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'use strict';

const nopt = require('nopt');
const chalk = require('chalk');
const path = require('path');
const isGitRepo = require('is-git-url');
const camelize = require('ember-cli-string-utils').camelize;
const getCallerFile = require('get-caller-file');
const printCommand = require('../utilities/print-command');
const { union, defaults, uniq, uniqBy, reject } = require('ember-cli-lodash-subset');
const EOL = require('os').EOL;
const CoreObject = require('core-object');
const logger = require('heimdalljs-logger')('ember-cli:command');
const WatchDetector = require('watch-detector');
const SilentError = require('silent-error');
const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
const fs = require('fs');
const { determineInstallCommand } = require('../utilities/package-managers');

let cache = {};

let allowedWorkOptions = {
  insideProject: true,
  outsideProject: true,
  everywhere: true,

path.name = 'Path';
// extend nopt to recognize 'gitUrl' as a type
nopt.typeDefs.gitUrl = {
  type: 'gitUrl',
  validate(data, k, val) {
    if (isGitRepo(val)) {
      data[k] = val;
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

 * The base class for all CLI commands.
 * @module ember-cli
 * @class Command
 * @constructor
 * @extends CoreObject
let Command = CoreObject.extend({
   * The description of what this command does.
   * @final
   * @property description
   * @type String
  description: null,

   * Does this command work everywhere or just inside or outside of projects.
   * Possible values:
   * - `insideProject`
   * - `outsideProject`
   * - `everywhere`
   * @final
   * @property works
   * @type String
   * @default `insideProject`
  works: 'insideProject',

  _printableProperties: ['name', 'description', 'aliases', 'works', 'availableOptions', 'anonymousOptions'],

  init() {
    this._super.apply(this, arguments);

     * @final
     * @property isWithinProject
     * @type Boolean
    this.isWithinProject = this.project.isEmberCLIProject();

     * The name of the command.
     * @final
     * @property name
     * @type String
     * @example `new` or `generate`
    this.name = this.name || path.basename(getCallerFile(), '.js');

    logger.info('initialize: name: %s, name: %s', this.name);

     * An array of aliases for the command
     * @final
     * @property aliases
     * @type Array
     * @example `['g']` for the `generate` command
    this.aliases = this.aliases || [];

    // Works Property
    if (!allowedWorkOptions[this.works]) {
      throw new Error(
        `The "${this.name}" command's works field has to be either "everywhere", "insideProject" or "outsideProject".`

     * An array of available options for the command
     * @final
     * @property availableOptions
     * @type Array
     * @example
     * ```js
     * availableOptions: [
     *   { name: 'dry-run',    type: Boolean, default: false, aliases: ['d'] },
     *   { name: 'verbose',    type: Boolean, default: false, aliases: ['v'] },
     *   { name: 'blueprint',  type: String,  default: 'app', aliases: ['b'] },
     *   { name: 'skip-npm',   type: Boolean, default: false, aliases: ['sn', 'skip-install', 'si'] },
     *   { name: 'skip-git',   type: Boolean, default: false, aliases: ['sg'] },
     *   { name: 'directory',  type: String ,                 aliases: ['dir'] }
     * ],
     * ```
    this.availableOptions = this.availableOptions || [];

     * An array of anonymous options for the command
     * @final
     * @property anonymousOptions
     * @type Array
     * @example
     * ```js
     * anonymousOptions: [
     *   '<blueprint>'
     * ],
     * ```
    this.anonymousOptions = this.anonymousOptions || [];

    Registers options with command. This method provides the ability to extend or override command options.
    Expects an object containing anonymousOptions or availableOptions, which it will then merge with
    existing availableOptions before building the optionsAliases which are used to define shorthands.

