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 *  ******************************************************************************
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 *  * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 *  * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
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 *  * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
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 *  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 *  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 *  *****************************************************************************

#include <system/op_boilerplate.h>
#if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_strided_slice)

#include <helpers/BitwiseUtils.h>
#include <helpers/ShapeUtils.h>
#include <ops/declarable/CustomOperations.h>

#include <array>

namespace sd {
namespace ops {

constexpr int kShrinkAxis = -1, kNewAxis = -2;

struct StridedSliceSparseSpec {
  int dims;
  int num_add_axis_after_ellipsis;
  std::vector<sd::LongType>* begin_tensor;
  const std::vector<sd::LongType>* end_tensor;
  const std::vector<sd::LongType>* strides_tensor;
  const int begin_mask, end_mask;
  int ellipsis_mask;
  const int new_axis_mask, shrink_axis_mask;

struct StridedSliceDenseSpec {
  const int dims;
  int begin_mask;
  int end_mask;
  bool begin_valid;
  bool end_valid;
  std::vector<sd::LongType>& begin;
  std::vector<sd::LongType>& end;
  std::vector<sd::LongType>& strides;
  std::vector<sd::LongType> final_shape_gather_indices;
  int shrink_axis_mask;

  bool buildDenseSpec(StridedSliceSparseSpec& sparse_spec) {
    if (this->begin.size() < dims) this->begin.resize(dims);

    if (this->end.size() < dims) this->end.resize(dims);

    if (this->strides.size() < dims) this->strides.resize(dims);
    this->begin_mask = 0;
    this->end_mask = 0;
    this->shrink_axis_mask = 0;
      int full_index = 0;

      this->begin_valid = sparse_spec.begin_tensor != nullptr;
      this->end_valid = sparse_spec.end_tensor != nullptr;

      for (int e = 0; e < sparse_spec.dims; e++) {
        if ((1 << e) & sparse_spec.ellipsis_mask) {
          int next_index = sd::math::sd_min<int>(
              this->dims - (sparse_spec.dims - e) + 1 + sparse_spec.num_add_axis_after_ellipsis, this->dims);

          for (; full_index < next_index; full_index++) {
            // new_axis' aren't real axis so you have to skip
            this->begin[full_index] = this->end[full_index] = 0;
            this->strides[full_index] = 1;
            this->begin_mask |= (1 << full_index);
            this->end_mask |= (1 << full_index);
        } else if ((1 << e) & sparse_spec.new_axis_mask) {
        } else {
          if (full_index == this->begin.size()) {
            sd_printf("Index out of range: %i out of %i\n", full_index, this->dims);
            return false;

          // Gather slicing spec into appropriate index
          if (sparse_spec.begin_tensor != nullptr) this->begin[full_index] = sparse_spec.begin_tensor->at(e);

          if (sparse_spec.end_tensor != nullptr) this->end[full_index] = sparse_spec.end_tensor->at(e);

          this->strides[full_index] = sparse_spec.strides_tensor->at(e);

          if (sparse_spec.begin_mask & (1 << e)) this->begin_mask |= (1 << full_index);

          if (sparse_spec.end_mask & (1 << e)) this->end_mask |= (1 << full_index);

          // If shrink, record where to get the dimensionality from (i.e.
          // new_axis creates a fake 1 size dimension. Also remember shrink
          // axis (now in dense form) so we can ignore dense->end below.
          if (sparse_spec.shrink_axis_mask & (1 << e)) {
            this->shrink_axis_mask |= (1 << full_index);
          } else {
    return true;

void vectorize(std::vector<sd::LongType>& input_shape) {
  if (input_shape.size() == 2 && input_shape[0] == 1) {
    int v = input_shape[1];

bool _preprocess_strided_slice(std::vector<sd::LongType>* indicesList, std::vector<sd::LongType>* final_shape,
                               std::vector<sd::LongType>& input_shape, std::vector<LongType>& begin,
                               std::vector<LongType>& end, std::vector<LongType>& strides, int begin_mask, int ellipsis_mask, int end_mask,
                               int new_axis_mask, int shrink_axis_mask, bool* is_identity, bool* is_simple_slice,
                               bool* slice_dim0) {
  std::vector<int> preshape;

  bool ellipsis_seen = false;

