!"