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# ampl

Ampl transforms your Markdown into ***AMP-compliant html*** so it loads super-fast!

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## Why?

Google is putting their clout behind the AMP
(_**A**ccelerated **M**obile **P**ages_) Project
to help speed up page load times on the Mobile Web:

This module lets you convert Markdown (`.md`) files to AMP-compliant `.html`
so that you can serve them up to mobile clients *much* faster.

## What?

For many, reading on the mobile web is a slow, clunky and frustrating experience - but it doesn’t have to be that way.
The Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project is an open source initiative that embodies the vision that publishers
can create mobile optimized content once and have it load instantly everywhere.

> Read:

## How?

The best place to understand how AMP works is on
the official "*How it Works*" page:

### Usage Example

#### install `ampl` from NPM

First install the module from npm:

npm install ampl --save

#### use `ampl.parse` in your code

Then in your **ES5** code:

var ampl = require('ampl');
var markdownString = '# Hello World!'; // or read from a .md file
var cssStyle = 'h1 { color: green; }'; // or load your style.css file
ampl.parse(markdownString, {style: cssStyle}, function(ampHtml) {

*Alternatively*, if you are already using ***ES6*** in your project, write:
import { parse } from 'ampl';
const markdownString = '# Hello World!'; // or read from a .md file
const cssStyle = 'h1 { color: green; }'; // or load your style.css file
parse(markdownString, cssStyle, function(ampHtml) {

This simple example is in `example/simple.js`
To *run* this example, execute the following command in your terminal:

./node_modules/babel-cli/bin/babel-node.js example/simple.js

This will output the following AMP-Compliant `html`:
<html amp>
  <head >
    <meta charset='utf-8'></meta>
    <link rel='canonical' href='default.html'></link>
    <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width,minimum-scale=1,initial-scale=1'></meta>
    <style amp-custom>
      h1 { color: green; }
    <style >body {opacity: 0}</style><noscript ><style >body {opacity: 1}</style></noscript>
    <script async src=''></script>
    <title >Index</title>

    <div class="wrapper-main">
      <body >
    <h1 >Hello World!</h1>

When viewed in a *Browser*:

> More elaborate example to follow...

## Documentation
### `ampl.parse`
 - `markdown` - (***required***) markdown string to be parsed
 - `options` - (***required***)
   - `headOverride` - (***optional***) custom html head to use if you do not want to use one generated by ampl. ***Using this option will mean other options will have no effect***
   - `style` - (***optional***) css string to style the output html
   - `title` - (***optional***) sets the title property in the page
   - `canonicalUrl`- (***optional***) sets the canonicalUrl of the page
   - `extraHeadHTML`- (***optional***) extra html to be inserted into the bottom of the head
 - `callback(res)` - callback function with
   - `res` - a string constaining html string for ampl page

### `ampl.markdown2AmpHTML`
 - `options` - (***required***)
   - `markdown` - (***required***) markdown string to be parsed 
 - `callback(res)` - callback function with
   - `res` - a string constaining html string for ampl page

## Background Reading

+ The AMP Spec:

## Questions?

> If you have any questions please ask: