

4 days
Test Coverage


 * Implementing DB persistence for postmortem events
class Postmortem {

    /** constants mapped from Persistence class */
    const OK = Persistence::OK;
    const ERROR = Persistence::ERROR;

    const ACTION_ADD = 'add';
    const ACTION_EDIT = 'edit';
    const EDIT_UNLOCKED = 0;
    const EDIT_LOCKED = 1;
    const EDIT_CLOSED = 2;

     * Save an event to the database. If an id is given, the existing event is
     * updated, if not a new one is created. The event will be stored in the
     * events table and all properties given as arrays are stored in the
     * accompanying junction table.
     * @param $event - map of an event with the following keys
     *                 - title => the title of the event
     *                 - summary => the summary of the post mortem
     *                 - starttime => start time as unix timestamp
     *                 - endtime   => end time as unix timestamp
     *                 - statustime => status time as unix timestamp
     *                 - detecttime  => detect time as unix timestamp
     * @param $conn - PDO connection object, will be newly instantiated when
     *                null (default: null)
     * @returns the event map including an "id" field on success and a map of the
     * form ( "id" => null, "error" => "an error message" ) on failure
    static function save_event($event, $conn = null) {
        $conn = $conn ?: Persistence::get_database_object();
        if (is_null($conn)) {
            return array("id" => null, "error" => "Couldn't get connection object.");
        $action = (isset($event["id"])) ?  self::ACTION_EDIT : self::ACTION_ADD;

        if ($action == self::ACTION_ADD) {
            $now = new DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
            $event["created"] = $now->getTimestamp();

        $event = Persistence::save_event($event, $conn);
        if (is_null($event["id"])) {
            return $event;

        if ($action == self::ACTION_ADD) {
            $app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
            $env = $app->environment;
            $admin = $env['admin']['username'];
            $result = Postmortem::add_history($event, $admin, $action);

        // close connection and return
        $conn = null;
        return $event;

     * Get an event from the database
     * @param $event_id - id of the event to get
     * @param $conn - PDO connection object, will be newly instantiated when
     *                null (default: null)
     * @returns an event map including an "id" field on success or a map of the
     * form ( "id" => null, "error" => "an error message" ) on failure
    static function get_event($event_id, $conn = null) {
        $conn = $conn ?: Persistence::get_database_object();
        if (is_null($conn)) {
            return array("id" => null, "error" => "Couldn't get connection object.");
        $event = Persistence::get_postmortem($event_id, $conn);
        if (is_null($event["id"])) {
            return $event;
        $tags = Postmortem::get_tags_for_event($event_id, $conn);

        if ($tags["status"] != Persistence::OK) {
            $conn = null;
            return array( "id" => null, "error" => "error fetching data");
        } else {
            $event["tags"] = $tags["values"];
            $event["history"] = self::get_history($event["id"]);
            $conn = null;
            return $event;

     * Delete an event from the database. All child assets are left in their
     * undeleted state to differentiate them from manually-deleted assets.
     * @param $event_id - id of the event to get
     * @param $conn - PDO connection object, will be newly instantiated when
     *                null (default: null)
     * @returns ( "status" => self::OK ) on success
     * or ( "status" => self::ERROR, "error" => "message" ) on failure
    static function delete_event($event_id, $conn = null) {
        $conn = $conn ?: Persistence::get_database_object();
        if (is_null($conn)) {
            return array("id" => null, "error" => "Couldn't get connection object.");
        return Persistence::flag_as_deleted('postmortems', 'id', $event_id, $conn);

     * Restore (undelete) an event.
    static function undelete_event($event_id, $conn = null) {
        $conn = $conn ?: Persistence::get_database_object();
        if (is_null($conn)) {
            return array("id" => null, "error" => "Couldn't get connection object.");
        return Persistence::flag_as_undeleted('postmortems', 'id', $event_id, $conn);

     * Determine if event is editable
     * @param $event - event object returned from get_event
     * @returns EDIT_UNLOCKED if editable, EDIT_LOCKED if a user is currently editing, 
     *  or EDIT_CLOSED if no longer editable
    static function get_event_edit_status($event) {
        $config = Configuration::get_configuration();
        $config = $config["locking"];

