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package replicated

import (


// restartSupervisor is an interface representing the methods from the
// restart.SupervisorInterface that are actually needed by the reconciler. This
// more limited interface allows us to write a less ugly fake for unit testing.
type restartSupervisor interface {
    Restart(context.Context, store.Tx, *api.Cluster, *api.Service, api.Task) error

// Reconciler is an object that manages reconciliation of replicated jobs. It
// is blocking and non-asynchronous, for ease of testing. It implements two
// interfaces. The first is the Reconciler interface of the Orchestrator
// package above this one. The second is the taskinit.InitHandler interface.
type Reconciler struct {
    // we need the store, of course, to do updates
    store *store.MemoryStore

    restart restartSupervisor

// newReconciler creates a new reconciler object
func NewReconciler(store *store.MemoryStore, restart restartSupervisor) *Reconciler {
    return &Reconciler{
        store:   store,
        restart: restart,

// ReconcileService reconciles the replicated job service with the given ID by
// checking to see if new replicas should be created. reconcileService returns
// an error if there is some case prevent it from correctly reconciling the
// service.
func (r *Reconciler) ReconcileService(id string) error {
    var (
        service *api.Service
        tasks   []*api.Task
        cluster *api.Cluster
        viewErr error
    // first, get the service and all of its tasks store.ReadTx) {
        service = store.GetService(tx, id)

        tasks, viewErr = store.FindTasks(tx, store.ByServiceID(id))

        // there should only ever be 1 cluster object, but for reasons
        // forgotten by me, it needs to be retrieved in a rather roundabout way
        // from the store
        var clusters []*api.Cluster
        clusters, viewErr = store.FindClusters(tx, store.All)
        if len(clusters) == 1 {
            cluster = clusters[0]
        } else if len(clusters) > 1 {
            // this should never happen, and indicates that the system is
            // broken.
            panic("there should never be more than one cluster object")

    // errors during view should only happen in a few rather catastrophic
    // cases, but here it's not unreasonable to just return an error anyway.
    if viewErr != nil {
        return viewErr

    // if the service has already been deleted, there's nothing to do here.
    if service == nil {
        return nil

    // if this is the first iteration of the service, it may not yet have a
    // JobStatus, so we should create one if so. this won't actually be
    // committed, though.
    if service.JobStatus == nil {
        service.JobStatus = &api.JobStatus{}

    // Jobs can be run in multiple iterations. The JobStatus of the service
    // indicates which Version of iteration we're on. We should only be looking
    // at tasks of the latest Version

    jobVersion := service.JobStatus.JobIteration.Index

    // now, check how many tasks we need and how many we have running. note
    // that some of these Running tasks may complete before we even finish this
    // code block, and so we might have to immediately re-enter reconciliation,
    // so this number is 100% definitive, but it is accurate for this
    // particular moment in time, and it won't result in us going OVER the
    // needed task count
    // importantly, we are computing only how many _new_ tasks are needed. Some
    // tasks may need to be restarted as well, but we don't do this directly;
    // restarting tasks is under the purview of the restartSupervisor.
    // also also, for the math later, we need these values to be of type uint64.
    runningTasks := uint64(0)
    completeTasks := uint64(0)
    restartTasks := []string{}
    removeTasks := []string{}

    // for replicated jobs, each task will get a different slot number, so that
    // when the job has completed, there will be one Completed task in every
    // slot number [0, TotalCompletions-1].
    // By assigning each task to a unique slot, we simply handling of
    // restarting failed tasks through the restart manager.
    slots := map[uint64]bool{}
    for _, task := range tasks {
        // we only care about tasks from this job iteration. tasks from the
        // previous job iteration are not important
        if task.JobIteration != nil {
            if task.JobIteration.Index == jobVersion {
                if task.Status.State == api.TaskStateCompleted {
                    slots[task.Slot] = true

                // the Restart Manager may put a task in the desired state Ready,
                // so we should match not only tasks in desired state Completed,
                // but also those in any valid running state.
                if task.Status.State != api.TaskStateCompleted && task.DesiredState <= api.TaskStateCompleted {
                    slots[task.Slot] = true

                    // if the task is in a terminal state, we might need to restart
                    // it. throw it on the pile if so. this is still counted as a
                    // running task for the purpose of determining how many new
                    // tasks to create.
                    if task.Status.State > api.TaskStateCompleted {
                        restartTasks = append(restartTasks, task.ID)
            } else {
                // tasks belonging to a previous iteration of the job may
                // exist. if any such tasks exist, they should have their task
                // state set to Remove
                if task.Status.State <= api.TaskStateRunning && task.DesiredState != api.TaskStateRemove {
                    removeTasks = append(removeTasks, task.ID)