  StridedSliceSparseSpec sparse_spec = {(int)strides.size(), 0,        &begin,        &end,          &strides,
                                        begin_mask,          end_mask, ellipsis_mask, new_axis_mask, shrink_axis_mask};

  for (int i = 0; i < sparse_spec.dims; i++) {
    if (ellipsis_seen && ((1 << i) & new_axis_mask) != 0) {
    if ((1 << i) & ellipsis_mask) {
      ellipsis_seen = true;
  // If no ellipsis insert one at the end
  if (!ellipsis_seen) {
    sparse_spec.ellipsis_mask |= (1 << sparse_spec.dims);
    sparse_spec.dims++;  // this effects loop iteration below

  StridedSliceDenseSpec dense_spec = {(int)input_shape.size(), 0, 0, false, false, begin, end, strides};
  if (!dense_spec.buildDenseSpec(sparse_spec)) return false;

  for (int e = 0; e < (int)input_shape.size(); e++) {
    int begin_idx = begin[e];
    int end_idx = end[e];
    int stride_idx = strides[e];
    int size_idx = input_shape[e];

    bool shrink_i = (dense_spec.shrink_axis_mask & (1 << e));

    if (stride_idx == 0) {
      return false;
    if (size_idx == -1) {
      preshape.emplace_back(shrink_i ? 1 : -1);

    const std::array<int, 2> masks = {{dense_spec.begin_mask & (1 << e), dense_spec.end_mask & (1 << e)}};
    const std::array<int, 2> valid_range = {{stride_idx > 0 ? 0 : -1, stride_idx > 0 ? size_idx : size_idx - 1}};

    auto canonical = [stride_idx, e, size_idx, masks, valid_range](int x, int c) {
      if (masks[c]) {
        return stride_idx > 0 ? valid_range[c] : valid_range[(c + 1) & 1];
      } else {
        int x_fwd = x < 0 ? size_idx + x : x;  // make negative indices positive
        return x_fwd < valid_range[0] ? valid_range[0] : x_fwd > valid_range[1] ? valid_range[1] : x_fwd;

    if (shrink_i && stride_idx <= 0) {
      sd_printf("StridedSlice: only stride 1 allowed on non-range indexing\n", e);
      return false;

    (*is_simple_slice) &= stride_idx == 1;

    const bool begin_and_end_masked = (begin_mask & (1 << e)) && (end_mask & (1 << e));

    if (dense_spec.begin_valid && dense_spec.end_valid) {
      if (shrink_i) {
        int x_fwd = begin_idx < 0 ? size_idx + begin_idx : begin_idx;
        begin_idx = x_fwd;
        end_idx = begin_idx + 1;
        if (x_fwd < 0 || x_fwd >= size_idx) {
          return false;
      } else {
        begin_idx = canonical(begin_idx, 0);
        end_idx = canonical(end_idx, 1);
    } else {
      (*is_identity) &= stride_idx == 1 && begin_and_end_masked;
      (*slice_dim0) &= (e == 0 && stride_idx == 1) || begin_and_end_masked;

    int interval_length = 1;
    bool known_interval = false;
    if (dense_spec.begin_valid && dense_spec.end_valid) {
      interval_length = end_idx - begin_idx;
      known_interval = true;
    } else if (shrink_i) {
      interval_length = 1;
      known_interval = true;
    } else if (begin_and_end_masked) {
      if (size_idx > 0) {
        if (stride_idx < 0) {
          interval_length = -size_idx;
        } else {
          interval_length = size_idx;

        known_interval = true;

    if (known_interval) {
      int size_i;
      if (interval_length == 0 || ((interval_length < 0) != (stride_idx < 0))) {
        size_i = input_shape.size() == 2 && input_shape[0] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
      } else {
        size_i = interval_length / stride_idx + (interval_length % stride_idx != 0 ? 1 : 0);

      if (indicesList != nullptr) {
        if (interval_length > 1) {
        } else if (interval_length == 1) {
          indicesList->push_back(begin_idx + 1);

