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# MeetUp 10 - Design Patterns

## Introduction

What is a design pattern? Why we should care knowing them? How a developer should use them? What is the relationship between design patterns and refactoring? What is a composite, a builder, a singleton and a dependency inject container? What problems do they solve?

These questions and many more were answered during the 10th DevStaff meetup that took place at 12/05/2016 in Heraklion. In this repository you will find the material used during the event. It was divided into two parts that were presented in the following order:

1. _Design patterns for fun and profit_ by [Nikolas Vourlakis](
2. _Singleton, Dependency Injection, Dependency Injection Container_ by [Alexandros Gougousis](

## License
Copyright (c) 2016 devstaff-crete

Licensed under the GPLv3 license.