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import re
from datetime import date, datetime, timezone
from decimal import Decimal

from django import template
from django.template import defaultfilters
from django.utils.formats import number_format
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.timezone import is_aware
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from django.utils.translation import (

register = template.Library()

def ordinal(value):
    Convert an integer to its ordinal as a string. 1 is '1st', 2 is '2nd',
    3 is '3rd', etc. Works for any integer.
        value = int(value)
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
        return value
    if value % 100 in (11, 12, 13):
        # Translators: Ordinal format for 11 (11th), 12 (12th), and 13 (13th).
        value = pgettext("ordinal 11, 12, 13", "{}th").format(value)
        templates = (
            # Translators: Ordinal format when value ends with 0, e.g. 80th.
            pgettext("ordinal 0", "{}th"),
            # Translators: Ordinal format when value ends with 1, e.g. 81st, except 11.
            pgettext("ordinal 1", "{}st"),
            # Translators: Ordinal format when value ends with 2, e.g. 82nd, except 12.
            pgettext("ordinal 2", "{}nd"),
            # Translators: Ordinal format when value ends with 3, e.g. 83rd, except 13.
            pgettext("ordinal 3", "{}rd"),
            # Translators: Ordinal format when value ends with 4, e.g. 84th.
            pgettext("ordinal 4", "{}th"),
            # Translators: Ordinal format when value ends with 5, e.g. 85th.
            pgettext("ordinal 5", "{}th"),
            # Translators: Ordinal format when value ends with 6, e.g. 86th.
            pgettext("ordinal 6", "{}th"),
            # Translators: Ordinal format when value ends with 7, e.g. 87th.
            pgettext("ordinal 7", "{}th"),
            # Translators: Ordinal format when value ends with 8, e.g. 88th.
            pgettext("ordinal 8", "{}th"),
            # Translators: Ordinal format when value ends with 9, e.g. 89th.
            pgettext("ordinal 9", "{}th"),
        value = templates[value % 10].format(value)
    # Mark value safe so i18n does not break with <sup> or <sub> see #19988
    return mark_safe(value)

def intcomma(value, use_l10n=True):
    Convert an integer to a string containing commas every three digits.
    For example, 3000 becomes '3,000' and 45000 becomes '45,000'.
    if use_l10n:
            if not isinstance(value, (float, Decimal)):
                value = int(value)
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            return intcomma(value, False)
            return number_format(value, use_l10n=True, force_grouping=True)
    result = str(value)
    match = re.match(r"-?\d+", result)
    if match:
        prefix = match[0]
        prefix_with_commas = re.sub(r"\d{3}", r"\g<0>,", prefix[::-1])[::-1]
        # Remove a leading comma, if needed.
        prefix_with_commas = re.sub(r"^(-?),", r"\1", prefix_with_commas)
        result = prefix_with_commas + result[len(prefix) :]
    return result

# A tuple of standard large number to their converters
intword_converters = (
    (6, lambda number: ngettext("%(value)s million", "%(value)s million", number)),
    (9, lambda number: ngettext("%(value)s billion", "%(value)s billion", number)),
    (12, lambda number: ngettext("%(value)s trillion", "%(value)s trillion", number)),
        lambda number: ngettext(
            "%(value)s quadrillion", "%(value)s quadrillion", number
        lambda number: ngettext(
            "%(value)s quintillion", "%(value)s quintillion", number
        lambda number: ngettext("%(value)s sextillion", "%(value)s sextillion", number),
        lambda number: ngettext("%(value)s septillion", "%(value)s septillion", number),
    (27, lambda number: ngettext("%(value)s octillion", "%(value)s octillion", number)),
    (30, lambda number: ngettext("%(value)s nonillion", "%(value)s nonillion", number)),
    (33, lambda number: ngettext("%(value)s decillion", "%(value)s decillion", number)),
    (100, lambda number: ngettext("%(value)s googol", "%(value)s googol", number)),

def intword(value):
    Convert a large integer to a friendly text representation. Works best
    for numbers over 1 million. For example, 1000000 becomes '1.0 million',
    1200000 becomes '1.2 million' and '1200000000' becomes '1.2 billion'.
        value = int(value)
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
        return value

    abs_value = abs(value)
    if abs_value < 1000000:
        return value

    for exponent, converter in intword_converters:
        large_number = 10**exponent
        if abs_value < large_number * 1000:
            new_value = value / large_number
            rounded_value = round_away_from_one(new_value)
            return converter(abs(rounded_value)) % {
                "value": defaultfilters.floatformat(new_value, 1),
    return value

def apnumber(value):
    For numbers 1-9, return the number spelled out. Otherwise, return the
    number. This follows Associated Press style.
        value = int(value)
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
        return value
    if not 0 < value < 10:
        return value
    return (
    )[value - 1]