        $lock_date = new DateTime();
        $lock_date->add(new DateInterval('P'. $config['editable_days'] .'D'));
        $now = new DateTime();

        // the number of days allowed to edit this event has expired
        if ($now > $lock_date) {
            return self::EDIT_CLOSED;

        $user = MorgueAuth::get_auth_data();

        // the lock for another user's edits hasn't expired yet
        if (strcmp($user['username'], $event['modifier']) != 0) {                  
            $now = $now->getTimestamp();
            if ($now < $event['modified'] + $config['lock_time']) {
                return self::EDIT_LOCKED;
        return self::EDIT_UNLOCKED;

     * Sets the given event as being modified by the current user
    static function set_event_edit_status($id, $conn = null) {
        $conn = $conn ?: Persistence::get_database_object();
        if (!$conn) {
            return null;

        $user = MorgueAuth::get_auth_data();
        $modifier = $user['username'];

        $modified = new DateTime();
        $modified = $modified->getTimestamp();

        $sql = "UPDATE postmortems SET modifier = '" . $modifier . "', modified = " . $modified;
        $sql = $sql . " WHERE id = " . $id;

        try {
            $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
            $success = $stmt->execute();
            return null;
        } catch (PDOException $e) {
            return $e->getMessage();

     * Get all postmortems from the database
     * @param $conn - PDO connection object, will be newly instantiated when
     *                null (default: null)
     * @returns ( "status" => self::OK, "error" => "", "values" => array(events) ) on success
     * and ( "status" => self::ERROR, "error" => "message", "values" => array() ) on failure
    static function get_all_events($conn = null) {
        $columns = array('id', 'title', 'starttime', 'endtime', 'severity');
        $table_name = 'postmortems';
        $conn = $conn ?: Persistence::get_database_object();
        if (is_null($conn)) {
            return array("status" => Persistence::ERROR,
                         "error" => "Couldn't get connection object.");
        return Persistence::get_array($columns, null, $table_name, $conn);

     * Get all tags associated with an event. The tags have the keys "id" and "title"
     * @param $event_id - the numeric event id
     * @param $conn - a PDO connection object
     * @returns ( "status" => self::OK, "error" => "", "values" => array(tags) ) on success
     * and ( "status" => self::ERROR, "error" => "message", "values" => array() ) on failure
    static function get_tags_for_event($event_id, $conn = null) {
        $conn = $conn ?: Persistence::get_database_object();
        $columns = array('id', 'title');
        $table_name = 'tags';
        $where = array(
            'postmortem_id' => $event_id,
            'deleted' => 0,
        if (is_null($conn)) {
            return array("status" => self::ERROR,
                "error" => "Couldn't get connection object.",
                "values" => array());
        return Persistence::get_array($columns, $where, $table_name, $conn);

     * get all events that match at least one tag id.
     * @param $tag_ids - array of tag ids
     * @param $conn - a PDO connection object
     * @returns ( "status" => self::OK, "error" => "", "values" => array(events)) on success
     * and ( "status" => self::ERROR, "error" => "message", "values" => array() ) on failure
     * @throws Exception if you pass it a tag id that is invalid
    static function get_events_for_tags($tag_ids, $conn = null) {
        $columns = array('id', 'title', 'starttime', 'endtime', 'severity');
        $table_name = 'tags';
        //Sanitize because we get tag ids from user input.
        $tag_ids = array_map(function ($tag) {
            if (!is_numeric($tag)) {
                throw new Exception("\"$tag\" is not a valid tag ID.");
            return intval($tag);
        }, $tag_ids);

        $conn = $conn ?: Persistence::get_database_object();
        if (is_null($conn)) {
            return array("status" => self::ERROR,
                "error" => "Couldn't get connection object.",
                "values" => array());

        return Persistence::get_array($columns, array('tag_ids' => $tag_ids), $table_name, $conn);