    @method registerOptions
    @param {Object} options
  registerOptions(options) {
    let extendedAvailableOptions = (options && options.availableOptions) || [];
    let extendedAnonymousOptions = (options && options.anonymousOptions) || [];

    this.anonymousOptions = union(this.anonymousOptions.slice(0), extendedAnonymousOptions);

    // merge any availableOptions
    this.availableOptions = union(this.availableOptions.slice(0), extendedAvailableOptions);

    let optionKeys = uniq(this.availableOptions.map((option) => option.name));


    this.optionsAliases = this.optionsAliases || {};


   * Called when command is interrupted from outside, e.g. ctrl+C or process kill
   * Can be used to cleanup artifacts produced by command and control process exit code
   * @method onInterrupt
   * @return {Promise|undefined} if rejected promise then result of promise will be used as an exit code
  onInterrupt() {
    if (this._currentTask) {
      return this._currentTask.onInterrupt();
    } else {
      // interrupt all external commands which don't use `runTask()` with an error

      // eslint-disable-next-line n/no-process-exit

  _env(/* name */) {
    return {
      ui: this.ui,
      project: this.project,
      testing: this.testing,
      settings: this.settings,

   * Looks up for the task and runs
   * It also keeps the reference for the current active task
   * Keeping reference for the current task allows to cleanup task on interruption
   * @private
   * @method runTask
   * @throws {Error} when no task found
   * @throws {Error} on attempt to run concurrent task
   * @param {string} name Task name from the tasks registry. Should be capitalized
   * @param {object} options
   * @return {Promise} Task run
  runTask(name, options) {
    if (this._currentTask) {
      throw new Error(`Concurrent tasks are not supported`);

    logger.info(`\`${this.name}\` command running \`${name}\` task`);

    let Task = this.tasks[name];
    if (!Task) {
      throw new Error(`Unknown task "${name}"`);

    let task = new Task(this._env(name));

    this._currentTask = task;

    return Promise.resolve()
      .then(() => task.run(options))
      .catch((error) => {
        logger.info(`An error occurred running \`${name}\` from the \`${this.name}\` command.`, error.stack);

        throw error;
      .finally(() => {
        delete this._currentTask;

    Hook for extending a command before it is run in the cli.run command.
    Most common use case would be to extend availableOptions.
    @method beforeRun
    @return {Promise|null}
  beforeRun() {},

    @method validateAndRun
    @return {Promise}
  async validateAndRun(args) {
    let commandOptions = this.parseArgs(args);

    // If the `help` option was passed, resolve with `callHelp` to call the `help` command:
    if (commandOptions && (commandOptions.options.help || commandOptions.options.h)) {
      logger.info(`${this.name} called with help option`);

      return 'callHelp';

    if (commandOptions === null) {
      throw new SilentError();

    if (this.works === 'outsideProject' && this.isWithinProject) {
      throw new SilentError(`You cannot use the ${chalk.green(this.name)} command inside an ember-cli project.`);

    if (this.works === 'insideProject') {
      if (!this.project.hasDependencies()) {
        if (!this.isWithinProject && !this.project.isEmberCLIAddon()) {
          throw new SilentError(
            `You have to be inside an ember-cli project to use the ${chalk.green(this.name)} command.`

        let installCommand = await determineInstallCommand(this.project.root);

        throw new SilentError(
          `Required packages are missing, run \`${installCommand}\` from this directory to install them.`

    let detector = new WatchDetector({
      ui: this.ui,
      childProcess: { execSync },
      watchmanSupportsPlatform: /^win/.test(process.platform),
      root: this.project.root,

    let options = commandOptions.options;

    if (this.hasOption('watcher')) {
      // Do stuff to try and provide a good experience when it comes to file watching:
      let watchPreference = detector.findBestWatcherOption(options);

      this.project._watchmanInfo = watchPreference.watchmanInfo;
      options.watcher = watchPreference.watcher;

    return this.run(options, commandOptions.args);

    Reports if the given command has a command line option by a given name

    @method hasOption
    @param {String} name
    @return {Boolean}
  hasOption(name) {
    for (let i = 0; i < this.availableOptions.length; i++) {
      if (this.availableOptions[i].name === name) {
        return true;
    return false;

    Merges any options with duplicate keys in the availableOptions array.
    Used primarily by registerOptions.
    @method mergeDuplicateOption
    @param {String} key
    @return {Object}
  mergeDuplicateOption(key) {
    let duplicateOptions, mergedOption, mergedAliases;
    // get duplicates to merge
    duplicateOptions = this.availableOptions.filter((option) => option.name === key);

    if (duplicateOptions.length > 1) {
      // TODO: warn on duplicates and overwriting
      mergedAliases = duplicateOptions.flatMap((option) => option.aliases);