    } else {

  std::vector<int> postshape;
  for (auto gather_index : dense_spec.final_shape_gather_indices) {
    if (gather_index >= 0) {
      if (preshape.size() > gather_index)
    } else if (gather_index == kNewAxis) {

  return true;

CUSTOM_OP_IMPL(strided_slice, 1, 1, false, 0, 5) {
  auto x = INPUT_VARIABLE(0);
  auto z = OUTPUT_VARIABLE(0);
  if (z->isEmpty() || z->lengthOf() == 0) {
    return sd::Status::OK;

  int begin_mask = INT_ARG(0);
  int ellipsis_mask = INT_ARG(1);
  int end_mask = INT_ARG(2);
  int new_axis_mask = INT_ARG(3);
  int shrink_axis_mask = INT_ARG(4);

  int dim_values = 0;  // block.getIArguments()->size() - 5;
  int delta = 0;       // dim_values % 3;
  int elements = 0;    // dim_values / 3;

  std::vector<sd::LongType> begin;
  std::vector<sd::LongType> end;
  std::vector<sd::LongType> strides;

  bool isLive = false;

  std::vector<sd::LongType> args;

  // statically evaluated
  if (block.getIArguments()->size() > 5) {
    dim_values = block.getIArguments()->size() - 5;
    delta = dim_values % 3;
    elements = dim_values / 3;

    for (int e = 5; e < block.getIArguments()->size(); e++) args.emplace_back(INT_ARG(e));

    REQUIRE_TRUE(delta == 0, 0,
                 "StridedSlice: Number of Integer arguments should be equal to input rank x 3 = %i, but got %i instead",
                 (x->rankOf() * 3), dim_values);

    ShapeUtils::copyVectorPart(begin, args, elements, 0);
    ShapeUtils::copyVectorPart(end, args, elements, elements);
    ShapeUtils::copyVectorPart(strides, args, elements, elements * 2);

  } else if (block.width() > 1) {
    isLive = true;

    auto v_begin = INPUT_VARIABLE(1);
    auto v_end = INPUT_VARIABLE(2);

    elements = v_begin->lengthOf();

    REQUIRE_TRUE(v_begin->lengthOf() == v_end->lengthOf(), 0,
                 "StridedSlice: Length of begin/end should match, but got %i vs %i instead", (int)v_begin->lengthOf(),

    for (int e = 0; e < v_begin->lengthOf(); e++) begin.emplace_back(v_begin->e<int>(e));

    for (int e = 0; e < v_end->lengthOf(); e++) {
      if(v_end->e<int>(e) < 0) {
        end.emplace_back(v_end->e<int>(e)+ x->sizeAt(e));
      } else {

    if (block.width() > 3) {
      auto v_stride = INPUT_VARIABLE(3);

      REQUIRE_TRUE(v_stride->lengthOf() == v_begin->lengthOf(), 0,
                   "StridedSlice: Length of begin/end/stride should match, but got %i vs %i vs %i instead",
                   (int)v_begin->lengthOf(), (int)v_end->lengthOf(), (int)v_stride->lengthOf());

      for (int e = 0; e < v_stride->lengthOf(); e++) strides.emplace_back(v_stride->e<int>(e));
    } else {
      for (int e = 0; e < v_begin->lengthOf(); e++) strides.emplace_back(1);
  } else {
    REQUIRE_TRUE(false, 0,
                 "StridedSlice: Can't find begin/end/stride information neither in IArguments or in input arrays");