     * get_events_by_date
     * @param mixed $start_date
     * @param mixed $end_date
     * @param mixed $conn
     * @static
     * @access public
     * @return void
    static function get_events_by_date($start_date = null, $end_date = null, $conn = null) {
        $conn = $conn ?: Persistence::get_database_object();
        $columns = array('id', 'title', 'starttime', 'endtime', 'severity', 'summary');

        // set some default date ranges - 1 month in this case
        if (!$start_date) {
            $start_date = time() - (30 * 86400);
        if (!$end_date) {
            $end_date = time();

        $tween = new StdClass();
        $tween->operator = "BETWEEN";
        $tween->min_value = $start_date;
        $tween->max_value =  $end_date;

        $deleted = new StdClass();
        $deleted->operator = "=";
        $deleted->value = '0';

        $where = array('starttime' => $tween, 'deleted' => $deleted);

        $data = Persistence::range_query($columns, "postmortems", $where, $conn);
        return $data;

     * Get all tags. The tags have the keys "id" and "title"
     * @param $conn - a PDO connection object
     * @returns ( "status" => self::OK, "error" => "", "values" => array(tags) ) on success
     * and ( "status" => self::ERROR, "error" => "message", "values" => array() ) on failure
    static function get_tags($conn = null) {
        $columns = array('id', 'title');
        $table_name = 'tags';
        $conn = $conn ?: Persistence::get_database_object();
        if (is_null($conn)) {
            return array("status" => self::ERROR,
                "error" => "Couldn't get connection object.",
                "values" => array());
        return Persistence::get_array($columns, null, $table_name, $conn);

     * save tags belonging to a certain event to the database
     * @param $event_id - numeric ID of the event to store for
     * @param $tags - array of tag titles to store
     * @param $conn - a PDO connection object
     * @returns ( "status" => self::OK ) on success
     * or ( "status" => self::ERROR, "error" => "an error message" ) on failure
    static function save_tags_for_event($event_id, $tags, $conn = null) {
        $conn = $conn ?: Persistence::get_database_object();
        if (is_null($conn)) {
            return array("status" => self::ERROR,
                "error" => "Couldn't get connection object.");

        try {
            foreach ($tags as $title) {
                //Check if the tag title already exists
                $select_tag = "SELECT id FROM tags WHERE title = :value LIMIT 1";

                $stmt = $conn->prepare($select_tag);
                $stmt->execute(array('value' => $title));
                $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

                //If it doesn't, create it.
                if (!$row) {
                    $insert_tag = "INSERT INTO tags (title) VALUES (:value)";
                    $stmt = $conn->prepare($insert_tag);
                    $stmt->execute(array('value' => $title));

                    //Re-select the row so we can get the ID
                    $tag_id = $conn->lastInsertId();
                } else {
                    $tag_id = $row['id'];

                $select_assoc = "SELECT tag_id, deleted FROM postmortem_referenced_tags
                                 WHERE tag_id = :value AND postmortem_id = :id LIMIT 1";

                $stmt = $conn->prepare($select_assoc);
                $stmt->execute(array('value' => $tag_id, 'id' => $event_id));
                $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

                if (!$row) {
                    // No association yet, so create one
                    $insert_assoc = "INSERT INTO postmortem_referenced_tags (postmortem_id, tag_id)
                                     VALUES (:p_id, :t_id)";
                    $stmt = $conn->prepare($insert_assoc);
                    $stmt->execute(array('p_id' => $event_id, 't_id' => $tag_id));
                } elseif( $row['deleted'] ) {
                    // Row exists; undelete it
                    $sql = "UPDATE postmortem_referenced_tags SET deleted = 0
                            WHERE postmortem_id = :p_id AND tag_id = :t_id";
                    $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
                    $stmt->execute(array('p_id' => $event_id, 't_id' => $tag_id));
        } catch(PDOException $e) {
            return array("status" => self::ERROR, "error" => $e->getMessage());
        return array( "status" => self::OK );

     * delete tags belonging to a certain event to the database
     * @param $event_id - numeric ID of the event to delete for
     * @param $conn - a PDO connection object
     * @returns ( "status" => self::OK ) on success
     * or ( "status" => self::ERROR, "error" => "an error message" ) on failure
    static function delete_tags_for_event($event_id, $conn = null) {
        $res = Postmortem::get_tags_for_event($event_id);
        if ($res == Persistence::ERROR) {
            return $res;

