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//go:build linux

package journald // import ""

import (



const name = "journald"

// Well-known user journal fields.
const (
    fieldSyslogIdentifier = "SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER"
    fieldSyslogTimestamp  = "SYSLOG_TIMESTAMP"

// User journal fields used by the log driver.
const (
    fieldContainerID     = "CONTAINER_ID"
    fieldContainerIDFull = "CONTAINER_ID_FULL"
    fieldContainerName   = "CONTAINER_NAME"
    fieldContainerTag    = "CONTAINER_TAG"
    fieldImageName       = "IMAGE_NAME"

    // Fields used to serialize PLogMetaData.

    fieldPLogID         = "CONTAINER_PARTIAL_ID"
    fieldPLogOrdinal    = "CONTAINER_PARTIAL_ORDINAL"
    fieldPLogLast       = "CONTAINER_PARTIAL_LAST"
    fieldPartialMessage = "CONTAINER_PARTIAL_MESSAGE"

    fieldLogEpoch   = "CONTAINER_LOG_EPOCH"
    fieldLogOrdinal = "CONTAINER_LOG_ORDINAL"

var waitUntilFlushed func(*journald) error

type journald struct {
    // Epoch identifier to distinguish sequence numbers from this instance
    // vs. other instances.
    epoch string
    // Sequence number of the most recent message sent by this instance of
    // the log driver, starting from 1. Corollary: ordinal == 0 implies no
    // messages have been sent by this instance.
    ordinal atomic.Uint64

    vars map[string]string // additional variables and values to send to the journal along with the log message

    closed chan struct{}

    // Overrides for unit tests.

    sendToJournal   func(message string, priority journal.Priority, vars map[string]string) error
    journalReadDir  string        //nolint:unused // Referenced in read.go, which has more restrictive build constraints.
    readSyncTimeout time.Duration //nolint:unused // Referenced in read.go, which has more restrictive build constraints.

func init() {
    if err := logger.RegisterLogDriver(name, New); err != nil {
    if err := logger.RegisterLogOptValidator(name, validateLogOpt); err != nil {

// sanitizeKeyMod returns the sanitized string so that it could be used in journald.
// In journald log, there are special requirements for fields.
// Fields must be composed of uppercase letters, numbers, and underscores, but must
// not start with an underscore.
func sanitizeKeyMod(s string) string {
    n := ""
    for _, v := range s {
        if 'a' <= v && v <= 'z' {
            v = unicode.ToUpper(v)
        } else if ('Z' < v || v < 'A') && ('9' < v || v < '0') {
            v = '_'
        // If (n == "" && v == '_'), then we will skip as this is the beginning with '_'
        if !(n == "" && v == '_') {
            n += string(v)
    return n

// New creates a journald logger using the configuration passed in on
// the context.
func New(info logger.Info) (logger.Logger, error) {
    if !journal.Enabled() {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("journald is not enabled on this host")

    return new(info)

func new(info logger.Info) (*journald, error) {
    // parse log tag
    tag, err := loggerutils.ParseLogTag(info, loggerutils.DefaultTemplate)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    epoch := stringid.GenerateRandomID()

    vars := map[string]string{
        fieldContainerID:      info.ContainerID[:12],
        fieldContainerIDFull:  info.ContainerID,
        fieldContainerName:    info.Name(),
        fieldContainerTag:     tag,
        fieldImageName:        info.ImageName(),
        fieldSyslogIdentifier: tag,
        fieldLogEpoch:         epoch,
    extraAttrs, err := info.ExtraAttributes(sanitizeKeyMod)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    for k, v := range extraAttrs {
        vars[k] = v
    return &journald{
        epoch:         epoch,
        vars:          vars,
        closed:        make(chan struct{}),
        sendToJournal: journal.Send,
    }, nil

// We don't actually accept any options, but we have to supply a callback for
// the factory to pass the (probably empty) configuration map to.
func validateLogOpt(cfg map[string]string) error {
    for key := range cfg {
        switch key {
        case "labels":
        case "labels-regex":
        case "env":
        case "env-regex":
        case "tag":
            return fmt.Errorf("unknown log opt '%s' for journald log driver", key)
    return nil

func (s *journald) Log(msg *logger.Message) error {
    vars := map[string]string{}
    for k, v := range s.vars {
        vars[k] = v
    if !msg.Timestamp.IsZero() {
        vars[fieldSyslogTimestamp] = msg.Timestamp.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
    if msg.PLogMetaData != nil {
        vars[fieldPLogID] = msg.PLogMetaData.ID
        vars[fieldPLogOrdinal] = strconv.Itoa(msg.PLogMetaData.Ordinal)
        vars[fieldPLogLast] = strconv.FormatBool(msg.PLogMetaData.Last)
        if !msg.PLogMetaData.Last {
            vars[fieldPartialMessage] = "true"

    line := string(msg.Line)
    source := msg.Source

    seq := s.ordinal.Add(1)
    vars[fieldLogOrdinal] = strconv.FormatUint(seq, 10)

    if source == "stderr" {
        return s.sendToJournal(line, journal.PriErr, vars)
    return s.sendToJournal(line, journal.PriInfo, vars)

func (s *journald) Name() string {
    return name

func (s *journald) Close() error {
    if waitUntilFlushed != nil {
        return waitUntilFlushed(s)
    return nil