# typed: true
# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `rubocop-rspec` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem rubocop-rspec`.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec.rb#3
module RuboCop; end
class RuboCop::AST::Node < ::Parser::AST::Node
include ::RuboCop::RSpec::Node
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/final_end_location.rb#4
module RuboCop::Cop; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/final_end_location.rb#5
module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec; end
# Checks that left braces for adjacent single line lets are aligned.
# @example
# # bad
# let(:foobar) { blahblah }
# let(:baz) { bar }
# let(:a) { b }
# # good
# let(:foobar) { blahblah }
# let(:baz) { bar }
# let(:a) { b }
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/align_left_let_brace.rb#19
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::AlignLeftLetBrace < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/align_left_let_brace.rb#28
def on_new_investigation; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/align_left_let_brace.rb#43
def token_aligner; end
class << self
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/align_left_let_brace.rb#24
def autocorrect_incompatible_with; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/align_left_let_brace.rb#22
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::AlignLeftLetBrace::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks that right braces for adjacent single line lets are aligned.
# @example
# # bad
# let(:foobar) { blahblah }
# let(:baz) { bar }
# let(:a) { b }
# # good
# let(:foobar) { blahblah }
# let(:baz) { bar }
# let(:a) { b }
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/align_right_let_brace.rb#19
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::AlignRightLetBrace < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/align_right_let_brace.rb#28
def on_new_investigation; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/align_right_let_brace.rb#43
def token_aligner; end
class << self
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/align_right_let_brace.rb#24
def autocorrect_incompatible_with; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/align_right_let_brace.rb#22
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::AlignRightLetBrace::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Check that instances are not being stubbed globally.
# Prefer instance doubles over stubbing any instance of a class
# @example
# # bad
# describe MyClass do
# before { allow_any_instance_of(MyClass).to receive(:foo) }
# end
# # good
# describe MyClass do
# let(:my_instance) { instance_double(MyClass) }
# before do
# allow(MyClass).to receive(:new).and_return(my_instance)
# allow(my_instance).to receive(:foo)
# end
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/any_instance.rb#26
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::AnyInstance < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/any_instance.rb#34
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/any_instance.rb#27
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::AnyInstance::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/any_instance.rb#28
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::AnyInstance::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks that around blocks actually run the test.
# @example
# # bad
# around do
# some_method
# end
# around do |test|
# some_method
# end
# # good
# around do |test|
# some_method
# end
# around do |test|
# some_method
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/around_block.rb#29
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::AroundBlock < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/around_block.rb#45
def find_arg_usage(param0); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/around_block.rb#35
def hook_block(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/around_block.rb#40
def hook_numblock(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/around_block.rb#49
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/around_block.rb#59
def on_numblock(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/around_block.rb#67
def add_no_arg_offense(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/around_block.rb#84
def check_for_numblock(block); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/around_block.rb#71
def check_for_unused_proxy(block, proxy); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/around_block.rb#30
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::AroundBlock::MSG_NO_ARG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/around_block.rb#31
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::AroundBlock::MSG_UNUSED_ARG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# @abstract parent class to RSpec cops
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/base.rb#7
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::RSpec::Language
extend ::RuboCop::RSpec::Language::NodePattern
# Set the config for dynamic DSL configuration-aware helpers
# that have no other means of accessing the configuration.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/base.rb#20
def on_new_investigation; end
class << self
# Invoke the original inherited hook so our cops are recognized
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/base.rb#14
def inherited(subclass); end
# Check for expectations where `be` is used without argument.
# The `be` matcher is too generic, as it pass on everything that is not
# nil or false. If that is the exact intend, use `be_truthy`. In all other
# cases it's better to specify what exactly is the expected value.
# @example
# # bad
# expect(foo).to be
# # good
# expect(foo).to be_truthy
# expect(foo).to be 1.0
# expect(foo).to be(true)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be.rb#21
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Be < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be.rb#27
def be_without_args(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be.rb#31
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be.rb#22
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Be::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be.rb#24
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Be::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Prefer using `be_empty` when checking for an empty array.
# @example
# # bad
# expect(array).to contain_exactly
# expect(array).to match_array([])
# # good
# expect(array).to be_empty
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_empty.rb#16
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeEmpty < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_empty.rb#23
def expect_array_matcher?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_empty.rb#34
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_empty.rb#19
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeEmpty::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_empty.rb#20
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeEmpty::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Check for expectations where `be(...)` can replace `eq(...)`.
# The `be` matcher compares by identity while the `eq` matcher compares
# using `==`. Booleans and nil can be compared by identity and therefore
# the `be` matcher is preferable as it is a more strict test.
# @example
# # bad
# expect(foo).to eq(true)
# expect(foo).to eq(false)
# expect(foo).to eq(nil)
# # good
# expect(foo).to be(true)
# expect(foo).to be(false)
# expect(foo).to be(nil)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_eq.rb#26
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeEq < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_eq.rb#33
def eq_type_with_identity?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_eq.rb#37
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_eq.rb#29
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeEq::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_eq.rb#30
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeEq::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Check for expectations where `be(...)` can replace `eql(...)`.
# The `be` matcher compares by identity while the `eql` matcher
# compares using `eql?`. Integers, floats, booleans, symbols, and nil
# can be compared by identity and therefore the `be` matcher is
# preferable as it is a more strict test.
# This cop only looks for instances of `expect(...).to eql(...)`. We
# do not check `to_not` or `not_to` since `!eql?` is more strict
# than `!equal?`. We also do not try to flag `eq` because if
# `a == b`, and `b` is comparable by identity, `a` is still not
# necessarily the same type as `b` since the `#==` operator can
# coerce objects for comparison.
# @example
# # bad
# expect(foo).to eql(1)
# expect(foo).to eql(1.0)
# expect(foo).to eql(true)
# expect(foo).to eql(false)
# expect(foo).to eql(:bar)
# expect(foo).to eql(nil)
# # good
# expect(foo).to be(1)
# expect(foo).to be(1.0)
# expect(foo).to be(true)
# expect(foo).to be(false)
# expect(foo).to be(:bar)
# expect(foo).to be(nil)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_eql.rb#40
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeEql < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_eql.rb#47
def eql_type_with_identity(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_eql.rb#51
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_eql.rb#43
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeEql::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_eql.rb#44
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeEql::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Ensures a consistent style is used when matching `nil`.
# You can either use the more specific `be_nil` matcher, or the more
# generic `be` matcher with a `nil` argument.
# This cop can be configured using the `EnforcedStyle` option
# @example `EnforcedStyle: be_nil` (default)
# # bad
# expect(foo).to be(nil)
# # good
# expect(foo).to be_nil
# @example `EnforcedStyle: be`
# # bad
# expect(foo).to be_nil
# # good
# expect(foo).to be(nil)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_nil.rb#27
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeNil < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_nil.rb#36
def be_nil_matcher?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_nil.rb#41
def nil_value_expectation?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_nil.rb#45
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_nil.rb#64
def check_be_nil_style(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_nil.rb#56
def check_be_style(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_nil.rb#31
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeNil::BE_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_nil.rb#32
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeNil::BE_NIL_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_nil.rb#33
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeNil::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Check that before/after(:all) isn't being used.
# @example
# # bad
# #
# # Faster but risk of state leaking between examples
# #
# describe MyClass do
# before(:all) { Widget.create }
# after(:all) { Widget.delete_all }
# end
# # good
# #
# # Slower but examples are properly isolated
# #
# describe MyClass do
# before(:each) { Widget.create }
# after(:each) { Widget.delete_all }
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/before_after_all.rb#27
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeforeAfterAll < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/before_after_all.rb#36
def before_or_after_all(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/before_after_all.rb#40
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/before_after_all.rb#28
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeforeAfterAll::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/before_after_all.rb#33
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeforeAfterAll::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/current_path_expectation.rb#6
module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Capybara; end
# Checks that no expectations are set on Capybara's `current_path`.
# The
#[`have_current_path` matcher]
# should be used on `page` to set expectations on Capybara's
# current path, since it uses
#[Capybara's waiting functionality]
# which ensures that preceding actions (like `click_link`) have
# completed.
# This cop does not support autocorrection in some cases.
# @example
# # bad
# expect(current_path).to eq('/callback')
# # good
# expect(page).to have_current_path('/callback')
# # bad (does not support autocorrection)
# expect(page.current_path).to match(variable)
# # good
# expect(page).to have_current_path('/callback')
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/current_path_expectation.rb#34
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Capybara::CurrentPathExpectation = RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::CurrentPathExpectation
# Checks for consistent method usage in feature specs.
# By default, the cop disables all Capybara-specific methods that have
# the same native RSpec method (e.g. are just aliases). Some teams
# however may prefer using some of the Capybara methods (like `feature`)
# to make it obvious that the test uses Capybara, while still disable
# the rest of the methods, like `given` (alias for `let`), `background`
# (alias for `before`), etc. You can configure which of the methods to
# be enabled by using the EnabledMethods configuration option.
# @example
# # bad
# feature 'User logs in' do
# given(:user) { }
# background do
# visit new_session_path
# end
# scenario 'with OAuth' do
# # ...
# end
# end
# # good
# describe 'User logs in' do
# let(:user) { }
# before do
# visit new_session_path
# end
# it 'with OAuth' do
# # ...
# end
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/feature_methods.rb#44
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Capybara::FeatureMethods < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InsideExampleGroup
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/feature_methods.rb#61
def capybara_speak(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/feature_methods.rb#66
def feature_method(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/feature_methods.rb#84
def message(range); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/feature_methods.rb#72
def on_block(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/feature_methods.rb#91
def enabled?(method_name); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/feature_methods.rb#95
def enabled_methods; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/feature_methods.rb#51
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Capybara::FeatureMethods::MAP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/feature_methods.rb#48
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Capybara::FeatureMethods::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for usage of deprecated style methods.
# @example when using `assert_style`
# # bad
# page.find(:css, '#first').assert_style(display: 'block')
# # good
# page.find(:css, '#first').assert_matches_style(display: 'block')
# @example when using `has_style?`
# # bad
# expect(page.find(:css, 'first')
# .has_style?(display: 'block')).to be true
# # good
# expect(page.find(:css, 'first')
# .matches_style?(display: 'block')).to be true
# @example when using `have_style`
# # bad
# expect(page).to have_style(display: 'block')
# # good
# expect(page).to match_style(display: 'block')
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/match_style.rb#34
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Capybara::MatchStyle = RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::MatchStyle
# Enforces use of `have_no_*` or `not_to` for negated expectations.
# @example EnforcedStyle: not_to (default)
# # bad
# expect(page).to have_no_selector
# expect(page).to have_no_css('a')
# # good
# expect(page).not_to have_selector
# expect(page).not_to have_css('a')
# @example EnforcedStyle: have_no
# # bad
# expect(page).not_to have_selector
# expect(page).not_to have_css('a')
# # good
# expect(page).to have_no_selector
# expect(page).to have_no_css('a')
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/negation_matcher.rb#29
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Capybara::NegationMatcher = RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::NegationMatcher
# Checks for there is a more specific actions offered by Capybara.
# @example
# # bad
# find('a').click
# find('button.cls').click
# find('a', exact_text: 'foo').click
# find('div button').click
# # good
# click_link
# click_button(class: 'cls')
# click_link(exact_text: 'foo')
# find('div').click_button
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/specific_actions.rb#25
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Capybara::SpecificActions = RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::SpecificActions
# Checks if there is a more specific finder offered by Capybara.
# @example
# # bad
# find('#some-id')
# find('[visible][id=some-id]')
# # good
# find_by_id('some-id')
# find_by_id('some-id', visible: true)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/specific_finders.rb#20
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Capybara::SpecificFinders = RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::SpecificFinders
# Checks for there is a more specific matcher offered by Capybara.
# @example
# # bad
# expect(page).to have_selector('button')
# expect(page).to have_no_selector('button.cls')
# expect(page).to have_css('button')
# expect(page).to have_no_css('a.cls', href: '')
# expect(page).to have_css('table.cls')
# expect(page).to have_css('select')
# expect(page).to have_css('input', exact_text: 'foo')
# # good
# expect(page).to have_button
# expect(page).to have_no_button(class: 'cls')
# expect(page).to have_button
# expect(page).to have_no_link('foo', class: 'cls', href: '')
# expect(page).to have_table(class: 'cls')
# expect(page).to have_select
# expect(page).to have_field('foo')
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/specific_matcher.rb#31
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Capybara::SpecificMatcher = RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::SpecificMatcher
# Checks for boolean visibility in Capybara finders.
# Capybara lets you find elements that match a certain visibility
# using the `:visible` option. `:visible` accepts both boolean and
# symbols as values, however using booleans can have unwanted
# effects. `visible: false` does not find just invisible elements,
# but both visible and invisible elements. For expressiveness and
# clarity, use one of the # symbol values, `:all`, `:hidden` or
# `:visible`.
#[the documentation].
# @example
# # bad
# expect(page).to have_selector('.foo', visible: false)
# expect(page).to have_css('.foo', visible: true)
# expect(page).to have_link('my link', visible: false)
# # good
# expect(page).to have_selector('.foo', visible: :visible)
# expect(page).to have_css('.foo', visible: :all)
# expect(page).to have_link('my link', visible: :hidden)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/visibility_matcher.rb#32
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Capybara::VisibilityMatcher = RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::VisibilityMatcher
# Prefer negated matchers over `to`.
# In the case of composite expectations, cop suggest using the
# negation matchers of `RSpec::Matchers#change`.
# By default the cop does not support autocorrect of
# compound expectations, but if you set the
# negated matcher for `change`, e.g. `not_change` with
# the `NegatedMatcher` option, the cop will perform the autocorrection.
# @example NegatedMatcher: ~ (default)
# # bad
# expect { run }.to change(Foo, :bar).by(0)
# expect { run }.to change { }.by(0)
# # bad - compound expectations (does not support autocorrection)
# expect { run }
# .to change(Foo, :bar).by(0)
# .and change(Foo, :baz).by(0)
# expect { run }
# .to change { }.by(0)
# .and change { Foo.baz }.by(0)
# # good
# expect { run }.not_to change(Foo, :bar)
# expect { run }.not_to change { }
# # good - compound expectations
# define_negated_matcher :not_change, :change
# expect { run }
# .to not_change(Foo, :bar)
# .and not_change(Foo, :baz)
# expect { run }
# .to not_change { }
# .and not_change { Foo.baz }
# @example NegatedMatcher: not_change
# # bad (support autocorrection to good case)
# expect { run }
# .to change(Foo, :bar).by(0)
# .and change(Foo, :baz).by(0)
# expect { run }
# .to change { }.by(0)
# .and change { Foo.baz }.by(0)
# # good
# define_negated_matcher :not_change, :change
# expect { run }
# .to not_change(Foo, :bar)
# .and not_change(Foo, :baz)
# expect { run }
# .to not_change { }
# .and not_change { Foo.baz }
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#60
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ChangeByZero < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#86
def change_nodes(param0); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#69
def expect_change_with_arguments(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#76
def expect_change_with_block(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#90
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#131
def autocorrect(corrector, node, change_node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#138
def autocorrect_compound(corrector, node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#118
def compound_expectations?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#122
def message(change_node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#126
def message_compound(change_node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#148
def negated_matcher; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#152
def preferred_method; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#103
def register_offense(node, change_node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#65
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ChangeByZero::CHANGE_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#62
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ChangeByZero::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#63
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ChangeByZero::MSG_COMPOUND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#66
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ChangeByZero::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# Enforces consistent use of `be_a` or `be_kind_of`.
