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package loggerutils // import ""

import (


// rotateFileMetadata is a metadata of the gzip header of the compressed log file
type rotateFileMetadata struct {
    LastTime time.Time `json:"lastTime,omitempty"`

// LogFile is Logger implementation for default Docker logging.
type LogFile struct {
    mu       sync.Mutex // protects the logfile access
    closed   chan struct{}
    rotateMu sync.Mutex // blocks the next rotation until the current rotation is completed
    // Lock out readers while performing a non-atomic sequence of filesystem
    // operations (RLock: open, Lock: rename, delete).
    // fsopMu should be locked for writing only while holding rotateMu.
    fsopMu sync.RWMutex

    // Logger configuration

    capacity int64 // maximum size of each file
    maxFiles int   // maximum number of files
    compress bool  // whether old versions of log files are compressed
    perms    os.FileMode

    // Log file codec

    createDecoder MakeDecoderFn
    getTailReader GetTailReaderFunc

    // Log reader state in a 1-buffered channel.
    // Share memory by communicating: receive to acquire, send to release.
    // The state struct is passed around by value so that use-after-send
    // bugs cannot escalate to data races.
    // A method which receives the state value takes ownership of it. The
    // owner is responsible for either passing ownership along or sending
    // the state back to the channel. By convention, the semantics of
    // passing along ownership is expressed with function argument types.
    // Methods which take a pointer *logReadState argument borrow the state,
    // analogous to functions which require a lock to be held when calling.
    // The caller retains ownership. Calling a method which takes a
    // value logFileState argument gives ownership to the callee.
    read chan logReadState

    decompress *sharedTempFileConverter

    pos           logPos    // Current log file write position.
    f             *os.File  // Current log file for writing.
    lastTimestamp time.Time // timestamp of the last log

type logPos struct {
    // Size of the current file.
    size int64
    // File rotation sequence number (modulo 2**16).
    rotation uint16

type logReadState struct {
    // Current log file position.
    pos logPos
    // Wait list to be notified of the value of pos next time it changes.
    wait []chan<- logPos

// MakeDecoderFn creates a decoder
type MakeDecoderFn func(rdr io.Reader) Decoder

// Decoder is for reading logs
// It is created by the log reader by calling the `MakeDecoderFunc`
type Decoder interface {
    // Reset resets the decoder
    // Reset is called for certain events, such as log rotations
    // Decode decodes the next log messeage from the stream
    Decode() (*logger.Message, error)
    // Close signals to the decoder that it can release whatever resources it was using.

// SizeReaderAt defines a ReaderAt that also reports its size.
// This is used for tailing log files.
type SizeReaderAt interface {
    Size() int64

// GetTailReaderFunc is used to truncate a reader to only read as much as is required
// in order to get the passed in number of log lines.
// It returns the sectioned reader, the number of lines that the section reader
// contains, and any error that occurs.
type GetTailReaderFunc func(ctx context.Context, f SizeReaderAt, nLogLines int) (rdr SizeReaderAt, nLines int, err error)

// NewLogFile creates new LogFile
func NewLogFile(logPath string, capacity int64, maxFiles int, compress bool, decodeFunc MakeDecoderFn, perms os.FileMode, getTailReader GetTailReaderFunc) (*LogFile, error) {
    log, err := openFile(logPath, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE, perms)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    size, err := log.Seek(0, io.SeekEnd)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    pos := logPos{
        size: size,
        // Force a wraparound on first rotation to shake out any
        // modular-arithmetic bugs.
        rotation: math.MaxUint16,
    st := make(chan logReadState, 1)
    st <- logReadState{pos: pos}

    return &LogFile{
        f:             log,
        read:          st,
        pos:           pos,
        closed:        make(chan struct{}),
        capacity:      capacity,
        maxFiles:      maxFiles,
        compress:      compress,
        decompress:    newSharedTempFileConverter(decompress),
        createDecoder: decodeFunc,
        perms:         perms,
        getTailReader: getTailReader,
    }, nil

// WriteLogEntry writes the provided log message to the current log file.
// This may trigger a rotation event if the max file/capacity limits are hit.
func (w *LogFile) WriteLogEntry(timestamp time.Time, marshalled []byte) error {
    select {
    case <-w.closed:
        return errors.New("cannot write because the output file was closed")

    // Are we due for a rotation?
    if w.capacity != -1 && w.pos.size >= w.capacity {
        if err := w.rotate(); err != nil {
            return errors.Wrap(err, "error rotating log file")

    n, err := w.f.Write(marshalled)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "error writing log entry")
    w.pos.size += int64(n)
    w.lastTimestamp = timestamp

