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Test Coverage

Module Name: TemplateMatchingScaling

Description: Main test rig application, providing automated execution of tests for primary experiments two and three from project investigation.


from __future__ import division

__author__ = 'Connor Luke Goddard (clg11)'

import cv2
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import argparse

from template_matching import TemplateMatching
from tse.tse_matchtype import TSEMatchType
from tse.tse_matchmethod import tse_match_methods

from collections import OrderedDict

def start_tests(image_pairs, patch_sizes, match_methods, config_file, use_scaling=False, scale_centre=True, exhaustive_search=False, use_hsv=True, strip_luminance=True, plot_results=False, demo_mode=False):
    Executes sequential experiment tests for each possible combination of experiment parameters defined via command line arguments.

    :param image_pairs: Collection of file paths for one or more pairs of images.
    :param match_methods: Collection of appearance-based similarity measures to use in matching corresponding patches.
    :param patch_sizes: Collection of patch sizes defining the fixed height of template patches used in appearance-based matching.
    :param config_file: File path to the configuration file containing the calibration of perspective distortion effects.
    :param use_scaling: Specifies if the tests should perform geometric scaling (i.e. EXPERIMENT 3 method) or not (EXPERIMENT 2 method).
    :param exhaustive_search: Specifies if the tests should perform exhaustive or non-exhaustive searching.
    :param use_hsv: Specifies if the input images should be converted to the HSV colour space, or remain within the original colour space.
    :param strip_luminance: Specifies if the 'Value' channel for the HSV colour space should be stripped or not (only available is 'use_hsv' is True)
    :param plot_results: Specifies if the results from each test should be graphically plotted or not.
    :return: Dictionary structure containing the results for all experiment tests conducted.

    # Create a dictionary to store the results of all image pairs -> patch sizes -> match methods for a given pair of images.
    image_dict = {}

    # If we are not using the HSV colour space, then prevent the accidental removal of the 3rd channel (Luminance in HSV).
    strip_luminance_sanity = strip_luminance if (use_hsv is True) else False

    # If we do not need to plot the results, then we can simply run the tests and gather the results.
    if plot_results is False:

        # A series of nested loops are used to provide automated testing of all possible parameter combinations.

        for pair in image_pairs:

            patch_dict = {}

            # Create a new instance of the template matching test runner.
            match = TemplateMatching(pair[0], pair[1], config_file, None, use_hsv, strip_luminance_sanity, demo_mode)

            for patch_size in patch_sizes:

                match_dict = {}

                for match_method in match_methods:

                    # Perform the actual test using the current combination of image pair, patch size and similarity measure.
                    match_dict[match_method.match_name] = match.run_template_search(patch_size, match_method, use_scaling, scale_centre, exhaustive_search, plot_results)

                patch_dict[patch_size] = match_dict

            # Store the results for each specific test within a nested dictionary structure to allow for quick retrieval during result analysis.
            image_dict["{0}_{1}".format(match._image_one_file_name, match._image_two_file_name)] = patch_dict


        for pair in image_pairs:

            # Create a dictionary to store the results of all patch sizes -> match methods for a given pair of images.
            patch_dict = {}

            plot_count = len(patch_sizes)

            # Calculate how best to arrange the grid of result plots.
            column_max = 2
            row_max = int(math.ceil(plot_count / float(column_max)))
            fig, axes = plt.subplots(row_max, column_max)

            column_count = 0
            row_count = 0

            # If we have more than one row of tests, then we need to select which row we are currently on.
            if row_max > 1:
                match = TemplateMatching(pair[0], pair[1], config_file, axes[row_count, column_count], use_hsv, strip_luminance_sanity, demo_mode)
                match = TemplateMatching(pair[0], pair[1], config_file, axes[column_count], use_hsv, strip_luminance_sanity, demo_mode)

            for patch_size in patch_sizes:

                # Create a dictionary to store the results of all match_methods for a given patch size.
                match_dict = {}

                if row_max > 1:
                    match._plot_axis = axes[row_count, column_count]
                    match._plot_axis = axes[column_count]

                # Set the axis and graph titles for the current test.
                match._plot_axis.set_xlabel('Row Number (px)')
                match._plot_axis.set_ylabel('Vertical Displacement (px)')
                match._plot_axis.set_title('Patch: {0}px - Images: {1}, {2}'.format(patch_size, match._image_one_file_name, match._image_two_file_name))

                for match_method in match_methods:

                    # Store the results for a given match method.
                    match_dict[match_method.match_name] = match.run_template_search(patch_size, match_method, use_scaling, scale_centre, exhaustive_search, plot_results)