        $tags = $res['values'];
        foreach ($tags as $tag) {
            $res = Postmortem::delete_tag($tag['id'], $event_id, $conn);
            if ($res['status'] == Persistence::ERROR) {
        return $res;

     * function to delete a tag from an event
     * @param $tag_id - tag ID to delete
     * @param $event_id - event ID to delete tag from. If null, tag will be deleted for all events.
     * @param $conn - PDO connection object (default: null)
     * @returns ( "status" => self::OK ) on success
     * or ( "status" => self::ERROR, "error" => "an error message" ) on failure
    static function delete_tag($tag_id, $event_id = null, $conn = null) {
        $conn = $conn ?: Persistence::get_database_object();
        if (is_null($conn)) {
            return array("status" => self::ERROR,
                "error" => "Couldn't get connection object.");

        try {
            $delete_tag = false;

            //Delete all of the assocations first.
            if ($event_id) {
                $delete_assoc = "UPDATE postmortem_referenced_tags
                                 SET deleted=1
                                 WHERE postmortem_id=:id AND tag_id=:value";
                $stmt = $conn->prepare($delete_assoc);
                $stmt->execute(array('id' => $event_id, 'value' => $tag_id));

                //Then check if we need to delete the tag
                $select_tag = "SELECT tag_id from postmortem_referenced_tags where tag_id=:value LIMIT 1";
                $stmt = $conn->prepare($select_tag);
                $stmt->execute(array('value' => $tag_id));
                $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

                if (!$row) {
                    $delete_tag = true;
            } else {
                $delete_assoc = "UPDATE postmortem_referenced_tags SET deleted=1 WHERE tag_id:vale";

                $stmt = $conn->prepare($delete_assoc);
                $stmt->execute(array('value' => $tag_id));

                $delete_tag = true;

            //The tag is no longer used
            if ($delete_tag) {
                $update_sql = "UPDATE tags SET deleted=1 WHERE id=:value";
                $stmt = $conn->prepare($update_sql);
                $stmt->execute(array('value' => $tag_id));

        } catch (PDOException $e) {
            return array("status" => Postmortem::ERROR, "error" => $e->getMessage());

        return array("status" => self::OK);

     * function to undelete a tag from an event
     * @param $tag_id - tag ID to delete
     * @param $event_id - event ID to delete tag from. If null, tag will be deleted for all events.
     * @param $conn - PDO connection object (default: null)
     * @returns ( "status" => self::OK ) on success
     * or ( "status" => self::ERROR, "error" => "an error message" ) on failure
    static function undelete_tag($tag_id, $event_id = null, $conn = null) {
        $conn = $conn ?: Persistence::get_database_object();
        if (is_null($conn)) {
            return array("status" => self::ERROR,
                "error" => "Couldn't get connection object.");

        try {
            $undelete_tag = false;

            //Undelete all of the assocations first.
            if ($event_id) {
                $undelete_assoc = "UPDATE postmortem_referenced_tags
                                 SET deleted=0
                                 WHERE postmortem_id=:id AND tag_id=:value";
                $stmt = $conn->prepare($undelete_assoc);
                $stmt->execute(array('id' => $event_id, 'value' => $tag_id));

                //Then check if we need to undelete the tag
                $select_tag = "SELECT tag_id from postmortem_referenced_tags where tag_id=:value LIMIT 1";
                $stmt = $conn->prepare($select_tag);
                $stmt->execute(array('value' => $tag_id));
                $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

                if (!$row) {
                    $undelete_tag = true;
            } else {
                $undelete_assoc = "UPDATE postmortem_referenced_tags SET deleted=0 WHERE tag_id:vale";

                $stmt = $conn->prepare($undelete_assoc);
                $stmt->execute(array('value' => $tag_id));

                $undelete_tag = true;

            //The tag will be used
            if ($undelete_tag) {
                $update_sql = "UPDATE tags SET deleted=0 WHERE id=:value";
                $stmt = $conn->prepare($update_sql);
                $stmt->execute(array('value' => $tag_id));

