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This module manages placeholder caching. We use a cache-versioning strategy
in which each (placeholder x lang x site_id) manages its own version. The
actual cache includes additional keys appropriate for the placeholders

Invalidation of a placeholder's cache simply increments the version number for
the (placeholder x lang) pair, which renders any cache entries for that
placeholder under that version inaccessible. Those cache entries will simply
expire and will be purged according to the policy of the cache backend in-use.

The cache entries themselves may include additional sub-keys, according to the
list of VARY header-names as returned by placeholder.get_vary_cache_on() and
the current HTTPRequest object.

The vary-on header-names are also stored with the version. This enables us to
check for cache hits without re-computing placeholder.get_vary_cache_on().

import hashlib
import time

from django.utils.timezone import now

from cms.utils.conf import get_cms_setting
from cms.utils.helpers import get_header_name, get_timezone_name

def _get_placeholder_cache_version_key(placeholder, lang, site_id):
    Returns the version key for the given «placeholder», «lang» and «site_id».

    Invalidating this (via clear_placeholder_cache by replacing the stored
    value with a new value) will effectively make all "sub-caches" relating to
    this (placeholder x lang) inaccessible. Sub-caches include caches per TZ
    and per VARY header.
    prefix = get_cms_setting('CACHE_PREFIX')
    key = '{prefix}|placeholder_cache_version|id:{id}|lang:{lang}|site:{site}'.format(
    # django itself adds "version" add the end of cache-keys, e.g. "<key>:1".
    # -> If `cache.set()` is for example called with `version=""`, it still adds
    #    `:` at the end. So if we check the length for `> 250`, a length of 249
    #    or even 250 ends up in an InvalidCacheKey-exception.
    # In order to avoid these errors, we hash the keys at a lower length to also
    # have a little buffer.
    if len(key) > 200:
        key = '{prefix}|{hash}'.format(
    return key

def _get_placeholder_cache_version(placeholder, lang, site_id):
    Gets the (placeholder x lang)'s current version and vary-on header-names
    list, if present, otherwise resets to («timestamp», []).
    from django.core.cache import cache

    key = _get_placeholder_cache_version_key(placeholder, lang, site_id)
    cached = cache.get(key)
    if cached:
        version, vary_on_list = cached
        version = int(time.time() * 1000000)
        vary_on_list = []
        _set_placeholder_cache_version(placeholder, lang, site_id, version, vary_on_list)
    return version, vary_on_list

def _set_placeholder_cache_version(placeholder, lang, site_id, version, vary_on_list=None, duration=None):
    Sets the (placeholder x lang)'s version and vary-on header-names list.
    from django.core.cache import cache

    key = _get_placeholder_cache_version_key(placeholder, lang, site_id)

    if not version or version < 1:
        version = int(time.time() * 1000000)

    if vary_on_list is None:
        vary_on_list = []

    cache.set(key, (version, vary_on_list), duration)

def _get_placeholder_cache_key(placeholder, lang, site_id, request, soft=False):
    Returns the fully-addressed cache key for the given placeholder and
    the request.

    The kwarg «soft» should be set to True if getting the cache key to then
    read from the cache. If instead the key retrieval is to support a cache
    write, let «soft» be False.
    prefix = get_cms_setting('CACHE_PREFIX')
    version, vary_on_list = _get_placeholder_cache_version(placeholder, lang, site_id)
    main_key = '{prefix}|render_placeholder|id:{id}|lang:{lang}|site:{site}|tz:{tz}|v:{version}'.format(

    if not soft:
        # We are about to write to the cache, so we want to get the latest
        # vary_cache_on headers and the correct cache expiration, ignoring any
        # we already have. If the placeholder has already been rendered, this
        # will be very efficient (zero-additional queries) due to the caching
        # of all its plugins during the rendering process anyway.
        vary_on_list = placeholder.get_vary_cache_on(request)
        duration = placeholder.get_cache_expiration(request, now())
        # Update the main placeholder cache version
            placeholder, lang, site_id, version, vary_on_list, duration)

    sub_key_list = []
    for key in vary_on_list:
        value = request.META.get(get_header_name(key)) or '_'
        sub_key_list.append(key + ':' + value)

    cache_key = main_key
    if sub_key_list:
        cache_key += '|' + '|'.join(sub_key_list)

    if len(cache_key) > 250:
        cache_key = '{prefix}|{hash}'.format(

    return cache_key

def set_placeholder_cache(placeholder, lang, site_id, content, request):
    Sets the (correct) placeholder cache with the rendered placeholder.
    from django.core.cache import cache

    key = _get_placeholder_cache_key(placeholder, lang, site_id, request)

    duration = min(
        placeholder.get_cache_expiration(request, now())
    cache.set(key, content, duration)
    # "touch" the cache-version, so that it stays as fresh as this content.
    version, vary_on_list = _get_placeholder_cache_version(placeholder, lang, site_id)
        placeholder, lang, site_id, version, vary_on_list, duration=duration)

def get_placeholder_cache(placeholder, lang, site_id, request):
    Returns the placeholder from cache respecting the placeholder's
    VARY headers.
    from django.core.cache import cache

    key = _get_placeholder_cache_key(placeholder, lang, site_id, request, soft=True)
    content = cache.get(key)
    return content

def clear_placeholder_cache(placeholder, lang, site_id):
    Invalidates all existing cache entries for (placeholder x lang x site_id).
    We don't need to re-store the vary_on_list, because the cache is now
    effectively empty.
    version = int(time.time() * 1000000)
    _set_placeholder_cache_version(placeholder, lang, site_id, version, [])