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import logging
import os
import shutil

import patch_ng

from conans.errors import ConanException
from conans.util.files import mkdir

class PatchLogHandler(logging.Handler):
    def __init__(self, conanfile, patch_file):
        logging.Handler.__init__(self, logging.DEBUG)
        self._output = conanfile.output
        self.patchname = patch_file or "patch_ng"

    def emit(self, record):
        logstr = self.format(record)
        if record.levelno == logging.WARN:
            self._output.warn("%s: %s" % (self.patchname, logstr))
  "%s: %s" % (self.patchname, logstr))

def patch(conanfile, base_path=None, patch_file=None, patch_string=None, strip=0, fuzz=False, **kwargs):
    """ Applies a diff from file (patch_file)  or string (patch_string)
        in base_path directory or current dir if None
    :param base_path: Base path where the patch should be applied.
    :param patch_file: Patch file that should be applied.
    :param patch_string: Patch string that should be applied.
    :param strip: Number of folders to be stripped from the path.
    :param output: Stream object.
    :param fuzz: Should accept fuzzy patches.
    :param kwargs: Extra parameters that can be added and will contribute to output information

    patch_type = kwargs.get('patch_type')
    patch_description = kwargs.get('patch_description')

    if patch_type or patch_description:
        patch_type_str = ' ({})'.format(patch_type) if patch_type else ''
        patch_description_str = ': {}'.format(patch_description) if patch_description else '''Apply patch{}{}'.format(patch_type_str, patch_description_str))

    patchlog = logging.getLogger("patch_ng")
    patchlog.handlers = []
    patchlog.addHandler(PatchLogHandler(conanfile, patch_file))

    if patch_file:
        # trick *1: patch_file path could be absolute (e.g. conanfile.build_folder), in that case
        # the join does nothing and works.
        patch_path = os.path.join(conanfile.export_sources_folder, patch_file)
        patchset = patch_ng.fromfile(patch_path)
        patchset = patch_ng.fromstring(patch_string.encode())

    if not patchset:
        raise ConanException("Failed to parse patch: %s" % (patch_file if patch_file else "string"))

    # trick *1
    root = os.path.join(conanfile.source_folder, base_path) if base_path else conanfile.source_folder
    if not patchset.apply(strip=strip, root=root, fuzz=fuzz):
        raise ConanException("Failed to apply patch: %s" % patch_file)

def apply_conandata_patches(conanfile):
    Applies patches stored in 'conanfile.conan_data' (read from 'conandata.yml' file). It will apply
    all the patches under 'patches' entry that matches the given 'conanfile.version'. If versions are
    not defined in 'conandata.yml' it will apply all the patches directly under 'patches' keyword.

    Example of 'conandata.yml' without versions defined:

    - patch_file: "patches/0001-buildflatbuffers-cmake.patch"
      base_path: "source_subfolder"
    - patch_file: "patches/0002-implicit-copy-constructor.patch"
      patch_type: backport
      patch_description: Needed to build with modern clang compilers (adapted to 1.11.0 tagged sources).

    Example of 'conandata.yml' with different patches for different versions:
        - patch_file: "patches/0001-buildflatbuffers-cmake.patch"
        - patch_file: "patches/0002-implicit-copy-constructor.patch"
          patch_type: backport
          patch_description: Needed to build with modern clang compilers (adapted to 1.11.0 tagged sources).
        - patch_file: "patches/0001-buildflatbuffers-cmake.patch"
    if conanfile.conan_data is None:
        raise ConanException("conandata.yml not defined")

    patches = conanfile.conan_data.get('patches')
    if patches is None:"apply_conandata_patches(): No patches defined in conandata")

    if isinstance(patches, dict):
        assert conanfile.version, "Can only be applied if conanfile.version is already defined"
        entries = patches.get(conanfile.version, [])
    elif isinstance(patches, list):
        entries = patches
        raise ConanException("conandata.yml 'patches' should be a list or a dict {version: list}")
    for it in entries:
        if "patch_file" in it:
            # The patch files are located in the root src
            entry = it.copy()
            patch_file = os.path.join(conanfile.folders.base_source, entry.pop("patch_file"))
            patch(conanfile, patch_file=patch_file, **entry)
        elif "patch_string" in it:
            patch(conanfile, **it)
            raise ConanException("The 'conandata.yml' file needs a 'patch_file' or 'patch_string'"
                                 " entry for every patch to be applied")

def export_conandata_patches(conanfile):
    Exports patches stored in 'conanfile.conan_data' (read from 'conandata.yml' file). It will export
    all the patches under 'patches' entry that matches the given 'conanfile.version'. If versions are
    not defined in 'conandata.yml' it will export all the patches directly under 'patches' keyword.
    if conanfile.conan_data is None:
        raise ConanException("conandata.yml not defined")

    patches = conanfile.conan_data.get('patches')
    if patches is None:"export_conandata_patches(): No patches defined in conandata")

    if isinstance(patches, dict):
        assert conanfile.version, "Can only be exported if conanfile.version is already defined"
        entries = patches.get(conanfile.version, [])
    elif isinstance(patches, list):
        entries = patches
        raise ConanException("conandata.yml 'patches' should be a list or a dict {version: list}")
    for it in entries:
        patch_file = it.get("patch_file")
        if patch_file:
            src = os.path.join(conanfile.recipe_folder, patch_file)
            dst = os.path.join(conanfile.export_sources_folder, patch_file)
            shutil.copy2(src, dst)