  // validation of begin and start
  std::vector<sd::LongType> ignoreBegin = BitwiseUtils::valueBits(begin_mask);
  std::vector<sd::LongType> ignoreEnd = BitwiseUtils::valueBits(end_mask);
  std::vector<sd::LongType> addAxes = BitwiseUtils::valueBits(new_axis_mask);
  std::vector<sd::LongType> moveAxes = BitwiseUtils::valueBits(shrink_axis_mask);
  if (shrink_axis_mask == 0)
    for (int dim = 0, b = 0, e = 0; dim < x->rankOf(); ++dim) {
      if (moveAxes[dim]) continue;

      if (b < begin.size() && !ignoreBegin[b] && !addAxes[dim]) {
        int first = strides[b] > 0 ? begin[b] : math::sd_abs<int>(begin[b]) - 1;
        REQUIRE_TRUE(first <= x->sizeAt(dim), 0,
                     "StridedSlice: begin index should be <= corresponding dimension of input array, but got end_index "
                     "= %i for dimension %i!",
                     begin[b], dim);
      if (e < end.size() && !ignoreEnd[e] && !addAxes[dim]) {
        int last = strides[e] > 0 ? end[e] : math::sd_abs<int>(end[e]) - 1;
        REQUIRE_TRUE(last <= x->sizeAt(dim), 0,
                     "StridedSlice: end index should be <= corresponding dimension of input array, but got end_index = "
                     "%i for dimension %i!",
                     end[e], dim);

  std::vector<sd::LongType> indices;
  auto input_shape = x->getShapeAsVector();
  std::vector<sd::LongType> final_shape;
  bool is_identity;
  bool is_simple_slice;
  bool is_dim0;

  // FIXME: remove this method once we get 1D vectors supported
      _preprocess_strided_slice(&indices, &final_shape, input_shape, begin, end, strides, begin_mask, ellipsis_mask,
                                end_mask, new_axis_mask, shrink_axis_mask, &is_identity, &is_simple_slice, &is_dim0),
      0, "StridedSlice: shape calculation failed");
  if (indices.size()) {
    sd::LongType* subArrShapeInfo = nullptr;
    ALLOCATE(subArrShapeInfo, block.getWorkspace(), shape::shapeInfoLength(x->rankOf()), sd::LongType);
    sd::LongType offset;

    shape::calcSubArrShapeInfoAndOffset(, x->shapeInfo(), subArrShapeInfo, offset, true, true);
    auto subArrShapeInfoPack = ConstantShapeHelper::getInstance().bufferForShapeInfo(subArrShapeInfo);

    NDArray::prepareSpecialUse({z}, {x});

    NativeOpExecutioner::execTransformAny(block.launchContext(), sd::transform::Assign, x->bufferWithOffset(offset),
                                          subArrShapeInfoPack->primary(), x->specialBufferWithOffset(offset),
                                          subArrShapeInfoPack->special(), z->buffer(), z->shapeInfo(),
                                          z->specialBuffer(), z->specialShapeInfo(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, true);

    NDArray::registerSpecialUse({z}, {x});

    RELEASE(subArrShapeInfo, block.getWorkspace());
  } else if (!z->isEmpty()) {
  return sd::Status::OK;
DECLARE_SYN(stridedslice, strided_slice);

DECLARE_SHAPE_FN(strided_slice) {
  auto inShape = inputShape->at(0);

  int begin_mask = INT_ARG(0);
  int ellipsis_mask = INT_ARG(1);
  int end_mask = INT_ARG(2);
  int new_axis_mask = INT_ARG(3);
  int shrink_axis_mask = INT_ARG(4);

  int x_rank = shape::rank(inShape);

  int dim_values = block.getIArguments()->size() - 5;
  int delta = dim_values % 3;
  int elements = dim_values / 3;

  std::vector<sd::LongType> begin;
  std::vector<sd::LongType> end;
  std::vector<sd::LongType> strides;

  // if that's live - shape will be resolved in runtime
  if (block.width() > 1) {
    begin = INPUT_VARIABLE(1)->template asVectorT<sd::LongType>();
    end = INPUT_VARIABLE(2)->template asVectorT<sd::LongType>();
    for(int  e = 0; e < end.size(); e++) {
      if(end[e] < 0) {
        end[e] += inShape[e];

    strides = INPUT_VARIABLE(3)->template asVectorT<sd::LongType>();
  } else if (dim_values > 0) {
    int delta2 = dim_values / x_rank;

    std::vector<sd::LongType> args;
    for (int e = 5; e < block.getIArguments()->size(); e++) args.emplace_back(INT_ARG(e));