      // merge duplicate options
      mergedOption = Object.assign.apply(null, duplicateOptions);

      // replace aliases with unique aliases
      mergedOption.aliases = uniqBy(mergedAliases, (alias) => {
        if (typeof alias === 'object') {
          return alias[Object.keys(alias)[0]];
        return alias;

      // remove duplicates from options
      this.availableOptions = reject(this.availableOptions, { name: key });

    return this.availableOptions;

    Normalizes option, filling in implicit values
    @method normalizeOption
    @param {Object} option
    @return {Object}
  normalizeOption(option) {
    option.key = camelize(option.name);
    option.required = option.required || false;
    return option;

    Assigns option
    @method assignOption
    @param {Object} option
    @param {Object} parsedOptions
    @param {Object} commandOptions
    @return {Boolean}
  assignOption(option, parsedOptions, commandOptions) {
    let isValid = isValidParsedOption(option, parsedOptions[option.name]);
    if (isValid) {
      if (parsedOptions[option.name] === undefined) {
        if (option.default !== undefined) {
          commandOptions[option.key] = option.default;

        if (this.settings[option.name] !== undefined) {
          commandOptions[option.key] = this.settings[option.name];
        } else if (this.settings[option.key] !== undefined) {
          commandOptions[option.key] = this.settings[option.key];
      } else {
        commandOptions[option.key] = parsedOptions[option.name];
        delete parsedOptions[option.name];
    } else {
        `The specified command ${chalk.green(this.name)} requires the option ${chalk.green(option.name)}.`
    return isValid;

    Validates option
    @method validateOption
    @param {Object} option
    @return {Boolean}
  validateOption(option) {
    let parsedAliases;

    if (!option.name || !option.type) {
      throw new Error(`The command "${this.name}" has an option without the required type and name fields.`);

    if (option.name !== option.name.toLowerCase()) {
      throw new Error(`The "${option.name}" option's name of the "${this.name}" command contains a capital letter.`);


    if (option.aliases) {
      parsedAliases = option.aliases.map(this.parseAlias.bind(this, option));
      return parsedAliases.map(this.assignAlias.bind(this, option)).indexOf(false) === -1;
    return false;

    Parses alias for an option and adds it to optionsAliases
    @method parseAlias
    @param {Object} option
    @param {Object|String} alias
    @return {Object}
  parseAlias(option, alias) {
    let aliasType = typeof alias;
    let key, value, aliasValue;

    if (isValidAlias(alias, option.type)) {
      if (aliasType === 'string') {
        key = alias;
        value = [`--${option.name}`];
      } else if (aliasType === 'object') {
        key = Object.keys(alias)[0];
        value = [`--${option.name}`, alias[key]];
    } else {
      if (Array.isArray(alias)) {
        aliasType = 'array';
        aliasValue = alias.join(',');
      } else {
        aliasValue = alias;
        try {
          aliasValue = JSON.parse(alias);
        } catch (e) {
          const logger = require('heimdalljs-logger')('ember-cli/models/command');
      throw new Error(
        `The "${aliasValue}" [type:${aliasType}] alias is not an acceptable value. ` +
          `It must be a string or single key object with a string value (for example, "value" or { "key" : "value" }).`

    return {
      original: alias,

   * @method assignAlias
   * @param option
   * @param alias
   * @return {Boolean}
  assignAlias(option, alias) {
    let isValid = this.validateAlias(option, alias);

    if (isValid) {
      this.optionsAliases[alias.key] = alias.value;
    return isValid;

