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# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# See LICENSE for more details.
# Copyright: Red Hat Inc. 2014
# Copyright: Jaime Huerta-Cepas <jhcepas@gmail.com> 2009
# Authors: Ruda Moura <rmoura@redhat.com>
#          Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues <lmr@redhat.com>
#          Jaime Huerta-Cepas <jhcepas@gmail.com>

Tree data structure with nodes.

This tree structure (Tree drawing code) was inspired in the base tree data
structure of the ETE 2 project:


A library for analysis of phylogenetics trees.

Explicit permission has been given by the copyright owner of ETE 2
Jaime Huerta-Cepas <jhcepas@gmail.com> to take ideas/use snippets from his
original base tree code and re-license under GPLv2+, given that GPLv3 and GPLv2
(used in some avocado files) are incompatible.

import collections
import copy
import itertools
import locale

from avocado.utils import astring

class FilterSet(set):
    """Set of filters in standardized form"""

    def __normalize(item):
        if not item.endswith("/"):
            item = item + "/"
        return item

    def add(self, item):
        return super().add(self.__normalize(item))

    def update(self, items):
        return super().update([self.__normalize(item) for item in items])

    def __str__(self):
        fs = ", ".join(sorted([f"'{i}'" for i in self]))
        return f"FilterSet([{fs}])"

class TreeEnvironment(dict):
    """TreeNode environment with values, origins and filters"""

    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__()  # values
        self.origin = {}  # origins of the values
        self.filter_only = FilterSet()  # list of filter_only
        self.filter_out = FilterSet()  # list of filter_out

    def copy(self):
        cpy = TreeEnvironment()
        cpy.origin = copy.copy(self.origin)
        cpy.filter_only = copy.copy(self.filter_only)
        cpy.filter_out = copy.copy(self.filter_out)
        return cpy

    def __str__(self):
        String representation using __str__ on items to improve readability
        return self.to_text(False)

    def to_text(self, sort=False):
        Human readable representation

        :param sort: Sorted to provide stable output
        :rtype: str
        if sort:
            sort_fn = sorted

            def sort_fn(x):
                return x

        # Use __str__ instead of __repr__ to improve readability
        if self:
            _values = [
                # pylint: disable=C0209
                "%s: %s" % _
                for _ in sort_fn(list(self.items()))
            values = f"{{{', '.join(_values)}}}"
            _origin = [
                f"{key}: {node.path}"
                for key, node in sort_fn(list(self.origin.items()))
            origin = f"{{{', '.join(_origin)}}}"
            values = "{}"
            origin = "{}"
        return ",".join(

class TreeNodeEnvOnly:
    Minimal TreeNode-like class providing interface for AvocadoParams

    def __init__(self, path, environment=None):
        :param path: Path of this node (must not end with '/')
        :param environment: List of pair/key/value items
        self.name = path.rsplit("/")[-1]
        self.path = path
        self.environment = TreeEnvironment()
        if environment:

    def __load_environment(self, environment):
        nodes = {}
        for path, key, value in environment:
            self.environment[key] = value
            if path not in nodes:
                nodes[path] = TreeNodeEnvOnly(path)
            self.environment.origin[key] = nodes[path]

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if self.name != other.name:
            return False
        if self.path != other.path:
            return False
        if self.environment != other.environment:
            return False
        return True

    def fingerprint(self):
        return f"{self.path}{self.environment.to_text(True)}"

    def get_environment(self):
        return self.environment

    def get_path(self):
        return self.path

class TreeNode:
    Class for bounding nodes into tree-structure.

    def __init__(self, name="", value=None, parent=None, children=None):
        :param name: a name for this node that will be used to define its
                     path according to the name of its parents
        :type name: str
        :param value: a collection of keys and values that will be made into
                      this node environment.
        :type value: dict
        :param parent: the node that is directly above this one in the tree
        :type parent: :class:`TreeNode`
        :param children: the nodes that are directly beneath this one in the
                         tree structure
        :type children: builtin.list
        if value is None:
            value = {}
        if children is None:
            children = []
        self.name = name
        self.value = value
        self.filters = [], []  # This node's filters, full filters are in env
        self.parent = parent
        self.children = []
        self._environment = None
        for child in children:

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"TreeNode(name={self.name!r})"

    def __str__(self):
        variables = [f"{k}={v}" for k, v in self.environment.items()]
        return f"{self.path}: {', '.join(variables)}"

    def __len__(self):
        """Return number of descended leaf nodes"""
        return len(tuple(self.iter_leaves()))

    def __iter__(self):
        """Iterate through descended leaf nodes"""
        return self.iter_leaves()

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compares node to other node or string to name of this node"""
        if isinstance(other, str):  # Compare names
            if self.name == other:
                return True
            for attr in ("name", "value", "children"):
                if getattr(self, attr) != getattr(other, attr):
                    return False
            return True

    def __ne__(self, other):
        """Inverted eq"""
        return not self == other

    def __hash__(self):
        values = []
        for item in self.value:
            except TypeError:
        children = []
        for item in self.children:
            except TypeError:
        return hash((self.name,) + tuple(values) + tuple(children))

    def fingerprint(self):
        Reports string which represents the value of this node.
        return f"{self.path}{self.environment.to_text(True)}"

    def add_child(self, node):
        Append node as child. Nodes with the same name gets merged into the
        existing position.
        if isinstance(node, TreeNode):
            if node.name in self.children:
                node.parent = self
            raise ValueError("Bad node type.")

    def merge(self, other):
        Merges `other` node into this one without checking the name of the
        other node. New values are appended, existing values overwritten
        and unaffected ones are kept. Then all other node children are
        added as children (recursively they get either appended at the end
        or merged into existing node in the previous position.
        for child in other.children:

    def is_leaf(self):
        """Is this a leaf node?"""
        return not self.children

    def root(self):
        """Root of this tree"""
        return self.get_root()

    def get_root(self):
        """Get root of this tree"""
        root = self
        for root in self.iter_parents():
        return root

    def iter_parents(self):
        """Iterate through parent nodes to root"""
        node = self.parent
        while True:
            if node is None:
            yield node
            node = node.parent

    def parents(self):
        """List of parent nodes"""
        return self.get_parents()

    def get_parents(self):
        """Get list of parent nodes"""
        return list(self.iter_parents())

    def path(self):
        """Node path"""
        return self.get_path()

    def get_path(self, sep="/"):
        """Get node path"""
        if not self.parent:
            return sep + astring.to_text(self.name)
        path = [astring.to_text(self.name)]
        for node in self.iter_parents():
        return sep.join(reversed(path))

    def environment(self):
        """Node environment (values + preceding envs)"""
        return self.get_environment()

    def get_environment(self):
        """Get node environment (values + preceding envs)"""
        if self._environment is None:
            self._environment = (
                self.parent.environment.copy() if self.parent else TreeEnvironment()
            for key, value in self.value.items():
                if isinstance(value, list):
                    if key in self._environment and isinstance(
                        self._environment[key], list
                        self._environment[key] = self._environment[key] + value
                        self._environment[key] = value
                    self._environment[key] = value
                self._environment.origin[key] = self
        return self._environment

    def set_environment_dirty(self):
        Set the environment cache dirty. You should call this always when
        you query for the environment and then change the value or structure.
        Otherwise you'll get the old environment instead.
        for child in self.children:
        self._environment = None

    def get_node(self, path, create=False):
        :param path: Path of the desired node (relative to this node)
        :param create: Create the node (and intermediary ones) when not present
        :return: the node associated with this path
        :raise ValueError: When path doesn't exist and create not set
        node = self
        for name in path.split("/"):
            if not name:
                node = node.children[node.children.index(name)]
            except ValueError:
                if create:
                    child = node.__class__(name)
                    node = child
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Path {path} does not exists in this "
        return node

    def iter_children_preorder(self):
        """Iterate through children"""
        queue = collections.deque()
        node = self
        while node is not None:
            yield node
                node = queue.popleft()
            except IndexError:
                node = None

    def iter_leaves(self):
        """Iterate through leaf nodes"""
        for node in self.iter_children_preorder():
            if node.is_leaf:
                yield node

