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# How to Contribute to this Project

## Code of conduct

The core team members and the project's community adopt an inclusive Code of Conduct that you can read in the []( file.

## Reporting an issue

The prefered way to report any bug is [opening an issue in the project's repo](

* Try to use a descriptive and to-the-point title
* It's a good idea to include some of these sections:
   * Steps to reproduce the bug
   * Expected behaviour/response
   * Actual response
* Sometimes it is also helpful if you mention your operating system, browser version and installed plugins.

Thanks! :heart: :heart: :heart:

## Solving an issue

[Issues labeled with help wanted]( are well defined features ready to be implemented by whoever wants to do it.

If you want to contribute code to solve an issue:

* Add a comment to tell everyone you are working on the issue.
* Open a *pull request* to the main repository describing what issue you are addressing and following our [coding conventions](#coding-conventions)

**Working on your first Pull Request?** You can learn how from this *free* series [How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub](

## Coding conventions

If you'd like us to review your pull request in good spirits, please follow our coding conventions:

* Include specs to test any changes you've made
* Our CI will check whether the rest of the application is still working properly; check its build and make sure all tests are passing
* Run `bundle exec pronto run` and fix any issues it reports; these issues will also be automatically reported on the pull request
* Follow [the seven rules of a great commit message](
* Add or modify i18n translations only in the base languages, English (en) and Spanish (es); we manage all other languages through the [Crowdin integration](

When we review your pull request and ask for changes, if you're proficient using `git rebase` edit existing commits instead of adding new ones. If you aren't proficient with `git rebase`, ignore this point.

## Contributors

### Core team members

* [Javi Martín](
* [Raimond García](
* [Sebastià Roig](
* [Senén Rodero](

### All other contributors

In addition to the formal team, there are [over a hundred contributors]( Thank you so much for your code! Big thanks too to the people that contribute in many other ways including documentation, translations, evangelism, dev ops, communication, organizing and more!

Finally a special thanks to the former core team members. Lovingly known as The Alumni:

[Juanjo Bazán](, [Enrique García Cota](, [Alberto Calderón](, [María Checa](, [Alberto García](, [Julián Herrero](