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Test Coverage
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# See LICENSE for more details.
# Copyright: Red Hat Inc. 2013-2014
# Author: Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues <lmr@redhat.com>

Exception classes, useful for tests, and other parts of the framework code.

class JobBaseException(Exception):
    The parent of all job exceptions.

    It should never be raised directly.

class JobError(JobBaseException):
    A generic error happened during a job execution.

class JobTestSuiteError(JobBaseException):
    Generic error happened during the creation of a job's test suite

class JobTestSuiteEmptyError(JobTestSuiteError):
    Error raised when the creation of a test suite results in an empty suite

class JobTestSuiteDuplicateNameError(JobTestSuiteError):
    Error raised when a test suite name is not unique in a job

class JobTestSuiteReferenceResolutionError(JobTestSuiteError):
    Test References did not produce a valid reference by any resolver

class JobFailFast(JobBaseException):
    Indicates that the test has failed because failfast is enabled.

    Should be thrown when a test has failed and failfast is enabled. This will
    indicate that other tests will be skipped.

class OptionValidationError(Exception):
    An invalid option was passed to the test runner

class TestBaseException(Exception):
    The parent of all test exceptions.

    You should be never raising this, but just in case, we'll set its
    status' as FAIL.

    status = "FAIL"

class TestSetupFail(TestBaseException):
    Indicates an error during a setup or cleanup procedure.

    status = "ERROR"

class TestError(TestBaseException):
    Indicates that the test was not fully executed and an error happened.

    This is the sort of exception you raise if the test was partially
    executed and could not complete due to a setup, configuration,
    or another fatal condition.

    status = "ERROR"

class TestAbortError(TestBaseException):
    Indicates that the test was prematurely aborted.

    status = "ERROR"

class TestSkipError(TestBaseException):
    Indicates that the test is skipped.

    Should be thrown when various conditions are such that the test is
    inappropriate. For example, inappropriate architecture, wrong OS version,
    program being tested does not have the expected capability (older version).

    status = "SKIP"

class TestFail(TestBaseException, AssertionError):
    Indicates that the test failed.

    TestFail inherits from AssertionError in order to keep compatibility
    with vanilla python unittests (they only consider failures the ones
    deriving from AssertionError).

    status = "FAIL"

class TestWarn(TestBaseException):
    Indicates that bad things (may) have happened, but not an explicit

    status = "WARN"

class TestCancel(TestBaseException):
    Indicates that a test was canceled.

    Should be thrown when the cancel() test method is used.

    status = "CANCEL"

class TestInterrupt(TestBaseException):
    Indicates that a test was interrupted.

    Should be thrown when the test method is interrupted by user or timeout.

    status = "INTERRUPTED"