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# General configuration for the init.d scripts,
# not necessarily for JBoss AS itself.

# The Jboss home directory.
export JBOSS_HOME='<%= @home %>'

# The JBoss product name.
export JBOSS_PRODUCT='<%= @product %>'

# The JBoss version.
export JBOSS_VERSION='<%= @version %>'

# The JBoss configuration file
export JBOSS_CONFIG='<%= @configfile %>'

# The username who should own the process.
export JBOSS_USER='<%= @user %>'

# The amount of time to wait for startup
export STARTUP_WAIT=<%= @startup_wait %>

# Location to keep the console log
export JBOSS_CONSOLE_LOG='<%= @logfile %>'

# Runs JBoss in domain mode?
export JBOSS_RUNASDOMAIN=<%= @runasdomain.inspect %>

# JBoss running mode: domain or standalone
export JBOSS_MODE='<%= @runasdomain ? 'domain' : 'standalone' %>'

# Default JBoss domain controller
export JBOSS_CONTROLLER='<%= @controller %>'

# Default JBoss domain profile
export JBOSS_PROFILE='<%= @profile %>'