    // FIXME: probably template required here
    ShapeUtils::copyVectorPart(begin, args, elements, 0);
    ShapeUtils::copyVectorPart(end, args, elements, elements);
    ShapeUtils::copyVectorPart(strides, args, elements, elements * 2);

  REQUIRE_TRUE(begin.size() > 0 && end.size() > 0 && strides.size() > 0, 0, "Strided_Slice: empty arguments");

  // validation of begin and start
  std::vector<sd::LongType> ignoreBegin = BitwiseUtils::valueBits(begin_mask);
  std::vector<sd::LongType> ignoreEnd = BitwiseUtils::valueBits(end_mask);
  std::vector<sd::LongType> addAxes = BitwiseUtils::valueBits(new_axis_mask);
  std::vector<sd::LongType> moveAxes = BitwiseUtils::valueBits(shrink_axis_mask);

  std::vector<sd::LongType> input_shape;  //(shape::rank(inShape));
  auto inputLen = shape::length(inShape);
  std::vector<sd::LongType> shape;

  auto rank = shape::rank(inShape);
  auto shortShape = shape::shapeOf(inShape);
  for (auto e = 0; e < rank; e++) input_shape.emplace_back(shortShape[e]);

  bool is_identity;
  bool is_simple_slice;
  bool is_dim0;

  std::vector<sd::LongType> indices;
  bool result =
      _preprocess_strided_slice(&indices, &shape, input_shape, begin, end, strides, begin_mask, ellipsis_mask, end_mask,
                                new_axis_mask, shrink_axis_mask, &is_identity, &is_simple_slice, &is_dim0);
  if (indices.size()) {
    auto retDtype = block.numD() > 0 ? block.getDArguments()->at(0) : ArrayOptions::dataType(inShape);
    auto newShape = ConstantShapeHelper::getInstance().createShapeInfo(retDtype, 'c', shape);
    return SHAPELIST(newShape);

  return SHAPELIST(ConstantShapeHelper::getInstance().emptyShapeInfo(ArrayOptions::dataType(inShape)));

CUSTOM_OP_IMPL(strided_slice_bp, 2, 1, false, 0, 5) {
  auto x = INPUT_VARIABLE(0);
  auto epsNext = INPUT_VARIABLE(1);
  auto output = OUTPUT_VARIABLE(0);

  int begin_mask = INT_ARG(0);
  int ellipsis_mask = INT_ARG(1);
  int end_mask = INT_ARG(2);
  int new_axis_mask = INT_ARG(3);
  int shrink_axis_mask = INT_ARG(4);

  int dim_values = 0;  // block.getIArguments()->size() - 5;
  int delta = 0;       // dim_values % 3;
  int elements = 0;    // dim_values / 3;

  std::vector<sd::LongType> begin;
  std::vector<sd::LongType> end;
  std::vector<sd::LongType> strides;

  bool isLive = false;

  std::vector<sd::LongType> args;

  // statically evaluated
  if (block.getIArguments()->size() > 5) {
    dim_values = block.getIArguments()->size() - 5;
    delta = dim_values % 3;
    elements = dim_values / 3;

    for (int e = 5; e < block.getIArguments()->size(); e++) args.emplace_back(INT_ARG(e));

        delta == 0, 0,
        "StridedSliceBP: Number of Integer arguments should be equal to input rank x 3 = %i, but got %i instead",
        (x->rankOf() * 3), dim_values);

    ShapeUtils::copyVectorPart(begin, args, elements, 0);
    ShapeUtils::copyVectorPart(end, args, elements, elements);
    ShapeUtils::copyVectorPart(strides, args, elements, elements * 2);

  } else if (block.width() >= 3) {
    isLive = true;

    auto v_begin = INPUT_VARIABLE(2);
    auto v_end = INPUT_VARIABLE(3);

    elements = v_begin->lengthOf();

    REQUIRE_TRUE(v_begin->lengthOf() == v_end->lengthOf(), 0,
                 "StridedSliceBP: Length of begin/end should match, but got %i vs %i instead", (int)v_begin->lengthOf(),

    for (int e = 0; e < v_begin->lengthOf(); e++) begin.emplace_back(v_begin->e<int>(e));

    for (int e = 0; e < v_end->lengthOf(); e++) {
      if(v_end->e<int>(e) < 0) {
        end.emplace_back(v_end->e<int>(e) + x->sizeAt(e));
      } else {


    if (block.width() >= 4) {
      auto v_stride = INPUT_VARIABLE(4);

