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 *  ******************************************************************************
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 *  * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 *  * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
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 *  *  See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
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 *  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 *  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 *  *****************************************************************************

package org.deeplearning4j.ui.model.stats.sbe;

import org.agrona.DirectBuffer;
import org.agrona.MutableDirectBuffer;

@javax.annotation.Generated(value = {"org.deeplearning4j.ui.stats.sbe.StaticInfoEncoder"})
public class StaticInfoEncoder {
    public static final int BLOCK_LENGTH = 40;
    public static final int TEMPLATE_ID = 1;
    public static final int SCHEMA_ID = 1;
    public static final int SCHEMA_VERSION = 0;

    private final StaticInfoEncoder parentMessage = this;
    private MutableDirectBuffer buffer;
    protected int offset;
    protected int limit;
    protected int actingBlockLength;
    protected int actingVersion;

    public int sbeBlockLength() {
        return BLOCK_LENGTH;

    public int sbeTemplateId() {
        return TEMPLATE_ID;

    public int sbeSchemaId() {
        return SCHEMA_ID;

    public int sbeSchemaVersion() {
        return SCHEMA_VERSION;

    public String sbeSemanticType() {
        return "";

    public int offset() {
        return offset;

    public StaticInfoEncoder wrap(final MutableDirectBuffer buffer, final int offset) {
        this.buffer = buffer;
        this.offset = offset;
        limit(offset + BLOCK_LENGTH);

        return this;

    public int encodedLength() {
        return limit - offset;

    public int limit() {
        return limit;

    public void limit(final int limit) {
        this.limit = limit;

    public static long timeNullValue() {
        return -9223372036854775808L;

    public static long timeMinValue() {
        return -9223372036854775807L;

    public static long timeMaxValue() {
        return 9223372036854775807L;

    public StaticInfoEncoder time(final long value) {
        buffer.putLong(offset + 0, value, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        return this;

    private final InitFieldsPresentEncoder fieldsPresent = new InitFieldsPresentEncoder();

    public InitFieldsPresentEncoder fieldsPresent() {
        fieldsPresent.wrap(buffer, offset + 8);
        return fieldsPresent;

    public static int hwJvmProcessorsNullValue() {
        return 65535;

    public static int hwJvmProcessorsMinValue() {
        return 0;

    public static int hwJvmProcessorsMaxValue() {
        return 65534;

    public StaticInfoEncoder hwJvmProcessors(final int value) {
        buffer.putShort(offset + 9, (short) value, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        return this;

    public static short hwNumDevicesNullValue() {
        return (short) 255;

    public static short hwNumDevicesMinValue() {
        return (short) 0;

    public static short hwNumDevicesMaxValue() {
        return (short) 254;

    public StaticInfoEncoder hwNumDevices(final short value) {
        buffer.putByte(offset + 11, (byte) value);
        return this;

    public static long hwJvmMaxMemoryNullValue() {
        return -9223372036854775808L;

    public static long hwJvmMaxMemoryMinValue() {
        return -9223372036854775807L;

    public static long hwJvmMaxMemoryMaxValue() {
        return 9223372036854775807L;

    public StaticInfoEncoder hwJvmMaxMemory(final long value) {
        buffer.putLong(offset + 12, value, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        return this;

    public static long hwOffheapMaxMemoryNullValue() {
        return -9223372036854775808L;

    public static long hwOffheapMaxMemoryMinValue() {
        return -9223372036854775807L;

    public static long hwOffheapMaxMemoryMaxValue() {
        return 9223372036854775807L;

    public StaticInfoEncoder hwOffheapMaxMemory(final long value) {
        buffer.putLong(offset + 20, value, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        return this;

    public static int modelNumLayersNullValue() {
        return -2147483648;

    public static int modelNumLayersMinValue() {
        return -2147483647;

    public static int modelNumLayersMaxValue() {
        return 2147483647;

    public StaticInfoEncoder modelNumLayers(final int value) {
        buffer.putInt(offset + 28, value, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        return this;

    public static long modelNumParamsNullValue() {
        return -9223372036854775808L;

    public static long modelNumParamsMinValue() {
        return -9223372036854775807L;

    public static long modelNumParamsMaxValue() {
        return 9223372036854775807L;

    public StaticInfoEncoder modelNumParams(final long value) {
        buffer.putLong(offset + 32, value, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        return this;

    private final HwDeviceInfoGroupEncoder hwDeviceInfoGroup = new HwDeviceInfoGroupEncoder();

