namespace Deployer;
// Defines "what" text for the 'deploy:info' task.
// Uses one of the following sources:
// 1. Repository name
set('what', function () {
$repo = get('repository');
if (!empty($repo)) {
return preg_replace('/\.git$/', '', basename($repo));
return 'something';
// Defines "where" text for the 'deploy:info' task.
// Uses one of the following sources:
// 1. Host's stage label
// 2. Host's alias
set('where', function () {
$labels = get('labels');
if (isset($labels['stage'])) {
return $labels['stage'];
return currentHost()->getAlias();
desc('Displays info about deployment');
task('deploy:info', function () {
$releaseName = test('[ -d {{deploy_path}}/.dep ]') ? get('release_name') : 1;
info("deploying <fg=green;options=bold>{{what}}</> to <fg=magenta;options=bold>{{where}}</> (release <fg=magenta;options=bold>{$releaseName}</>)");