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package logger

var externalValidators []LogOptValidator

// RegisterExternalValidator adds the validator to the list of external validators.
// External validators are used by packages outside this package that need to add their own validation logic.
// This should only be called on package initialization.
func RegisterExternalValidator(v LogOptValidator) {
    externalValidators = append(externalValidators, v)

// AddBuiltinLogOpts updates the list of built-in log opts. This allows other packages to supplement additional log options
// without having to register an actual log driver. This is used by things that are more proxy log drivers and should
// not be exposed as a usable log driver to the API.
// This should only be called on package initialization.
func AddBuiltinLogOpts(opts map[string]bool) {
    for k, v := range opts {
        builtInLogOpts[k] = v

func validateExternal(cfg map[string]string) error {
    for _, v := range externalValidators {
        if err := v(cfg); err != nil {
            return err
    return nil