    public static long hwDeviceInfoGroupId() {
        return 9;

    public HwDeviceInfoGroupEncoder hwDeviceInfoGroupCount(final int count) {
        hwDeviceInfoGroup.wrap(parentMessage, buffer, count);
        return hwDeviceInfoGroup;

    public static class HwDeviceInfoGroupEncoder {
        private static final int HEADER_SIZE = 4;
        private final GroupSizeEncodingEncoder dimensions = new GroupSizeEncodingEncoder();
        private StaticInfoEncoder parentMessage;
        private MutableDirectBuffer buffer;
        private int blockLength;
        private int actingVersion;
        private int count;
        private int index;
        private int offset;

        public void wrap(final StaticInfoEncoder parentMessage, final MutableDirectBuffer buffer, final int count) {
            if (count < 0 || count > 65534) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("count outside allowed range: count=" + count);

            this.parentMessage = parentMessage;
            this.buffer = buffer;
            actingVersion = SCHEMA_VERSION;
            dimensions.wrap(buffer, parentMessage.limit());
            dimensions.blockLength((int) 8);
            dimensions.numInGroup((int) count);
            index = -1;
            this.count = count;
            blockLength = 8;
            parentMessage.limit(parentMessage.limit() + HEADER_SIZE);

        public static int sbeHeaderSize() {
            return HEADER_SIZE;

        public static int sbeBlockLength() {
            return 8;

        public HwDeviceInfoGroupEncoder next() {
            if (index + 1 >= count) {
                throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException();

            offset = parentMessage.limit();
            parentMessage.limit(offset + blockLength);

            return this;

        public static long deviceMemoryMaxNullValue() {
            return -9223372036854775808L;

        public static long deviceMemoryMaxMinValue() {
            return -9223372036854775807L;

        public static long deviceMemoryMaxMaxValue() {
            return 9223372036854775807L;

        public HwDeviceInfoGroupEncoder deviceMemoryMax(final long value) {
            buffer.putLong(offset + 0, value, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
            return this;

        public static int deviceDescriptionId() {
            return 50;

        public static String deviceDescriptionCharacterEncoding() {
            return "UTF-8";

        public static String deviceDescriptionMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute) {
            switch (metaAttribute) {
                case EPOCH:
                    return "unix";
                case TIME_UNIT:
                    return "nanosecond";
                case SEMANTIC_TYPE:
                    return "";

            return "";

        public static int deviceDescriptionHeaderLength() {
            return 4;

        public HwDeviceInfoGroupEncoder putDeviceDescription(final DirectBuffer src, final int srcOffset,
                        final int length) {
            if (length > 1073741824) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

            final int headerLength = 4;
            final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
            parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
            buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
            buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

            return this;

        public HwDeviceInfoGroupEncoder putDeviceDescription(final byte[] src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
            if (length > 1073741824) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

            final int headerLength = 4;
            final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
            parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
            buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
            buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

            return this;

        public HwDeviceInfoGroupEncoder deviceDescription(final String value) {
            final byte[] bytes;
            try {
                bytes = value.getBytes("UTF-8");
            } catch (final ex) {
                throw new RuntimeException(ex);

            final int length = bytes.length;
            if (length > 1073741824) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

            final int headerLength = 4;
            final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
            parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
            buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
            buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, bytes, 0, length);

            return this;

    private final SwEnvironmentInfoEncoder swEnvironmentInfo = new SwEnvironmentInfoEncoder();

    public static long swEnvironmentInfoId() {
        return 12;

    public SwEnvironmentInfoEncoder swEnvironmentInfoCount(final int count) {
        swEnvironmentInfo.wrap(parentMessage, buffer, count);
        return swEnvironmentInfo;

    public static class SwEnvironmentInfoEncoder {
        private static final int HEADER_SIZE = 4;
        private final GroupSizeEncodingEncoder dimensions = new GroupSizeEncodingEncoder();
        private StaticInfoEncoder parentMessage;
        private MutableDirectBuffer buffer;
        private int blockLength;
        private int actingVersion;
        private int count;
        private int index;
        private int offset;

        public void wrap(final StaticInfoEncoder parentMessage, final MutableDirectBuffer buffer, final int count) {
            if (count < 0 || count > 65534) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("count outside allowed range: count=" + count);