# @example EnforcedStyle: be_a (default)
# # bad
# expect(object).to be_kind_of(String)
# expect(object).to be_a_kind_of(String)
# # good
# expect(object).to be_a(String)
# expect(object).to be_an(String)
# @example EnforcedStyle: be_kind_of
# # bad
# expect(object).to be_a(String)
# expect(object).to be_an(String)
# # good
# expect(object).to be_kind_of(String)
# expect(object).to be_a_kind_of(String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#26
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ClassCheck < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#54
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#67
def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#71
def format_message(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#79
def offending?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#87
def preferred_method_name; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#83
def preferred_method_name?(method_name); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#91
def preferred_method_names; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#32
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ClassCheck::METHOD_NAMES_FOR_BE_A = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#37
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ClassCheck::METHOD_NAMES_FOR_KIND_OF = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#30
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ClassCheck::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#42
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ClassCheck::PREFERRED_METHOD_NAME_BY_STYLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#47
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ClassCheck::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Help methods for working with nodes containing comments.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/comments_help.rb#7
module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::CommentsHelp
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FinalEndLocation
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/comments_help.rb#17
def begin_pos_with_comment(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/comments_help.rb#32
def buffer; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/comments_help.rb#27
def end_line_position(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/comments_help.rb#10
def source_range_with_comment(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/comments_help.rb#23
def start_line_position(node); end
# Checks where `contain_exactly` is used.
# This cop checks for the following:
# - Prefer `match_array` when matching array values.
# - Prefer `be_empty` when using `contain_exactly` with no arguments.
# @example
# # bad
# it { contain_exactly(*array1, *array2) }
# # good
# it { match_array(array1 + array2) }
# # good
# it { contain_exactly(content, *array) }
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/contain_exactly.rb#22
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ContainExactly < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/contain_exactly.rb#28
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/contain_exactly.rb#44
def autocorrect_for_populated_array(node, corrector); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/contain_exactly.rb#36
def check_populated_collection(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/contain_exactly.rb#25
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ContainExactly::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/contain_exactly.rb#26
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ContainExactly::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# `context` should not be used for specifying methods.
# @example
# # bad
# context '#foo_bar' do
# # ...
# end
# context '.foo_bar' do
# # ...
# end
# # good
# describe '#foo_bar' do
# # ...
# end
# describe '.foo_bar' do
# # ...
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_method.rb#27
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ContextMethod < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_method.rb#33
def context_method(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_method.rb#41
def on_block(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_method.rb#51
def method_name?(description); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_method.rb#30
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ContextMethod::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks that `context` docstring starts with an allowed prefix.
# The default list of prefixes is minimal. Users are encouraged to tailor
# the configuration to meet project needs. Other acceptable prefixes may
# include `if`, `unless`, `for`, `before`, `after`, or `during`.
# They may consist of multiple words if desired.
# This cop can be customized allowed context description pattern
# with `AllowedPatterns`. By default, there are no checking by pattern.
# @example `Prefixes` configuration
# # .rubocop.yml
# # RSpec/ContextWording:
# # Prefixes:
# # - when
# # - with
# # - without
# # - if
# # - unless
# # - for
# @example
# # bad
# context 'the display name not present' do
# # ...
# end
# # good
# context 'when the display name is not present' do
# # ...
# end
# @example `AllowedPatterns` configuration
# # .rubocop.yml
# # RSpec/ContextWording:
# # AllowedPatterns:
# # - とき$
# @example
# # bad
# context '条件を満たす' do
# # ...
# end
# # good
# context '条件を満たすとき' do
# # ...
# end
# @see
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_wording.rb#58
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ContextWording < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::AllowedPattern
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_wording.rb#64
def context_wording(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_wording.rb#68
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_wording.rb#79
def allowed_patterns; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_wording.rb#87
def bad_pattern?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_wording.rb#93
def description(context); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_wording.rb#101
def expect_patterns; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_wording.rb#83
def prefix_regexes; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_wording.rb#111
def prefixes; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_wording.rb#61
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ContextWording::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Check that the first argument to the top-level describe is a constant.
# It can be configured to ignore strings when certain metadata is passed.
# Ignores Rails and Aruba `type` metadata by default.
# @example `IgnoredMetadata` configuration
# # .rubocop.yml
# # RSpec/DescribeClass:
# # IgnoredMetadata:
# # type:
# # - request
# # - controller
# @example
# # bad
# describe 'Do something' do
# end
# # good
# describe TestedClass do
# subject { described_class }
# end
# describe 'TestedClass::VERSION' do
# subject { Object.const_get(self.class.description) }
# end
# describe "A feature example", type: :feature do
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_class.rb#37
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DescribeClass < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::TopLevelGroup
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_class.rb#44
def example_group_with_ignored_metadata?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_class.rb#49
def not_a_const_described(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_class.rb#58
def on_top_level_group(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_class.rb#54
def sym_pair(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_class.rb#79
def ignored_metadata; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_class.rb#68
def ignored_metadata?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_class.rb#74
def string_constant?(described); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_class.rb#40
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DescribeClass::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks that the second argument to `describe` specifies a method.
# @example
# # bad
# describe MyClass, 'do something' do
# end
# # good
# describe MyClass, '#my_instance_method' do
# end
# describe MyClass, '.my_class_method' do
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_method.rb#20
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DescribeMethod < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::TopLevelGroup
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_method.rb#34
def method_name?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_method.rb#38
def on_top_level_group(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_method.rb#27
def second_string_literal_argument(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_method.rb#46
def method_name_prefix?(description); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_method.rb#23
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DescribeMethod::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Avoid describing symbols.
# @example
# # bad
# describe :my_method do
# # ...
# end
# # good
# describe '#my_method' do
# # ...
# end
# @see
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_symbol.rb#20
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DescribeSymbol < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_symbol.rb#25
def describe_symbol?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_symbol.rb#29
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_symbol.rb#21
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DescribeSymbol::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_symbol.rb#22
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DescribeSymbol::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks that tests use `described_class`.
# If the first argument of describe is a class, the class is exposed to
# each example via described_class.
# This cop can be configured using the `EnforcedStyle` and `SkipBlocks`
# options.
# There's a known caveat with rspec-rails's `controller` helper that
# runs its block in a different context, and `described_class` is not
# available to it. `SkipBlocks` option excludes detection in all
# non-RSpec related blocks.
# To narrow down this setting to only a specific directory, it is
# possible to use an overriding configuration file local to that
# directory.
# @example `EnforcedStyle: described_class` (default)
# # bad
# describe MyClass do
# subject { MyClass.do_something }
# end
# # good
# describe MyClass do
# subject { described_class.do_something }
# end
# @example `EnforcedStyle: explicit`
# # bad
# describe MyClass do
# subject { described_class.do_something }
# end
# # good
# describe MyClass do
# subject { MyClass.do_something }
# end
# @example `SkipBlocks: true`
# # spec/controllers/.rubocop.yml
# # RSpec/DescribedClass:
# # SkipBlocks: true
# # acceptable
# describe MyConcern do
# controller(ApplicationController) do
# include MyConcern
# end
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#57
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DescribedClass < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Namespace
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#66
def common_instance_exec_closure?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#83
def contains_described_class?(param0); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#78
def described_constant(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#86
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#71
def rspec_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#75
def scope_changing_syntax?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#103
def autocorrect(corrector, match); end
# @example
# # nil represents base constant
# collapse_namespace([], [:C]) # => [:C]
# collapse_namespace([:A, :B], [:C]) # => [:A, :B, :C]
# collapse_namespace([:A, :B], [:B, :C]) # => [:A, :B, :C]
# collapse_namespace([:A, :B], [nil, :C]) # => [nil, :C]
# collapse_namespace([:A, :B], [nil, :B, :C]) # => [nil, :B, :C]
# @param namespace [Array<Symbol>]
# @param const [Array<Symbol>]
# @return [Array<Symbol>]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#179
def collapse_namespace(namespace, const); end
# @example
# const_name(s(:const, nil, :C)) # => [:C]
# const_name(s(:const, s(:const, nil, :M), :C)) # => [:M, :C]
# const_name(s(:const, s(:cbase), :C)) # => [nil, :C]
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
# @return [Array<Symbol>]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#196
def const_name(node); end
# @yield [node]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#113
def find_usage(node, &block); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#164
def full_const_name(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#123
def message(offense); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#142
def offensive?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#150
def offensive_described_class?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#132
def scope_change?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#138
def skippable_block?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#62
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DescribedClass::DESCRIBED_CLASS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#63
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DescribedClass::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Avoid opening modules and defining specs within them.
# @example
# # bad
# module MyModule
# RSpec.describe MyClass do
# # ...
# end
# end
# # good
# RSpec.describe MyModule::MyClass do
# # ...
# end
# @see
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class_module_wrapping.rb#22
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DescribedClassModuleWrapping < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class_module_wrapping.rb#26
def include_rspec_blocks?(param0); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class_module_wrapping.rb#30
def on_module(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class_module_wrapping.rb#23
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DescribedClassModuleWrapping::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Enforces custom RSpec dialects.
# A dialect can be based on the following RSpec methods:
# - describe, context, feature, example_group
# - xdescribe, xcontext, xfeature
# - fdescribe, fcontext, ffeature
# - shared_examples, shared_examples_for, shared_context
# - it, specify, example, scenario, its
# - fit, fspecify, fexample, fscenario, focus
# - xit, xspecify, xexample, xscenario, skip
# - pending
# - prepend_before, before, append_before,
# - around
# - prepend_after, after, append_after
# - let, let!
# - subject, subject!
# - expect, is_expected, expect_any_instance_of
# By default all of the RSpec methods and aliases are allowed. By setting
# a config like:
# RSpec/Dialect:
# PreferredMethods:
# context: describe
# You can expect the following behavior:
# @example
# # bad
# context 'display name presence' do
# # ...
# end
# # good
# describe 'display name presence' do
# # ...
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/dialect.rb#45
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Dialect < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::MethodPreference
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/dialect.rb#54
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/dialect.rb#52
def rspec_method?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/dialect.rb#49
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Dialect::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Avoid duplicated metadata.
# @example
# # bad
# describe 'Something', :a, :a
# # good
# describe 'Something', :a
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/duplicated_metadata.rb#14
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DuplicatedMetadata < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Metadata
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/duplicated_metadata.rb#22
def on_metadata(symbols, _pairs); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/duplicated_metadata.rb#38
def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/duplicated_metadata.rb#50
def duplicated?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/duplicated_metadata.rb#30
def on_metadata_symbol(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/duplicated_metadata.rb#20
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DuplicatedMetadata::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks if an example group does not include any tests.
# @example usage
# # bad
# describe Bacon do
# let(:bacon) { }
# let(:chunkiness) { false }
# context 'extra chunky' do # flagged by rubocop
# let(:chunkiness) { true }
# end
# it 'is chunky' do
# expect(bacon.chunky?).to be_truthy
# end
# end
# # good
# describe Bacon do
# let(:bacon) { }
# let(:chunkiness) { false }
# it 'is chunky' do
# expect(bacon.chunky?).to be_truthy
# end
# end
# # good
# describe Bacon do
# pending 'will add tests later'
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_example_group.rb#38
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyExampleGroup < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# Match example group blocks and yield their body
# @example source that matches
# describe 'example group' do
# it { be }
# end
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
# @yield [RuboCop::AST::Node] example group body
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_example_group.rb#55
def example_group_body(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Match examples, example groups and includes
# @example source that matches
# it { fly }
# describe('non-empty example groups too') { }
# it_behaves_like 'an animal'
# it_behaves_like('a cat') { let(:food) { 'milk' } }
# it_has_root_access
# skip
# it 'will be implemented later'
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
# @return [Array<RuboCop::AST::Node>] matching nodes
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_example_group.rb#73
def example_or_group_or_include?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Matches examples defined in scopes where they could run
# @example source that matches
# it { expect(myself).to be_run }
# describe { it { i_run_as_well } }
# @example source that does not match
# before { it { whatever here won't run anyway } }
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
# @return [Array<RuboCop::AST::Node>] matching nodes
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_example_group.rb#130
def examples?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Match examples or examples inside blocks
# @example source that matches
# it { expect(drink).to be_cold }
# context('when winter') { it { expect(drink).to be_hot } }
# (1..5).each { |divisor| it { divide_by(divisor) } }
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
# @return [Array<RuboCop::AST::Node>] matching nodes
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_example_group.rb#111
def examples_directly_or_in_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Match examples defined inside a block which is not a hook
# @example source that matches
# %w(r g b).each do |color|
# it { have_color(color) }
# end
# @example source that does not match
# before do
# it { fall_into_oblivion }
# end
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
# @return [Array<RuboCop::AST::Node>] matching nodes
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_example_group.rb#97
def examples_inside_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_example_group.rb#138
def on_block(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_example_group.rb#164
def conditionals_with_examples?(body); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_example_group.rb#172
def examples_in_branches?(condition_node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_example_group.rb#153
def offensive?(body); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_example_group.rb#178
def removed_range(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_example_group.rb#43
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyExampleGroup::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for empty before and after hooks.
# @example
# # bad
# before {}
# after do; end
# before(:all) do
# end
# after(:all) { }
# # good
# before { create_users }
# after do
# cleanup_users
# end
# before(:all) do
# create_feed
# end
# after(:all) { cleanup_feed }
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_hook.rb#26
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyHook < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_hook.rb#33
def empty_hook?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_hook.rb#37
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_hook.rb#30
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyHook::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks if there is an empty line after example blocks.
# @example
# # bad
# RSpec.describe Foo do
# it 'does this' do
# end
# it 'does that' do
# end
# end
# # good
# RSpec.describe Foo do
# it 'does this' do
# end
# it 'does that' do
# end
# end
# # fair - it's ok to have non-separated one-liners
# RSpec.describe Foo do
# it { one }
# it { two }
# end
# @example with AllowConsecutiveOneLiners configuration
# # rubocop.yml
# # RSpec/EmptyLineAfterExample:
# # AllowConsecutiveOneLiners: false
# # bad
# RSpec.describe Foo do
# it { one }
# it { two }
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_example.rb#43
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineAfterExample < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FinalEndLocation
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineSeparation
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_example.rb#49
def on_block(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_example.rb#64
def allow_consecutive_one_liners?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_example.rb#60
def allowed_one_liner?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_example.rb#68
def consecutive_one_liner?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_example.rb#72
def next_one_line_example?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_example.rb#47
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineAfterExample::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks if there is an empty line after example group blocks.
# @example
# # bad
# RSpec.describe Foo do
# describe '#bar' do
# end
# describe '#baz' do
# end
# end
# # good
# RSpec.describe Foo do
# describe '#bar' do
# end
# describe '#baz' do
# end
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_example_group.rb#26
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineAfterExampleGroup < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FinalEndLocation
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineSeparation
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_example_group.rb#32
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_example_group.rb#30
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineAfterExampleGroup::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks if there is an empty line after the last let block.
# @example
# # bad
# let(:foo) { bar }
# let(:something) { other }
# it { does_something }
# # good
# let(:foo) { bar }
# let(:something) { other }
# it { does_something }
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_final_let.rb#20
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineAfterFinalLet < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FinalEndLocation
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineSeparation
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_final_let.rb#26
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_final_let.rb#24
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineAfterFinalLet::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks if there is an empty line after hook blocks.
# `AllowConsecutiveOneLiners` configures whether adjacent
# one-line definitions are considered an offense.
# @example
# # bad
# before { do_something }
# it { does_something }
# # bad
# after { do_something }
# it { does_something }
# # bad
# around { |test| }
# it { does_something }
# # good
# after { do_something }
# it { does_something }
# # fair - it's ok to have non-separated one-liners hooks
# around { |test| }
# after { do_something }
# it { does_something }
# @example with AllowConsecutiveOneLiners configuration
# # rubocop.yml
# # RSpec/EmptyLineAfterHook:
# # AllowConsecutiveOneLiners: false
# # bad
# around { |test| }
# after { do_something }
# it { does_something }
# # good
# around { |test| }
# after { do_something }
# it { does_something }
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_hook.rb#53
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineAfterHook < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FinalEndLocation
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineSeparation
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_hook.rb#60
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_hook.rb#60
def on_numblock(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_hook.rb#74
def chained_single_line_hooks?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_hook.rb#58
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineAfterHook::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks if there is an empty line after subject block.
