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# Netflux

![Netflux logo][logo]

Isomorphic Javascript **peer to peer** transport API for client and server.

Secure and fault tolerant full mesh peer to peer network based on **RTCDataChannel** and **WebSocket**.

Send/receive **String** and **Uint8Array** data types.

Documentation: <>


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![Netflux example][netflux_example]

## Features

- Peer to peer full mesh network tolerant to connection failures.
- Same API for clients (Chrome, Firefox) and servers (NodeJS).
- Send private or broadcast messages with [String][string], [Uint8Array][uint8array] data types.
- Send large amounts of data (over the limit of ~16kb used in RTCDataChannel).
- Automatic rejoin the group when connection lost.
- Hide the connection nature ( [WebSocket][websocket] or [RTCDataChannel][rtcdatachannel]) from API consumer.
- All connections are encrypted.
- Full control over WebRTC servers: Signaling, STUN and TURN.
  - Deploy your own Signaling server ([Sigver][sigver]) or use the one provided by default.
  - Configure STUN and TURN servers.
- Small Signaling server payload.
- Signaling server is only used to establish connection between two peers, no user data is passing through it.
- TypeScript declaration files are included.
- Simple and familiar API usage.
- Multiple bundles to suit your workflow:
  - For NodeJS
    - `dist/netflux.node.es5.cjs.js` commonjs format, es5 code (see _package.json#main_).
    - `dist/netflux.node.es5.esm.js` ES module format, es5 code (see _package.json#module_).
  - For browsers
    - `dist/netflux.browser.es5.umd.js` UMD format, es5 code
    - `dist/netflux.browser.es5.esm.js` ES module format, es5 code (see _package.json#browser_).
    - `dist/netflux.browser.es2015.esm.js` ES module format, es2015 code (see _package.json#es2015_).
    - `dist/netflux.browser.esnext.esm.js` ES module format, esnext code (see _package.json#esnext_).

## Install

npm install netflux

3 peer dependencies to be installed in some cases:

- `rxjs` is necessary for both NodeJS and browsers if you want to take advantage of EcmaScript modules, tree-shaking etc. Otherwise it is already included into `dist/netflux.browser.es5.umd.js` and `dist/netflux.node.es5.cjs.js` bundles.

npm install rxjs

- `uws` and `text-encoding` if you target NodeJS (developing a bot):

npm install uws text-encoding

**Why peer dependencies?**

- Reduce the installation size by omitting unused dependencies.
- Take advantage of new standards and techniques: EcmaScript modules, bundle tools like Webpack, Rollup etc.

## Usage

Here is a basic usage example for client and server (checkout the [documenation]( for more details).

> Bot server is not mandatory. The group may completely be composed of clients only, as well as be composed of servers only or may also be mixed.

### Client example

import { WebGroup, WebGroupState } from 'netflux'

// Create instance and set callbacks
const wg = new WebGroup()

wg.onMemberJoin = (id) => {
  console.log(`Member ${id} has joined. Current members list is: `, wg.members)
  // Say hello to the new peer
  wg.sendTo(id, 'Hello, my name is Bob')

wg.onMemberLeave = (id) => {
  console.log(`Member ${id} has left. Remained members are: `, wg.members)

wg.onMessage = (id, data) => {
  console.log(`Message from ${id} group member`, data)

wg.onStateChange = (state) => {
  console.log('The new Group state is ', state)
  switch (state) {
    case WebGroupState.JOINING:
      // Do something
    case WebGroupState.JOINED:
      // Do something... for example invite a bot...
      // Or send message to all peers
      wg.send('Hello everybody. I have just joined the group.')
    case WebGroupState.LEFT:
      // wg.key === ''
      // === 0
      // wg.myId === 0
      // wg.members === []
      // the current wg object is at the same state as if it was instantiated via new WebGroup(...), hence
      // it can be reused to join another group for example.
      // Do something...

// Join the group

### Bot example

import { Bot, WebGroupState } from 'netflux'
const http = require('http') // https is also possible
const server = http.createServer()

const bot = new Bot({
  server: server,
  webGroupOptions: {
    // Any WebGroup options like for a client

bot.onWebGroup = (wg) => {
  console.log('The current state is JOINING: ', wg.state === WebGroupState.JOINING)
  // New instance of a WebGroup (Someone has invited this bot).
  // See example above for client as it is the same API.

server.listen(BOT_PORT, _BOT_HOST)
// A client may invite this bot with the following URL: 'ws://BOT_HOST:BOT_PORT'

## Demo

Netflux used as a transport layer for Multi User Text Editor ([MUTE repo]( developed by our team. The demo version is available on: <>.

[logo]: manual/asset/logo_760px.png
[netflux_example]: manual/asset/example.png