            this.parentMessage = parentMessage;
            this.buffer = buffer;
            actingVersion = SCHEMA_VERSION;
            dimensions.wrap(buffer, parentMessage.limit());
            dimensions.blockLength((int) 0);
            dimensions.numInGroup((int) count);
            index = -1;
            this.count = count;
            blockLength = 0;
            parentMessage.limit(parentMessage.limit() + HEADER_SIZE);

        public static int sbeHeaderSize() {
            return HEADER_SIZE;

        public static int sbeBlockLength() {
            return 0;

        public SwEnvironmentInfoEncoder next() {
            if (index + 1 >= count) {
                throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException();

            offset = parentMessage.limit();
            parentMessage.limit(offset + blockLength);

            return this;

        public static int envKeyId() {
            return 51;

        public static String envKeyCharacterEncoding() {
            return "UTF-8";

        public static String envKeyMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute) {
            switch (metaAttribute) {
                case EPOCH:
                    return "unix";
                case TIME_UNIT:
                    return "nanosecond";
                case SEMANTIC_TYPE:
                    return "";

            return "";

        public static int envKeyHeaderLength() {
            return 4;

        public SwEnvironmentInfoEncoder putEnvKey(final DirectBuffer src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
            if (length > 1073741824) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

            final int headerLength = 4;
            final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
            parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
            buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
            buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

            return this;

        public SwEnvironmentInfoEncoder putEnvKey(final byte[] src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
            if (length > 1073741824) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

            final int headerLength = 4;
            final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
            parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
            buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
            buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

            return this;

        public SwEnvironmentInfoEncoder envKey(final String value) {
            final byte[] bytes;
            try {
                bytes = value.getBytes("UTF-8");
            } catch (final ex) {
                throw new RuntimeException(ex);

            final int length = bytes.length;
            if (length > 1073741824) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

            final int headerLength = 4;
            final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
            parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
            buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
            buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, bytes, 0, length);

            return this;

        public static int envValueId() {
            return 52;

        public static String envValueCharacterEncoding() {
            return "UTF-8";

        public static String envValueMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute) {
            switch (metaAttribute) {
                case EPOCH:
                    return "unix";
                case TIME_UNIT:
                    return "nanosecond";
                case SEMANTIC_TYPE:
                    return "";

            return "";

        public static int envValueHeaderLength() {
            return 4;

        public SwEnvironmentInfoEncoder putEnvValue(final DirectBuffer src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
            if (length > 1073741824) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

            final int headerLength = 4;
            final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
            parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
            buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
            buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

            return this;

        public SwEnvironmentInfoEncoder putEnvValue(final byte[] src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
            if (length > 1073741824) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

            final int headerLength = 4;
            final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
            parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
            buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
            buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

            return this;

        public SwEnvironmentInfoEncoder envValue(final String value) {
            final byte[] bytes;
            try {
                bytes = value.getBytes("UTF-8");
            } catch (final ex) {
                throw new RuntimeException(ex);

            final int length = bytes.length;
            if (length > 1073741824) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

            final int headerLength = 4;
            final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
            parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
            buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
            buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, bytes, 0, length);

            return this;

    private final ModelParamNamesEncoder modelParamNames = new ModelParamNamesEncoder();

    public static long modelParamNamesId() {
        return 11;

    public ModelParamNamesEncoder modelParamNamesCount(final int count) {
        modelParamNames.wrap(parentMessage, buffer, count);
        return modelParamNames;

    public static class ModelParamNamesEncoder {
        private static final int HEADER_SIZE = 4;
        private final GroupSizeEncodingEncoder dimensions = new GroupSizeEncodingEncoder();
        private StaticInfoEncoder parentMessage;
        private MutableDirectBuffer buffer;
        private int blockLength;
        private int actingVersion;
        private int count;
        private int index;
        private int offset;

        public void wrap(final StaticInfoEncoder parentMessage, final MutableDirectBuffer buffer, final int count) {
            if (count < 0 || count > 65534) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("count outside allowed range: count=" + count);

            this.parentMessage = parentMessage;
            this.buffer = buffer;
            actingVersion = SCHEMA_VERSION;
            dimensions.wrap(buffer, parentMessage.limit());
            dimensions.blockLength((int) 0);
            dimensions.numInGroup((int) count);
            index = -1;
            this.count = count;
            blockLength = 0;
            parentMessage.limit(parentMessage.limit() + HEADER_SIZE);

        public static int sbeHeaderSize() {
            return HEADER_SIZE;

        public static int sbeBlockLength() {
            return 0;