      REQUIRE_TRUE(v_stride->lengthOf() == v_begin->lengthOf(), 0,
                   "StridedSliceBP: Length of begin/end/stride should match, but got %i vs %i vs %i instead",
                   (int)v_begin->lengthOf(), (int)v_end->lengthOf(), (int)v_stride->lengthOf());

      for (int e = 0; e < v_stride->lengthOf(); e++) strides.emplace_back(v_stride->e<int>(e));
    } else {
      for (int e = 0; e < v_begin->lengthOf(); e++) strides.emplace_back(1);
  } else {
    REQUIRE_TRUE(false, 0,
                 "StridedSliceBP: Can't find begin/end/stride information neither in IArguments or in input arrays");

  // validation of begin and start
  std::vector<sd::LongType> ignoreBegin = BitwiseUtils::valueBits(begin_mask);
  std::vector<sd::LongType> ignoreEnd = BitwiseUtils::valueBits(end_mask);
  std::vector<sd::LongType> addAxes = BitwiseUtils::valueBits(new_axis_mask);
  std::vector<sd::LongType> moveAxes = BitwiseUtils::valueBits(shrink_axis_mask);

  for (int dim = 0, b = 0, e = 0; dim < x->rankOf(); ++dim) {
    if (moveAxes[dim]) continue;

    if (b < begin.size() && !ignoreBegin[b] && !addAxes[dim]) {
      int first = strides[b] > 0 ? begin[b] : math::sd_abs<int>(begin[b]) - 1;
      REQUIRE_TRUE(first <= x->sizeAt(dim), 0,
                   "StridedSlice: begin index should be <= corresponding dimension of input array, but got end_index = "
                   "%i for dimension %i!",
                   begin[b], dim);
    if (e < end.size() && !ignoreEnd[e] && !addAxes[dim]) {
      int last = strides[e] > 0 ? end[e] : math::sd_abs<int>(end[e]) - 1;
      REQUIRE_TRUE(last <= x->sizeAt(dim), 0,
                   "StridedSlice: end index should be <= corresponding dimension of input array, but got end_index = "
                   "%i for dimension %i!",
                   end[e], dim);

  auto input_shape = x->getShapeAsVector();
  std::vector<sd::LongType> indices;
  std::vector<sd::LongType> final_shape;
  bool is_identity;
  bool is_simple_slice;
  bool is_dim0;

  // FIXME: remove this method once we get 1D vectors supported
      _preprocess_strided_slice(&indices, &final_shape, input_shape, begin, end, strides, begin_mask, ellipsis_mask,
                                end_mask, new_axis_mask, shrink_axis_mask, &is_identity, &is_simple_slice, &is_dim0),
      0, "StridedSliceBP: shape calculation failed");
  // REQUIRE_TRUE(epsNext->isSameShape(final_shape), 0, "StridedSlice_bp: gradOut shape should be equals to output from
  // strided_slice op."); Zero output array, so unused elements have 0 gradient
  // the first case: only for scalar gradient step
  if (epsNext->lengthOf() == 1 &&
      (indices.size() == 3 && (indices[1] - indices[0]) == 1 || (indices[2] - indices[0] == 1))) {
    output->p(indices[0], *epsNext);
  } else {  // else for other cases
    auto sub = (*output)(indices, true, true);

  return sd::Status::OK;

DECLARE_SHAPE_FN(strided_slice_bp) {
  auto inShape = inputShape->at(0);
  sd::LongType* newShape;
  COPY_SHAPE(inShape, newShape);

  return SHAPELIST(CONSTANT(newShape));

DECLARE_TYPES(strided_slice) { getOpDescriptor()->setAllowedInputTypes(sd::DataType::ANY); }

DECLARE_TYPES(strided_slice_bp) {
}  // namespace ops
}  // namespace sd
