## azk shell
Initializes a new shell instance with the application context, or executes an arbitrary command if provided.
#### Usage:
azk shell [<system>] [options] [-- <shell-args>...]
#### Arguments:
system System name where the action will take place.
shell-args Options and arguments to be passed to the system.
#### Options:
--command=<cmd>, -c Runs the specified command.
--cwd=<dir>, -C Sets the current working directory.
--image=<name>, -i Defines the image in which the command will be executed.
--shell=<bin> Path to shell binary file.
--rebuild, -B Forces rebuilding or pull image and reprovision system before starting an instance.
--no-remove, -r Do not remove container instances after stopping.
--silent Prevents any log message about command execution. It's useful when using the `-c` option and the output is used as input to another command using the pipe `|` operator.
--tty, -t Forces pseudo-tty allocation.
--no-tty, -T Disables pseudo-tty allocation.
--no-color Remove colors from output
--quiet, -q Never prompt.
--help, -h Shows help usage.
--log=<level>, -l Sets log level (default: error).
--mount=<paths>, -m Additional mounting points - multiple supported (`-m ~/Home:/azk/user -m ~/data:/var/data`).
--env=<data>, -e Additional environment variables - multiple supported (`-e HTTP_PORT=5000 -e PORT=5000`).
--verbose, -v Sets the level of detail - multiple supported (-vv == --verbose 2) [default: 0].
#### Examples:
azk shell --image azukiapp/debian --shell /bin/bash
azk shell --image azukiapp/debian --shell /bin/bash -c 'echo test'
azk shell --image azukiapp/debian --shell /bin/bash -- echo test
azk shell --mount ~/Home:/azk/user --env HOME=/azk/user --env HTTP_PORT=5000
# Starts the Azkfile.js default system using the shell /bin/bash
azk shell --shell /bin/bash
# Start the system [system_name] mounting the folder / in /azk/root
# inside the container and setting the environment variable RAILS_ENV=dev
azk shell [system_name] --mount /:/azk/root -e RAILS_ENV=dev
# Runs the command `ls` within the system [system_name]
azk shell [system_name] -c "ls -l /"
# Start a container from the image `azukiapp/azktcl: 0.0.2` mounting
# and running the command /bin/bash, and forcing the allocation of pseudo-tty
azk shell --image azukiapp/azktcl:0.0.2 -t -c "/bin/bash"
# Executes a command inside the container and uses its output as input to
# another command using the pipe `|` operator. Note the `--silent` option
# to prevent `azk shell` from showing any log messages in the output.
azk shell --silent -c "ls -al /" | grep home