        public ModelParamNamesEncoder next() {
            if (index + 1 >= count) {
                throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException();

            offset = parentMessage.limit();
            parentMessage.limit(offset + blockLength);

            return this;

        public static int modelParamNamesId() {
            return 53;

        public static String modelParamNamesCharacterEncoding() {
            return "UTF-8";

        public static String modelParamNamesMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute) {
            switch (metaAttribute) {
                case EPOCH:
                    return "unix";
                case TIME_UNIT:
                    return "nanosecond";
                case SEMANTIC_TYPE:
                    return "";

            return "";

        public static int modelParamNamesHeaderLength() {
            return 4;

        public ModelParamNamesEncoder putModelParamNames(final DirectBuffer src, final int srcOffset,
                        final int length) {
            if (length > 1073741824) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

            final int headerLength = 4;
            final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
            parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
            buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
            buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

            return this;

        public ModelParamNamesEncoder putModelParamNames(final byte[] src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
            if (length > 1073741824) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

            final int headerLength = 4;
            final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
            parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
            buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
            buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

            return this;

        public ModelParamNamesEncoder modelParamNames(final String value) {
            final byte[] bytes;
            try {
                bytes = value.getBytes("UTF-8");
            } catch (final ex) {
                throw new RuntimeException(ex);

            final int length = bytes.length;
            if (length > 1073741824) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

            final int headerLength = 4;
            final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
            parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
            buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
            buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, bytes, 0, length);

            return this;

    public static int sessionIDId() {
        return 100;

    public static String sessionIDCharacterEncoding() {
        return "UTF-8";

    public static String sessionIDMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute) {
        switch (metaAttribute) {
            case EPOCH:
                return "unix";
            case TIME_UNIT:
                return "nanosecond";
            case SEMANTIC_TYPE:
                return "";

        return "";

    public static int sessionIDHeaderLength() {
        return 4;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putSessionID(final DirectBuffer src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putSessionID(final byte[] src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder sessionID(final String value) {
        final byte[] bytes;
        try {
            bytes = value.getBytes("UTF-8");
        } catch (final ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

        final int length = bytes.length;
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, bytes, 0, length);

        return this;

    public static int typeIDId() {
        return 101;

    public static String typeIDCharacterEncoding() {
        return "UTF-8";

    public static String typeIDMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute) {
        switch (metaAttribute) {
            case EPOCH:
                return "unix";
            case TIME_UNIT:
                return "nanosecond";
            case SEMANTIC_TYPE:
                return "";

        return "";

    public static int typeIDHeaderLength() {
        return 4;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putTypeID(final DirectBuffer src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putTypeID(final byte[] src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder typeID(final String value) {
        final byte[] bytes;
        try {
            bytes = value.getBytes("UTF-8");
        } catch (final ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

        final int length = bytes.length;
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, bytes, 0, length);

        return this;

    public static int workerIDId() {
        return 102;

    public static String workerIDCharacterEncoding() {
        return "UTF-8";

    public static String workerIDMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute) {
        switch (metaAttribute) {
            case EPOCH:
                return "unix";
            case TIME_UNIT:
                return "nanosecond";
            case SEMANTIC_TYPE:
                return "";

        return "";

    public static int workerIDHeaderLength() {
        return 4;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putWorkerID(final DirectBuffer src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putWorkerID(final byte[] src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder workerID(final String value) {
        final byte[] bytes;
        try {
            bytes = value.getBytes("UTF-8");
        } catch (final ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

        final int length = bytes.length;
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, bytes, 0, length);

        return this;

    public static int swArchId() {
        return 201;

    public static String swArchCharacterEncoding() {
        return "UTF-8";

    public static String swArchMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute) {
        switch (metaAttribute) {
            case EPOCH:
                return "unix";
            case TIME_UNIT:
                return "nanosecond";
            case SEMANTIC_TYPE:
                return "";

        return "";

    public static int swArchHeaderLength() {
        return 4;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putSwArch(final DirectBuffer src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putSwArch(final byte[] src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder swArch(final String value) {
        final byte[] bytes;
        try {
            bytes = value.getBytes("UTF-8");
        } catch (final ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

        final int length = bytes.length;
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, bytes, 0, length);

        return this;

    public static int swOsNameId() {
        return 202;

    public static String swOsNameCharacterEncoding() {
        return "UTF-8";