    // Notify any waiting readers that there is a new log entry to read.
    st := <
    defer func() { <- st }()
    st.pos = w.pos

    for _, c := range st.wait {
        c <- st.pos
    // Optimization: retain the backing array to save a heap allocation next
    // time a reader appends to the list.
    if st.wait != nil {
        st.wait = st.wait[:0]
    return nil

func (w *LogFile) rotate() (retErr error) {
    noCompress := w.maxFiles <= 1 || !w.compress
    defer func() {
        // If we aren't going to run the goroutine to compress the log file, then we need to unlock in this function.
        // Otherwise the lock will be released in the goroutine that handles compression.
        if retErr != nil || noCompress {

    fname := w.f.Name()
    if err := w.f.Close(); err != nil {
        // if there was an error during a prior rotate, the file could already be closed
        if !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrClosed) {
            return errors.Wrap(err, "error closing file")

    file, err := func() (*os.File, error) {
        defer w.fsopMu.Unlock()

        if err := rotate(fname, w.maxFiles, w.compress); err != nil {
            log.G(context.TODO()).WithError(err).Warn("Error rotating log file, log data may have been lost")
        } else {
            // We may have readers working their way through the
            // current log file so we can't truncate it. We need to
            // start writing new logs to an empty file with the same
            // name as the current one so we need to rotate the
            // current file out of the way.
            if w.maxFiles < 2 {
                if err := unlink(fname); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
                    log.G(context.TODO()).WithError(err).Error("Error unlinking current log file")
            } else {
                if err := os.Rename(fname, fname+".1"); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
                    log.G(context.TODO()).WithError(err).Error("Error renaming current log file")

        // Notwithstanding the above, open with the truncate flag anyway
        // in case rotation didn't work out as planned.
        return openFile(fname, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_CREATE, w.perms)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    w.f = file
    w.pos = logPos{rotation: w.pos.rotation + 1}

    if noCompress {
        return nil

    ts := w.lastTimestamp
    go func() {
        defer w.rotateMu.Unlock()
        // No need to hold fsopMu as at no point will the filesystem be
        // in a state which would cause problems for readers. Opening
        // the uncompressed file is tried first, falling back to the
        // compressed one. compressFile only deletes the uncompressed
        // file once the compressed one is fully written out, so at no
        // point during the compression process will a reader fail to
        // open a complete copy of the file.
        if err := compressFile(fname+".1", ts); err != nil {
            log.G(context.TODO()).WithError(err).Error("Error compressing log file after rotation")

    return nil

func rotate(name string, maxFiles int, compress bool) error {
    if maxFiles < 2 {
        return nil

    var extension string
    if compress {
        extension = ".gz"

    lastFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d%s", name, maxFiles-1, extension)
    err := unlink(lastFile)
    if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "error removing oldest log file")

    for i := maxFiles - 1; i > 1; i-- {
        toPath := name + "." + strconv.Itoa(i) + extension
        fromPath := name + "." + strconv.Itoa(i-1) + extension
        err := os.Rename(fromPath, toPath)
        log.G(context.TODO()).WithError(err).WithField("source", fromPath).WithField("target", toPath).Trace("Rotating log file")
        if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
            return err

    return nil

func compressFile(fileName string, lastTimestamp time.Time) (retErr error) {
    file, err := open(fileName)
    if err != nil {
        if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
            log.G(context.TODO()).WithField("file", fileName).WithError(err).Debug("Could not open log file to compress")
            return nil
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to open log file")
    defer func() {
        if retErr == nil {
            err := unlink(fileName)
            if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
                retErr = errors.Wrap(err, "failed to remove source log file")

    outFile, err := openFile(fileName+".gz", os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_RDWR, 0o640)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to open or create gzip log file")
    defer func() {
        if retErr != nil {
            if err := unlink(fileName + ".gz"); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
                log.G(context.TODO()).WithError(err).Error("Error cleaning up after failed log compression")

    compressWriter := gzip.NewWriter(outFile)
    defer compressWriter.Close()

    // Add the last log entry timestamp to the gzip header
    extra := rotateFileMetadata{}
    extra.LastTime = lastTimestamp
    compressWriter.Header.Extra, err = json.Marshal(&extra)
    if err != nil {
        // Here log the error only and don't return since this is just an optimization.
        log.G(context.TODO()).Warningf("Failed to marshal gzip header as JSON: %v", err)

