# azk documentation
`azk` documentation was built upon Gitbook.
### Starting Gitbook server with azk
azk start -o && azk logs --follow
After a few minutes, `azk` docs will be up and running on []( :)
## Deploying
Before deploying you must create a file called `.env` or copy and update `.env.sample`
AWS_BUCKET_PROD=[bucket to prod deploy]
AWS_BUCKET_STAGE=[bucket to stage deploy]
### azk buckets
# stage
# production
### Build and deploy
azk shell -- gulp deploy --stage
azk shell -- gulp deploy --prod
#### [! danger !] to remove all files from a bucket use s3cmd
s3cmd del s3://azk-docs-stage/ --recursive --force
rm .awspublish-azk-docs-stage
## Screenshot terminal configuration
_Font_: Inconsolata
_Font-size_: 15pt
_Console columns_: 87
_Shell_: zsh
_Zsh Theme_: edvardm
_iTerm Color_: [Dracula Theme](
To change the window title for iTerm, you can do
echo -ne "\033];azk agent start --no-daemon\007"
You may also disable (uncheck) the window number by going to iTerm -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Window & Tab title -> Show window number
For that to work, you'll also need to go to your .zshrc file and uncomment the line:
And go to iTerm -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Window & Tab Titles and uncheck everything.
If you're using a Mac, use Cmd + Shift + 4, then press Space and Left-click to take the screenshot of the terminal. Use the azkdemo application found [here](