# frozen_string_literal: true
class CatalogController < ApplicationController
include Hydra::Catalog
include Hydra::Controller::ControllerBehavior
# This filter applies the hydra access controls
before_action :enforce_show_permissions, only: :show
def self.uploaded_field
def self.modified_field
configure_blacklight do |config| Blacklight::Gallery::DocumentComponent)
config.view.masonry(document_component: Blacklight::Gallery::DocumentComponent)
config.view.slideshow(document_component: Blacklight::Gallery::SlideshowComponent) = :content_metadata_image_iiif_info_ssm, :openseadragon)
config.search_builder_class = Hyrax::CatalogSearchBuilder
# Show gallery view = [:index_header, :index]
config.view.slideshow.partials = [:index]
# Because too many times on Samvera tech people raise a problem regarding a failed query to SOLR.
# Often, it's because they inadvertently exceeded the character limit of a GET request.
config.http_method = Hyrax.config.solr_default_method
## Default parameters to send to solr for all search-like requests. See also SolrHelper#solr_search_params
default_solr_search_fields = ["title_tesim", "id", "deduplication_key_ssi", "system_of_record_ID_ssi", "emory_persistent_id_ssi",
"final_published_versions_tesim", "publisher_tesim", "grant_agencies_tesim", "grant_information_tesim",
config.default_solr_params = {
qt: "search",
rows: 10,
qf: default_solr_search_fields.join(' ')
# solr field configuration for document/show views
config.index.title_field = "title_tesim"
config.index.display_type_field = "has_model_ssim"
config.index.thumbnail_field = 'thumbnail_path_ss'
config.add_results_document_tool(:bookmark, partial: 'bookmark_control', if: :render_bookmarks_control?)
config.add_show_tools_partial(:bookmark, partial: 'bookmark_control', if: :render_bookmarks_control?)
config.add_show_tools_partial(:email, callback: :email_action, validator: :validate_email_params)
config.add_show_tools_partial(:sms, if: :render_sms_action?, callback: :sms_action, validator: :validate_sms_params)
config.add_nav_action(:bookmark, partial: 'blacklight/nav/bookmark', if: :render_bookmarks_control?)
config.add_nav_action(:search_history, partial: 'blacklight/nav/search_history')
# solr fields that will be treated as facets by the blacklight application
# The ordering of the field names is the order of the display
config.add_facet_field "creator_last_first_ssim", label: "Authors", limit: 10
config.add_facet_field "date_issued_year_ssi", label: "Date", limit: 10
config.add_facet_field "parent_title_ssi", label: "Journal or Parent Publication Title", limit: 10
config.add_facet_field "content_genre_ssi", label: "Type", limit: 10
config.add_facet_field "publisher_version_ssi", label: "Publication Version", limit: 10
config.add_facet_field "keyword_sim", label: 'Keyword', limit: 10
# Have BL send all facet field names to Solr, which has been the default
# previously. Simply remove these lines if you'd rather use Solr request
# handler defaults, or have no facets.
# solr fields to be displayed in the index (search results) view
# The ordering of the field names is the order of the display
config.add_index_field "title_tesim", label: "Title", itemprop: 'name', if: false
config.add_index_field "creator_ssim", label: 'Authors', itemprop: 'creator', helper_method: :emory_creators_display
config.add_index_field "date_issued_year_tesi", label: "Date"
config.add_index_field "publisher_tesim", itemprop: 'publisher'
config.add_index_field "publisher_version_tesi", itemprop: 'publisherVersion', label: 'Publication Version'
config.add_index_field "license_tesi", helper_method: :license_links, label: 'License'
config.add_index_field Hydra.config.permissions.embargo.release_date, label: "Embargo release date", helper_method: :human_readable_date
config.add_index_field, label: "Lease expiration date", helper_method: :human_readable_date
config.add_index_field 'all_text_tsimv', highlight: true, helper_method: :render_ocr_snippets
# solr fields to be displayed in the show (single result) view
# The ordering of the field names is the order of the display
# Emory Note: the fields are no longer dynamically delivered via this config setting.
# Instead, they are hard coded in views/hyrax/base/_attribute_rows.html.erb. We, in turn,
# have overridden tht partial so we can institute our own choices/order.
config.add_show_field "emory_persistent_id_ssi"
config.add_show_field "content_genre_tesi"
config.add_show_field "title_tesim"
config.add_show_field "creator_tesim"
config.add_show_field "language_tesim"
config.add_show_field "date_issued_tesi"
config.add_show_field "publisher_tesim"
config.add_show_field "publisher_version_tesi"
config.add_show_field "parent_title_tesi"
config.add_show_field "conference_name_tesi"
config.add_show_field "issn_tesi"
config.add_show_field "isbn_tesi"
config.add_show_field "series_title_tesi"
config.add_show_field "grant_agencies_tesim"
config.add_show_field "grant_information_tesim"
config.add_show_field "abstract_tesim"
config.add_show_field "author_notes_tesi"
config.add_show_field "keyword_tesim"
config.add_show_field "subject_tesim"
config.add_show_field "research_categories_tesim"
config.add_show_field "emory_ark_tesim"
