

5 days
Test Coverage


namespace Phan\Language\Type;

use ast\Node;
use Closure;
use Generator;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Phan\AST\ASTReverter;
use Phan\AST\UnionTypeVisitor;
use Phan\CodeBase;
use Phan\Config;
use Phan\Debug\Frame;
use Phan\Exception\RecursionDepthException;
use Phan\Issue;
use Phan\Language\Context;
use Phan\Language\FQSEN\FullyQualifiedClassName;
use Phan\Language\Type;
use Phan\Language\UnionType;
use Phan\Language\UnionTypeBuilder;

 * Phan's representation for the types `array<string,MyClass>` and `MyClass[]`
 * @see ArrayShapeType for representations of `array{key:MyClass}`
 * @see ArrayType for the representation of `array`
 * @phan-pure
class GenericArrayType extends ArrayType implements GenericArrayInterface
    /** @phan-override */
    public const NAME = 'array';

    // In PHP, array keys can be integers or strings. These constants describe all possible combinations of those key types.

     * No array keys.
     * Array types with this key type Similar to KEY_MIXED, but adding a key type will change the array to the new key
     * instead of staying as KEY_MIXED.
    public const KEY_EMPTY  = 0;  // No way to create this type yet.
    /** array keys are integers */
    public const KEY_INT    = 1;
    /** array keys are strings */
    public const KEY_STRING = 2;
    /** array keys are integers or strings. */
    public const KEY_MIXED  = 3;  // i.e. KEY_INT|KEY_STRING

    public const KEY_NAMES = [
        self::KEY_EMPTY  => 'empty',
        self::KEY_INT    => 'int',
        self::KEY_STRING => 'string',
        self::KEY_MIXED  => 'mixed',  // treated the same way as int|string

     * @var Type
     * The type of every value in this array
    protected $element_type;

     * @var int
     * Enum representing the type of every key in this array
    protected $key_type;

     * @param Type $type
     * The type of every element in this array
     * @param bool $is_nullable
     * Set to true if the type should be nullable, else pass
     * false
     * @param int $key_type
     * Corresponds to the type of the array keys. Set this to a GenericArrayType::KEY_* constant.
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException if $key_type is an invalid constant
    protected function __construct(Type $type, bool $is_nullable, int $key_type)
        if ($key_type & ~3) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid key_type $key_type");
        parent::__construct('\\', self::NAME, [], $is_nullable);
        $this->element_type = $type;
        $this->key_type = $key_type;

     * Returns the key type of this generic array.
     * e.g. for `int[]`, returns self::KEY_MIXED, for `array<string,mixed>`, returns self::KEY_STRING.
    public function getKeyType(): int
        return $this->key_type;

     * @param bool $is_nullable
     * Set to true if the type should be nullable, else pass
     * false
     * @return Type
     * A new type that is a copy of this type but with the
     * given nullability value.
    public function withIsNullable(bool $is_nullable): Type
        if ($is_nullable === $this->is_nullable) {
            return $this;

        return static::fromElementType(

     * @return bool
     * True if this Type can be cast to the given Type
     * cleanly
    protected function canCastToNonNullableType(Type $type): bool
        if ($type instanceof ArrayType) {
            if ($type instanceof GenericArrayType) {
                if (!$this->element_type->canCastToType($type->element_type)) {
                    return false;
                if ((($this->key_type ?: self::KEY_MIXED) & ($type->key_type ?: self::KEY_MIXED)) === 0) {
                    // Attempting to cast an int key to a string key (or vice versa) is normally invalid.
                    // However, the scalar_array_key_cast config would make any cast of array keys a valid cast.
                    return Config::getValue('scalar_array_key_cast');
                return true;
            } elseif ($type instanceof ArrayShapeType) {
                if ((($this->key_type ?: self::KEY_MIXED) & $type->getKeyType()) === 0 && !Config::getValue('scalar_array_key_cast')) {
                    // Attempting to cast an int key to a string key (or vice versa) is normally invalid.
                    // However, the scalar_array_key_cast config would make any cast of array keys a valid cast.
                    return false;
                return $this->genericArrayElementUnionType()->canCastToUnionType($type->genericArrayElementUnionType());
            return true;

        if (\get_class($type) === IterableType::class) {
            // can cast to Iterable but not Traversable
            return true;
        if ($type instanceof GenericIterableType) {
            return $this->canCastToGenericIterableType($type);

