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Text Helper

The Text Helper file contains functions that assist in working with

.. contents::

.. raw:: html

  <div class="custom-index container"></div>

Loading this Helper

This helper is loaded using the following code::


Available Functions

The following functions are available:

.. php:function:: word_limiter($str[, $limit = 100[, $end_char = '&#8230;']])

    :param    string    $str: Input string
    :param    int    $limit: Limit
    :param    string    $end_char: End character (usually an ellipsis)
    :returns:    Word-limited string
    :rtype:    string

    Truncates a string to the number of *words* specified. Example::

        $string = "Here is a nice text string consisting of eleven words.";
        $string = word_limiter($string, 4);
        // Returns:  Here is a nice

    The third parameter is an optional suffix added to the string. By
    default it adds an ellipsis.

.. php:function:: character_limiter($str[, $n = 500[, $end_char = '&#8230;']])

    :param    string    $str: Input string
    :param    int    $n: Number of characters
    :param    string    $end_char: End character (usually an ellipsis)
    :returns:    Character-limited string
    :rtype:    string

    Truncates a string to the number of *characters* specified. It
    maintains the integrity of words so the character count may be slightly
    more or less than what you specify.


        $string = "Here is a nice text string consisting of eleven words.";
        $string = character_limiter($string, 20);
        // Returns:  Here is a nice text string

    The third parameter is an optional suffix added to the string, if
    undeclared this helper uses an ellipsis.

    .. note:: If you need to truncate to an exact number of characters please
        see the :php:func:`ellipsize()` function below.

.. php:function:: ascii_to_entities($str)

    :param    string    $str: Input string
    :returns:    A string with ASCII values converted to entities
    :rtype:    string

    Converts ASCII values to character entities, including high ASCII and MS
    Word characters that can cause problems when used in a web page, so that
    they can be shown consistently regardless of browser settings or stored
    reliably in a database. There is some dependence on your server's
    supported character sets, so it may not be 100% reliable in all cases,
    but for the most part it should correctly identify characters outside
    the normal range (like accented characters).


        $string = ascii_to_entities($string);

.. php:function::entities_to_ascii($str[, $all = TRUE])

    :param    string    $str: Input string
    :param    bool    $all: Whether to convert unsafe entities as well
    :returns:    A string with HTML entities converted to ASCII characters
    :rtype:    string

    This function does the opposite of :php:func:`ascii_to_entities()`.
    It turns character entities back into ASCII.

.. php:function:: convert_accented_characters($str)

    :param    string    $str: Input string
    :returns:    A string with accented characters converted
    :rtype:    string

    Transliterates high ASCII characters to low ASCII equivalents. Useful
    when non-English characters need to be used where only standard ASCII
    characters are safely used, for instance, in URLs.


        $string = convert_accented_characters($string);

    .. note:: This function uses a companion config file
        `application/config/foreign_chars.php` to define the to and
        from array for transliteration.

.. php:function:: word_censor($str, $censored[, $replacement = ''])

    :param    string    $str: Input string
    :param    array    $censored: List of bad words to censor
    :param    string    $replacement: What to replace bad words with
    :returns:    Censored string
    :rtype:    string

    Enables you to censor words within a text string. The first parameter
    will contain the original string. The second will contain an array of
    words which you disallow. The third (optional) parameter can contain
    a replacement value for the words. If not specified they are replaced
    with pound signs: ####.


        $disallowed = array('darn', 'shucks', 'golly', 'phooey');
        $string = word_censor($string, $disallowed, 'Beep!');

.. php:function:: highlight_code($str)

    :param    string    $str: Input string
    :returns:    String with code highlighted via HTML
    :rtype:    string

    Colorizes a string of code (PHP, HTML, etc.). Example::

        $string = highlight_code($string);

    The function uses PHP's ``highlight_string()`` function, so the
    colors used are the ones specified in your php.ini file.

.. php:function:: highlight_phrase($str, $phrase[, $tag_open = '<mark>'[, $tag_close = '</mark>']])

    :param    string    $str: Input string
    :param    string    $phrase: Phrase to highlight
    :param    string    $tag_open: Opening tag used for the highlight
    :param    string    $tag_close: Closing tag for the highlight
    :returns:    String with a phrase highlighted via HTML
    :rtype:    string

    Will highlight a phrase within a text string. The first parameter will
    contain the original string, the second will contain the phrase you wish
    to highlight. The third and fourth parameters will contain the
    opening/closing HTML tags you would like the phrase wrapped in.


        $string = "Here is a nice text string about nothing in particular.";
        echo highlight_phrase($string, "nice text", '<span style="color:#990000;">', '</span>');

    The above code prints::

        Here is a <span style="color:#990000;">nice text</span> string about nothing in particular.

    .. note:: This function used to use the ``<strong>`` tag by default. Older browsers
        might not support the new HTML5 mark tag, so it is recommended that you
        insert the following CSS code into your stylesheet if you need to support
        such browsers::

            mark {
                background: #ff0;
                color: #000;

.. php:function:: word_wrap($str[, $charlim = 76])

    :param    string    $str: Input string
    :param    int    $charlim: Character limit
    :returns:    Word-wrapped string
    :rtype:    string

    Wraps text at the specified *character* count while maintaining
    complete words.


        $string = "Here is a simple string of text that will help us demonstrate this function.";
        echo word_wrap($string, 25);

        // Would produce:  
        // Here is a simple string
        // of text that will help us
        // demonstrate this
        // function.

.. php:function:: ellipsize($str, $max_length[, $position = 1[, $ellipsis = '&hellip;']])

    :param    string    $str: Input string
    :param    int    $max_length: String length limit
    :param    mixed    $position: Position to split at (int or float)
    :param    string    $ellipsis: What to use as the ellipsis character
    :returns:    Ellipsized string
    :rtype:    string

    This function will strip tags from a string, split it at a defined
    maximum length, and insert an ellipsis.

    The first parameter is the string to ellipsize, the second is the number
    of characters in the final string. The third parameter is where in the
    string the ellipsis should appear from 0 - 1, left to right. For
    example. a value of 1 will place the ellipsis at the right of the
    string, .5 in the middle, and 0 at the left.

    An optional forth parameter is the kind of ellipsis. By default,
    &hellip; will be inserted.


        $str = 'this_string_is_entirely_too_long_and_might_break_my_design.jpg';
        echo ellipsize($str, 32, .5);