    // now that we have our counts, we need to see how many new tasks to
    // create. this number can never exceed MaxConcurrent, but also should not
    // result in us exceeding TotalCompletions. first, get these numbers out of
    // the service spec.
    rj := service.Spec.GetReplicatedJob()

    // possibleNewTasks gives us the upper bound for how many tasks we'll
    // create. also, ugh, subtracting uints. there's no way this can ever go
    // wrong.
    possibleNewTasks := rj.MaxConcurrent - runningTasks

    // allowedNewTasks is how many tasks we could create, if there were no
    // restriction on maximum concurrency. This is the total number of tasks
    // we want completed, minus the tasks that are already completed, minus
    // the tasks that are in progress.
    // seriously, ugh, subtracting unsigned ints. totally a fine and not at all
    // risky operation, with no possibility for catastrophe
    allowedNewTasks := rj.TotalCompletions - completeTasks - runningTasks

    // the lower number of allowedNewTasks and possibleNewTasks is how many we
    // can create. we'll just use an if statement instead of some fancy floor
    // function.
    actualNewTasks := allowedNewTasks
    if possibleNewTasks < allowedNewTasks {
        actualNewTasks = possibleNewTasks

    // this check might seem odd, but it protects us from an underflow of the
    // above subtractions, which, again, is a totally impossible thing that can
    // never happen, ever, obviously.
    if actualNewTasks > rj.TotalCompletions {
        return fmt.Errorf(
            "uint64 underflow, we're not going to create %v tasks",

    // finally, we can create these tasks. do this in a batch operation, to
    // avoid exceeding transaction size limits
    err := *store.Batch) error {
        for i := uint64(0); i < actualNewTasks; i++ {
            if err := batch.Update(func(tx store.Tx) error {
                var slot uint64
                // each task will go into a unique slot, and at the end, there
                // should be the same number of slots as there are desired
                // total completions. We could simplify this logic by simply
                // assuming that slots are filled in order, but it's a more
                // robust solution to not assume that, and instead assure that
                // the slot is unoccupied.
                for s := uint64(0); s < rj.TotalCompletions; s++ {
                    // when we're iterating through, if the service has slots
                    // that haven't been used yet (for example, if this is the
                    // first time we're running this iteration), then doing
                    // a map lookup for the number will return the 0-value
                    // (false) even if the number doesn't exist in the map.
                    if !slots[s] {
                        slot = s
                        // once we've found a slot, mark it as occupied, so we
                        // don't double assign in subsequent iterations.
                        slots[slot] = true

                task := orchestrator.NewTask(cluster, service, slot, "")
                // when we create the task, we also need to set the
                // JobIteration.
                task.JobIteration = &api.Version{Index: jobVersion}
                task.DesiredState = api.TaskStateCompleted

                // finally, create the task in the store.
                return store.CreateTask(tx, task)
            }); err != nil {
                return err

        for _, taskID := range restartTasks {
            if err := batch.Update(func(tx store.Tx) error {
                t := store.GetTask(tx, taskID)
                if t == nil {
                    return nil

                if t.DesiredState > api.TaskStateCompleted {
                    return nil

                // TODO(dperny): pass in context from above
                return r.restart.Restart(context.Background(), tx, cluster, service, *t)
            }); err != nil {
                return err

        for _, taskID := range removeTasks {
            if err := batch.Update(func(tx store.Tx) error {
                t := store.GetTask(tx, taskID)
                if t == nil {
                    return nil

                // don't do unnecessary updates
                if t.DesiredState == api.TaskStateRemove {
                    return nil
                t.DesiredState = api.TaskStateRemove
                return store.UpdateTask(tx, t)
            }); err != nil {
                return err

        return nil

    return err

// IsRelatedService returns true if the task is a replicated job. This method
// fulfills the taskinit.InitHandler interface. Because it is just a wrapper
// around a well-tested function call, it has no tests of its own.
func (r *Reconciler) IsRelatedService(service *api.Service) bool {
    return orchestrator.IsReplicatedJob(service)

// FixTask ostensibly validates that a task is compliant with the rest of the
// cluster state. However, in the replicated jobs case, the only action we
// can take with a noncompliant task is to restart it. Because the replicated
// jobs orchestrator reconciles the whole service at once, any tasks that
// need to be restarted will be done when we make the reconiliation pass over
// all services. Therefore, in this instance, FixTask does nothing except
// implement the FixTask method of the taskinit.InitHandler interface.
func (r *Reconciler) FixTask(_ context.Context, _ *store.Batch, _ *api.Task) {}

// SlotTuple returns an orchestrator.SlotTuple object for this task. It
// implements the taskinit.InitHandler interface
func (r *Reconciler) SlotTuple(t *api.Task) orchestrator.SlotTuple {
    return orchestrator.SlotTuple{
        ServiceID: t.ServiceID,
        Slot:      t.Slot,