                # Move along to the next plot grid column, or move back to the start.
                if column_count == (column_max - 1):
                    row_count += 1
                    column_count = 0
                    column_count += 1

                patch_dict[patch_size] = match_dict

            # If we do not have an even number of graphs, then we need to remove the last blank one.
            if (plot_count % column_max) != 0:

                if row_max > 1:

                    axes[-1, -1].axis('off')



            image_dict["{0}_{1}".format(match._image_one_file_name, match._image_two_file_name)] = patch_dict

    return image_dict

def InputImagePairArgument(raw_argument_string):
    Specifies a custom command-line argument format for providing the file paths for pairs of images.

    :param raw_argument_string: The raw argument inputted within the command-line.
    :return: Tuple containing the two file paths for a given pair of images.

        x, y = raw_argument_string.split(',')

        # Strip out any whitespace either side of arguments.
        return x.strip(), y.strip()
        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Image pairs expect format \"<image_1_path>, <image_2_path>\"")

def main():

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

    # Specify the properties for all of the accepted command-line parameters.
    parser.add_argument('--calibfile', help='Path to a file containing the perspective distortion calibration data.', dest="calib_file", required=True)

    # "nargs='+'" tells 'argparse' to allow for a list of values to be accepted within this parameter.
    parser.add_argument('--images', help="List of file paths to image pairs. \nExpected format: \"<image_1_path>, <image_2_path>\"", dest="image_pairs", type=InputImagePairArgument, nargs='+', required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--patches', help='List of numerical sizes used to determine fixed patch height.', nargs='+', dest="patch_sizes", type=int, required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--methods', help='List of appearance-based similarity measures to test under template matching. \nSupported Methods: \'DistanceEuclidean\', \'DistanceCorr\', \'HistCorrel\', \'HistChiSqr\'', nargs='+', dest="match_methods", type=str, required=True)

    # 'store_true' creates a "default" value set to False, which beomes True upon the existence of the argument within the command-line.
    parser.add_argument('--use-scaling', help='Specify to perform scaled template matching.', dest='scaling', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--draw-plot', help='Specify to output graphical representation of results as \'matplotlib\' plots.', dest='plot_results', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--demo-mode', help='Specify to activate additional \"demo mode\" GUI output.', dest='demo_mode', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--exhaustive', help='Specify to perform an exhaustive search, otherwise default will perform non-exhaustive search.', dest='exhaustive_search', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--use-rgb', help='Specify to use RGB colour space for input images, rather than converting to HSV (default).', dest='use_rgb', action='store_false')
    parser.add_argument('--strip-luminance', help='Specify to deactivate stripping of \'V\' channel from HSV colour space (only available when using HSV colour space).', dest='hsv_strip_luminance', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--scale-top', help='Specify to set the origin for geometric scaling from the TOP of the template patch, as opposed to the centre.', dest='scale_top', action='store_false')

    args = vars(parser.parse_args())

    match_methods = []

    # 'OrderedDict' is used to remove any duplicates.
    for method in list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(args['match_methods'])):

        # Setup the specific properties for each of the four accepted similarity measures.
        if method == "DistanceEuclidean":
            match_methods.append(TSEMatchType("DistanceEuclidean", tse_match_methods.DISTANCE_ED, None, "r", reverse_score=True))

        elif method == "DistanceCorr":
            match_methods.append(TSEMatchType("DistanceCorr", tse_match_methods.DISTANCE,, "b"))

        elif method == "HistCorrel":
            match_methods.append(TSEMatchType("HistCorrel", tse_match_methods.HIST,, "y"))

        elif method == "HistChiSqr":
            match_methods.append(TSEMatchType("HistChiSqr", tse_match_methods.HIST,, "g", reverse_score=True))

            parser.error("Error: \"{0}\" is not a valid matching method option.\nSupported Methods: \'DistanceEuclidean\', \'DistanceCorr\', \'HistCorrel\', \'HistChiSqr\'".format(method))

    # Start the tests using settings passed in as command-line arguments.
    start_tests(args['image_pairs'], list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(args['patch_sizes'])), match_methods, args['calib_file'], use_scaling=args['scaling'], scale_centre=args['scale_top'], exhaustive_search=args['exhaustive_search'], use_hsv=args['use_rgb'], strip_luminance=args['hsv_strip_luminance'], plot_results=args['plot_results'], demo_mode=args['demo_mode'])

    # Trigger the GUI window to display the plotted results if required.
    if args['plot_results']:

if __name__ == '__main__':