    public static String swOsNameMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute) {
        switch (metaAttribute) {
            case EPOCH:
                return "unix";
            case TIME_UNIT:
                return "nanosecond";
            case SEMANTIC_TYPE:
                return "";

        return "";

    public static int swOsNameHeaderLength() {
        return 4;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putSwOsName(final DirectBuffer src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putSwOsName(final byte[] src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder swOsName(final String value) {
        final byte[] bytes;
        try {
            bytes = value.getBytes("UTF-8");
        } catch (final ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

        final int length = bytes.length;
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, bytes, 0, length);

        return this;

    public static int swJvmNameId() {
        return 203;

    public static String swJvmNameCharacterEncoding() {
        return "UTF-8";

    public static String swJvmNameMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute) {
        switch (metaAttribute) {
            case EPOCH:
                return "unix";
            case TIME_UNIT:
                return "nanosecond";
            case SEMANTIC_TYPE:
                return "";

        return "";

    public static int swJvmNameHeaderLength() {
        return 4;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putSwJvmName(final DirectBuffer src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putSwJvmName(final byte[] src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder swJvmName(final String value) {
        final byte[] bytes;
        try {
            bytes = value.getBytes("UTF-8");
        } catch (final ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

        final int length = bytes.length;
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, bytes, 0, length);

        return this;

    public static int swJvmVersionId() {
        return 204;

    public static String swJvmVersionCharacterEncoding() {
        return "UTF-8";

    public static String swJvmVersionMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute) {
        switch (metaAttribute) {
            case EPOCH:
                return "unix";
            case TIME_UNIT:
                return "nanosecond";
            case SEMANTIC_TYPE:
                return "";

        return "";

    public static int swJvmVersionHeaderLength() {
        return 4;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putSwJvmVersion(final DirectBuffer src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putSwJvmVersion(final byte[] src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder swJvmVersion(final String value) {
        final byte[] bytes;
        try {
            bytes = value.getBytes("UTF-8");
        } catch (final ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

        final int length = bytes.length;
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, bytes, 0, length);

        return this;

    public static int swJvmSpecVersionId() {
        return 205;

    public static String swJvmSpecVersionCharacterEncoding() {
        return "UTF-8";

    public static String swJvmSpecVersionMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute) {
        switch (metaAttribute) {
            case EPOCH:
                return "unix";
            case TIME_UNIT:
                return "nanosecond";
            case SEMANTIC_TYPE:
                return "";

        return "";

    public static int swJvmSpecVersionHeaderLength() {
        return 4;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putSwJvmSpecVersion(final DirectBuffer src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putSwJvmSpecVersion(final byte[] src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder swJvmSpecVersion(final String value) {
        final byte[] bytes;
        try {
            bytes = value.getBytes("UTF-8");
        } catch (final ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

        final int length = bytes.length;
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, bytes, 0, length);

        return this;

    public static int swNd4jBackendClassId() {
        return 206;

    public static String swNd4jBackendClassCharacterEncoding() {
        return "UTF-8";

    public static String swNd4jBackendClassMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute) {
        switch (metaAttribute) {
            case EPOCH:
                return "unix";
            case TIME_UNIT:
                return "nanosecond";
            case SEMANTIC_TYPE:
                return "";

        return "";

    public static int swNd4jBackendClassHeaderLength() {
        return 4;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putSwNd4jBackendClass(final DirectBuffer src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putSwNd4jBackendClass(final byte[] src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder swNd4jBackendClass(final String value) {
        final byte[] bytes;
        try {
            bytes = value.getBytes("UTF-8");
        } catch (final ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

        final int length = bytes.length;
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, bytes, 0, length);

        return this;

    public static int swNd4jDataTypeNameId() {
        return 207;

    public static String swNd4jDataTypeNameCharacterEncoding() {
        return "UTF-8";

    public static String swNd4jDataTypeNameMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute) {
        switch (metaAttribute) {
            case EPOCH:
                return "unix";
            case TIME_UNIT:
                return "nanosecond";
            case SEMANTIC_TYPE:
                return "";

        return "";

    public static int swNd4jDataTypeNameHeaderLength() {
        return 4;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putSwNd4jDataTypeName(final DirectBuffer src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putSwNd4jDataTypeName(final byte[] src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder swNd4jDataTypeName(final String value) {
        final byte[] bytes;
        try {
            bytes = value.getBytes("UTF-8");
        } catch (final ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

        final int length = bytes.length;
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, bytes, 0, length);

        return this;