# @example
# # bad
# subject(:obj) { described_class }
# let(:foo) { bar }
# # good
# subject(:obj) { described_class }
# let(:foo) { bar }
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_subject.rb#18
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineAfterSubject < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FinalEndLocation
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineSeparation
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InsideExampleGroup
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_subject.rb#25
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_subject.rb#23
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineAfterSubject::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Helps determine the offending location if there is not an empty line
# following the node. Allows comments to follow directly after
# in the following cases.
# - followed by empty line(s)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/empty_line_separation.rb#11
module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineSeparation
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FinalEndLocation
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/empty_line_separation.rb#51
def last_child?(node); end
# @yield [offending_loc(enable_directive_line || final_end_line)]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/empty_line_separation.rb#26
def missing_separating_line(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/empty_line_separation.rb#15
def missing_separating_line_offense(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/empty_line_separation.rb#41
def offending_loc(last_line); end
# Checks for long examples.
# A long example is usually more difficult to understand. Consider
# extracting out some behavior, e.g. with a `let` block, or a helper
# method.
# You can set literals you want to fold with `CountAsOne`.
# Available are: 'array', 'hash', and 'heredoc'. Each literal
# will be counted as one line regardless of its actual size.
# @example
# # bad
# it do
# service =
# more_setup
# more_setup
# result =
# expect(result).to be(true)
# end
# # good
# it do
# service =
# result =
# expect(result).to be(true)
# end
# @example CountAsOne: ['array', 'heredoc']
# it do
# array = [ # +1
# 1,
# 2
# ]
# hash = { # +3
# key: 'value'
# }
# msg = <<~HEREDOC # +1
# Heredoc
# content.
# end # 5 points
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_length.rb#51
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExampleLength < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::CodeLength
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_length.rb#56
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_length.rb#64
def cop_label; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_length.rb#54
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExampleLength::LABEL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for examples without a description.
# RSpec allows for auto-generated example descriptions when there is no
# description provided or the description is an empty one.
# This cop removes empty descriptions.
# It also defines whether auto-generated description is allowed, based
# on the configured style.
# This cop can be configured using the `EnforcedStyle` option
# @example `EnforcedStyle: always_allow` (default)
# # bad
# it('') { be_good }
# it '' do
# result =
# expect(result).to be(true)
# end
# # good
# it { be_good }
# it do
# result =
# expect(result).to be(true)
# end
# @example `EnforcedStyle: single_line_only`
# # bad
# it('') { be_good }
# it do
# result =
# expect(result).to be(true)
# end
# # good
# it { be_good }
# @example `EnforcedStyle: disallow`
# # bad
# it { be_good }
# it do
# result =
# expect(result).to be(true)
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_without_description.rb#51
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExampleWithoutDescription < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_without_description.rb#59
def example_description(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_without_description.rb#61
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_without_description.rb#75
def check_example_without_description(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_without_description.rb#82
def disallow_empty_description?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_without_description.rb#56
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExampleWithoutDescription::MSG_ADD_DESCRIPTION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_without_description.rb#54
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExampleWithoutDescription::MSG_DEFAULT_ARGUMENT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for common mistakes in example descriptions.
# This cop will correct docstrings that begin with 'should' and 'it'.
# This cop will also look for insufficient examples and call them out.
# The autocorrect is experimental - use with care! It can be configured
# with CustomTransform (e.g. have => has) and IgnoredWords (e.g. only).
# Use the DisallowedExamples setting to prevent unclear or insufficient
# descriptions. Please note that this config will not be treated as
# case sensitive.
# @example
# # bad
# it 'should find nothing' do
# end
# # good
# it 'finds nothing' do
# end
# @example
# # bad
# it 'it does things' do
# end
# # good
# it 'does things' do
# end
# @example `DisallowedExamples: ['works']` (default)
# # bad
# it 'works' do
# end
# # good
# it 'marks the task as done' do
# end
# @see
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#46
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExampleWording < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#58
def it_description(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#65
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#80
def add_wording_offense(node, message); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#127
def custom_transform; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#90
def docstring(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#131
def ignored_words; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#135
def insufficient_docstring?(description_node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#139
def insufficient_examples; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#144
def preprocess(message); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#100
def replacement_text(node); end
# Recursive processing is required to process nested dstr nodes
# that is the case for \-separated multiline strings with interpolation.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#116
def text(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#55
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExampleWording::IT_PREFIX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#51
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExampleWording::MSG_INSUFFICIENT_DESCRIPTION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#50
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExampleWording::MSG_IT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#49
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExampleWording::MSG_SHOULD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#54
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExampleWording::SHOULD_PREFIX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# Checks for excessive whitespace in example descriptions.
# @example
# # bad
# it ' has excessive spacing ' do
# end
# # good
# it 'has excessive spacing' do
# end
# @example
# # bad
# context ' when a condition is met ' do
# end
# # good
# context 'when a condition is met' do
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/excessive_docstring_spacing.rb#26
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExcessiveDocstringSpacing < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/excessive_docstring_spacing.rb#32
def example_description(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/excessive_docstring_spacing.rb#39
def on_send(node); end
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
# @param text [String]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/excessive_docstring_spacing.rb#74
def add_whitespace_offense(node, text); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/excessive_docstring_spacing.rb#83
def docstring(node); end
# @param text [String]
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/excessive_docstring_spacing.rb#54
def excessive_whitespace?(text); end
# @param text [String]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/excessive_docstring_spacing.rb#68
def strip_excessive_whitespace(text); end
# Recursive processing is required to process nested dstr nodes
# that is the case for \-separated multiline strings with interpolation.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/excessive_docstring_spacing.rb#95
def text(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/excessive_docstring_spacing.rb#29
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExcessiveDocstringSpacing::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for `expect(...)` calls containing literal values.
# Autocorrection is performed when the expected is not a literal.
# @example
# # bad
# expect(5).to eq(price)
# expect(/foo/).to eq(pattern)
# expect("John").to eq(name)
# # good
# expect(price).to eq(5)
# expect(pattern).to eq(/foo/)
# expect(name).to eq("John")
# # bad (not supported autocorrection)
# expect(false).to eq(true)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_actual.rb#24
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectActual < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_actual.rb#56
def expect_literal(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_actual.rb#67
def on_send(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_actual.rb#90
def complex_literal?(node); end
# This is not implemented using a NodePattern because it seems
# to not be able to match against an explicit (nil) sexp
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_actual.rb#82
def literal?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_actual.rb#86
def simple_literal?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_actual.rb#95
def swap(corrector, actual, expected); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_actual.rb#44
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectActual::COMPLEX_LITERALS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_actual.rb#27
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectActual::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_actual.rb#29
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectActual::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_actual.rb#31
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectActual::SIMPLE_LITERALS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_actual.rb#53
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectActual::SUPPORTED_MATCHERS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for consistent style of change matcher.
# Enforces either passing object and attribute as arguments to the matcher
# or passing a block that reads the attribute value.
# This cop can be configured using the `EnforcedStyle` option.
# @example `EnforcedStyle: method_call` (default)
# # bad
# expect { run }.to change { }
# expect { run }.to change { foo.baz }
# # good
# expect { run }.to change(Foo, :bar)
# expect { run }.to change(foo, :baz)
# # also good when there are arguments or chained method calls
# expect { run }.to change { }
# expect { run }.to change { }
# @example `EnforcedStyle: block`
# # bad
# expect { run }.to change(Foo, :bar)
# # good
# expect { run }.to change { }
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_change.rb#32
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectChange < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_change.rb#41
def expect_change_with_arguments(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_change.rb#46
def expect_change_with_block(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_change.rb#72
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_change.rb#60
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_change.rb#36
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectChange::MSG_BLOCK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_change.rb#37
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectChange::MSG_CALL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_change.rb#38
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectChange::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Do not use `expect` in hooks such as `before`.
# @example
# # bad
# before do
# expect(something).to eq 'foo'
# end
# # bad
# after do
# expect_any_instance_of(Something).to receive(:foo)
# end
# # good
# it do
# expect(something).to eq 'foo'
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_in_hook.rb#24
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectInHook < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_in_hook.rb#28
def expectation(param0); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_in_hook.rb#30
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_in_hook.rb#30
def on_numblock(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_in_hook.rb#44
def message(expect, hook); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_in_hook.rb#25
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectInHook::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for opportunities to use `expect { ... }.to output`.
# @example
# # bad
# $stdout =
# my_app.print_report
# $stdout = STDOUT
# expect($stdout.string).to eq('Hello World')
# # good
# expect { my_app.print_report }.to output('Hello World').to_stdout
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_output.rb#18
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectOutput < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_output.rb#22
def on_gvasgn(node); end
# Detect if we are inside the scope of a single example
# We want to encourage using `expect { ... }.to output` so
# we only care about situations where you would replace with
# an expectation. Therefore, assignments to stderr or stdout
# within a `before(:all)` or otherwise outside of an example
# don't matter.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_output.rb#43
def inside_example_scope?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_output.rb#19
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectOutput::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# A helper for `explicit` style
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#121
module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExplicitHelper
include ::RuboCop::RSpec::Language
extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#182
def predicate_matcher?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#191
def predicate_matcher_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#135
def allowed_explicit_matchers; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#139
def check_explicit(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#215
def corrector_explicit(corrector, to_node, actual, matcher, block_child); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#175
def heredoc_argument?(matcher); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#209
def message_explicit(matcher); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#222
def move_predicate(corrector, actual, matcher, block_child); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#200
def predicate_matcher_name?(name); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#162
def replaceable_matcher?(matcher); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#251
def replacement_matcher(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#233
def to_predicate_method(matcher); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#171
def uncorrectable_matcher?(node, matcher); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#127
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExplicitHelper::BUILT_IN_MATCHERS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#125
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExplicitHelper::MSG_EXPLICIT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/attribute_defined_statically.rb#6
module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot; end
# Always declare attribute values as blocks.
# @example
# # bad
# kind [:active, :rejected].sample
# # good
# kind { [:active, :rejected].sample }
# # bad
# closed_at
# # good
# closed_at { }
# # bad
# count 1
# # good
# count { 1 }
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/attribute_defined_statically.rb#30
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::AttributeDefinedStatically = RuboCop::Cop::FactoryBot::AttributeDefinedStatically
# Use a consistent style for parentheses in factory bot calls.
# @example
# # bad
# create :user
# build(:user)
# create(:login)
# create :login
# @example `EnforcedStyle: require_parentheses` (default)
# # good
# create(:user)
# create(:user)
# create(:login)
# build(:login)
# @example `EnforcedStyle: omit_parentheses`
# # good
# create :user
# build :user
# create :login
# create :login
# # also good
# # when method name and first argument are not on same line
# create(
# :user
# )
# build(
# :user,
# name: 'foo'
# )
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/consistent_parentheses_style.rb#45
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::ConsistentParenthesesStyle = RuboCop::Cop::FactoryBot::ConsistentParenthesesStyle
# Checks for create_list usage.
# This cop can be configured using the `EnforcedStyle` option
# @example `EnforcedStyle: create_list` (default)
# # bad
# 3.times { create :user }
# # good
# create_list :user, 3
# # bad
# 3.times { create :user, age: 18 }
# # good - index is used to alter the created models attributes
# 3.times { |n| create :user, age: n }
# # good - contains a method call, may return different values
# 3.times { create :user, age: rand }
# @example `EnforcedStyle: n_times`
# # bad
# create_list :user, 3
# # good
# 3.times { create :user }
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#36
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::CreateList = RuboCop::Cop::FactoryBot::CreateList
# Use string value when setting the class attribute explicitly.
# This cop would promote faster tests by lazy-loading of
# application files. Also, this could help you suppress potential
# bugs in combination with external libraries by avoiding a preload
# of application files from the factory files.
# @example
# # bad
# factory :foo, class: Foo do
# end
# # good
# factory :foo, class: 'Foo' do
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/factory_class_name.rb#25
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::FactoryClassName = RuboCop::Cop::FactoryBot::FactoryClassName
# Checks for name style for argument of FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods.
# @example EnforcedStyle: symbol (default)
# # bad
# create('user')
# build "user", username: "NAME"
# # good
# create(:user)
# build :user, username: "NAME"
# @example EnforcedStyle: string
# # bad
# create(:user)
# build :user, username: "NAME"
# # good
# create('user')
# build "user", username: "NAME"
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/factory_name_style.rb#29
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::FactoryNameStyle = RuboCop::Cop::FactoryBot::FactoryNameStyle
# Use shorthands from `FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods` in your specs.
# @example
# # bad
# FactoryBot.create(:bar)
# FactoryBot.attributes_for(:bar)
# # good
# create(:bar)
# build(:bar)
# attributes_for(:bar)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/syntax_methods.rb#51
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::SyntaxMethods = RuboCop::Cop::FactoryBot::SyntaxMethods
# Checks that spec file paths are consistent and well-formed.
# By default, this checks that spec file paths are consistent with the
# test subject and enforces that it reflects the described
# class/module and its optionally called out method.
# With the configuration option `IgnoreMethods` the called out method will
# be ignored when determining the enforced path.
# With the configuration option `CustomTransform` modules or classes can
# be specified that should not as usual be transformed from CamelCase to
# snake_case (e.g. 'RuboCop' => 'rubocop' ).
# With the configuration option `SpecSuffixOnly` test files will only
# be checked to ensure they end in '_spec.rb'. This option disables
# checking for consistency in the test subject or test methods.
# @example
# # bad
# whatever_spec.rb # describe MyClass
# # bad
# my_class_spec.rb # describe MyClass, '#method'
# # good
# my_class_spec.rb # describe MyClass
# # good
# my_class_method_spec.rb # describe MyClass, '#method'
# # good
# my_class/method_spec.rb # describe MyClass, '#method'
# @example when configuration is `IgnoreMethods: true`
# # bad
# whatever_spec.rb # describe MyClass
# # good
# my_class_spec.rb # describe MyClass
# # good
# my_class_spec.rb # describe MyClass, '#method'
# @example when configuration is `SpecSuffixOnly: true`
# # good
# whatever_spec.rb # describe MyClass
# # good
# my_class_spec.rb # describe MyClass
# # good
# my_class_spec.rb # describe MyClass, '#method'
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#59
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FilePath < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::TopLevelGroup
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Namespace
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#66
def example_group(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#75
def on_top_level_example_group(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#73
def routing_metadata?(param0); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#136
def camel_to_snake_case(string); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#143
def custom_transform; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#85
def ensure_correct_file_path(send_node, example_group, arguments); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#167
def expanded_file_path; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#126
def expected_path(constant); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#151
def filename_ends_with?(pattern); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#147
def ignore_methods?; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#119
def name_pattern(method_name); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#101
def pattern_for(example_group, arguments); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#115
def pattern_for_spec_suffix_only; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#155
def relevant_rubocop_rspec_file?(_file); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#97
def routing_spec?(args); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#163
def routing_spec_path?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#159
def spec_suffix_only?; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#63
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FilePath::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Helps find the true end location of nodes which might contain heredocs.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/final_end_location.rb#7
module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FinalEndLocation
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/final_end_location.rb#8
def final_end_location(start_node); end
# Checks if examples are focused.
# This cop does not support autocorrection in some cases.
# @example
# # bad
# describe MyClass, focus: true do
# end
# describe MyClass, :focus do
# end
# fdescribe MyClass do
# end
# # good
# describe MyClass do
# end
# # bad
# fdescribe 'test' do; end
# # good
# describe 'test' do; end
# # bad
# fdescribe 'test' do; end
# # good
# describe 'test' do; end
# # bad
# shared_examples 'test', focus: true do; end
# # good
# shared_examples 'test' do; end
# # bad
# shared_context 'test', focus: true do; end
# # good
# shared_context 'test' do; end
# # bad (does not support autocorrection)
# focus 'test' do; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/focus.rb#52
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Focus < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/focus.rb#59
def focusable_selector?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/focus.rb#77
def focused_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/focus.rb#71
def metadata(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/focus.rb#81
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/focus.rb#108
def correct_send(corrector, focus); end
# @yield [node]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/focus.rb#95
def focus_metadata(node, &block); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/focus.rb#101
def with_surrounding(focus); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/focus.rb#56
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Focus::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks the arguments passed to `before`, `around`, and `after`.