        $d = \strtolower($type->__toString());
        if ($d[0] === '\\') {
            $d = \substr($d, 1);
        if ($d === 'callable') {
            return $this->key_type !== self::KEY_STRING;

        return parent::canCastToNonNullableType($type);

    protected function canCastToNonNullableTypeWithoutConfig(Type $type): bool
        if ($type instanceof ArrayType) {
            if ($type instanceof GenericArrayType) {
                if (!$this->element_type->canCastToTypeWithoutConfig($type->element_type)) {
                    return false;
                if ((($this->key_type ?: self::KEY_MIXED) & ($type->key_type ?: self::KEY_MIXED)) === 0) {
                    // Attempting to cast an int key to a string key (or vice versa) is normally invalid.
                    return false;
                return true;
            } elseif ($type instanceof ArrayShapeType) {
                if ((($this->key_type ?: self::KEY_MIXED) & $type->getKeyType()) === 0) {
                    // Attempting to cast an int key to a string key (or vice versa) is normally invalid.
                    return false;
                return $this->genericArrayElementUnionType()->canCastToUnionTypeWithoutConfig($type->genericArrayElementUnionType());
            return true;

        if (\get_class($type) === IterableType::class) {
            // can cast to Iterable but not Traversable
            return true;
        if ($type instanceof GenericIterableType) {
            return $this->canCastToGenericIterableType($type);

        $d = \strtolower($type->__toString());
        if ($d[0] === '\\') {
            $d = \substr($d, 1);
        if ($d === 'callable') {
            return $this->key_type !== self::KEY_STRING;

        return parent::canCastToNonNullableTypeWithoutConfig($type);

    private function canCastToGenericIterableType(
        GenericIterableType $iterable_type
    ): bool {
        if (!$this->element_type->asPHPDocUnionType()->canCastToUnionType($iterable_type->getElementUnionType())) {
            return false;
        // TODO: Account for scalar key casting config
        $key_union_type = self::unionTypeForKeyType($this->key_type);
        if (!$key_union_type->canCastToUnionType($iterable_type->getKeyUnionType())) {
            return false;
        return true;

     * @param Type $type
     * The element type for an array.
     * @param bool $is_nullable
     * Set to true if the this is a nullable array(e.g. `?($type[])`),
     * else pass false
     * @param int $key_type
     * Corresponds to the type of the array keys. Set this to a GenericArrayType::KEY_* constant.
     * @return GenericArrayType
     * Get a type representing an array of the given type
    public static function fromElementType(
        Type $type,
        bool $is_nullable,
        int $key_type
    ): GenericArrayType {
        // Make sure we only ever create exactly one
        // object for any unique type
        static $canonical_object_maps = null;

        if ($canonical_object_maps === null) {
            $canonical_object_maps = [];
            for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
                $canonical_object_maps[] = new \SplObjectStorage();
        $map_index = $key_type * 2 + ($is_nullable ? 1 : 0);

        $map = $canonical_object_maps[$map_index];

        if (!$map->contains($type)) {
                new GenericArrayType($type, $is_nullable, $key_type)

        return $map->offsetGet($type);

    public function isGenericArray(): bool
        return true;

     * @return Type
     * A variation of this type that is not generic.
     * i.e. 'int[]' becomes 'int'.
    public function genericArrayElementType(): Type
        return $this->element_type;

     * @unused-param $code_base
     * @return UnionType returns the array value's union type
     * @phan-override
    public function iterableValueUnionType(CodeBase $code_base): UnionType
        return $this->element_type->asPHPDocUnionType();

     * @unused-param $code_base
     * @return UnionType the array key's union type
     * @phan-override
    public function iterableKeyUnionType(CodeBase $code_base): UnionType
        return self::unionTypeForKeyType($this->key_type);

     * @return UnionType
     * A variation of this type that is not generic.
     * i.e. 'int[]' becomes 'int'.
    public function genericArrayElementUnionType(): UnionType
        return $this->element_type->asPHPDocUnionType();

    public function __toString(): string
        $string = $this->element_type->__toString();
        if ($this->key_type === self::KEY_MIXED) {
            // Disambiguation is needed for ?T[] and (?T)[] but not array<int,?T>
            if ($string[0] === '?' || $this->element_type instanceof FunctionLikeDeclarationType) {
                $string = '(' . $string . ')';
            $string = "{$string}[]";
        } else {
            $string = 'array<' . self::KEY_NAMES[$this->key_type] . ',' . $string . '>';

        if ($this->is_nullable) {
            if ($string[0] === '?') {
                $string = "?($string)";
            } else {
                $string = '?' . $string;

        return $string;

