## azk vm
Controls the Virtual Machine.
#### Usage:
azk vm (ssh|start|status|installed|stop|remove) [options] [-- <ssh-args>...]
#### Actions:
installed Checks if the virtual machine is installed.
remove Removes the virtual machine.
start Starts virtual machine.
stop Stops virtual machine.
status Shows virtual machine status.
ssh Gets access to the virtual machine via SSH protocol.
#### Arguments:
ssh-args Options and arguments to be passed to VM over ssh.
#### Options:
--force, -F Force mode on.
--no-color Remove colors from output
--quiet, -q Never prompt.
--help, -h Shows help usage.
--log=<level>, -l Sets log level (default: error).
--verbose, -v Sets the level of detail - multiple supported (-vv == --verbose 2) [default: 0].