# frozen_string_literal: true
# Generated via
# `rails generate hyrax:collection_resource CollectionResource`
class CollectionResource < Hyrax::PcdmCollection
# @note Do not directly update `basic_metadata.yaml`. It is also used by works.
# To change metadata for collections
# * extend by adding fields to `/config/metadata/collection_resource.yaml`
# * remove all basic metadata
# * if you generated `with_basic_metadata` and now don't want any basic metadata,
# comment out or delete the schema include statement for `:basic_metadata`
# * update form and indexer classes to also remove the `:basic_metadata` schema include
# * remove some basic metadata
# * comment out or delete the schema include statement for `:basic_metadata`
# * update form and indexer classes to also remove the `:basic_metadata` schema include
# * copy fields you want to keep from `/config/metadata/basic_metadata.yaml`
# to `/config/metadata/collection_resource.yaml`
# * override basic metadata
# * copy fields you want to override from `/config/metadata/basic_metadata.yaml`
# to `/config/metadata/collection_resource.yaml`
# * update them in `config/metadata/collection_resource.yaml to have the desired
# characteristics
# Alternative:
# * comment out or delete schema include statements
# * add Valkyrie attributes to this class
# * update form and indexer to process the attributes
include Hyrax::Schema(:emory_basic_metadata)
include Hyrax::Schema(:collection_resource)