Feature: Multiline
Given I am on "form-control/multiline.php"
When I fill field using "div[name=-atk_fp_multiline_item__qty] input" with "0"
Then the "div[name=-atk_fp_multiline_item__total_sql]" element should contain "0"
Then the "div[name=-atk_fp_multiline_item__total_php]" element should contain "0"
When I fill field using "div[name=-atk_fp_multiline_item__qty] input" with "2"
When I fill field using "div[name=-atk_fp_multiline_item__box] input" with "67"
Then the "div[name=-atk_fp_multiline_item__total_sql]" element should contain "134"
Then the "div[name=-atk_fp_multiline_item__total_php]" element should contain "134"
Then I press button "Save"
Then Toast display should contain text '"atk_fp_multiline_item__box": "67", "atk_fp_multiline_item__total_sql": "134" }'
Scenario: add row
When I click using selector "//tfoot//button[i.plus.icon]"
Then I should not see "Must not be empty"
Then I press button "Save"
Then I should see "Must not be empty"
When I fill field using "//tr[3]//div[@name='-atk_fp_multiline_item__item']/input" with "Paper"
When I fill field using "//tr[3]//div[@name='-atk_fp_multiline_item__qty']/input" with "3"
When I fill field using "//tr[3]//div[@name='-atk_fp_multiline_item__box']/input" with "5"
Then I check if text in "//tr[3]//div[@name='-atk_fp_multiline_item__total_sql']" match text "15"
Then I check if text in "//tr[3]//div[@name='-atk_fp_multiline_item__total_php']" match text "15"
Then I press button "Save"
Then Toast display should contain text '"atk_fp_multiline_item__box": "5", "atk_fp_multiline_item__total_sql": "15" } ]'
Then I should not see "Must not be empty"
Scenario: delete row
When I click using selector "//tr[3]//input[@type='checkbox']"
When I click using selector "//tfoot//button[i.trash.icon]"
Then I press button "Save"
Then Toast display should contain text '"atk_fp_multiline_item__box": "100", "atk_fp_multiline_item__total_sql": "200" } ]'
Scenario: delete all rows
When I click using selector "//thead//input[@type='checkbox']"
When I click using selector "//tfoot//button[i.trash.icon]"
Then I press button "Save"
Then Toast display should contain text '[]'