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namespace Automatorm\DataLayer\Database;

use Automatorm\Orm\Schema;
use Automatorm\Database\Query;
use Automatorm\Database\QueryBuilder;
use Automatorm\Database\SqlString;
use Automatorm\Interfaces\Connection as ConnectionInterface;
use Automatorm\Interfaces\DataAccess as DataAccessInterface;

class DataAccess implements DataAccessInterface
    protected $connection;
    public function __construct(ConnectionInterface $connection)
        $this->connection = $connection;
    public function commit($mode, $table, $id, $data, $externalData, $schema) : int
        // Create a new query
        $query = new Query($this->connection);

        // Insert/Update the data, and store the insert id into a variable
        if ($mode == 'delete') {
            $sql = QueryBuilder::delete($table, ['id' => $id]);
        } elseif ($mode == 'insert') {
            $sql = QueryBuilder::insert($table, $data);
            $query->sql($sql)->sql("SELECT last_insert_id() into @id");
        } elseif ($mode == 'update') {
            if ($data) {
                $sql = QueryBuilder::update($table, $data)->where(['id' => $id]);
            $query->sql("SELECT {$id} into @id");
        if ($mode != 'delete') {
            $originId = new SqlString('@id');
            // Foreign tables
            foreach ($externalData as $propertyName => $value) {
                // Skip property if this isn't an M-M table (M-1 and 1-M tables are dealt with in other ways)
                if (!$pivot = $schema['many-to-many'][$propertyName]) {
                // We can only do updates support simple connection access for 2 key pivots.
                if (count($pivot['connections']) != 1) {
                // Get the table name of the pivot table for this property
                $schemaname = $pivot['schema'];
                $tablename = Schema::underscoreCase($pivot['pivot']);
                // Clear out any existing data for this object - this is safe because we are in an atomic transaction.
                $query->sql("Delete from `$schemaname`.`$tablename` where {$pivot['id']} = @id");
                // Loops through the list of objects to link to this table
                foreach ($value as $object) {
                    $newdata = [
                        $pivot['id'] => $originId,      // Id of this object
                        $pivot['connections'][0]['column'] => $object->id  // Id of object linked to this object
                    $query->sql(QueryBuilder::insert($tablename, $newdata, true));
        $query->transaction(); // Start Transaction
        $query->execute();     // Execute Statements
        $query->commit();      // Commit Transaction
        // Get the id we just inserted, unless we provided the id for insert (for 1-1 tables)
        if ($mode == 'insert' && !$id) {
            return $query->insertId(0);
        // Else return the existing id.
        return $id;

    public function getData($table, $where, array $options = []) : array
        // Select * from $table where $where
        $query = QueryBuilder::select($table)->where($where);
        if (is_array($options)) {
            // Limit
            if (key_exists('limit', $options)) {
                $offset = key_exists('offset', $options) ? $options['offset'] : null;
                $query->limit($options['limit'], $offset);
            // Sort
            if (key_exists('sort', $options)) {
                foreach ((array) $options['sort'] as $sortby) {
                    list($sort, $dir) = explode(' ', $sortby, 3);
                    $query->sortBy($sort, $dir);
        list($data) = Query::run($query, $this->connection);
        return $data;
    public function getDataCount($table, $where, array $options = []) : int
        // Select * from $table where $where
        $query = QueryBuilder::count($table)->where($where);
        if (is_array($options) && key_exists('limit', $options)) {
            $query->limit($options['limit'], is_null($options['offset']) ? null : $options['offset']);
        list($data) = Query::run($query, $this->connection);
        return $data[0]['count'];
    public function getM2MData($pivotSchema, $pivot, $ids, $where = []) : array
        if ($where) {
            foreach ($where as $clauseColumn => $clauseValue) {
                // Rewrite $where clauses to insert `pivotjoin` table in column name
                preg_match('/^([!=<>%]*)(.+?)([!=<>%]*)$/', $clauseColumn, $parts);
                $prefix = $parts[1] ?: $parts[3];
                $clauseColumn = $parts[2];
                $clauses['`pivotjoin`.`' . $clauseColumn . '`' . $prefix] = $clauseValue;
        $query = QueryBuilder::select([$pivotSchema['table_schema'], $pivotSchema['table_name'] => 'pivot'], ['pivot.*'])
            ->where(['`pivot`.'.$pivot['id'] => $ids])
            ->join([Schema::underscoreCase($pivot['connections'][0]['schema']), Schema::underscoreCase($pivot['connections'][0]['table']) => 'pivotjoin'])
            ->joinOn(['' => "`pivot`.`{$pivot['connections'][0]['column']}`"]);
        if ($clauses) {
        list($data) = Query::run($query, $this->connection);
        return $data;