# "fielded" search configuration. Used by pulldown among other places.
# For supported keys in hash, see rdoc for Blacklight::SearchFields
# Search fields will inherit the :qt solr request handler from
# config[:default_solr_parameters], OR can specify a different one
# with a :qt key/value. Below examples inherit, except for subject
# that specifies the same :qt as default for our own internal
# testing purposes.
# The :key is what will be used to identify this BL search field internally,
# as well as in URLs -- so changing it after deployment may break bookmarked
# urls. A display label will be automatically calculated from the :key,
# or can be specified manually to be different.
# This one uses all the defaults set by the solr request handler. Which
# solr request handler? The one set in config[:default_solr_parameters][:qt],
# since we aren't specifying it otherwise.
config.add_search_field('all_fields', label: 'All Fields') do |field|
all_names =" ")
title_name = "title_tesim"
field.solr_parameters = {
qf: "#{all_names} file_format_tesim all_text_tsimv",
pf: title_name.to_s
# Now we see how to over-ride Solr request handler defaults, in this
# case for a BL "search field", which is really a dismax aggregate
# of Solr search fields.
# creator, title, description, publisher, date_created,
# subject, language, resource_type, format, identifier, based_near,
config.add_search_field('contributor') do |field|
# solr_parameters hash are sent to Solr as ordinary url query params.
# :solr_local_parameters will be sent using Solr LocalParams
# syntax, as eg {! qf=$title_qf }. This is neccesary to use
# Solr parameter de-referencing like $title_qf.
# See:
solr_name = "contributor_tesim"
field.solr_local_parameters = {
qf: solr_name,
pf: solr_name
config.add_search_field('creator') do |field|
solr_name = "creator_tesim"
field.solr_local_parameters = {
qf: solr_name,
pf: solr_name
config.add_search_field('title') do |field|
solr_name = "title_tesim"
field.solr_local_parameters = {
qf: solr_name,
pf: solr_name
config.add_search_field('description') do |field|
field.label = "Description"
solr_name = "description_tesim"
field.solr_local_parameters = {
qf: solr_name,
pf: solr_name
config.add_search_field('publisher') do |field|
solr_name = "publisher_tesim"
field.solr_local_parameters = {
qf: solr_name,
pf: solr_name
config.add_search_field('date_created') do |field|
solr_name = "created_tesim"
field.solr_local_parameters = {
qf: solr_name,
pf: solr_name
config.add_search_field('subject') do |field|
solr_name = "subject_tesim"
field.solr_local_parameters = {
qf: solr_name,
pf: solr_name
config.add_search_field('language') do |field|
solr_name = "language_tesim"
field.solr_local_parameters = {
qf: solr_name,
pf: solr_name
config.add_search_field('resource_type') do |field|
solr_name = "resource_type_tesim"
field.solr_local_parameters = {
qf: solr_name,
pf: solr_name
config.add_search_field('format') do |field|
solr_name = "format_tesim"
field.solr_local_parameters = {
qf: solr_name,
pf: solr_name
config.add_search_field('identifier') do |field|
solr_name = "id_tesim"
field.solr_local_parameters = {
qf: solr_name,
pf: solr_name
config.add_search_field('based_near') do |field|
field.label = "Location"
solr_name = "based_near_label_tesim"
field.solr_local_parameters = {
qf: solr_name,
pf: solr_name
config.add_search_field('keyword') do |field|
solr_name = "keyword_tesim"
field.solr_local_parameters = {
qf: solr_name,
pf: solr_name
config.add_search_field('depositor') do |field|
solr_name = "depositor_ssim"
field.solr_local_parameters = {
qf: solr_name,
pf: solr_name
config.add_search_field('rights_statement') do |field|
solr_name = "rights_statement_tesim"
field.solr_local_parameters = {
qf: solr_name,
pf: solr_name
config.add_search_field('license') do |field|
solr_name = "license_tesim"
field.solr_local_parameters = {
qf: solr_name,
pf: solr_name
# "sort results by" select (pulldown)
# label in pulldown is followed by the name of the SOLR field to sort by and
# whether the sort is ascending or descending (it must be asc or desc
# except in the relevancy case).
# label is key, solr field is value
config.add_sort_field "score desc, #{uploaded_field} desc", label: "relevance"
config.add_sort_field "date_issued_year_ssi desc", label: "date \u25BC"
config.add_sort_field "date_issued_year_ssi asc", label: "date \u25B2"
# If there are more than this many search results, no spelling ("did you
# mean") suggestion is offered.
config.spell_max = 5
# disable the bookmark control from displaying in gallery view
# Hyrax doesn't show any of the default controls on the list view, so
# this method is not called in that context.
def render_bookmarks_control?