from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Mapping, Sequence, TypeVar
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pocketutils.core.exceptions import LoadError
from typeddfs import BaseDf
from typeddfs.df_errors import UnsupportedOperationError
from mandos.analysis.io_defns import SimilarityDfLongForm, SimilarityDfShortForm
from import InputCompoundsDf
T = TypeVar("T", bound=BaseDf)
@dataclass(frozen=True, repr=True)
class MatrixPrep:
kind: str
normalize: bool
log: bool
invert: bool
def from_files(self, paths: Sequence[Path]) -> SimilarityDfLongForm:
dct = {}
for p in paths:
key = p.with_suffix("").name
dct[key] = SimilarityDfShortForm.read_file(p)
except (OSError, UnsupportedOperationError, ValueError):
raise LoadError(f"Failed to load matrix at {str(p)}")
return self.create(dct)
def create(self, key_to_mx: Mapping[str, SimilarityDfShortForm]) -> SimilarityDfLongForm:
df = SimilarityDfLongForm(
pd.concat([mx.to_long_form(self.kind, key) for key, mx in key_to_mx.items()])
vals = df["value"]
if self.invert:
vals = -vals
if self.normalize:
mn, mx = vals.min(), vals.max()
vals = (vals - mn) / (mn - mx)
if self.log:
# this is a bit stupid, but calc the log then normalize again
# we can't take the log before normalization because we might have negative values
vals =
mn, mx = vals.min(), vals.max()
vals = (vals - mn) / (mn - mx)
df["value"] = vals
return SimilarityDfLongForm.convert(df)
def ecfp_matrix(cls, df: InputCompoundsDf, radius: int, n_bits: int) -> SimilarityDfShortForm:
from mandos.model.utils.rdkit_utils import RdkitUtils
# TODO: This is inefficient and long
indices = range(len(df))
keys = df["inchikey"]
on_bits = [
RdkitUtils.ecfp(c, radius=radius, n_bits=n_bits).list_on for c in df.get_structures()
the_rows: List[List[float]] = []
for i, row_key, row_print in zip(indices, keys, on_bits):
for j, col_key, col_print in zip(indices, keys, on_bits):
the_row = []
if i < j:
jaccard = len(row_print.intersection(col_print)) / len(
short = SimilarityDfShortForm(the_rows)
short["inchikey"] = keys
short = short.set_index("inchikey")
short.columns = keys
return SimilarityDfShortForm.convert(short)
__all__ = ["MatrixPrep"]