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Test Coverage
from django.http import HttpRequest
import json
from rest_framework.views import APIView
from rest_framework.response import Response
from import NotebookJobServices, Connections, NotebookTemplateService, KubernetesServices, Metastore, ScheduleService
from rest_framework.decorators import api_view

class NotebookOperationsView(APIView):
    Class to get notebooks from zeppelin server
    def post(self, request, notebookId):
        res = NotebookJobServices.cloneNotebook(notebookId,
        return Response(res.json())

    def delete(self, request, notebookId):
        res = NotebookJobServices.deleteNotebook(notebookId)
        return Response(res.json())

class ArchivedNotebooksView(APIView):
    Class to get archived notebooks
    def get(self, request):
        res = NotebookJobServices.archivedNotebooks()
        return Response(res.json())

class NotebookActionsView(APIView):
    Class to get notebooks from zeppelin server
    def post(self, request, notebookId):
        res = NotebookJobServices.runNotebookJob(notebookId)
        return Response(res.json())

    def delete(self, request, notebookId):
        res = NotebookJobServices.stopNotebookJob(notebookId)
        return Response(res.json())

    def put(self, request, notebookId):
        res = NotebookJobServices.clearNotebookResults(notebookId)
        return Response(res.json())

class ArchiveNotebookView(APIView):
    Class to archive notebook
    def get(self, request, notebookId, notebookName):
        res = NotebookJobServices.archiveNotebook(notebookId, notebookName)
        return Response(res.json())
class UnarchiveNotebookView(APIView):
    Class to unarchive notebook
    def get(self, request, notebookId, notebookName):
        res = NotebookJobServices.unarchiveNotebook(notebookId, notebookName)
        return Response(res.json())
class NotebooksLightView(APIView):
    Get concise notebook data
    def get(self, request):
        res = NotebookJobServices.getNotebooksLight()
        return Response(res.json())

class NotebookView(APIView):
    Class to get notebooks from zeppelin server
    def get(self, request, offset: int ):
        limit = request.GET.get('limit', 25)
        searchQuery = request.GET.get('searchText', '')
        sorter = json.loads(request.GET.get('sorter', '{}'))
        _filter = json.loads(request.GET.get('filter', '{}'))
        res = NotebookJobServices.getNotebooks(offset, limit, searchQuery, sorter, _filter)
        return Response(res.json())

    def post(self, request):
        res = NotebookJobServices.addNotebook(
        return Response(res.json())

class NotebookJobView(APIView):
    Class to get, add and update a NotebookJob details
    The put and post methods only require request body and not path parameters
    The get method requires the notebookJobId as the path parameter
    def get(self, request, notebookId=None):
        offset = int(request.GET.get("offset", 0))
        res = NotebookJobServices.getNotebookJobDetails(notebookId=notebookId, notebookRunLogsOffset=offset)
        return Response(res.json())
    def post(self, request):
        notebookId =["notebookId"]
        scheduleId =["scheduleId"]
        res = NotebookJobServices.addNotebookJob(notebookId=notebookId, scheduleId=scheduleId)
        return Response(res.json())

    def delete(self, request, notebookId=None):
        res = NotebookJobServices.deleteNotebookJob(notebookId=notebookId)
        return Response(res.json())

class ScheduleView(APIView):
    Class to get and add available crontab schedules
    def get(self, request):
        res = ScheduleService.getSchedules()
        return Response(res.json())

    def post(self, request):
        name =["name"]
        cron =["crontab"]
        timezone =["timezone"]
        res = ScheduleService.addSchedule(cron=cron, timezone=timezone, name=name)
        return Response(res.json())
    def put(self,request):
        id =["id"]
        name =["name"]
        crontab =["crontab"]
        timezone =["timezone"]
        res = ScheduleService.updateSchedule(id=id, crontab=crontab, timezone=timezone, name=name)
        return Response(res.json())

@api_view(["GET", "PUT", "DELETE"])
def schedule(request: HttpRequest, scheduleId: int) -> Response:
    Method for crud operations on a single connection
    :param request: HttpRequest
    :param connection_id: Connection Id
    if request.method == "GET":
        res = ScheduleService.getSingleSchedule(scheduleId)
        return Response(res.json())
    if request.method == "DELETE":
        res = ScheduleService.deleteSchedule(scheduleId)
        return Response(res.json())

class TimzoneView(APIView):
    Class to get standard pytz timezones
    def get(self, request):
        res = ScheduleService.getTimezones()
        return Response(res.json())

# Change connection views to class
@api_view(["GET", "POST"])
def connections(request: HttpRequest) -> Response:
    Method to get or add connection
    :param request: HttpRequest
    if request.method == "GET":
        res = Connections.getConnections()
        return Response(res.json())
    elif request.method == "POST":
        res = Connections.addConnection(
        return Response(res.json())

@api_view(["GET", "PUT", "DELETE"])
def connection(request: HttpRequest, connectionId: int) -> Response:
    Method for crud operations on a single connection
    :param request: HttpRequest
    :param connectionId: Connection Id
    if request.method == "GET":
        res = Connections.getConnection(connectionId)
        return Response(res.json())
    elif request.method == "DELETE":
        res = Connections.removeConnection(connectionId)
        return Response(res.json())
    elif request.method == "PUT":
        res = Connections.updateConnection(connectionId,
        return Response(res.json())

@api_view(["GET", "POST"])
def connectionTypes(request: HttpRequest) -> Response:
    Method to get all connection types
    :param request: HttpRequest
    if request.method == "GET":
        res = Connections.getConnectionTypes()
        return Response(res.json())

def datasetDetails(request: HttpRequest) -> Response:
    Method to get dataset details from s3 location
    :param request: HttpRequest
    datasetLocation ="datasetLocation")
    res = NotebookTemplateService.getDatasetDetails(datasetLocation)
    return Response(res.json())

@api_view(["GET", "PUT"])
def getNotebookObject(request: HttpRequest, notebookObjId: int) -> Response:
    Method to get details of Notebook Object with given id
    :param notebookObjId: ID of the notebook object
    if request.method == "GET":
        res = NotebookJobServices.getNotebookObject(notebookObjId)
        return Response(res.json())
    if request.method == "PUT":
        res = NotebookJobServices.editNotebook(notebookObjId,
        return Response(res.json())

class NotebookTemplateView(APIView):
    def get(self, request):
        res = NotebookTemplateService.getNotebookTemplates()
        return Response(res.json())

class DriverAndExecutorStatus(APIView):
    def get(self, request):
        Method to get drivers and executors count
        res = KubernetesServices.getDriversCount()
        return Response(res.json())

class MetastoreTablesView(APIView):
    def get(self, request):
        Method to get metastore tables
        res = Metastore().getTables()
        return Response(res.json())

class MetastoreColumnsView(APIView):
    def get(self, request, tableId: int):
        Method to get columns of a metastore table
        res = Metastore().getColumns(tableId)
        return Response(res.json())