import {
} from 'lodash';
import { createMixin, attr, Errors, Model } from 'denali';
import * as assert from 'assert';
import * as moment from 'moment';
import * as createDebug from 'debug';
import { returnof } from 'denali-typescript';
import PasswordableMixin from './passwordable';
const debug = createDebug('denali-auth:lockable');
const Passwordable = returnof(PasswordableMixin._factory, Model);
export default createMixin((BaseModel: typeof Passwordable, options = {}) => {
options = defaults(options, {
maxLockoutDelay: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 3 // 3h
assert(BaseModel.isPasswordable, 'The lockable mixin must be applied after the passwordable mixin');
return class LockableMixin extends BaseModel {
static isLockable = true;
static lockedOut = attr('boolean');
static lastAuthenticationAttempt = attr('date');
static failedAuthenticationAttempts = attr('number');
// Override the password checker used by passwordable. First, immediately
// fail if there are too many failed requests. If not, then check the
// password with the original checker implementation, and record failures
async isCorrectPassword(password: string) {
if (this.failedAuthenticationAttempts > 0) {
let delay = this.authenticationDelay(this.failedAuthenticationAttempts);
debug(`enforcing ${ delay }ms delay with ${ this.failedAuthenticationAttempts } failed attempts`);
let unlockTime = moment(this.lastAuthenticationAttempt).valueOf() + delay;
let timeTillUnlocked = unlockTime - moment().valueOf();
if (timeTillUnlocked > 0) {
debug(`blocking login attempt - account is locked for another ${ timeTillUnlocked }ms`);
throw new Errors.TooManyRequests(`This account is temporarily locked after too many failed attempts at authentication. Please wait ${ moment.duration(timeTillUnlocked).humanize() } and try again.`);
let isCorrect = await super.isCorrectPassword(password);
if (!isCorrect) {
debug('authentication failed, incrementing failure counter');
if (Number.isNaN(this.failedAuthenticationAttempts)) {
this.failedAuthenticationAttempts = 0;
this.failedAuthenticationAttempts += 1;
} else if (this.failedAuthenticationAttempts > 0) {
debug('authentication succeeded, resetting failure counter');
this.failedAuthenticationAttempts = 0;
this.lastAuthenticationAttempt = null;
return isCorrect;
authenticationDelay(attempts: number) {
let delay = Math.pow(attempts, 1.2) - 4; // y = 1.2^x - 4
return Math.min(options.maxLockoutDelay, delay * 1000);