# Perform the comparison in the default time zone when USE_TZ = True
# (unless a specific time zone has been applied with the |timezone filter).
def naturalday(value, arg=None):
    For date values that are tomorrow, today or yesterday compared to
    present day return representing string. Otherwise, return a string
    formatted according to settings.DATE_FORMAT.
    tzinfo = getattr(value, "tzinfo", None)
        value = date(value.year, value.month,
    except AttributeError:
        # Passed value wasn't a date object
        return value
    today =
    delta = value - today
    if delta.days == 0:
        return _("today")
    elif delta.days == 1:
        return _("tomorrow")
    elif delta.days == -1:
        return _("yesterday")
    return, arg)

# This filter doesn't require expects_localtime=True because it deals properly
# with both naive and aware datetimes. Therefore avoid the cost of conversion.
def naturaltime(value):
    For date and time values show how many seconds, minutes, or hours ago
    compared to current timestamp return representing string.
    return NaturalTimeFormatter.string_for(value)

class NaturalTimeFormatter:
    time_strings = {
        # Translators: delta will contain a string like '2 months' or '1 month, 2 weeks'
        "past-day": gettext_lazy("%(delta)s ago"),
        # Translators: please keep a non-breaking space (U+00A0) between count
        # and time unit.
        "past-hour": ngettext_lazy("an hour ago", "%(count)s hours ago", "count"),
        # Translators: please keep a non-breaking space (U+00A0) between count
        # and time unit.
        "past-minute": ngettext_lazy("a minute ago", "%(count)s minutes ago", "count"),
        # Translators: please keep a non-breaking space (U+00A0) between count
        # and time unit.
        "past-second": ngettext_lazy("a second ago", "%(count)s seconds ago", "count"),
        "now": gettext_lazy("now"),
        # Translators: please keep a non-breaking space (U+00A0) between count
        # and time unit.
        "future-second": ngettext_lazy(
            "a second from now", "%(count)s seconds from now", "count"
        # Translators: please keep a non-breaking space (U+00A0) between count
        # and time unit.
        "future-minute": ngettext_lazy(
            "a minute from now", "%(count)s minutes from now", "count"
        # Translators: please keep a non-breaking space (U+00A0) between count
        # and time unit.
        "future-hour": ngettext_lazy(
            "an hour from now", "%(count)s hours from now", "count"
        # Translators: delta will contain a string like '2 months' or '1 month, 2 weeks'
        "future-day": gettext_lazy("%(delta)s from now"),
    past_substrings = {
        # Translators: 'naturaltime-past' strings will be included in '%(delta)s ago'
        "year": npgettext_lazy(
            "naturaltime-past", "%(num)d year", "%(num)d years", "num"
        "month": npgettext_lazy(
            "naturaltime-past", "%(num)d month", "%(num)d months", "num"
        "week": npgettext_lazy(
            "naturaltime-past", "%(num)d week", "%(num)d weeks", "num"
        "day": npgettext_lazy("naturaltime-past", "%(num)d day", "%(num)d days", "num"),
        "hour": npgettext_lazy(
            "naturaltime-past", "%(num)d hour", "%(num)d hours", "num"
        "minute": npgettext_lazy(
            "naturaltime-past", "%(num)d minute", "%(num)d minutes", "num"
    future_substrings = {
        # Translators: 'naturaltime-future' strings will be included in
        # '%(delta)s from now'.
        "year": npgettext_lazy(
            "naturaltime-future", "%(num)d year", "%(num)d years", "num"
        "month": npgettext_lazy(
            "naturaltime-future", "%(num)d month", "%(num)d months", "num"
        "week": npgettext_lazy(
            "naturaltime-future", "%(num)d week", "%(num)d weeks", "num"
        "day": npgettext_lazy(
            "naturaltime-future", "%(num)d day", "%(num)d days", "num"
        "hour": npgettext_lazy(
            "naturaltime-future", "%(num)d hour", "%(num)d hours", "num"
        "minute": npgettext_lazy(
            "naturaltime-future", "%(num)d minute", "%(num)d minutes", "num"

    def string_for(cls, value):
        if not isinstance(value, date):  # datetime is a subclass of date
            return value

        now = if is_aware(value) else None)
        if value < now:
            delta = now - value
            if delta.days != 0:
                return cls.time_strings["past-day"] % {
                    "delta": defaultfilters.timesince(
                        value, now, time_strings=cls.past_substrings
            elif delta.seconds == 0:
                return cls.time_strings["now"]
            elif delta.seconds < 60:
                return cls.time_strings["past-second"] % {"count": delta.seconds}
            elif delta.seconds // 60 < 60:
                count = delta.seconds // 60
                return cls.time_strings["past-minute"] % {"count": count}
                count = delta.seconds // 60 // 60
                return cls.time_strings["past-hour"] % {"count": count}
            delta = value - now
            if delta.days != 0:
                return cls.time_strings["future-day"] % {
                    "delta": defaultfilters.timeuntil(
                        value, now, time_strings=cls.future_substrings
            elif delta.seconds == 0:
                return cls.time_strings["now"]
            elif delta.seconds < 60:
                return cls.time_strings["future-second"] % {"count": delta.seconds}
            elif delta.seconds // 60 < 60:
                count = delta.seconds // 60
                return cls.time_strings["future-minute"] % {"count": count}
                count = delta.seconds // 60 // 60
                return cls.time_strings["future-hour"] % {"count": count}