    def get_leaves(self):
        """Get list of leaf nodes"""
        return list(self.iter_leaves())

    def detach(self):
        """Detach this node from parent"""
        if self.parent:
            self.parent = None
        return self

def tree_view(root, verbose=None, use_utf8=None):
    Generate tree-view of the given node
    :param root: root node
    :param verbose: verbosity (0, 1, 2, 3)
    :param use_utf8: Use utf-8 encoding (None=autodetect)
    :return: string representing this node's tree structure

    def prefixed_write(prefix1, prefix2, value):
        Split value's lines and prepend empty prefix to 2nd+ lines
        :return: list of lines
        value = astring.to_text(value)
        if "\n" not in value:
            return [prefix1 + prefix2 + value]
        value = value.splitlines()
        empty_prefix2 = " " * len(prefix2)
        return [prefix1 + prefix2 + value[0]] + [
            prefix1 + empty_prefix2 + _ for _ in value[1:]

    def process_node(node):
        Generate this node's tree-view
        :return: list of lines
        if getattr(node, "multiplex", None):
            down = charset["DoubleDown"]
            down_right = charset["DoubleDownRight"]
            right = charset["DoubleRight"]
            down = charset["Down"]
            down_right = charset["DownRight"]
            right = charset["Right"]
        out = [node.name]
        if verbose is not None and verbose >= 2 and node.is_leaf:
            values = itertools.chain(
                [("filter-only", _) for _ in node.environment.filter_only],
                [("filter-out", _) for _ in node.environment.filter_out],
        elif verbose in (1, 3):
            values = itertools.chain(
                [("filter-only", _) for _ in node.filters[0]],
                [("filter-out", _) for _ in node.filters[1]],
            values = None
        if values:
            val = charset["Value"]
            if node.children:
                val_prefix = down
                val_prefix = "  "
            for key, value in values:
                out.extend(prefixed_write(val_prefix, f"{val}{key}: ", value))
        if node.children:
            for child in node.children[:-1]:
                lines = process_node(child)
                out.append(down_right + lines[0])
                out.extend(down + line for line in lines[1:])
            lines = process_node(node.children[-1])
            out.append(right + lines[0])
            empty_down_right = " " * len(down_right)
            out.extend(empty_down_right + line for line in lines[1:])
        return out

    if use_utf8 is None:
        use_utf8 = locale.getpreferredencoding() == "UTF-8"
    if use_utf8:
        charset = {
            "DoubleDown": " \u2551   ",
            "DoubleDownRight": " \u2560\u2550\u2550 ",
            "DoubleRight": " \u255a\u2550\u2550 ",
            "Down": " \u2503   ",
            "DownRight": " \u2523\u2501\u2501 ",
            "Right": " \u2517\u2501\u2501 ",
            "Value": "\u2192 ",
    else:  # ASCII fallback
        charset = {
            "Down": " |   ",
            "DownRight": " |-- ",
            "Right": " \\-- ",
            "DoubleDown": " #   ",
            "DoubleDownRight": " #== ",
            "DoubleRight": " #== ",
            "Value": " -> ",
    if getattr(root, "multiplex", None):
        down = charset["DoubleDown"]
        down_right = charset["DoubleDownRight"]
        right = charset["DoubleRight"]
        down = charset["Down"]
        down_right = charset["DownRight"]
        right = charset["Right"]
    out = []
    if verbose is not None and verbose >= 2 and root.is_leaf:
        values = root.environment.items()
    elif verbose in (1, 3):
        values = root.value.items()
        values = None
    if values:
        prefix = charset["Value"].lstrip()
        for key, value in values:
            out.extend(prefixed_write(prefix, key + ": ", value))
    if root.children:
        for child in root.children[:-1]:
            lines = process_node(child)
            out.append(down_right + lines[0])
            out.extend(down + line for line in lines[1:])
        lines = process_node(root.children[-1])
        out.append(right + lines[0])
        out.extend(" " * len(down_right) + line for line in lines[1:])
    # When not on TTY we need to force the encoding
    return "\n".join(out).encode(
        "utf-8" if use_utf8 else "ascii", errors="xmlcharrefreplace"