        } catch (PDOException $e) {
            return array("status" => Postmortem::ERROR, "error" => $e->getMessage());

        return array("status" => self::OK);

     * function to add a history row for an event
     * @param $event_id - ID of the postmortem the action was taken on
     * @param $admin - LDAP name of the person taking the action
     * @param $action - The action being taken (must be one of the ACTION_* class constants
     * @param $conn - PDO connection object
     * @returns ( "status" => self::OK ) on success
     * or ( "status" => self::ERROR, "error" => "an error message" ) on failure
    static function add_history($event, $admin, $action, $conn = null) {
        // validate action
        if (!in_array($action, array(self::ACTION_ADD, self::ACTION_EDIT))) {
            return array(
                "status" => self::ERROR,
                "error" => "Invalid action specified."
        $conn = $conn ?: Persistence::get_database_object();
        if (is_null($conn)) {
            return array(
                "status" => self::ERROR,
                "error" => "Couldn't get connection object."
        $now = new DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
        $sql = "INSERT INTO postmortem_history
                   (postmortem_id, auth_username, action, create_date, summary, why_surprised)
                   VALUES (:pid, :admin, :action, :date, :summary, :why_surprised)";
        try {
            $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
                "pid" => $event["id"],
                "admin" => $admin,
                "action" => $action,
                "date" => $now->getTimestamp(),
                "summary" => $event['summary'],
                "why_surprised" => $event['why_surprised']
        } catch (PDOException $e) {
            return array("status" => Postmortem::ERROR, "error" => $e->getMessage());

        return array("status" => self::OK);

     * function to get all history records for a postmortem
     * @param $event_id - ID of the postmortem
     * @param $conn - PDO connection object
     * @returns array - Array containing an entry for each
     * associated history record
    static function get_history($event_id, $conn = null) {
        $conn = $conn ?: Persistence::get_database_object();
        if (is_null($conn)) {
            return array(
                "status" => self::ERROR,
                "error" => "Couldn't get connection object."
        $sql = "SELECT id, postmortem_id, auth_username, action, create_date FROM postmortem_history WHERE postmortem_id=:pid";
        $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
        $stmt->execute(array("pid" => $event_id));

        return $stmt->fetchAll();

     * function to get all data from specific history event
     * @param $id - ID of the postmortem_history row
     * @param $conn - PDO connection object
     * @returns array - Array containing all data for specificed history record
    static function get_history_event($id, $conn = null) {
        $conn = $conn ?: Persistence::get_database_object();
        if (is_null($conn)) {
            return array(
                "status" => self::ERROR,
                "error" => "Couldn't get connection object."
        try {
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM postmortem_history WHERE id=:id";
            $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
            $stmt->execute(array("id" => $id));
            $history = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            $history["status"] = self::OK;
            return $history;
        } catch(PDOException $e) {
            return array("status" => self::ERROR, "error" => $e->getMessage()); 

     * function to translate a history record to a readable string
     * @param $history - Associative array corresponding to a history record
     * @returns string - A human readable string
    static function humanize_history($history) {
        $dt = DateTime::createFromFormat('U', (string)$history['create_date']);
        $who = $history['auth_username'];
        $who_html = Contact::get_html_for_user($who);
        $when = $dt->format('H:i:s T, m/d/Y');
        switch ($history['action']) {
            case self::ACTION_ADD:
                return '<a href="/history/' . $history['postmortem_id'] . '/' . $history['id'] . '">Created</a> by ' . $who_html . ' @ ' . $when;
            case self::ACTION_EDIT:
                return '<a href="/history/' . $history['postmortem_id'] . '/' . $history['id'] . '">Edited</a> by ' . $who_html . ' @ ' . $when;

      * Provide the different severity levels for a post mortem event
      * @returns array of severity levels
    static function get_severity_levels() {
        $config = Configuration::get_configuration();
        if (isset($config['severity']) && isset($config['severity']['levels'])) {
            return $config['severity']['levels'];
        } else {
            return array('default');