# This cop checks for consistent style when specifying RSpec
# hooks which run for each example. There are three supported
# styles: "implicit", "each", and "example." All styles have
# the same behavior.
# @example `EnforcedStyle: implicit` (default)
# # bad
# before(:each) do
# # ...
# end
# # bad
# before(:example) do
# # ...
# end
# # good
# before do
# # ...
# end
# @example `EnforcedStyle: each`
# # bad
# before(:example) do
# # ...
# end
# # bad
# before do
# # ...
# end
# # good
# before(:each) do
# # ...
# end
# @example `EnforcedStyle: example`
# # bad
# before(:each) do
# # ...
# end
# # bad
# before do
# # ...
# end
# # good
# before(:example) do
# # ...
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hook_argument.rb#61
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::HookArgument < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hook_argument.rb#78
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hook_argument.rb#78
def on_numblock(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hook_argument.rb#69
def scoped_hook(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hook_argument.rb#74
def unscoped_hook(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hook_argument.rb#95
def autocorrect(corrector, _node, method_send); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hook_argument.rb#102
def check_implicit(method_send); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hook_argument.rb#116
def explicit_message(scope); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hook_argument.rb#128
def hook(node, &block); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hook_argument.rb#124
def implicit_style?; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hook_argument.rb#66
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::HookArgument::EXPLICIT_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hook_argument.rb#65
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::HookArgument::IMPLICIT_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for before/around/after hooks that come after an example.
# @example
# # bad
# it 'checks what foo does' do
# expect(foo).to be
# end
# before { prepare }
# after { clean_up }
# # good
# before { prepare }
# after { clean_up }
# it 'checks what foo does' do
# expect(foo).to be
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hooks_before_examples.rb#25
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::HooksBeforeExamples < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hooks_before_examples.rb#31
def example_or_group?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hooks_before_examples.rb#41
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hooks_before_examples.rb#41
def on_numblock(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hooks_before_examples.rb#73
def autocorrect(corrector, node, first_example); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hooks_before_examples.rb#55
def check_hooks(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hooks_before_examples.rb#69
def find_first_example(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hooks_before_examples.rb#51
def multiline_block?(block); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hooks_before_examples.rb#28
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::HooksBeforeExamples::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for equality assertions with identical expressions on both sides.
# @example
# # bad
# expect( eq(
# expect( eql(
# # good
# expect( eq(2)
# expect( eql(2)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/identical_equality_assertion.rb#17
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::IdenticalEqualityAssertion < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/identical_equality_assertion.rb#23
def equality_check?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/identical_equality_assertion.rb#29
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/identical_equality_assertion.rb#18
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::IdenticalEqualityAssertion::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/identical_equality_assertion.rb#20
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::IdenticalEqualityAssertion::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Check that implicit block expectation syntax is not used.
# Prefer using explicit block expectations.
# @example
# # bad
# subject { -> { do_something } }
# it { change(something).to(new_value) }
# # good
# it 'changes something to a new value' do
# expect { do_something }.to change(something).to(new_value)
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_block_expectation.rb#20
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ImplicitBlockExpectation < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_block_expectation.rb#36
def implicit_expect(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_block_expectation.rb#25
def lambda?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_block_expectation.rb#33
def lambda_subject?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_block_expectation.rb#40
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_block_expectation.rb#62
def find_subject(block_node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_block_expectation.rb#58
def multi_statement_example_group?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_block_expectation.rb#49
def nearest_subject(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_block_expectation.rb#21
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ImplicitBlockExpectation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_block_expectation.rb#22
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ImplicitBlockExpectation::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Check that a consistent implicit expectation style is used.
# This cop can be configured using the `EnforcedStyle` option
# and supports the `--auto-gen-config` flag.
# @example `EnforcedStyle: is_expected` (default)
# # bad
# it { should be_truthy }
# # good
# it { be_truthy }
# @example `EnforcedStyle: should`
# # bad
# it { be_truthy }
# # good
# it { should be_truthy }
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_expect.rb#25
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ImplicitExpect < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_expect.rb#34
def implicit_expect(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_expect.rb#49
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_expect.rb#78
def is_expected_range(source_map); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_expect.rb#69
def offending_expect(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_expect.rb#86
def offense_message(offending_source); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_expect.rb#94
def replacement_source(offending_source); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_expect.rb#47
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ImplicitExpect::ENFORCED_REPLACEMENTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_expect.rb#29
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ImplicitExpect::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_expect.rb#31
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ImplicitExpect::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for usage of implicit subject (`is_expected` / `should`).
# This cop can be configured using the `EnforcedStyle` option
# @example `EnforcedStyle: single_line_only` (default)
# # bad
# it do
# be_truthy
# end
# # good
# it { be_truthy }
# it do
# expect(subject).to be_truthy
# end
# @example `EnforcedStyle: single_statement_only`
# # bad
# it do
# foo = 1
# be_truthy
# end
# # good
# it do
# foo = 1
# expect(subject).to be_truthy
# end
# it do
# be_truthy
# end
# @example `EnforcedStyle: disallow`
# # bad
# it { be_truthy }
# # good
# it { expect(subject).to be_truthy }
# @example `EnforcedStyle: require_implicit`
# # bad
# it { expect(subject).to be_truthy }
# # good
# it { be_truthy }
# # bad
# it do
# expect(subject).to be_truthy
# end
# # good
# it do
# be_truthy
# end
# # good
# it { expect(named_subject).to be_truthy }
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#65
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ImplicitSubject < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#81
def explicit_unnamed_subject?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#86
def implicit_subject?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#90
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#100
def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#159
def example_of(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#135
def implicit_subject_in_non_its?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#139
def implicit_subject_in_non_its_and_non_single_line?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#143
def implicit_subject_in_non_its_and_non_single_statement?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#122
def invalid?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#147
def its?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#113
def message(_node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#151
def single_line?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#155
def single_statement?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#69
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ImplicitSubject::MSG_REQUIRE_EXPLICIT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#71
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ImplicitSubject::MSG_REQUIRE_IMPLICIT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#73
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ImplicitSubject::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Do not set up test data using indexes (e.g., `item_1`, `item_2`).
# It makes reading the test harder because it's not clear what exactly
# is tested by this particular example.
# The configurable options `AllowedIdentifiers` and `AllowedPatterns`
# will also read those set in `Naming/VariableNumber`.
# @example `Max: 1 (default)`
# # bad
# let(:item_1) { create(:item) }
# let(:item_2) { create(:item) }
# let(:item1) { create(:item) }
# let(:item2) { create(:item) }
# # good
# let(:visible_item) { create(:item, visible: true) }
# let(:invisible_item) { create(:item, visible: false) }
# @example `Max: 2`
# # bad
# let(:item_1) { create(:item) }
# let(:item_2) { create(:item) }
# let(:item_3) { create(:item) }
# # good
# let(:item_1) { create(:item) }
# let(:item_2) { create(:item) }
# @example `AllowedIdentifiers: ['item_1', 'item_2']`
# # good
# let(:item_1) { create(:item) }
# let(:item_2) { create(:item) }
# @example `AllowedPatterns: ['item']`
# # good
# let(:item_1) { create(:item) }
# let(:item_2) { create(:item) }
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/indexed_let.rb#47
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::IndexedLet < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::AllowedIdentifiers
include ::RuboCop::Cop::AllowedPattern
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/indexed_let.rb#55
def let_name(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/indexed_let.rb#62
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/indexed_let.rb#104
def allowed_identifiers; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/indexed_let.rb#98
def cop_config_patterns_values; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/indexed_let.rb#78
def filter_indexed_lets(candidates); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/indexed_let.rb#87
def indexed_let?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/indexed_let.rb#94
def let_name_stripped_index(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/indexed_let.rb#76
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::IndexedLet::INDEX_REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/indexed_let.rb#51
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::IndexedLet::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/indexed_let.rb#75
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::IndexedLet::SUFFIX_INDEX_REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# A helper for `inflected` style
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#7
module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InflectedHelper
include ::RuboCop::RSpec::Language
extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#39
def be_bool?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#44
def be_boolthy?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#29
def predicate_in_actual?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#48
def boolean_matcher?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#16
def check_inflected(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#60
def message_inflected(predicate); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#56
def predicate?(sym); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#85
def remove_predicate(corrector, predicate); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#96
def rewrite_matcher(corrector, predicate, matcher); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#67
def to_predicate_matcher(name); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#107
def true?(to_symbol, matcher); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#11
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InflectedHelper::MSG_INFLECTED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Helps you identify whether a given node
# is within an example group or not.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/inside_example_group.rb#8
module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InsideExampleGroup
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/inside_example_group.rb#19
def example_group_root?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/inside_example_group.rb#23
def example_group_root_with_siblings?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/inside_example_group.rb#11
def inside_example_group?(node); end
# Checks for `instance_double` used with `have_received`.
# @example
# # bad
# it do
# foo = instance_double(Foo).as_null_object
# expect(foo).to have_received(:bar)
# end
# # good
# it do
# foo = instance_spy(Foo)
# expect(foo).to have_received(:bar)
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_spy.rb#21
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InstanceSpy < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_spy.rb#36
def have_received_usage(param0); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_spy.rb#28
def null_double(param0); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_spy.rb#45
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_spy.rb#61
def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_spy.rb#24
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InstanceSpy::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for instance variable usage in specs.
# This cop can be configured with the option `AssignmentOnly` which
# will configure the cop to only register offenses on instance
# variable usage if the instance variable is also assigned within
# the spec
# @example
# # bad
# describe MyClass do
# before { @foo = [] }
# it { expect(@foo).to be_empty }
# end
# # good
# describe MyClass do
# let(:foo) { [] }
# it { expect(foo).to be_empty }
# end
# @example with AssignmentOnly configuration
# # rubocop.yml
# # RSpec/InstanceVariable:
# # AssignmentOnly: false
# # bad
# describe MyClass do
# before { @foo = [] }
# it { expect(@foo).to be_empty }
# end
# # allowed
# describe MyClass do
# it { expect(@foo).to be_empty }
# end
# # good
# describe MyClass do
# let(:foo) { [] }
# it { expect(foo).to be_empty }
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_variable.rb#48
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InstanceVariable < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::TopLevelGroup
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_variable.rb#60
def custom_matcher?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_variable.rb#55
def dynamic_class?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_variable.rb#71
def ivar_assigned?(param0, param1); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_variable.rb#68
def ivar_usage(param0); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_variable.rb#73
def on_top_level_group(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_variable.rb#90
def assignment_only?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_variable.rb#84
def valid_usage?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_variable.rb#51
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InstanceVariable::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks that only one `it_behaves_like` style is used.
# @example `EnforcedStyle: it_behaves_like` (default)
# # bad
# it_should_behave_like 'a foo'
# # good
# it_behaves_like 'a foo'
# @example `EnforcedStyle: it_should_behave_like`
# # bad
# it_behaves_like 'a foo'
# # good
# it_should_behave_like 'a foo'
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/it_behaves_like.rb#22
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ItBehavesLike < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/it_behaves_like.rb#31
def example_inclusion_offense(param0 = T.unsafe(nil), param1); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/it_behaves_like.rb#33
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/it_behaves_like.rb#43
def message(_node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/it_behaves_like.rb#26
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ItBehavesLike::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/it_behaves_like.rb#28
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ItBehavesLike::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Check that `all` matcher is used instead of iterating over an array.
# @example
# # bad
# it 'validates users' do
# [user1, user2, user3].each { |user| expect(user).to be_valid }
# end
# # good
# it 'validates users' do
# expect([user1, user2, user3]).to all(be_valid)
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/iterated_expectation.rb#19
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::IteratedExpectation < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/iterated_expectation.rb#24
def each?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/iterated_expectation.rb#33
def each_numblock?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/iterated_expectation.rb#40
def expectation?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil), param1); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/iterated_expectation.rb#44
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/iterated_expectation.rb#52
def on_numblock(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/iterated_expectation.rb#66
def only_expectations?(body, arg); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/iterated_expectation.rb#62
def single_expectation?(body, arg); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/iterated_expectation.rb#20
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::IteratedExpectation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Enforce that subject is the first definition in the test.
# @example
# # bad
# let(:params) { blah }
# subject { }
# before { do_something }
# subject { }
# it { expect_something }
# subject { }
# it { expect_something_else }
# # good
# subject { }
# let(:params) { blah }
# # good
# subject { }
# before { do_something }
# # good
# subject { }
# it { expect_something }
# it { expect_something_else }
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leading_subject.rb#34
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::LeadingSubject < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InsideExampleGroup
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leading_subject.rb#40
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leading_subject.rb#70
def autocorrect(corrector, node, sibling); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leading_subject.rb#49
def check_previous_nodes(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leading_subject.rb#76
def offending?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leading_subject.rb#58
def offending_node(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leading_subject.rb#66
def parent(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leading_subject.rb#38
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::LeadingSubject::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks that no class, module, or constant is declared.
# Constants, including classes and modules, when declared in a block
# scope, are defined in global namespace, and leak between examples.
# If several examples may define a `DummyClass`, instead of being a
# blank slate class as it will be in the first example, subsequent
# examples will be reopening it and modifying its behavior in
# unpredictable ways.
# Even worse when a class that exists in the codebase is reopened.
# Anonymous classes are fine, since they don't result in global
# namespace name clashes.
# @example Constants leak between examples
# # bad
# describe SomeClass do
# OtherClass =
# CONSTANT_HERE = 'I leak into global namespace'
# end
# # good
# describe SomeClass do
# before do
# stub_const('OtherClass',
# stub_const('CONSTANT_HERE', 'I only exist during this example')
# end
# end
# @example
# # bad
# describe SomeClass do
# class FooClass < described_class
# def double_that
# some_base_method * 2
# end
# end
# it { expect( eq(4) }
# end
# # good - anonymous class, no constant needs to be defined
# describe SomeClass do
# let(:foo_class) do
# do
# def double_that
# some_base_method * 2
# end
# end
# end
# it { expect( eq(4) }
# end
# # good - constant is stubbed
# describe SomeClass do
# before do
# foo_class = do
# def do_something
# end
# end
# stub_const('FooClass', foo_class)
# end
# it { expect( eq(4) }
# end
# @example
# # bad
# describe SomeClass do
# module SomeModule
# class SomeClass
# def do_something
# end
# end
# end
# end
# # good
# describe SomeClass do
# before do
# foo_class = do
# def do_something
# end
# end
# stub_const('SomeModule::SomeClass', foo_class)
# end
# end
# @see
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leaky_constant_declaration.rb#96
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::LeakyConstantDeclaration < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leaky_constant_declaration.rb#101
def on_casgn(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leaky_constant_declaration.rb#107
def on_class(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leaky_constant_declaration.rb#113
def on_module(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leaky_constant_declaration.rb#121
def inside_describe_block?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leaky_constant_declaration.rb#98
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::LeakyConstantDeclaration::MSG_CLASS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leaky_constant_declaration.rb#97
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::LeakyConstantDeclaration::MSG_CONST = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leaky_constant_declaration.rb#99
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::LeakyConstantDeclaration::MSG_MODULE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for `let` definitions that come after an example.
# @example
# # bad
# let(:foo) { bar }
# it 'checks what foo does' do
# expect(foo).to be
# end
# let(:some) { other }
# it 'checks what some does' do
# expect(some).to be
# end
# # good
# let(:foo) { bar }
# let(:some) { other }
# it 'checks what foo does' do
# expect(foo).to be
# end
# it 'checks what some does' do
# expect(some).to be
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_before_examples.rb#33
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::LetBeforeExamples < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_before_examples.rb#39
def example_or_group?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_before_examples.rb#47
def include_examples?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_before_examples.rb#58
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_before_examples.rb#93
def autocorrect(corrector, node, first_example); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_before_examples.rb#74
def check_let_declarations(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_before_examples.rb#66
def example_group_with_include_examples?(body); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_before_examples.rb#89
def find_first_example(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_before_examples.rb#70
def multiline_block?(block); end
class << self
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_before_examples.rb#54
def autocorrect_incompatible_with; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_before_examples.rb#36
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::LetBeforeExamples::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks unreferenced `let!` calls being used for test setup.