    Validates alias value
    @method validateAlias
    @param {Object} alias
    @return {Boolean}
  validateAlias(option, alias) {
    let key = alias.key;
    let value = alias.value;

    if (!this.optionsAliases[key]) {
      return true;
    } else {
      if (value[0] !== this.optionsAliases[key][0]) {
        throw new SilentError(
          `The "${key}" alias is already in use by the "${this.optionsAliases[key][0]}" option ` +
            `and cannot be used by the "${value[0]}" option. Please use a different alias.`
      } else if (value[1] !== this.optionsAliases[key][1]) {
        this.ui.writeLine(chalk.yellow(`The "${key}" alias cannot be overridden. Please use a different alias.`));
        // delete offending alias from options
        let index = this.availableOptions.indexOf(option);
        let aliasIndex = this.availableOptions[index].aliases.indexOf(alias.original);
        if (this.availableOptions[index].aliases[aliasIndex]) {
          // first one wins
          this.availableOptions[index].aliases = [this.availableOptions[index].aliases[0]];
      return false;

    Parses command arguments and processes
    @method parseArgs
    @param {Object} commandArgs
    @return {Object|null}
  parseArgs(commandArgs) {
    let knownOpts = {}; // Parse options
    let commandOptions = {};
    let parsedOptions;


    let assembleAndValidateOption = function (option) {
      return this.assignOption(option, parsedOptions, commandOptions);

    let validateParsed = function (key) {
      // ignore 'argv', 'h', and 'help'
      if (!(key in commandOptions) && key !== 'argv' && key !== 'h' && key !== 'help') {
            `The option '--${key}' is not registered with the '${this.name}' command. ` +
              `Run \`ember ${this.name} --help\` for a list of supported options.`
      if (typeof parsedOptions[key] !== 'object') {
        commandOptions[camelize(key)] = parsedOptions[key];

    this.availableOptions.forEach((option) => {
      if (typeof option.type !== 'string') {
        knownOpts[option.name] = option.type;
      } else if (option.type === 'Path') {
        knownOpts[option.name] = path;
      } else {
        knownOpts[option.name] = String;

    parsedOptions = nopt(knownOpts, this.optionsAliases, commandArgs, 0);

    if (!this.availableOptions.every(assembleAndValidateOption.bind(this))) {
      return null;


    return {
      options: defaults(commandOptions, this.settings),
      args: parsedOptions.argv.remain,

   * @method run
   * @param commandArgs
  run(commandArgs) {
    throw new Error(`command must implement run${commandArgs.toString()}`);

  _printCommand: printCommand,

    Prints basic help for the command.

    Basic help looks like this:

        ember generate <blueprint> <options...>
          Generates new code from blueprints
          aliases: g
          --dry-run (Default: false)
          --verbose (Default: false)

    The default implementation is designed to cover all bases
    but may be overridden if necessary.

    @method printBasicHelp
  printBasicHelp() {
    // ember command-name
    let output;
    if (this.isRoot) {
      output = `Usage: ${this.name}`;
    } else {
      output = `ember ${this.name}`;

    output += this._printCommand();
    output += EOL;

    return output;

    Prints detailed help for the command.

    The default implementation is no-op and should be overridden
    for each command where further help text is required.

    @method printDetailedHelp
  printDetailedHelp() {},

   * @method getJson
   * @param {Object} options
   * @return {Object}
  getJson(options) {
    let json = {};

    this._printableProperties.forEach((key) => (json[key] = this[key]));

    if (this.addAdditionalJsonForHelp) {
      this.addAdditionalJsonForHelp(json, options);

    return json;

  Validates options parsed by nopt
function isValidParsedOption(option, parsedOption) {
  // option.name didn't parse
  if (parsedOption === undefined) {
    // no default
    if (option.default === undefined) {
      if (option.required) {
        return false;

  return true;

  Validates alias. Must be a string or single key object
function isValidAlias(alias, expectedType) {
  let type = typeof alias;
  let value, valueType;
  if (type === 'string') {
    return true;
  } else if (type === 'object') {
    // no arrays, no multi-key objects
    if (!Array.isArray(alias) && Object.keys(alias).length === 1) {
      value = alias[Object.keys(alias)[0]];
      valueType = typeof value;
      if (!Array.isArray(expectedType)) {
        if (valueType === expectedType.name.toLowerCase()) {
          return true;
      } else if (expectedType.indexOf(value) > -1) {
        return true;

  return false;

module.exports = Command;