Feature: ScopeBuilder
Scenario: test ScopeBuilder rendering of model scope, exception is displayed
Given I am on "_unit-test/scope-builder.php"
Then rule "atk_fp_stat__project_budget" operator is ">=" and value is "€ 1 000.00"
Then rule "atk_fp_stat__project_name" operator is "matches regular expression" and value is "[a-zA-Z]"
Then select rule "atk_fp_stat__currency" operator is "equals" and value is "USD"
# '205293a6ce6372a1' = substr(md5('client_country_iso'), 0, 16)
Then reference rule "atk_fp_stat__205293a6ce6372a1" operator is "equals" and value is "Brazil"
Then date rule "atk_fp_stat__start_date" operator is "is on" and value is "Oct 22, 2020"
Then date rule "atk_fp_stat__finish_time" operator is "is not on" and value is "22:22:00"
Then bool rule "atk_fp_stat__is_commercial" has value "No"
Then I check if input value for "qb" match text in "p.atk-expected-input-result"
When I press button "Save"
Then Modal is open with text "TypeError: Unexpected non-scalar value"
# TODO uncomment once "Object serialization is not supported" is fixed
# Then I check if text in "p.atk-expected-word-result" match text in ".atk-scope-builder-response"
Scenario: test ScopeBuilder query string to model scope
Given I am on "_unit-test/scope-builder-to-query.php"
Then container ".ui.table tbody tr" should display "1" item(s)
Then I should see "Milk 1%"
Then I should see "Dairy"
Then I should see "Lowfat Milk"