var modeIdDesc = {
  $help: ['Rendering mode shortcut', '    BS - balls and sticks mode', '    LN - lines mode', '    LC - licorice mode', '    VW - van der waals mode', '    TR - trace mode', '    TU - tube mode', '    CA - cartoon mode', '    SA - isosurface mode', '    QS - quick surface mode', '    SE - solvent excluded mode', '    TX - text mode'],
  BS: {
    $help: ['   Balls and sticks', '      aromrad = <number> #aromatic radius', '      atom = <number>    #atom radius', '      bond = <number>    #bond radius', '      multibond = <bool> #use multibond', '      showarom = <bool>  #show aromatic', '      space = <number>   #space value\n']