# @example
# # bad
# let!(:my_widget) { create(:widget) }
# it 'counts widgets' do
# expect(Widget.count).to eq(1)
# end
# # good
# it 'counts widgets' do
# create(:widget)
# expect(Widget.count).to eq(1)
# end
# # good
# before { create(:widget) }
# it 'counts widgets' do
# expect(Widget.count).to eq(1)
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_setup.rb#28
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::LetSetup < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_setup.rb#32
def example_or_shared_group_or_including?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_setup.rb#40
def let_bang(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_setup.rb#48
def method_called?(param0, param1); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_setup.rb#50
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_setup.rb#66
def child_let_bang(node, &block); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_setup.rb#60
def unused_let_bang(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_setup.rb#29
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::LetSetup::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Helper methods to location.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/location_help.rb#7
module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::LocationHelp
# @example
# foo 1, 2
# ^^^^^
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::SendNode]
# @return [Parser::Source::Range]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/location_help.rb#15
def arguments_with_whitespace(node); end
# @example
# foo { bar }
# ^^^^^^^^
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::SendNode]
# @return [Parser::Source::Range]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/location_help.rb#26
def block_with_whitespace(node); end
class << self
# @example
# foo 1, 2
# ^^^^^
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::SendNode]
# @return [Parser::Source::Range]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/location_help.rb#15
def arguments_with_whitespace(node); end
# @example
# foo { bar }
# ^^^^^^^^
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::SendNode]
# @return [Parser::Source::Range]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/location_help.rb#26
def block_with_whitespace(node); end
# Checks where `match_array` is used.
# This cop checks for the following:
# - Prefer `contain_exactly` when matching an array with values.
# - Prefer `eq` when using `match_array` with an empty array literal.
# @example
# # bad
# it { match_array([content1, content2]) }
# # good
# it { contain_exactly(content1, content2) }
# # good
# it { match_array([content] + array) }
# # good
# it { match_array(%w(tremble in fear foolish mortals)) }
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/match_array.rb#25
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MatchArray < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/match_array.rb#32
def match_array_with_empty_array?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/match_array.rb#36
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/match_array.rb#45
def check_populated_array(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/match_array.rb#28
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MatchArray::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/match_array.rb#29
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MatchArray::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Check that chains of messages are not being stubbed.
# @example
# # bad
# allow(foo).to receive_message_chain(:bar, :baz).and_return(42)
# # good
# thing = 42)
# allow(foo).to receive(:bar).and_return(thing)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_chain.rb#16
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MessageChain < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_chain.rb#20
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_chain.rb#17
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MessageChain::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_chain.rb#18
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MessageChain::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for consistent message expectation style.
# This cop can be configured in your configuration using the
# `EnforcedStyle` option and supports `--auto-gen-config`.
# @example `EnforcedStyle: allow` (default)
# # bad
# expect(foo).to receive(:bar)
# # good
# allow(foo).to receive(:bar)
# @example `EnforcedStyle: expect`
# # bad
# allow(foo).to receive(:bar)
# # good
# expect(foo).to receive(:bar)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_expectation.rb#27
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MessageExpectation < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_expectation.rb#36
def message_expectation(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_expectation.rb#43
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_expectation.rb#41
def receive_message?(param0); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_expectation.rb#56
def preferred_style?(expectation); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_expectation.rb#30
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MessageExpectation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_expectation.rb#33
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MessageExpectation::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_expectation.rb#32
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MessageExpectation::SUPPORTED_STYLES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks that message expectations are set using spies.
# This cop can be configured in your configuration using the
# `EnforcedStyle` option and supports `--auto-gen-config`.
# @example `EnforcedStyle: have_received` (default)
# # bad
# expect(foo).to receive(:bar)
# do_something
# # good
# allow(foo).to receive(:bar) # or use instance_spy
# do_something
# expect(foo).to have_received(:bar)
# @example `EnforcedStyle: receive`
# # bad
# allow(foo).to receive(:bar)
# do_something
# expect(foo).to have_received(:bar)
# # good
# expect(foo).to receive(:bar)
# do_something
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_spies.rb#33
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MessageSpies < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_spies.rb#47
def message_expectation(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_spies.rb#56
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_spies.rb#52
def receive_message(param0); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_spies.rb#79
def error_message(receiver); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_spies.rb#75
def preferred_style?(expectation); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_spies.rb#69
def receive_message_matcher(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_spies.rb#38
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MessageSpies::MSG_HAVE_RECEIVED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_spies.rb#36
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MessageSpies::MSG_RECEIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_spies.rb#44
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MessageSpies::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_spies.rb#42
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MessageSpies::SUPPORTED_STYLES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Helper methods to find RSpec metadata.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/metadata.rb#7
module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Metadata
include ::RuboCop::RSpec::Language
extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/metadata.rb#26
def metadata_in_block(param0, param1); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/metadata.rb#30
def on_block(node); end
# @raise [::NotImplementedError]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/metadata.rb#43
def on_metadata(_symbols, _pairs); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/metadata.rb#30
def on_numblock(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/metadata.rb#21
def rspec_configure(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/metadata.rb#13
def rspec_metadata(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Checks that the first argument to an example group is not empty.
# @example
# # bad
# describe do
# end
# RSpec.describe do
# end
# # good
# describe TestedClass do
# end
# describe "A feature example" do
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/missing_example_group_argument.rb#23
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MissingExampleGroupArgument < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/missing_example_group_argument.rb#26
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/missing_example_group_argument.rb#24
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MissingExampleGroupArgument::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for multiple top-level example groups.
# Multiple descriptions for the same class or module should either
# be nested or separated into different test files.
# @example
# # bad
# describe MyClass, '.do_something' do
# end
# describe MyClass, '.do_something_else' do
# end
# # good
# describe MyClass do
# describe '.do_something' do
# end
# describe '.do_something_else' do
# end
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_describes.rb#26
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MultipleDescribes < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::TopLevelGroup
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_describes.rb#31
def on_top_level_group(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_describes.rb#29
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MultipleDescribes::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks if examples contain too many `expect` calls.
# This cop is configurable using the `Max` option
# and works with `--auto-gen-config`.
# @example
# # bad
# describe UserCreator do
# it 'builds a user' do
# expect( eq("John")
# expect(user.age).to eq(22)
# end
# end
# # good
# describe UserCreator do
# it 'sets the users name' do
# expect( eq("John")
# end
# it 'sets the users age' do
# expect(user.age).to eq(22)
# end
# end
# @example `aggregate_failures: true` (default)
# # good - the cop ignores when RSpec aggregates failures
# describe UserCreator do
# it 'builds a user', :aggregate_failures do
# expect( eq("John")
# expect(user.age).to eq(22)
# end
# end
# @example `aggregate_failures: false`
# # Detected as an offense
# describe UserCreator do
# it 'builds a user', aggregate_failures: false do
# expect( eq("John")
# expect(user.age).to eq(22)
# end
# end
# @example configuration
# # .rubocop.yml
# # RSpec/MultipleExpectations:
# # Max: 2
# # not flagged by rubocop
# describe UserCreator do
# it 'builds a user' do
# expect( eq("John")
# expect(user.age).to eq(22)
# end
# end
# @see Single expectation test
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#64
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MultipleExpectations < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableMax
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#73
def aggregate_failures?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil), param1); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#84
def aggregate_failures_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#81
def expect?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#88
def on_block(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#104
def example_with_aggregate_failures?(example_node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#111
def find_aggregate_failures(example_node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#116
def find_expectation(node, &block); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#127
def flag_example(node, expectation_count:); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#138
def max_expectations; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#69
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MultipleExpectations::ANYTHING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#67
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MultipleExpectations::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#70
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MultipleExpectations::TRUE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc)
# Checks if example groups contain too many `let` and `subject` calls.
# This cop is configurable using the `Max` option and the `AllowSubject`
# which will configure the cop to only register offenses on calls to
# `let` and not calls to `subject`.
# @example
# # bad
# describe MyClass do
# let(:foo) { [] }
# let(:bar) { [] }
# let!(:baz) { [] }
# let(:qux) { [] }
# let(:quux) { [] }
# let(:quuz) { {} }
# end
# describe MyClass do
# let(:foo) { [] }
# let(:bar) { [] }
# let!(:baz) { [] }
# context 'when stuff' do
# let(:qux) { [] }
# let(:quux) { [] }
# let(:quuz) { {} }
# end
# end
# # good
# describe MyClass do
# let(:bar) { [] }
# let!(:baz) { [] }
# let(:qux) { [] }
# let(:quux) { [] }
# let(:quuz) { {} }
# end
# describe MyClass do
# context 'when stuff' do
# let(:foo) { [] }
# let(:bar) { [] }
# let!(:booger) { [] }
# end
# context 'when other stuff' do
# let(:qux) { [] }
# let(:quux) { [] }
# let(:quuz) { {} }
# end
# end
# @example when disabling AllowSubject configuration
# # rubocop.yml
# # RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers:
# # AllowSubject: false
# # bad - `subject` counts towards memoized helpers
# describe MyClass do
# subject { {} }
# let(:foo) { [] }
# let(:bar) { [] }
# let!(:baz) { [] }
# let(:qux) { [] }
# let(:quux) { [] }
# end
# @example with Max configuration
# # rubocop.yml
# # RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers:
# # Max: 1
# # bad
# describe MyClass do
# let(:foo) { [] }
# let(:bar) { [] }
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_memoized_helpers.rb#84
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MultipleMemoizedHelpers < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableMax
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Variable
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_memoized_helpers.rb#90
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_memoized_helpers.rb#101
def on_new_investigation; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_memoized_helpers.rb#110
def all_helpers(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_memoized_helpers.rb#142
def allow_subject?; end
# Returns the value of attribute example_group_memoized_helpers.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_memoized_helpers.rb#108
def example_group_memoized_helpers; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_memoized_helpers.rb#117
def helpers(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_memoized_helpers.rb#138
def max; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_memoized_helpers.rb#128
def variable_nodes(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_memoized_helpers.rb#88
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MultipleMemoizedHelpers::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks if an example group defines `subject` multiple times.
# This cop does not support autocorrection in some cases.
# The autocorrect behavior for this cop depends on the type of
# duplication:
# - If multiple named subjects are defined then this probably indicates
# that the overwritten subjects (all subjects except the last
# definition) are effectively being used to define helpers. In this
# case they are replaced with `let`.
# - If multiple unnamed subjects are defined though then this can *only*
# be dead code and we remove the overwritten subject definitions.
# - If subjects are defined with `subject!` then we don't autocorrect.
# This is enough of an edge case that people can just move this to
# a `before` hook on their own
# @example
# # bad
# describe Foo do
# subject(:user) { }
# subject(:post) { }
# end
# # good
# describe Foo do
# let(:user) { }
# subject(:post) { }
# end
# # bad (does not support autocorrection)
# describe Foo do
# subject!(:user) { }
# subject!(:post) { }
# end
# # good
# describe Foo do
# before do
# end
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_subjects.rb#51
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MultipleSubjects < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_subjects.rb#57
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_subjects.rb#71
def autocorrect(corrector, subject); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_subjects.rb#81
def named_subject?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_subjects.rb#89
def remove_autocorrect(corrector, node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_subjects.rb#85
def rename_autocorrect(corrector, node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_subjects.rb#55
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MultipleSubjects::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for explicitly referenced test subjects.
# RSpec lets you declare an "implicit subject" using `subject { ... }`
# which allows for tests like `it { be_valid }`.
# If you need to reference your test subject you should explicitly
# name it using `subject(:your_subject_name) { ... }`. Your test subjects
# should be the most important object in your tests so they deserve
# a descriptive name.
# This cop can be configured in your configuration using `EnforcedStyle`,
# and `IgnoreSharedExamples` which will not report offenses for implicit
# subjects in shared example groups.
# @example `EnforcedStyle: always` (default)
# # bad
# RSpec.describe User do
# subject { }
# it 'is valid' do
# expect(subject.valid?).to be(true)
# end
# end
# # good
# RSpec.describe User do
# subject(:user) { }
# it 'is valid' do
# expect(user.valid?).to be(true)
# end
# end
# # also good
# RSpec.describe User do
# subject(:user) { }
# it { be_valid }
# end
# @example `EnforcedStyle: named_only`
# # bad
# RSpec.describe User do
# subject(:user) { }
# it 'is valid' do
# expect(subject.valid?).to be(true)
# end
# end
# # good
# RSpec.describe User do
# subject(:user) { }
# it 'is valid' do
# expect(user.valid?).to be(true)
# end
# end
# # also good
# RSpec.describe User do
# subject { }
# it { be_valid }
# end
# # acceptable
# RSpec.describe User do
# subject { }
# it 'is valid' do
# expect(subject.valid?).to be(true)
# end
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#79
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::NamedSubject < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#85
def example_or_hook_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#97
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#90
def shared_example?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#95
def subject_usage(param0); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#120
def allow_explicit_subject?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#124
def always?; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#114
def check_explicit_subject(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#147
def find_subject(block_node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#109
def ignored_shared_example?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#128
def named_only?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#139
def nearest_subject(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#133
def subject_definition_is_named?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#82
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::NamedSubject::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Helps to find namespace of the node.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/namespace.rb#7
module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Namespace
# @example
# namespace(node) # => ['A', 'B', 'C']
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
# @return [Array<String>]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/namespace.rb#14
def namespace(node); end
# Checks for nested example groups.
# This cop is configurable using the `Max` option
# and supports `--auto-gen-config`.
# @example
# # bad
# context 'when using some feature' do
# let(:some) { :various }
# let(:feature) { :setup }
# context 'when user is signed in' do # flagged by rubocop
# let(:user) do
# end
# let(:user_attributes) do
# {
# name: 'John',
# age: 22,
# role: role
# }
# end
# context 'when user is an admin' do # flagged by rubocop
# let(:role) { 'admin' }
# it 'blah blah'
# it 'yada yada'
# end
# end
# end
# # good
# context 'using some feature as an admin' do
# let(:some) { :various }
# let(:feature) { :setup }
# let(:user) do
# name: 'John',
# age: 22,
# role: 'admin'
# )
# end
# it 'blah blah'
# it 'yada yada'
# end
# @example `Max: 3` (default)
# # bad
# describe Foo do
# context 'foo' do
# context 'bar' do
# context 'baz' do # flagged by rubocop
# end
# end
# end
# end
# @example `Max: 2`
# # bad
# describe Foo do
# context 'foo' do
# context 'bar' do # flagged by rubocop
# context 'baz' do # flagged by rubocop
# end
# end
# end
# end
# @example `AllowedGroups: [] (default)`
# describe Foo do # <-- nested groups 1
# context 'foo' do # <-- nested groups 2
# context 'bar' do # <-- nested groups 3
# end
# end
# end
# @example `AllowedGroups: [path]`
# describe Foo do # <-- nested groups 1
# path '/foo' do # <-- nested groups 1 (not counted)
# context 'bar' do # <-- nested groups 2
# end
# end
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/nested_groups.rb#94
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::NestedGroups < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableMax
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::TopLevelGroup
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/nested_groups.rb#106
def on_top_level_group(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/nested_groups.rb#156
def allowed_groups; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/nested_groups.rb#133
def count_up_nesting?(node, example_group); end
# @yield [node, nesting]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/nested_groups.rb#118
def find_nested_example_groups(node, nesting: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/nested_groups.rb#143
def max_nesting; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/nested_groups.rb#147
def max_nesting_config; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/nested_groups.rb#139
def message(nesting); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/nested_groups.rb#100
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::NestedGroups::DEPRECATED_MAX_KEY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/nested_groups.rb#102
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::NestedGroups::DEPRECATION_WARNING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/nested_groups.rb#98
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::NestedGroups::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks if an example contains any expectation.
# All RSpec's example and expectation methods are covered by default.
# If you are using your own custom methods,
# add the following configuration:
# RSpec:
# Language:
# Examples:
# Regular:
# - custom_it
# Expectations:
# - custom_expect
# This cop can be customized with an allowed expectation methods pattern
# with an `AllowedPatterns` option. ^expect_ and ^assert_ are allowed
# by default.
# @example
# # bad
# it do
# a?
# end
# # good
# it do
# expect(a?).to be(true)
# end
# @example `AllowedPatterns` configuration
# # .rubocop.yml
# # RSpec/NoExpectationExample:
# # AllowedPatterns:
# # - ^expect_
# # - ^assert_
# @example
# # bad
# it do
# not_expect_something
# end
# # good
# it do
# expect_something
# end
# it do
# assert_something
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/no_expectation_example.rb#58
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::NoExpectationExample < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::AllowedPattern
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SkipOrPending
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/no_expectation_example.rb#74
def includes_expectation?(param0); end
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/no_expectation_example.rb#84
def includes_skip_example?(param0); end
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::BlockNode]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/no_expectation_example.rb#89
def on_block(node); end
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::BlockNode]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/no_expectation_example.rb#89
def on_numblock(node); end
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/no_expectation_example.rb#67
def regular_or_focused_example?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/no_expectation_example.rb#62
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::NoExpectationExample::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for consistent method usage for negating expectations.
# @example `EnforcedStyle: not_to` (default)
# # bad
# it '...' do
# expect(false).to_not be_true
# end
# # good
# it '...' do
# expect(false).not_to be_true
# end
# @example `EnforcedStyle: to_not`
# # bad
# it '...' do
# expect(false).not_to be_true
# end
# # good
# it '...' do
# expect(false).to_not be_true
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/not_to_not.rb#30
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::NotToNot < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/not_to_not.rb#38
def not_to_not_offense(param0 = T.unsafe(nil), param1); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/not_to_not.rb#40
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/not_to_not.rb#50
def message(_node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/not_to_not.rb#34
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::NotToNot::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/not_to_not.rb#35
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::NotToNot::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks if there is a let/subject that overwrites an existing one.
# @example
# # bad
# let(:foo) { bar }
# let(:foo) { baz }
# subject(:foo) { bar }
# let(:foo) { baz }
# let(:foo) { bar }
# let!(:foo) { baz }
# # good
# subject(:test) { something }
# let(:foo) { bar }
# let(:baz) { baz }
# let!(:other) { other }
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/overwriting_setup.rb#25
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::OverwritingSetup < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/overwriting_setup.rb#34
def first_argument_name(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/overwriting_setup.rb#36
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/overwriting_setup.rb#29
def setup?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/overwriting_setup.rb#64
def common_setup?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/overwriting_setup.rb#49
def find_duplicates(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/overwriting_setup.rb#26
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::OverwritingSetup::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for any pending or skipped examples.
# @example
# # bad
# describe MyClass do
# it "should be true"
# end
# describe MyClass do
# it "should be true", skip: true do
# expect(1).to eq(2)
# end
# end
# describe MyClass do
# it "should be true" do
# pending
# end
# end
# describe MyClass do
# xit "should be true" do
# end
# end
# # good
# describe MyClass do
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending.rb#35
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Pending < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SkipOrPending
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending.rb#61
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending.rb#54
def pending_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending.rb#41
def skippable?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending.rb#49
def skippable_example?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending.rb#69
def skipped?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending.rb#74
def skipped_regular_example_without_body?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending.rb#38
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Pending::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for pending or skipped examples without reason.
# @example
# # bad
# pending 'does something' do
# end
# # bad
# it 'does something', :pending do
# end
# # bad
# it 'does something' do
# pending
# end
# # bad
# xdescribe 'something' do
# end
# # bad
# skip 'does something' do
# end
# # bad
# it 'does something', :skip do
# end
# # bad
# it 'does something' do
# skip
# end
# # bad
# it 'does something'
# # good
# it 'does something' do
# pending 'reason'
# end
# # good
# it 'does something' do
# skip 'reason'
# end
# # good
# it 'does something', pending: 'reason' do
# end
# # good
# it 'does something', skip: 'reason' do
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#59
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::PendingWithoutReason < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#82
def metadata_without_reason?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#102
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#98
def pending_step_without_reason?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#93
def skipped_by_example_group_method?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#72
def skipped_by_example_method?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#77
def skipped_by_example_method_with_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#63
def skipped_in_example?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#123
def block_node_example_group?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#135
def on_pending_by_metadata(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#151
def on_skipped_by_example_group_method(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#141
def on_skipped_by_example_method(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#129
def on_skipped_by_in_example_method(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#116
def parent_node(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#60
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::PendingWithoutReason::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Prefer using predicate matcher over using predicate method directly.
# RSpec defines magic matchers for predicate methods.
# This cop recommends to use the predicate matcher instead of using
# predicate method directly.
# @example Strict: true, EnforcedStyle: inflected (default)
# # bad
# expect(foo.something?).to be_truthy
# # good
# expect(foo).to be_something
# # also good - It checks "true" strictly.
# expect(foo.something?).to be(true)
# @example Strict: false, EnforcedStyle: inflected
# # bad
# expect(foo.something?).to be_truthy
# expect(foo.something?).to be(true)
# # good
# expect(foo).to be_something
# @example Strict: true, EnforcedStyle: explicit
# # bad
# expect(foo).to be_something
# # good - the above code is rewritten to it by this cop
# expect(foo.something?).to be(true)
# # bad - no autocorrect
# expect(foo)
# .to be_something(<<~TEXT)
# bar
# # good
# expect(foo.something?(<<~TEXT)).to be(true)
# bar
# @example Strict: false, EnforcedStyle: explicit
# # bad
# expect(foo).to be_something
# # good - the above code is rewritten to it by this cop
# expect(foo.something?).to be_truthy
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#314
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::PredicateMatcher < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InflectedHelper
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExplicitHelper
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#331
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#322
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#320
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::PredicateMatcher::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/avoid_setup_hook.rb#6
module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails; end
# Checks that tests use RSpec `before` hook over Rails `setup` method.
# @example
# # bad
# setup do
# allow(foo).to receive(:bar)
# end
# # good
# before do
# allow(foo).to receive(:bar)
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/avoid_setup_hook.rb#20
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::AvoidSetupHook < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/avoid_setup_hook.rb#32
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/avoid_setup_hook.rb#26
def setup_call(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/avoid_setup_hook.rb#23
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::AvoidSetupHook::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks that tests use `have_http_status` instead of equality matchers.
# @example
# # bad
# expect(response.status).to be(200)
# expect(response.code).to eq("200")
# # good
# expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/have_http_status.rb#17
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::HaveHttpStatus < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/have_http_status.rb#28
def match_status(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/have_http_status.rb#38
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/have_http_status.rb#20
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::HaveHttpStatus::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/have_http_status.rb#25
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::HaveHttpStatus::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/have_http_status.rb#24
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::HaveHttpStatus::RUNNERS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# Identifies redundant spec type.
# After setting up rspec-rails, you will have enabled
# `config.infer_spec_type_from_file_location!` by default in
# spec/rails_helper.rb. This cop works in conjunction with this config.
# If you disable this config, disable this cop as well.
# @example
# # bad
# # spec/models/user_spec.rb
# RSpec.describe User, type: :model do
# end
# # good
# # spec/models/user_spec.rb
# RSpec.describe User do
# end
# # good
# # spec/models/user_spec.rb
# RSpec.describe User, type: :common do
# end
# @example `Inferences` configuration
# # .rubocop.yml
# # RSpec/Rails/InferredSpecType:
# # Inferences:
# # services: service
# # bad
# # spec/services/user_spec.rb
# RSpec.describe User, type: :service do
# end
# # good
# # spec/services/user_spec.rb
# RSpec.describe User do
# end
# # good
# # spec/services/user_spec.rb
# RSpec.describe User, type: :common do
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/inferred_spec_type.rb#54
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::InferredSpecType < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::BlockNode]
# @return [RuboCop::AST::PairNode, nil]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/inferred_spec_type.rb#79
def describe_with_type(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::BlockNode]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/inferred_spec_type.rb#60
def on_block(node); end
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::BlockNode]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/inferred_spec_type.rb#60
def on_numblock(node); end
# @param corrector [RuboCop::AST::Corrector]
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/inferred_spec_type.rb#91
def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::PairNode]
# @return [RuboCop::AST::Node]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/inferred_spec_type.rb#111
def detect_removable_node(node); end
# @return [String]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/inferred_spec_type.rb#120
def file_path; end
# @return [Hash]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/inferred_spec_type.rb#138
def inferences; end
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::PairNode]
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/inferred_spec_type.rb#126
def inferred_type?(node); end
# @return [Symbol, nil]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/inferred_spec_type.rb#131
def inferred_type_from_file_path; end
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
# @return [Parser::Source::Range]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/inferred_spec_type.rb#97
def remove_range(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/inferred_spec_type.rb#57
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::InferredSpecType::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Check if using Minitest matchers.
# @example
# # bad
# assert_equal(a, b)
# assert_equal a, b, "must be equal"
# refute_equal(a, b)
# # good
# expect(b).to eq(a)
# expect(b).to(eq(a), "must be equal")
# expect(b).not_to eq(a)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/minitest_assertions.rb#20
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::MinitestAssertions < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/minitest_assertions.rb#27
def minitest_assertion(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/minitest_assertions.rb#31
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/minitest_assertions.rb#53
def message(prefer); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/minitest_assertions.rb#43
def replacement(node, expected, actual, failure_message); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/minitest_assertions.rb#23
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::MinitestAssertions::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/minitest_assertions.rb#24
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::MinitestAssertions::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Enforces use of `be_invalid` or `not_to` for negated be_valid.
# @example EnforcedStyle: not_to (default)
# # bad
# expect(foo).to be_invalid
# # good
# expect(foo).not_to be_valid
# @example EnforcedStyle: be_invalid
# # bad
# expect(foo).not_to be_valid
# # good
# expect(foo).to be_invalid
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/negation_be_valid.rb#27
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::NegationBeValid < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/negation_be_valid.rb#40
def be_invalid?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/negation_be_valid.rb#35
def not_to?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/negation_be_valid.rb#44
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/negation_be_valid.rb#69
def message(_matcher); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/negation_be_valid.rb#56
def offense?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/negation_be_valid.rb#65
def offense_range(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/negation_be_valid.rb#84
def replaced_matcher; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/negation_be_valid.rb#75
def replaced_runner; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/negation_be_valid.rb#31
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::NegationBeValid::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/negation_be_valid.rb#32
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::NegationBeValid::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Prefer to travel in `before` rather than `around`.
# @example
# # bad
# around do |example|
# freeze_time do
# end
# end
# # good
# before { freeze_time }
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/travel_around.rb#27
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::TravelAround < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/travel_around.rb#39
def extract_run_in_travel(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/travel_around.rb#48
def match_around_each?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/travel_around.rb#55
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/travel_around.rb#55
def on_numblock(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/travel_around.rb#70
def autocorrect(corrector, node, run_node, around_node); end
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::BlockNode]
# @return [RuboCop::AST::BlockNode, nil]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/travel_around.rb#83
def extract_surrounding_around_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/travel_around.rb#30
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::TravelAround::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/travel_around.rb#32
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::TravelAround::TRAVEL_METHOD_NAMES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# Check for `once` and `twice` receive counts matchers usage.
# @example
# # bad
# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).exactly(1).times
# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).exactly(2).times
# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).at_least(1).times
# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).at_least(2).times
# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).at_most(1).times
# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).at_most(2).times
# # good
# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).once
# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).twice
# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).at_least(:once)
# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).at_least(:twice)
# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).at_most(:once)
# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).at_most(:twice).times
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_counts.rb#25
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReceiveCounts < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_counts.rb#40
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_counts.rb#33
def receive_counts(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_counts.rb#38
def stub?(param0); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_counts.rb#55
def autocorrect(corrector, node, range); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_counts.rb#72
def matcher_for(method, count); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_counts.rb#64
def message_for(node, source); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_counts.rb#81
def range(node, offending_node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_counts.rb#28
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReceiveCounts::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_counts.rb#30
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReceiveCounts::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for multiple messages stubbed on the same object.
# @example
# # bad
# before do
# allow(Service).to receive(:foo).and_return(bar)
# allow(Service).to receive(:baz).and_return(qux)
# end
# # good
# before do
# allow(Service).to receive_messages(foo: bar, baz: qux)
# end
# # good - ignore same message
# before do
# allow(Service).to receive(:foo).and_return(bar)
# allow(Service).to receive(:foo).and_return(qux)
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_messages.rb#31
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReceiveMessages < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_messages.rb#44
def allow_argument(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_messages.rb#39
def allow_receive_message?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_messages.rb#63
def on_begin(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_messages.rb#59
def receive_and_return_argument(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_messages.rb#54
def receive_arg(param0); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_messages.rb#49
def receive_node(param0); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_messages.rb#83
def add_repeated_lines_and_arguments(items); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_messages.rb#100
def arguments(items); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_messages.rb#150
def heredoc_or_splat?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_messages.rb#146
def item_range_by_whole_lines(item); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_messages.rb#135
def message(repeated_lines); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_messages.rb#109
def normalize_receive_arg(receive_arg); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_messages.rb#117
def normalize_return_arg(return_arg); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_messages.rb#125
def register_offense(item, repeated_lines, args); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_messages.rb#73
def repeated_receive_message(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_messages.rb#139
def replace_to_receive_messages(corrector, item, args); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_messages.rb#155
def requires_quotes?(value); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_messages.rb#91
def uniq_items(items); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_messages.rb#35
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReceiveMessages::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Prefer `not_to receive(...)` over `receive(...).never`.
# @example
# # bad
# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).never
# # good
# expect(foo).not_to receive(:bar)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_never.rb#15
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReceiveNever < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_never.rb#21
def method_on_stub?(param0); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_never.rb#23
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_never.rb#33
def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_never.rb#17
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReceiveNever::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_never.rb#18
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReceiveNever::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Remove redundant `around` hook.
# @example
# # bad
# around do |example|
# end
# # good
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/redundant_around.rb#16
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RedundantAround < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/redundant_around.rb#43
def match_redundant_around_hook_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/redundant_around.rb#48
def match_redundant_around_hook_send?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/redundant_around.rb#23
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/redundant_around.rb#23
def on_numblock(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/redundant_around.rb#32
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/redundant_around.rb#59
def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/redundant_around.rb#19
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RedundantAround::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/redundant_around.rb#21
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RedundantAround::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Check for repeated description strings in example groups.
# @example
# # bad
# RSpec.describe User do
# it 'is valid' do
# # ...
# end
# it 'is valid' do
# # ...
# end
# end
# # good
# RSpec.describe User do
# it 'is valid when first and last name are present' do
# # ...
# end
# it 'is valid when last name only is present' do
# # ...
# end
# end
# # good
# RSpec.describe User do
# it 'is valid' do
# # ...
# end
# it 'is valid', :flag do
# # ...
# end
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_description.rb#42
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RepeatedDescription < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_description.rb#45
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_description.rb#88
def example_signature(example); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_description.rb#92
def its_signature(example); end
# Select examples in the current scope with repeated description strings
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_description.rb#60
def repeated_descriptions(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_description.rb#74
def repeated_its(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_description.rb#43
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RepeatedDescription::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Check for repeated examples within example groups.
# @example
# it 'is valid' do
# expect(user).to be_valid
# end
# it 'validates the user' do
# expect(user).to be_valid
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example.rb#18
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RepeatedExample < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example.rb#21
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example.rb#41
def example_signature(example); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example.rb#31
def repeated_examples(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example.rb#19
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RepeatedExample::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Check for repeated describe and context block body.
# @example
# # bad
# describe 'cool feature x' do
# it { cool_predicate }
# end
# describe 'cool feature y' do
# it { cool_predicate }
# end
# # good
# describe 'cool feature' do
# it { cool_predicate }
# end
# describe 'another cool feature' do
# it { another_predicate }
# end
# # good
# context 'when case x', :tag do
# it { cool_predicate }
# end
# context 'when case y' do
# it { cool_predicate }
# end
# # good
# context Array do
# it { respond_to :each }
# end
# context Hash do
# it { respond_to :each }
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_body.rb#45
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RepeatedExampleGroupBody < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SkipOrPending
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_body.rb#59
def body(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_body.rb#62
def const_arg(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_body.rb#56
def metadata(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_body.rb#64
def on_begin(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_body.rb#51
def several_example_groups?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_body.rb#85
def add_repeated_lines(groups); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_body.rb#94
def message(group, repeats); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_body.rb#74
def repeated_group_bodies(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_body.rb#90
def signature_keys(group); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_body.rb#48
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RepeatedExampleGroupBody::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Check for repeated example group descriptions.