    _, err = pools.Copy(compressWriter, file)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrapf(err, "error compressing log file %s", fileName)

    return nil

// MaxFiles return maximum number of files
func (w *LogFile) MaxFiles() int {
    return w.maxFiles

// Close closes underlying file and signals all readers to stop.
func (w *LogFile) Close() error {
    select {
    case <-w.closed:
        return nil
    if err := w.f.Close(); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrClosed) {
        return err
    // Wait until any in-progress rotation is complete.
    w.rotateMu.Unlock() //nolint:staticcheck
    return nil

// ReadLogs decodes entries from log files.
// It is the caller's responsibility to call ConsumerGone on the LogWatcher.
func (w *LogFile) ReadLogs(ctx context.Context, config logger.ReadConfig) *logger.LogWatcher {
    ctx, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "logger.LogFile.ReadLogs")
    defer span.End()

    span.SetAttributes(tracing.Attribute("config", config))

    watcher := logger.NewLogWatcher()
    // Lock out filesystem operations so that we can capture the read
    // position and atomically open the corresponding log file, without the
    // file getting rotated out from under us.
    // Capture the read position synchronously to ensure that we start
    // following from the last entry logged before ReadLogs was called,
    // which is required for flake-free unit testing.
    st := <
    pos := st.pos <- st
    go w.readLogsLocked(ctx, pos, config, watcher)
    return watcher

// tailFiles must be called with w.fsopMu locked for reads.
// w.fsopMu.RUnlock() is called before returning.
func (w *LogFile) tailFiles(ctx context.Context, config logger.ReadConfig, watcher *logger.LogWatcher, current SizeReaderAt, dec Decoder, fwd *forwarder) (cont bool) {
    if config.Tail == 0 {
        return true

    ctx, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "logger.Logfile.TailLogs")
    defer func() {
        span.SetAttributes(attribute.Bool("continue", cont))

    files, err := w.openRotatedFiles(ctx, config)

    if err != nil {
        // TODO: Should we allow this to continue (as in set `cont=true`) and not error out the log stream?
        err = errors.Wrap(err, "error opening rotated log files")
        watcher.Err <- err
        return false

    if current.Size() > 0 {
        files = append(files, &sizeReaderAtOpener{current, "current"})

    return tailFiles(ctx, files, watcher, dec, w.getTailReader, config.Tail, fwd)

type sizeReaderAtOpener struct {
    ref string

func (o *sizeReaderAtOpener) ReaderAt(context.Context) (sizeReaderAtCloser, error) {
    return &sizeReaderAtWithCloser{o, nil}, nil

func (o *sizeReaderAtOpener) Close() {}

func (o *sizeReaderAtOpener) Ref() string {
    return o.ref

type sizeReaderAtWithCloser struct {
    close func() error

func (r *sizeReaderAtWithCloser) ReadAt(p []byte, offset int64) (int, error) {
    if r.SizeReaderAt == nil {
        return 0, io.EOF
    return r.SizeReaderAt.ReadAt(p, offset)

func (r *sizeReaderAtWithCloser) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
    if r.SizeReaderAt == nil {
        return 0, io.EOF
    return r.SizeReaderAt.Read(p)

func (r *sizeReaderAtWithCloser) Size() int64 {
    if r.SizeReaderAt == nil {
        return 0
    return r.SizeReaderAt.Size()

func (r *sizeReaderAtWithCloser) Close() error {
    if r.close != nil {
        return r.close()
    return nil

// readLogsLocked is the bulk of the implementation of ReadLogs.
// w.fsopMu must be locked for reading when calling this method.
// w.fsopMu.RUnlock() is called before returning.
func (w *LogFile) readLogsLocked(ctx context.Context, currentPos logPos, config logger.ReadConfig, watcher *logger.LogWatcher) {
    ctx, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "logger.Logfile.ReadLogsLocked")
    defer span.End()

    defer close(watcher.Msg)

    currentFile, err := open(w.f.Name())
    if err != nil {
        watcher.Err <- err
    defer currentFile.Close()

    dec := w.createDecoder(nil)
    defer dec.Close()

    fwd := newForwarder(config)

    // At this point, w.tailFiles is responsible for unlocking w.fsopmu
    ok := w.tailFiles(ctx, config, watcher, io.NewSectionReader(currentFile, 0, currentPos.size), dec, fwd)

    if !ok {

    if !config.Follow {

        LogFile:   w,
        Watcher:   watcher,
        Decoder:   dec,
        Forwarder: fwd,
    }).Do(ctx, currentFile, currentPos)

type fileOpener interface {
    ReaderAt(context.Context) (ra sizeReaderAtCloser, err error)
    Ref() string