    public static int swHostNameId() {
        return 208;

    public static String swHostNameCharacterEncoding() {
        return "UTF-8";

    public static String swHostNameMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute) {
        switch (metaAttribute) {
            case EPOCH:
                return "unix";
            case TIME_UNIT:
                return "nanosecond";
            case SEMANTIC_TYPE:
                return "";

        return "";

    public static int swHostNameHeaderLength() {
        return 4;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putSwHostName(final DirectBuffer src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putSwHostName(final byte[] src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder swHostName(final String value) {
        final byte[] bytes;
        try {
            bytes = value.getBytes("UTF-8");
        } catch (final ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

        final int length = bytes.length;
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, bytes, 0, length);

        return this;

    public static int swJvmUIDId() {
        return 209;

    public static String swJvmUIDCharacterEncoding() {
        return "UTF-8";

    public static String swJvmUIDMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute) {
        switch (metaAttribute) {
            case EPOCH:
                return "unix";
            case TIME_UNIT:
                return "nanosecond";
            case SEMANTIC_TYPE:
                return "";

        return "";

    public static int swJvmUIDHeaderLength() {
        return 4;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putSwJvmUID(final DirectBuffer src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putSwJvmUID(final byte[] src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder swJvmUID(final String value) {
        final byte[] bytes;
        try {
            bytes = value.getBytes("UTF-8");
        } catch (final ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

        final int length = bytes.length;
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, bytes, 0, length);

        return this;

    public static int hwHardwareUIDId() {
        return 300;

    public static String hwHardwareUIDCharacterEncoding() {
        return "UTF-8";

    public static String hwHardwareUIDMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute) {
        switch (metaAttribute) {
            case EPOCH:
                return "unix";
            case TIME_UNIT:
                return "nanosecond";
            case SEMANTIC_TYPE:
                return "";

        return "";

    public static int hwHardwareUIDHeaderLength() {
        return 4;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putHwHardwareUID(final DirectBuffer src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putHwHardwareUID(final byte[] src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder hwHardwareUID(final String value) {
        final byte[] bytes;
        try {
            bytes = value.getBytes("UTF-8");
        } catch (final ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

        final int length = bytes.length;
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, bytes, 0, length);

        return this;

    public static int modelConfigClassNameId() {
        return 400;

    public static String modelConfigClassNameCharacterEncoding() {
        return "UTF-8";

    public static String modelConfigClassNameMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute) {
        switch (metaAttribute) {
            case EPOCH:
                return "unix";
            case TIME_UNIT:
                return "nanosecond";
            case SEMANTIC_TYPE:
                return "";

        return "";

    public static int modelConfigClassNameHeaderLength() {
        return 4;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putModelConfigClassName(final DirectBuffer src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putModelConfigClassName(final byte[] src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder modelConfigClassName(final String value) {
        final byte[] bytes;
        try {
            bytes = value.getBytes("UTF-8");
        } catch (final ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

        final int length = bytes.length;
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, bytes, 0, length);

        return this;

    public static int modelConfigJsonId() {
        return 401;

    public static String modelConfigJsonCharacterEncoding() {
        return "UTF-8";

    public static String modelConfigJsonMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute) {
        switch (metaAttribute) {
            case EPOCH:
                return "unix";
            case TIME_UNIT:
                return "nanosecond";
            case SEMANTIC_TYPE:
                return "";

        return "";

    public static int modelConfigJsonHeaderLength() {
        return 4;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putModelConfigJson(final DirectBuffer src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder putModelConfigJson(final byte[] src, final int srcOffset, final int length) {
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, src, srcOffset, length);

        return this;

    public StaticInfoEncoder modelConfigJson(final String value) {
        final byte[] bytes;
        try {
            bytes = value.getBytes("UTF-8");
        } catch (final ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

        final int length = bytes.length;
        if (length > 1073741824) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length > max value for type: " + length);

        final int headerLength = 4;
        final int limit = parentMessage.limit();
        parentMessage.limit(limit + headerLength + length);
        buffer.putInt(limit, (int) length, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        buffer.putBytes(limit + headerLength, bytes, 0, length);

        return this;

    public String toString() {
        return appendTo(new StringBuilder(100)).toString();

    public StringBuilder appendTo(final StringBuilder builder) {
        StaticInfoDecoder writer = new StaticInfoDecoder();
        writer.wrap(buffer, offset, BLOCK_LENGTH, SCHEMA_VERSION);

        return writer.appendTo(builder);