# @example
# # bad
# describe 'cool feature' do
# # example group
# end
# describe 'cool feature' do
# # example group
# end
# # bad
# context 'when case x' do
# # example group
# end
# describe 'when case x' do
# # example group
# end
# # good
# describe 'cool feature' do
# # example group
# end
# describe 'another cool feature' do
# # example group
# end
# # good
# context 'when case x' do
# # example group
# end
# context 'when another case' do
# # example group
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_description.rb#45
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RepeatedExampleGroupDescription < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SkipOrPending
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_description.rb#56
def doc_string_and_metadata(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_description.rb#61
def empty_description?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_description.rb#63
def on_begin(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_description.rb#51
def several_example_groups?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_description.rb#85
def add_repeated_lines(groups); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_description.rb#90
def message(group, repeats); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_description.rb#73
def repeated_group_descriptions(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_description.rb#48
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RepeatedExampleGroupDescription::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Check for repeated include of shared examples.
# @example
# # bad
# describe 'foo' do
# include_examples 'cool stuff'
# include_examples 'cool stuff'
# end
# # bad
# describe 'foo' do
# it_behaves_like 'a cool', 'thing'
# it_behaves_like 'a cool', 'thing'
# end
# # bad
# context 'foo' do
# it_should_behave_like 'a duck'
# it_should_behave_like 'a duck'
# end
# # good
# describe 'foo' do
# include_examples 'cool stuff'
# end
# describe 'bar' do
# include_examples 'cool stuff'
# end
# # good
# describe 'foo' do
# it_behaves_like 'a cool', 'thing'
# it_behaves_like 'a cool', 'person'
# end
# # good
# context 'foo' do
# it_should_behave_like 'a duck'
# it_should_behave_like 'a goose'
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_include_example.rb#48
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RepeatedIncludeExample < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_include_example.rb#58
def include_examples?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_include_example.rb#65
def on_begin(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_include_example.rb#53
def several_include_examples?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_include_example.rb#62
def shared_examples_name(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_include_example.rb#90
def add_repeated_lines(items); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_include_example.rb#85
def literal_include_examples?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_include_example.rb#99
def message(item, repeats); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_include_example.rb#75
def repeated_include_examples(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_include_example.rb#95
def signature_keys(item); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_include_example.rb#49
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RepeatedIncludeExample::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for consistent style of stub's return setting.
# Enforces either `and_return` or block-style return in the cases
# where the returned value is constant. Ignores dynamic returned values
# are the result would be different
# This cop can be configured using the `EnforcedStyle` option
# @example `EnforcedStyle: and_return` (default)
# # bad
# allow(Foo).to receive(:bar) { "baz" }
# expect(Foo).to receive(:bar) { "baz" }
# # good
# allow(Foo).to receive(:bar).and_return("baz")
# expect(Foo).to receive(:bar).and_return("baz")
# # also good as the returned value is dynamic
# allow(Foo).to receive(:bar) { bar.baz }
# @example `EnforcedStyle: block`
# # bad
# allow(Foo).to receive(:bar).and_return("baz")
# expect(Foo).to receive(:bar).and_return("baz")
# # good
# allow(Foo).to receive(:bar) { "baz" }
# expect(Foo).to receive(:bar) { "baz" }
# # also good as the returned value is dynamic
# allow(Foo).to receive(:bar).and_return(bar.baz)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#36
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReturnFromStub < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#51
def and_return_value(param0); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#45
def contains_stub?(param0); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#62
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#55
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#48
def stub_with_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#71
def check_and_return_call(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#81
def check_block_body(block); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#90
def dynamic?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#95
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReturnFromStub::AndReturnCallCorrector
# @return [AndReturnCallCorrector] a new instance of AndReturnCallCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#96
def initialize(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#102
def call(corrector); end
# Returns the value of attribute arg.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#111
def arg; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#133
def hash_without_braces?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#113
def heredoc?; end
# Returns the value of attribute node.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#111
def node; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#117
def range; end
# Returns the value of attribute receiver.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#111
def receiver; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#125
def replacement; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#139
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReturnFromStub::BlockBodyCorrector
# @return [BlockBodyCorrector] a new instance of BlockBodyCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#140
def initialize(block); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#146
def call(corrector); end
# Returns the value of attribute block.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#158
def block; end
# Returns the value of attribute body.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#158
def body; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#160
def heredoc?; end
# Returns the value of attribute node.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#158
def node; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#164
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReturnFromStub::BlockBodyCorrector::NULL_BLOCK_BODY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T.untyped)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#40
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReturnFromStub::MSG_AND_RETURN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#41
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReturnFromStub::MSG_BLOCK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#42
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReturnFromStub::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for let scattered across the example group.
# Group lets together
# @example
# # bad
# describe Foo do
# let(:foo) { 1 }
# subject { Foo }
# let(:bar) { 2 }
# before { prepare }
# let!(:baz) { 3 }
# end
# # good
# describe Foo do
# subject { Foo }
# before { prepare }
# let(:foo) { 1 }
# let(:bar) { 2 }
# let!(:baz) { 3 }
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/scattered_let.rb#29
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ScatteredLet < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/scattered_let.rb#34
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/scattered_let.rb#42
def check_let_declarations(body); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/scattered_let.rb#32
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ScatteredLet::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for setup scattered across multiple hooks in an example group.
# Unify `before`, `after`, and `around` hooks when possible.
# @example
# # bad
# describe Foo do
# before { setup1 }
# before { setup2 }
# end
# # good
# describe Foo do
# before do
# setup1
# setup2
# end
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/scattered_setup.rb#25
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ScatteredSetup < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/scattered_setup.rb#32
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/scattered_setup.rb#75
def autocorrect(corrector, first_occurrence, occurrence); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/scattered_setup.rb#60
def lines_msg(numbers); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/scattered_setup.rb#68
def message(occurrences, occurrence); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/scattered_setup.rb#47
def repeated_hooks(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/scattered_setup.rb#29
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ScatteredSetup::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for proper shared_context and shared_examples usage.
# If there are no examples defined, use shared_context.
# If there is no setup defined, use shared_examples.
# @example
# # bad
# RSpec.shared_context 'only examples here' do
# it 'does x' do
# end
# it 'does y' do
# end
# end
# # good
# RSpec.shared_examples 'only examples here' do
# it 'does x' do
# end
# it 'does y' do
# end
# end
# @example
# # bad
# RSpec.shared_examples 'only setup here' do
# subject(:foo) { :bar }
# let(:baz) { :bazz }
# before do
# something
# end
# end
# # good
# RSpec.shared_context 'only setup here' do
# subject(:foo) { :bar }
# let(:baz) { :bazz }
# before do
# something
# end
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_context.rb#53
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SharedContext < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_context.rb#65
def context?(param0); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_context.rb#60
def examples?(param0); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_context.rb#81
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_context.rb#72
def shared_context(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_context.rb#77
def shared_example(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_context.rb#97
def context_with_only_examples(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_context.rb#101
def examples_with_only_context(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_context.rb#57
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SharedContext::MSG_CONTEXT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_context.rb#56
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SharedContext::MSG_EXAMPLES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Enforces use of string to titleize shared examples.
# @example
# # bad
# it_behaves_like :foo_bar_baz
# it_should_behave_like :foo_bar_baz
# shared_examples :foo_bar_baz
# shared_examples_for :foo_bar_baz
# include_examples :foo_bar_baz
# # good
# it_behaves_like 'foo bar baz'
# it_should_behave_like 'foo bar baz'
# shared_examples 'foo bar baz'
# shared_examples_for 'foo bar baz'
# include_examples 'foo bar baz'
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_examples.rb#23
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SharedExamples < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_examples.rb#34
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_examples.rb#27
def shared_examples(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_examples.rb#47
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SharedExamples::Checker
# @return [Checker] a new instance of Checker
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_examples.rb#53
def initialize(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_examples.rb#57
def message; end
# Returns the value of attribute node.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_examples.rb#51
def node; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_examples.rb#61
def preferred_style; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_examples.rb#68
def symbol; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_examples.rb#72
def wrap_with_single_quotes(string); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_examples.rb#48
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SharedExamples::Checker::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks that chains of messages contain more than one element.
# @example
# # bad
# allow(foo).to receive_message_chain(:bar).and_return(42)
# # good
# allow(foo).to receive(:bar).and_return(42)
# # also good
# allow(foo).to receive(:bar, :baz)
# allow(foo).to receive("bar.baz")
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#19
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SingleArgumentMessageChain < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#27
def message_chain(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#34
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#32
def single_key_hash?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#49
def autocorrect(corrector, node, method, arg); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#77
def autocorrect_array_arg(corrector, arg); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#69
def autocorrect_hash_arg(corrector, arg); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#83
def key_to_arg(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#88
def replacement(method); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#65
def single_element_array?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#55
def valid_usage?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#22
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SingleArgumentMessageChain::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#24
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SingleArgumentMessageChain::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for passing a block to `skip` within examples.
# @example
# # bad
# it 'does something' do
# skip 'not yet implemented' do
# do_something
# end
# end
# # good
# it 'does something' do
# skip 'not yet implemented'
# do_something
# end
# # good - when outside example
# skip 'not yet implemented' do
# end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/skip_block_inside_example.rb#26
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SkipBlockInsideExample < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/skip_block_inside_example.rb#29
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/skip_block_inside_example.rb#29
def on_numblock(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/skip_block_inside_example.rb#40
def inside_example?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/skip_block_inside_example.rb#27
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SkipBlockInsideExample::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Helps check offenses with variable definitions
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/skip_or_pending.rb#7
module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SkipOrPending
extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
# Match skip/pending statements inside a block (e.g. `context`)
# @example source that matches
# context 'when color is blue' do
# skip 'not implemented yet'
# pending 'not implemented yet'
# end
# @example source that does not match
# skip 'not implemented yet'
# pending 'not implemented yet'
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
# @return [Array<RuboCop::AST::Node>] matching nodes
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/skip_or_pending.rb#33
def skip_or_pending_inside_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/skip_or_pending.rb#11
def skipped_in_metadata?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Sort RSpec metadata alphabetically.
# @example
# # bad
# describe 'Something', :b, :a
# context 'Something', foo: 'bar', baz: true
# it 'works', :b, :a, foo: 'bar', baz: true
# # good
# describe 'Something', :a, :b
# context 'Something', baz: true, foo: 'bar'
# it 'works', :a, :b, baz: true, foo: 'bar'
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/sort_metadata.rb#19
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SortMetadata < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Metadata
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/sort_metadata.rb#26
def on_metadata(symbols, pairs); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/sort_metadata.rb#37
def crime_scene(symbols, pairs); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/sort_metadata.rb#46
def replacement(symbols, pairs); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/sort_metadata.rb#54
def sort_pairs(pairs); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/sort_metadata.rb#58
def sort_symbols(symbols); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/sort_metadata.rb#50
def sorted?(symbols, pairs); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/sort_metadata.rb#24
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SortMetadata::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks that message expectations do not have a configured response.
# @example
# # bad
# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).with(42).and_return("hello world")
# # good (without spies)
# allow(foo).to receive(:bar).with(42).and_return("hello world")
# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).with(42)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#16
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::StubbedMock < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#42
def configured_response?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Match expectation
# @example source that matches
# be_in_the_bar
# @example source that matches
# expect(cocktail).to contain_exactly(:fresh_orange_juice, :campari)
# @example source that matches
# expect_any_instance_of(Officer).to be_alert
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
# @yield [RuboCop::AST::Node] expectation, method name, matcher
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#61
def expectation(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Match matcher with a configured response in block-pass
# @example source that matches
# receive(:foo, &canned)
# @example source that matches
# receive_message_chain(:foo, :bar, &canned)
# @example source that matches
# receive(:foo).with('bar', &canned)
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
# @yield [RuboCop::AST::Node] matcher
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#129
def matcher_with_blockpass(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Match matcher with a configured response
# @example source that matches
# receive(:foo).and_return('bar')
# @example source that matches
# receive(:lower).and_raise(SomeError)
# @example source that matches
# receive(:redirect).and_call_original
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
# @yield [RuboCop::AST::Node] matcher
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#81
def matcher_with_configured_response(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Match matcher with a configured response defined as a hash
# @example source that matches
# receive_messages(foo: 'bar', baz: 'qux')
# @example source that matches
# receive_message_chain(:foo, bar: 'baz')
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
# @yield [RuboCop::AST::Node] matcher
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#108
def matcher_with_hash(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Match matcher with a return block
# @example source that matches
# receive(:foo) { 'bar' }
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
# @yield [RuboCop::AST::Node] matcher
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#93
def matcher_with_return_block(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Match message expectation matcher
# @example source that matches
# receive(:foo)
# @example source that matches
# receive_message_chain(:foo, :bar)
# @example source that matches
# receive(:foo).with('bar')
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
# @return [Array<RuboCop::AST::Node>] matching nodes
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#34
def message_expectation?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#138
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#155
def msg(method_name); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#144
def on_expectation(expectation, method_name, matcher); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#161
def replacement(method_name); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#17
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::StubbedMock::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#136
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::StubbedMock::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Ensure that subject is defined using subject helper.
# @example
# # bad
# let(:subject) { foo }
# let!(:subject) { foo }
# subject(:subject) { foo }
# subject!(:subject) { foo }
# # bad
# block = -> {}
# let(:subject, &block)
# # good
# subject(:test_subject) { foo }
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_declaration.rb#22
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SubjectDeclaration < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_declaration.rb#27
def offensive_subject_declaration?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_declaration.rb#31
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_declaration.rb#40
def message_for(offense); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_declaration.rb#23
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SubjectDeclaration::MSG_LET = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_declaration.rb#24
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SubjectDeclaration::MSG_REDUNDANT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for stubbed test subjects.
