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title: Installation
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Capistrano is bundled as a Ruby Gem. **It requires Ruby 2.0 or newer.**

Capistrano can be installed as a standalone Gem, or bundled into your

<p class="alert-box alert">
It is recommended to fix the version number when using Capistrano, and is
therefore recommended to use an appropriate bundler.

### General Usage

The following command will install the latest released capistrano `v3` revision:

$ gem install capistrano

Or grab the bleeding edge head from:

$ git clone
$ cd capistrano
$ gem build *.gemspec
$ gem install *.gem

### Usage in a Rails project

Add the following lines to the Gemfile:

group :development do
  gem "capistrano", "~> 3.10", require: false
  gem "capistrano-rails", "~> 1.3", require: false

The `capistrano-rails` gem includes extras specifically designed for Ruby on
Rails, specifically:

 * Asset Pipeline Support
 * Database Migration Support

The documentation for these components can be found in
[READMEs][capistrano-rails-database-migrations-readme]. However for the most
part, to get the best, and most sensible results, simply `require` in
Capfile, after the `require 'capistrano/deploy'` line:

require 'capistrano/rails'

##### SSH

Capistrano deploys using SSH. Thus, you must be able to SSH (ideally with keys
and ssh-agent) from the deployment system to the destination system for
Capistrano to work.

You can test this using a ssh client, e.g. `ssh myuser@destinationserver`. If
you cannot connect at all, you may need to set up the SSH server or resolve
firewall/network issues. Look for a tutorial (here are suggestions for
[Ubuntu]( and

If a password is requested when you log in, you may need to set up SSH keys.
GitHub has a [good tutorial](
on creating these (follow steps 1 through 3). You will need to add your public
key to `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` on the destination server as the deployment user
(append on a new line).

More information on SSH and login is available via the
[Authentication and Authorisation](
section of the guide.

If you are still struggling to get login working, try the
[Capistrano SSH Doctor](

##### Help! I was using Capistrano `v2.x` and I didn't want to upgrade!

If you are using Capistrano `v2.x.x` and have also installed Capistrano `v3`
by mistake, then you can lock your Gem version for Capistrano at something

gem 'capistrano', '~> 2.15' # Or whatever patch release you are using

This is the [pessimistic operator][rubygems-pessimistic-operator] which
installs the closest matching version, at the time of writing this would
install `2.15.4`, and any other point-release in the `2.15.x` family without
the risk of accidentally upgrading to `v3`.