// simpleFileOpener just holds a reference to an already open file
type simpleFileOpener struct {
    f      *os.File
    sz     int64
    closed bool

func (o *simpleFileOpener) ReaderAt(context.Context) (sizeReaderAtCloser, error) {
    if o.closed {
        return nil, errors.New("file is closed")

    if == 0 {
        stat, err := o.f.Stat()
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error stating file")
        } = stat.Size()
    return &sizeReaderAtWithCloser{io.NewSectionReader(o.f, 0,, nil}, nil

func (o *simpleFileOpener) Ref() string {
    return o.f.Name()

func (o *simpleFileOpener) Close() {
    _ = o.f.Close()
    o.closed = true

// converter function used by shareTempFileConverter
func decompress(dst io.WriteSeeker, src io.ReadSeeker) error {
    if _, err := src.Seek(0, io.SeekStart); err != nil {
        return err
    rc, err := gzip.NewReader(src)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    _, err = pools.Copy(dst, rc)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return rc.Close()

// compressedFileOpener holds a reference to compressed a log file and will
// lazily open a decompressed version of the file.
type compressedFileOpener struct {
    closed bool

    f *os.File

    lf       *LogFile
    ifBefore time.Time

func (cfo *compressedFileOpener) ReaderAt(ctx context.Context) (_ sizeReaderAtCloser, retErr error) {
    _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "logger.Logfile.Compressed.ReaderAt")
    defer func() {
        if retErr != nil {

    span.SetAttributes(attribute.String("file", cfo.f.Name()))

    if cfo.closed {
        return nil, errors.New("compressed file closed")

    gzr, err := gzip.NewReader(cfo.f)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer gzr.Close()

    // Extract the last log entry timestamp from the gzip header
    // Use this to determine if we even need to read this file based on inputs
    extra := &rotateFileMetadata{}
    err = json.Unmarshal(gzr.Header.Extra, extra)
    if err == nil && !extra.LastTime.IsZero() && extra.LastTime.Before(cfo.ifBefore) {
        span.SetAttributes(attribute.Bool("skip", true))
        return &sizeReaderAtWithCloser{}, nil
    if err == nil {
        span.SetAttributes(attribute.Stringer("lastLogTime", extra.LastTime))

    span.AddEvent("Start decompress")
    return cfo.lf.decompress.Do(cfo.f)

func (cfo *compressedFileOpener) Close() {
    cfo.closed = true

func (cfo *compressedFileOpener) Ref() string {
    return cfo.f.Name()

type emptyFileOpener struct{}

func (emptyFileOpener) ReaderAt(context.Context) (sizeReaderAtCloser, error) {
    return &sizeReaderAtWithCloser{}, nil

func (emptyFileOpener) Close() {}

func (emptyFileOpener) Ref() string {
    return "null"

// openRotatedFiles returns a slice of files open for reading, in order from
// oldest to newest, and calls w.fsopMu.RUnlock() before returning.
// This method must only be called with w.fsopMu locked for reading.
func (w *LogFile) openRotatedFiles(ctx context.Context, config logger.ReadConfig) (_ []fileOpener, retErr error) {
    var out []fileOpener

    defer func() {
        if retErr != nil {
            for _, fo := range out {

    for i := w.maxFiles; i > 1; i-- {
        fo, err := w.openRotatedFile(ctx, i-1, config)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        out = append(out, fo)

    return out, nil

func (w *LogFile) openRotatedFile(ctx context.Context, i int, config logger.ReadConfig) (fileOpener, error) {
    f, err := open(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", w.f.Name(), i))
    if err == nil {
        return &simpleFileOpener{
            f: f,
        }, nil

    if !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error opening rotated log file")

    f, err = open(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d.gz", w.f.Name(), i))
    if err != nil {
        if !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error opening file for decompression")
        return &emptyFileOpener{}, nil

    return &compressedFileOpener{
        f:        f,
        lf:       w,
        ifBefore: config.Since,
    }, nil