# Checks nested subject stubs for innermost subject definition
# when subject is also defined in parent example groups.
# @example
# # bad
# describe Article do
# subject(:article) { }
# it 'indicates that the author is unknown' do
# allow(article).to receive(:author).and_return(nil)
# expect(article.description).to include('by an unknown author')
# end
# end
# # bad
# describe Article do
# subject(:foo) { }
# context 'nested subject' do
# subject(:article) { }
# it 'indicates that the author is unknown' do
# allow(article).to receive(:author).and_return(nil)
# expect(article.description).to include('by an unknown author')
# end
# end
# end
# # good
# describe Article do
# subject(:article) { nil) }
# it 'indicates that the author is unknown' do
# expect(article.description).to include('by an unknown author')
# end
# end
# @see
# @see
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_stub.rb#50
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SubjectStub < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::TopLevelGroup
# Find a memoized helper
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_stub.rb#80
def let?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Match `allow` and `expect(...).to receive`
# @example source that matches
# allow(foo).to receive(:bar)
# allow(foo).to receive(:bar).with(1)
# allow(foo).to receive(:bar).with(1).and_return(2)
# expect(foo).to receive(:bar)
# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).with(1)
# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).with(1).and_return(2)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_stub.rb#97
def message_expectation?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil), param1); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_stub.rb#109
def message_expectation_matcher?(param0); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_stub.rb#115
def on_top_level_group(node); end
# Find a named or unnamed subject definition
# @example anonymous subject
# subject?(parse('subject { foo }').ast) do |name|
# name # => :subject
# end
# @example named subject
# subject?(parse('subject(:thing) { foo }').ast) do |name|
# name # => :thing
# end
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
# @yield [Symbol] subject name
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_stub.rb#71
def subject?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_stub.rb#126
def find_all_explicit(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_stub.rb#140
def find_subject_expectations(node, subject_names = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_stub.rb#53
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SubjectStub::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Helper methods for top level example group cops
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/top_level_group.rb#7
module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::TopLevelGroup
extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/top_level_group.rb#10
def on_new_investigation; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/top_level_group.rb#19
def top_level_groups; end
# Dummy methods to be overridden in the consumer
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/top_level_group.rb#27
def on_top_level_example_group(_node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/top_level_group.rb#29
def on_top_level_group(_node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/top_level_group.rb#48
def root_node; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/top_level_group.rb#31
def top_level_group?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/top_level_group.rb#35
def top_level_nodes(node); end
# Checks for a specified error in checking raised errors.
# Enforces one of an Exception type, a string, or a regular
# expression to match against the exception message as a parameter
# to `raise_error`
# @example
# # bad
# expect {
# raise'error')
# }.to raise_error
# # good
# expect {
# raise'error')
# }.to raise_error(StandardError)
# expect {
# raise'error')
# }.to raise_error('error')
# expect {
# raise'error')
# }.to raise_error(/err/)
# expect { do_something }.not_to raise_error
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/unspecified_exception.rb#33
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::UnspecifiedException < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/unspecified_exception.rb#38
def empty_raise_error_or_exception(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/unspecified_exception.rb#47
def on_send(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/unspecified_exception.rb#59
def block_with_args?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/unspecified_exception.rb#55
def empty_exception_matcher?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/unspecified_exception.rb#34
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::UnspecifiedException::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/unspecified_exception.rb#35
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::UnspecifiedException::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Helps check offenses with variable definitions
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/variable.rb#7
module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Variable
extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/variable.rb#14
def variable_definition?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/variable.rb#11
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Variable::Helpers = RuboCop::RSpec::Language::Helpers
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/variable.rb#10
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Variable::Subjects = RuboCop::RSpec::Language::Subjects
# Checks that memoized helpers names are symbols or strings.
# @example EnforcedStyle: symbols (default)
# # bad
# subject('user') { create_user }
# let('user_name') { 'Adam' }
# # good
# subject(:user) { create_user }
# let(:user_name) { 'Adam' }
# @example EnforcedStyle: strings
# # bad
# subject(:user) { create_user }
# let(:user_name) { 'Adam' }
# # good
# subject('user') { create_user }
# let('user_name') { 'Adam' }
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/variable_definition.rb#26
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VariableDefinition < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Variable
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InsideExampleGroup
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/variable_definition.rb#34
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/variable_definition.rb#51
def correct_variable(variable); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/variable_definition.rb#67
def string?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/variable_definition.rb#62
def style_violation?(variable); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/variable_definition.rb#71
def symbol?(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/variable_definition.rb#32
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VariableDefinition::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks that memoized helper names use the configured style.
# Variables can be excluded from checking using the `AllowedPatterns`
# option.
# @example EnforcedStyle: snake_case (default)
# # bad
# subject(:userName1) { 'Adam' }
# let(:userName2) { 'Adam' }
# # good
# subject(:user_name_1) { 'Adam' }
# let(:user_name_2) { 'Adam' }
# @example EnforcedStyle: camelCase
# # bad
# subject(:user_name_1) { 'Adam' }
# let(:user_name_2) { 'Adam' }
# # good
# subject(:userName1) { 'Adam' }
# let(:userName2) { 'Adam' }
# @example AllowedPatterns configuration
# # rubocop.yml
# # RSpec/VariableName:
# # EnforcedStyle: snake_case
# # AllowedPatterns:
# # - ^userFood
# @example
# # okay because it matches the `^userFood` regex in `AllowedPatterns`
# subject(:userFood_1) { 'spaghetti' }
# let(:userFood_2) { 'fettuccine' }
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/variable_name.rb#41
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VariableName < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableFormatting
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableNaming
include ::RuboCop::Cop::AllowedPattern
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Variable
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InsideExampleGroup
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/variable_name.rb#49
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/variable_name.rb#62
def message(style); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/variable_name.rb#47
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VariableName::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for consistent verified double reference style.
# Only investigates references that are one of the supported styles.
# This cop can be configured in your configuration using the
# `EnforcedStyle` option and supports `--auto-gen-config`.
# @example `EnforcedStyle: constant` (default)
# # bad
# let(:foo) do
# instance_double('ClassName', method_name: 'returned_value')
# end
# # good
# let(:foo) do
# instance_double(ClassName, method_name: 'returned_value')
# end
# @example `EnforcedStyle: string`
# # bad
# let(:foo) do
# instance_double(ClassName, method_name: 'returned_value')
# end
# # good
# let(:foo) do
# instance_double('ClassName', method_name: 'returned_value')
# end
# @example Reference is not in the supported style list. No enforcement
# # good
# let(:foo) do
# instance_double(@klass, method_name: 'returned_value')
# end
# @see
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_double_reference.rb#43
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VerifiedDoubleReference < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_double_reference.rb#74
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_double_reference.rb#66
def verified_double(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_double_reference.rb#101
def correct_style(violation); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_double_reference.rb#92
def opposing_style?(class_reference); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_double_reference.rb#47
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VerifiedDoubleReference::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_double_reference.rb#60
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VerifiedDoubleReference::REFERENCE_TYPE_STYLES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_double_reference.rb#49
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VerifiedDoubleReference::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# Prefer using verifying doubles over normal doubles.
# @example
# # bad
# let(:foo) do
# double(method_name: 'returned value')
# end
# # bad
# let(:foo) do
# double("ClassName", method_name: 'returned value')
# end
# # good
# let(:foo) do
# instance_double("ClassName", method_name: 'returned value')
# end
# @see
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_doubles.rb#26
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VerifiedDoubles < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_doubles.rb#35
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_doubles.rb#31
def unverified_double(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_doubles.rb#46
def symbol?(name); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_doubles.rb#27
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VerifiedDoubles::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_doubles.rb#28
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VerifiedDoubles::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks void `expect()`.
# @example
# # bad
# expect(something)
# # good
# expect(something).to be(1)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/void_expect.rb#15
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VoidExpect < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/void_expect.rb#21
def expect?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/void_expect.rb#26
def expect_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/void_expect.rb#36
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/void_expect.rb#30
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/void_expect.rb#44
def check_expect(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/void_expect.rb#50
def void?(expect); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/void_expect.rb#16
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VoidExpect::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/void_expect.rb#18
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VoidExpect::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for calling a block within a stub.
# @example
# # bad
# allow(foo).to receive(:bar) { |&block| }
# # good
# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).and_yield(1)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/yield.rb#15
class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Yield < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/yield.rb#25
def block_arg(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/yield.rb#28
def block_call?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil), param1); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/yield.rb#22
def method_on_stub?(param0); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/yield.rb#30
def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/yield.rb#46
def autocorrect(corrector, node, range); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/yield.rb#61
def block_range(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/yield.rb#53
def calling_block?(node, block); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/yield.rb#73
def convert_block_to_yield(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/yield.rb#65
def generate_replacement(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/yield.rb#19
RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Yield::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
module RuboCop::Cop::Style; end
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::TrailingCommaInArguments < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
# source://rubocop/1.56.2/lib/rubocop/cop/style/trailing_comma_in_arguments.rb#95
def on_csend(node); end
# source://rubocop/1.56.2/lib/rubocop/cop/style/trailing_comma_in_arguments.rb#95
def on_send(node); end
class << self
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop-rspec.rb#59
def autocorrect_incompatible_with; end
# RuboCop RSpec project namespace
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec.rb#5
module RuboCop::RSpec; end
# Shared behavior for aligning braces for single line lets
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/align_let_brace.rb#6
class RuboCop::RSpec::AlignLetBrace
include ::RuboCop::RSpec::Language
include ::RuboCop::PathUtil
include ::RuboCop::Cop::Util
# @return [AlignLetBrace] a new instance of AlignLetBrace
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/align_let_brace.rb#10
def initialize(root, token); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/align_let_brace.rb#21
def indent_for(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/align_let_brace.rb#15
def offending_tokens; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/align_let_brace.rb#43
def adjacent_let_chunks; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/align_let_brace.rb#35
def let_group_for(let); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/align_let_brace.rb#27
def let_token(node); end
# Returns the value of attribute root.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/align_let_brace.rb#60
def root; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/align_let_brace.rb#53
def single_line_lets; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/align_let_brace.rb#31
def target_column_for(let); end
# Returns the value of attribute token.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/align_let_brace.rb#60
def token; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec.rb#7
RuboCop::RSpec::CONFIG_DEFAULT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Pathname)
# Wrapper for RSpec DSL methods
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/concept.rb#6
class RuboCop::RSpec::Concept
include ::RuboCop::RSpec::Language
extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
extend ::RuboCop::RSpec::Language::NodePattern
# @return [Concept] a new instance of Concept
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/concept.rb#11
def initialize(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/concept.rb#15
def ==(other); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/concept.rb#15
def eql?(other); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/concept.rb#21
def hash; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/concept.rb#25
def to_node; end
# Returns the value of attribute node.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/concept.rb#31
def node; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/corrector/move_node.rb#5
module RuboCop::RSpec::Corrector; end
# Helper methods to move a node
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/corrector/move_node.rb#7
class RuboCop::RSpec::Corrector::MoveNode
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FinalEndLocation
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::CommentsHelp
# @return [MoveNode] a new instance of MoveNode
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/corrector/move_node.rb#14
def initialize(node, corrector, processed_source); end
# Returns the value of attribute corrector.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/corrector/move_node.rb#12
def corrector; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/corrector/move_node.rb#27
def move_after(other); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/corrector/move_node.rb#20
def move_before(other); end
# Returns the value of attribute original.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/corrector/move_node.rb#12
def original; end
# Returns the value of attribute processed_source.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/corrector/move_node.rb#12
def processed_source; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/corrector/move_node.rb#40
def node_range(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/corrector/move_node.rb#44
def node_range_with_surrounding_space(node); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/corrector/move_node.rb#36
def source(node); end
# Wrapper for RSpec examples
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example.rb#6
class RuboCop::RSpec::Example < ::RuboCop::RSpec::Concept
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example.rb#28
def definition; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example.rb#16
def doc_string; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example.rb#8
def extract_doc_string(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example.rb#14
def extract_implementation(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example.rb#11
def extract_metadata(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example.rb#24
def implementation; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example.rb#20
def metadata; end
# Wrapper for RSpec example groups
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example_group.rb#6
class RuboCop::RSpec::ExampleGroup < ::RuboCop::RSpec::Concept
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example_group.rb#28
def examples; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example_group.rb#34
def hooks; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example_group.rb#20
def lets; end
# Detect if the node is an example group or shared example
# Selectors which indicate that we should stop searching
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example_group.rb#13
def scope_change?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example_group.rb#24
def subjects; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example_group.rb#56
def find_all(node, predicate); end
# Recursively search for predicate within the current scope
# Searches node and halts when a scope change is detected
# @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node] node to recursively search
# @param predicate [Symbol] method to call with node as argument
# @return [Array<RuboCop::AST::Node>] discovered nodes
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example_group.rb#50
def find_all_in_scope(node, predicate); end
# Wrapper for RSpec hook
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/hook.rb#6
class RuboCop::RSpec::Hook < ::RuboCop::RSpec::Concept
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/hook.rb#24
def example?; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/hook.rb#8
def extract_metadata(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/hook.rb#18
def knowable_scope?; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/hook.rb#38
def metadata; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/hook.rb#14
def name; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/hook.rb#28
def scope; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/hook.rb#74
def scope_argument; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/hook.rb#70
def scope_name; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/hook.rb#51
def transform_metadata(meta); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/hook.rb#66
def transform_true(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/hook.rb#47
def valid_scope?(node); end
# Because RuboCop doesn't yet support plugins, we have to monkey patch in a
# bit of our configuration.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/inject.rb#7
module RuboCop::RSpec::Inject
class << self
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/inject.rb#8
def defaults!; end
# Contains node matchers for common RSpec DSL.
# RSpec allows for configuring aliases for commonly used DSL elements, e.g.
# example groups and hooks. It is possible to configure RuboCop RSpec to
# be able to properly detect these elements in the `RSpec/Language` section
# of the RuboCop YAML configuration file.
# In addition to providing useful matchers, this class is responsible for
# using the configured aliases.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language/node_pattern.rb#5
module RuboCop::RSpec::Language
extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
extend ::RuboCop::RSpec::Language::NodePattern
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#50
def example?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#29
def example_group?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#45
def example_group_with_body?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#26
def explicit_rspec?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#53
def hook?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#69
def include?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#61
def let?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#23
def rspec?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#34
def shared_group?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#38
def spec_group?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#77
def subject?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
class << self
# Returns the value of attribute config.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#19
def config; end
# Sets the attribute config
# @param value the value to set the attribute config to.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#19
def config=(_arg0); end
# This is used in Dialect and DescribeClass cops to detect RSpec blocks.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#205
module RuboCop::RSpec::Language::ALL
class << self
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#206
def all(element); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#79
module RuboCop::RSpec::Language::ExampleGroups
class << self
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#81
def all(element); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#91
def focused(element); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#87
def regular(element); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#95
def skipped(element); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#101
module RuboCop::RSpec::Language::Examples
class << self
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#103
def all(element); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#114
def focused(element); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#122
def pending(element); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#110
def regular(element); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#118
def skipped(element); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#128
module RuboCop::RSpec::Language::Expectations
class << self
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#129
def all(element); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#134
module RuboCop::RSpec::Language::Helpers
class << self
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#135
def all(element); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#146
module RuboCop::RSpec::Language::HookScopes
class << self
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#148
def all(element); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#147
RuboCop::RSpec::Language::HookScopes::ALL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#140
module RuboCop::RSpec::Language::Hooks
class << self
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#141
def all(element); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#153
module RuboCop::RSpec::Language::Includes
class << self
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#155
def all(element); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#164
def context(element); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#160
def examples(element); end
# Helper methods to detect RSpec DSL used with send and block
# @deprecated Prefer using Node Pattern directly
# Use `'(block (send nil? #Example.all ...) ...)'` instead of
# `block_pattern('#Example.all')`
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language/node_pattern.rb#10
module RuboCop::RSpec::Language::NodePattern
# @deprecated Prefer using Node Pattern directly
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language/node_pattern.rb#30
def block_or_numblock_pattern(string); end
# @deprecated Prefer using Node Pattern directly
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language/node_pattern.rb#18
def block_pattern(string); end
# @deprecated Prefer using Node Pattern directly
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language/node_pattern.rb#24
def numblock_pattern(string); end
# @deprecated Prefer using Node Pattern directly
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language/node_pattern.rb#12
def send_pattern(string); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language/node_pattern.rb#37
def deprecation_warning(method); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#170
module RuboCop::RSpec::Language::Runners
class << self
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#173
def all(element = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#171
RuboCop::RSpec::Language::Runners::ALL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#181
module RuboCop::RSpec::Language::SharedGroups
class << self
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#183
def all(element); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#192
def context(element); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#188
def examples(element); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#198
module RuboCop::RSpec::Language::Subjects
class << self
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#199
def all(element); end
# RuboCop RSpec specific extensions of RuboCop::AST::Node
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/node.rb#6
module RuboCop::RSpec::Node
# In various cops we want to regard const as literal although it's not
# strictly literal.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/node.rb#9
def recursive_literal_or_const?; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec.rb#6
RuboCop::RSpec::PROJECT_ROOT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Pathname)
# Version information for the RSpec RuboCop plugin.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/version.rb#6
module RuboCop::RSpec::Version; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/version.rb#7
RuboCop::RSpec::Version::STRING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# RSpec example wording rewriter
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#6
class RuboCop::RSpec::Wording
# @return [Wording] a new instance of Wording
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#12
def initialize(text, ignore:, replace:); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#18
def rewrite; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#72
def append_suffix(word, suffix); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#57
def ignored_word?(word); end
# Returns the value of attribute ignores.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#31
def ignores; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#43
def remove_should_and_pluralize; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#33
def replace_prefix(pattern, replacement); end
# Returns the value of attribute replacements.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#31
def replacements; end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#61
def substitute(word); end
# Returns the value of attribute text.
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#31
def text; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#39
def uppercase?(word); end
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#9
RuboCop::RSpec::Wording::ES_SUFFIX_PATTERN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#10
RuboCop::RSpec::Wording::IES_SUFFIX_PATTERN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#8
RuboCop::RSpec::Wording::SHOULDNT_BE_PREFIX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#7
RuboCop::RSpec::Wording::SHOULDNT_PREFIX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)