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# gem 'newspaper_works', v1.0.2
# Refer to the gem repository for more details: https://github.com/samvera-labs/newspaper_works
# Released under license Apache License 2.0: https://github.com/samvera-labs/newspaper_works/blob/main/LICENSE
# This gem is not yet compatible with Hyrax v3, hence why I am only using the portions relevant to our use case
# This gem is used for keyword highlighting in search results

<%# additional ocr snippets, with a Bootstrap collapse toggle control %>
<% document_id = options[:document].id %>
<div class="collapse ocr_snippet" id="<%= "snippet_collapse_#{document_id}" %>">
  <% snippets.each do |snippet| %>
    <%= content_tag('div',
                    "... #{snippet} ...".html_safe,
                    class: 'ocr_snippet') %>
  <% end %>
<%= link_to('more >>',
            data: {toggle: 'collapse'},
            'aria-expanded' => 'false',
            'aria-controls' => "#snippet_collapse_#{document_id}",
            class: 'ocr_snippets_expand js-controls')