// This is used to improve type safety around tailing logs
// Some log readers require the log file to be closed, so this makes sure all
// implementers have a closer even if it may be a no-op.
// This is opposed to asserting a type.
type sizeReaderAtCloser interface {

func getTailFiles(ctx context.Context, files []fileOpener, nLines int, getTailReader GetTailReaderFunc) (_ []sizeReaderAtCloser, retErr error) {
    ctx, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "logger.Logfile.CollectTailFiles")
    span.SetAttributes(attribute.Int("requested_lines", nLines))

    defer func() {
        if retErr != nil {
    out := make([]sizeReaderAtCloser, 0, len(files))

    defer func() {
        if retErr != nil {
            for _, ra := range out {
                if err := ra.Close(); err != nil {
                    log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Warn("Error closing log reader")

    if nLines <= 0 {
        for _, fo := range files {
            span.AddEvent("Open file", trace.WithAttributes(attribute.String("file", fo.Ref())))

            ra, err := fo.ReaderAt(ctx)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
            out = append(out, ra)

        return out, nil

    for i := len(files) - 1; i >= 0 && nLines > 0; i-- {
        if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "stopping parsing files to tail due to error")

        fo := files[i]

        fileAttr := attribute.String("file", fo.Ref())
        span.AddEvent("Open file", trace.WithAttributes(fileAttr))

        ra, err := fo.ReaderAt(ctx)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        span.AddEvent("Scan file to tail", trace.WithAttributes(fileAttr, attribute.Int("remaining_lines", nLines)))

        tail, n, err := getTailReader(ctx, ra, nLines)
        if err != nil {
            log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Warn("Error scanning log file for tail file request, skipping")
        nLines -= n
        out = append(out, &sizeReaderAtWithCloser{tail, ra.Close})


    return out, nil

func tailFiles(ctx context.Context, files []fileOpener, watcher *logger.LogWatcher, dec Decoder, getTailReader GetTailReaderFunc, nLines int, fwd *forwarder) (cont bool) {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    defer cancel()

    go func() {
        select {
        case <-ctx.Done():
        case <-watcher.WatchConsumerGone():

    readers, err := getTailFiles(ctx, files, nLines, getTailReader)
    if err != nil {
        watcher.Err <- err
        return false

    var idx int
    defer func() {
        // Make sure all are released if there is an early return.
        if !cont {
            for _, r := range readers[idx:] {
                if err := r.Close(); err != nil {
                    log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Debug("Error closing log reader")

    for _, ra := range readers {
        ra := ra
        select {
        case <-watcher.WatchConsumerGone():
            return false
        case <-ctx.Done():
            return false


        cancel := context.AfterFunc(ctx, func() {
            if err := ra.Close(); err != nil {
                log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Debug("Error closing log reader")

        ok := fwd.Do(ctx, watcher, func() (*logger.Message, error) {
            msg, err := dec.Decode()
            if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
                // We have an error decoding the stream, but we don't want to error out
                // the whole log reader.
                // If we return anything other than EOF then the forwarder will return
                // false and we'll exit the loop.
                // Instead just log the error here and return an EOF so we can move to
                // the next file.
                log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Warn("Error decoding log file")
                return nil, io.EOF
            return msg, err
        if !ok {
            return false

    return true

type forwarder struct {
    since, until time.Time

func newForwarder(config logger.ReadConfig) *forwarder {
    return &forwarder{since: config.Since, until: config.Until}

// Do reads log messages from dec and sends the messages matching the filter
// conditions to watcher. Do returns cont=true iff it has read all messages from
// dec without encountering a message with a timestamp which is after the
// configured until time.
func (fwd *forwarder) Do(ctx context.Context, watcher *logger.LogWatcher, next func() (*logger.Message, error)) (cont bool) {
    ctx, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "logger.Logfile.Forward")
    defer func() {
        span.SetAttributes(attribute.Bool("continue", cont))

    for {
        select {
        case <-watcher.WatchConsumerGone():
            span.AddEvent("watch consumer gone")
            return false
        case <-ctx.Done():
            return false

        msg, err := next()
        if err != nil {
            if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
                return true
            log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Debug("Error while decoding log entry, not continuing")
            return false

        if !fwd.since.IsZero() {
            if msg.Timestamp.Before(fwd.since) {
            // We've found our first message with a timestamp >= since. As message
            // timestamps might not be monotonic, we need to skip the since check for all
            // subsequent messages so we do not filter out later messages which happen to
            // have timestamps before since.
            fwd.since = time.Time{}
        if !fwd.until.IsZero() && msg.Timestamp.After(fwd.until) {
            log.G(ctx).Debug("Log is newer than requested window, skipping remaining logs")
            return false

        select {
        case <-ctx.Done():
            return false
        case <-watcher.WatchConsumerGone():
            span.AddEvent("watch consumer gone")
            return false
        case watcher.Msg <- msg: