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namespace CPB\Utilities\Collections
    use Core\Utility\Exception\NotImplemented;
    use CPB\Utilities\Common\CollectionInterface;
    use CPB\Utilities\Common\Exceptions\NotFound;
    use CPB\Utilities\Common\Regex;
    use CPB\Utilities\Contracts\Queryable;
    use CPB\Utilities\Contracts\Resolvable;
    use CPB\Utilities\Enums\JoinStrategy;
    use CPB\Utilities\Enums\SortDirection;
    use CPB\Utilities\Parser\Expression;

    class Table extends Map implements Queryable

        public function __construct(string $type = null)
            $this->type = $type;

        public static function from(iterable $items, string $type = null): CollectionInterface
            $inst = parent::from($items);
            $inst->type = $type;

            return $inst;

        public function has($key, string ...$keys): bool
            \array_unshift($keys, $key);

            return $this->some(function($i, $row) use($keys){
                if($row instanceof Resolvable)
                    return $row->has(...$keys);
                elseif($row instanceof \Traversable)
                    $exists = true;

                    foreach($keys as $key)
                        $exists &= isset($row[$key]);

                    return (bool)$exists;
                    $exists = true;

                    foreach($keys as $key)
                        $exists &= \property_exists($row, $key);

                    return (bool)$exists;
                    return count(array_diff($keys, array_keys($row))) === 0;

                return false;

        public function get($key, string ...$keys): Resolvable
            \array_unshift($keys, $key);

                throw new NotFound;

            return $this->map(function($i, $row) use($keys){
                if($row instanceof Resolvable)
                    return $row->get(...$keys);
                    $res = [];

                    foreach($keys as $key)
                        $res[$key] = $row->$key;

                    return $res;
                    $res = [];

                    foreach($keys as $key)
                        $res[$key] = $row[$key];

                    return $res;

         * Queries over the items
        public function select(string $query)
            $result = Expression::init($query)($this);

            if(!$result instanceof CollectionInterface)
                $result = static::from([ [ $query => $result] ]);

            return $result;

         * Inserts value into the Items based on provided query
         * TODO(Chris Kruining)
         * Rethink implementation to
         * properly support overriding
         * existing keys...
        public function insert(string $query, $value, &$newValue = null): Queryable
            if($this->type !== null && (\is_object($value)
                ? !$value instanceof $this->type
                : \gettype($value) !== $this->type))
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf(
                    'expected value of type %s, got %s',
                        ? \get_class($value)
                        : \gettype($value)

            $this->items[] = $value;

            $newValue = $this->count() - 1;

            return $this;

        public function delete(): Queryable
            $this->items = [];

            return $this;

         * Filters items
         * @lazy-chainable true
         * @alias filter
        public function where(string $query, iterable $variables = []): Queryable
            $query = Expression::init(Regex::replace('/:([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)/', $query, '{{$1}}'));

            return $this->filter(function($row) use($query, $variables){
                if($row instanceof Resolvable)
                    return $query($row, $variables);
                    return $query(Collection::from($row), $variables);

                return false;

         * Executes a mysql'esc JOIN on the Collection
         * @lazy-chainable true
        public function join(
            iterable $iterable,
            string $localKey,
            string $foreignKey,
            JoinStrategy $strategy = null
        ): Queryable
            throw new NotImplemented;

            $iterable = static::from($iterable)
                ->map(fn($k, $v) => \array_combine(\array_map(fn($key) => 'right' . $key, \array_keys($v)), $v))
            $foreignKey = 'right' . $foreignKey;

            $leftIndex = array_map(fn($row) => $row[$localKey], $this->items);
            $rightIndex = array_map(fn($row) => $row[$foreignKey], $iterable);
            $matchedIndexes = array_map(fn($v) => array_search($v, $rightIndex), array_intersect($leftIndex, $rightIndex));

            switch($strategy ?? JoinStrategy::INNER)
                // both collections need to have a matching value
                case Queryable::JOIN_INNER:
                    $result = array_map(
                        fn($k, $v) => \array_merge($this->items[$k], $iterable[$v]),

                // all rows from both collections and intersect matching rows
                case Queryable::JOIN_OUTER:
                    $result = [];
                    $usedIndexes = [];

                    foreach($this->items as $i => $row)
                        if(key_exists($i, $matchedIndexes))
                            $usedIndexes[] = $matchedIndexes[$i];

                            $right = $iterable[$matchedIndexes[$i]];

                        $result[] = array_merge(
                            $right ?? []

                    $result = array_merge(
                        array_filter($iterable, fn($i) => \in_array($i, $usedIndexes) === false, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY)

                // all rows from left collection and intersect matching rows
                case Queryable::JOIN_LEFT:
                    $result = [];

                    foreach($this->items as $i => $row)
                        $result[] = array_merge(
                            $iterable[$matchedIndexes[$i] ?? -1] ?? []

                // all rows from right collection and intersect matching rows
                case Queryable::JOIN_RIGHT:
                    $result = [];

                    $matchedIndexes = array_flip($matchedIndexes);

                    foreach($iterable as $i => $row)
                        $result[] = array_merge(
                            $this->items[$matchedIndexes[$i] ?? -1] ?? [],


            return static::from($result);

        public function in(...$args)

         * Return sub-selection of items
         * @alias slice
        public function limit(int $length): Queryable
            return $this->slice(0, $length);

         * Return sub-selection of items
         * @alias slice
        public function offset(int $start): Queryable
            return $this->slice($start, null);

         * Executes a mysql'esc UNION on Collction
         * @alias merge
        public function union(iterable $iterable): Queryable
            return static::from(array_merge($this->items, Collection::from($iterable)->toArray()));

         * Fetches all unique values of provided key
        public function distinct(string $key): Queryable
            return static::from(array_unique(array_map(fn($v) => $v[$key], $this->items)));

         * Sort items by provided key and direction
        public function order(string $key, SortDirection $direction = null): Queryable
            return $this->uASort(function($a, $b) use($key, $direction){
                if($direction ?? SortDirection::ASC === SortDirection::DESC)
                    [$b, $a] = [$a, $b];

                return $a[$key] ?? null <=> $b[$key] ?? null;

         * Prepares the groups of later queries
         * This method sets the key by which the results
         * of: sum, average, max, min and clamp, will
         * group by
        public function group(string $key): Queryable
            $this->groupKey = $key;

            return $this;

        public function count(string $key = null): int
            if($key === null)
                return parent::count();

            // TODO(Chris Kruining)
            // Implement the usage
            // of the key argument.

            return count($this->items);

        public function offsetGet($offset)
            return \is_string($offset) && !\key_exists($offset, $this->items)
                ? $this->select($offset)
                : parent::offsetGet($offset);
        public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
                case 'string':
                case 'integer':
                    $this->insert($offset, $value);

                case 'NULL':
                    $this->items[] = $value;

                    throw new \InvalidArgumentException;

        public function resolve(string $key)
            $result = $this->select($key);

            return count($result) === 1 && $result->toArray()[0] === [ $key => $key]
                ? new Collection
                : $result;