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Test Coverage
package daemon // import ""

import (

    containertypes ""

func (daemon *Daemon) stats(c *container.Container) (*containertypes.StatsResponse, error) {
    task, err := c.GetRunningTask()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Obtain the stats from HCS via libcontainerd
    stats, err := task.Stats(context.Background())
    if err != nil {
        if errdefs.IsNotFound(err) {
            return nil, containerNotFound(c.ID)
        return nil, err

    // Start with an empty structure
    s := &containertypes.StatsResponse{}
    s.Stats.Read = stats.Read
    s.Stats.NumProcs = platform.NumProcs()

    if stats.HCSStats != nil {
        hcss := stats.HCSStats
        // Populate the CPU/processor statistics
        s.CPUStats = containertypes.CPUStats{
            CPUUsage: containertypes.CPUUsage{
                TotalUsage:        hcss.Processor.TotalRuntime100ns,
                UsageInKernelmode: hcss.Processor.RuntimeKernel100ns,
                UsageInUsermode:   hcss.Processor.RuntimeUser100ns,

        // Populate the memory statistics
        s.MemoryStats = containertypes.MemoryStats{
            Commit:            hcss.Memory.UsageCommitBytes,
            CommitPeak:        hcss.Memory.UsageCommitPeakBytes,
            PrivateWorkingSet: hcss.Memory.UsagePrivateWorkingSetBytes,

        // Populate the storage statistics
        s.StorageStats = containertypes.StorageStats{
            ReadCountNormalized:  hcss.Storage.ReadCountNormalized,
            ReadSizeBytes:        hcss.Storage.ReadSizeBytes,
            WriteCountNormalized: hcss.Storage.WriteCountNormalized,
            WriteSizeBytes:       hcss.Storage.WriteSizeBytes,

        // Populate the network statistics
        s.Networks = make(map[string]containertypes.NetworkStats)
        for _, nstats := range hcss.Network {
            s.Networks[nstats.EndpointId] = containertypes.NetworkStats{
                RxBytes:   nstats.BytesReceived,
                RxPackets: nstats.PacketsReceived,
                RxDropped: nstats.DroppedPacketsIncoming,
                TxBytes:   nstats.BytesSent,
                TxPackets: nstats.PacketsSent,
                TxDropped: nstats.DroppedPacketsOutgoing,
    return s, nil

// Windows network stats are obtained directly through HCS, hence this is a no-op.
func (daemon *Daemon) getNetworkStats(c *container.Container) (map[string]containertypes.NetworkStats, error) {
    return make(map[string]containertypes.NetworkStats), nil

// getSystemCPUUsage returns the host system's cpu usage in
// nanoseconds and number of online CPUs. An error is returned
// if the format of the underlying file does not match.
// This is a no-op on Windows.
func getSystemCPUUsage() (uint64, uint32, error) {
    return 0, 0, nil