     * @param CodeBase $code_base
     * The code base to use in order to find super classes, etc.
     * @param $recursion_depth
     * This thing has a tendency to run-away on me. This tracks
     * how bad I messed up by seeing how far the expanded types
     * go
     * @return UnionType
     * Expands class types to all inherited classes returning
     * a superset of this type.
     * @override
    public function asExpandedTypes(
        CodeBase $code_base,
        int $recursion_depth = 0
    ): UnionType {
        // We're going to assume that if the type hierarchy
        // is taller than some value we probably messed up
        // and should bail out.
        if ($recursion_depth >= 20) {
            throw new RecursionDepthException("Recursion has gotten out of hand: " . Frame::getExpandedTypesDetails());

        return $this->memoize(__METHOD__, function () use ($code_base, $recursion_depth): UnionType {
            $union_type = $this->asPHPDocUnionType();

            $element_type = $this->element_type;
            if (!$element_type->isObjectWithKnownFQSEN()) {
                return $union_type;
            $class_fqsen = FullyQualifiedClassName::fromType($element_type);

            if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($class_fqsen)) {
                return $union_type;

            $clazz = $code_base->getClassByFQSEN($class_fqsen);

            $class_union_type = $clazz->getUnionType();
            $additional_union_type = $clazz->getAdditionalTypes();
            if ($additional_union_type !== null) {
                $class_union_type = $class_union_type->withUnionType($additional_union_type);

            // TODO: Use helpers for list, non-empty-array, etc.
            foreach ($class_union_type->getTypeSet() as $type) {
                $union_type = $union_type->withType(static::fromElementType($type, $this->is_nullable, $this->key_type));

            // Recurse up the tree to include all types
            $recursive_union_type_builder = new UnionTypeBuilder();
            $representation = $this->__toString();
            try {
                foreach ($union_type->getTypeSet() as $generic_array_type) {
                    if ($generic_array_type->__toString() !== $representation) {
                                $recursion_depth + 1
                    } else {
            } catch (RecursionDepthException $_) {
                return ArrayType::instance($this->is_nullable)->asPHPDocUnionType();

            // Add in aliases
            // (If enable_class_alias_support is false, this will do nothing)
            if (Config::getValue('enable_class_alias_support')) {
                $this->addClassAliases($code_base, $recursive_union_type_builder, $class_fqsen);
            return $recursive_union_type_builder->getPHPDocUnionType();

     * @param CodeBase $code_base
     * The code base to use in order to find super classes, etc.
     * @param $recursion_depth
     * This thing has a tendency to run-away on me. This tracks
     * how bad I messed up by seeing how far the expanded types
     * go
     * @return UnionType
     * Expands class types to all inherited classes returning
     * a superset of this type.
     * @override
    public function asExpandedTypesPreservingTemplate(
        CodeBase $code_base,
        int $recursion_depth = 0
    ): UnionType {
        // We're going to assume that if the type hierarchy
        // is taller than some value we probably messed up
        // and should bail out.
        if ($recursion_depth >= 20) {
            throw new RecursionDepthException("Recursion has gotten out of hand: " . Frame::getExpandedTypesDetails());

        return $this->memoize(__METHOD__, function () use ($code_base, $recursion_depth): UnionType {
            $union_type = $this->asPHPDocUnionType();

            $class_fqsen = FullyQualifiedClassName::fromType($this->element_type);

            if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($class_fqsen)) {
                return $union_type;

            $clazz = $code_base->getClassByFQSEN($class_fqsen);

            $class_union_type = $clazz->getUnionType();
            $additional_union_type = $clazz->getAdditionalTypes();
            if ($additional_union_type !== null) {
                $class_union_type = $class_union_type->withUnionType($additional_union_type);

            $union_type = $union_type->withUnionType(

            // Recurse up the tree to include all types
            $recursive_union_type_builder = new UnionTypeBuilder();
            $representation = $this->__toString();
            try {
                foreach ($union_type->getTypeSet() as $clazz_type) {
                    if ($clazz_type->__toString() !== $representation) {
                                $recursion_depth + 1
                    } else {
            } catch (RecursionDepthException $_) {
                return ArrayType::instance($this->is_nullable)->asPHPDocUnionType();

            // Add in aliases
            // (If enable_class_alias_support is false, this will do nothing)
            if (Config::getValue('enable_class_alias_support')) {
                $this->addClassAliases($code_base, $recursive_union_type_builder, $class_fqsen);
            return $recursive_union_type_builder->getPHPDocUnionType();

    // (If enable_class_alias_support is false, this will not be called)
    private function addClassAliases(
        CodeBase $code_base,
        UnionTypeBuilder $union_type_builder,
        FullyQualifiedClassName $class_fqsen
    ): void {
        $fqsen_aliases = $code_base->getClassAliasesByFQSEN($class_fqsen);
        foreach ($fqsen_aliases as $alias_fqsen_record) {
            $alias_fqsen = $alias_fqsen_record->alias_fqsen;

     * Returns the key type for the keys of the real type set of this union type,
     * strictly
     * E.g. for `array<string,\stdClass>`, returns self::KEY_STRING
     * for `array<string,\stdClass>|array`, returns self::KEY_MIXED
     * @param list<Type> $type_set
    public static function keyUnionTypeFromTypeSetStrict(array $type_set): int
        $key_types = self::KEY_EMPTY;
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof GenericArrayType) {
                $key_types |= $type->key_type;
            } elseif ($type instanceof ArrayShapeType) {
                if ($type->isNotEmptyArrayShape()) {
                    $key_types |= $type->getKeyType();
            } else {
                return self::KEY_MIXED;
            // Treating ArrayType as mixed or excluding ArrayType would both cause false positives. Ignore ArrayType.
        // int|string corresponds to KEY_MIXED (KEY_INT|KEY_STRING)
        // And if we're unable to find any types, return KEY_MIXED.
        return $key_types ?: self::KEY_MIXED;

     * Returns the key type for the keys of this union type.
     * E.g. for `array<string,\stdClass>`, returns self::KEY_STRING
    public static function keyTypeFromUnionTypeKeys(UnionType $union_type): int
        $key_types = self::KEY_EMPTY;
        foreach ($union_type->getTypeSet() as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof GenericArrayType) {
                $key_types |= $type->key_type;
            } elseif ($type instanceof ArrayShapeType) {
                if ($type->isNotEmptyArrayShape()) {
                    $key_types |= $type->getKeyType();
            // Treating ArrayType as mixed or excluding ArrayType would both cause false positives. Ignore ArrayType.
        // int|string corresponds to KEY_MIXED (KEY_INT|KEY_STRING)
        // And if we're unable to find any types, return KEY_MIXED.
        return $key_types ?: self::KEY_MIXED;

    /** @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicClassConstant */

     * @return UnionType a union type corresponding to $key_type
    public static function unionTypeForKeyType(int $key_type, int $behavior = self::CONVERT_KEY_MIXED_TO_INT_OR_STRING_UNION_TYPE): UnionType
        static $int_union_type = null;
        static $string_union_type = null;
        static $int_or_string_union_type = null;
        if ($int_union_type === null) {
            $int_union_type = UnionType::fromFullyQualifiedPHPDocString('int');
            $string_union_type = UnionType::fromFullyQualifiedPHPDocString('string');
            $int_or_string_union_type = UnionType::fromFullyQualifiedPHPDocString('int|string');
        switch ($key_type) {
            case self::KEY_INT:
                return $int_union_type;
            case self::KEY_STRING:
                return $string_union_type;
                if ($behavior === self::CONVERT_KEY_MIXED_TO_INT_OR_STRING_UNION_TYPE) {
                    return $int_or_string_union_type;
                return UnionType::empty();

     * Returns `self::KEY_*` corresponding to the provided union type.
     * E.g. for `string`, returns `self::KEY_STRING`.
    public static function keyTypeFromUnionTypeValues(UnionType $union_type): int
        $key_types = self::KEY_EMPTY;
        foreach ($union_type->getTypeSet() as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof StringType) {
                $key_types |= self::KEY_STRING;
            } elseif ($type instanceof IntType) {
                $key_types |= self::KEY_INT;
            } elseif ($type instanceof MixedType) {
                // Anything including a mixed type is a mixed type.
                return self::KEY_MIXED;
            } // skip invalid types.
        // int|string corresponds to KEY_MIXED (KEY_INT|KEY_STRING)
        // And if we're unable to find any types, return KEY_MIXED.
        return $key_types ?: self::KEY_MIXED;

     * @param array<int|string,mixed> $array - The array keys are used for the final result.
     * @return int
     * Corresponds to the type of the array keys of $array. This is a GenericArrayType::KEY_* constant (KEY_INT, KEY_STRING, or KEY_MIXED).
    public static function getKeyTypeForArrayLiteral(array $array): int
        $key_type = GenericArrayType::KEY_EMPTY;
        foreach ($array as $key => $_) {
            $key_type |= (\is_string($key) ? GenericArrayType::KEY_STRING : GenericArrayType::KEY_INT);
        return $key_type ?: GenericArrayType::KEY_MIXED;

     * @return int
     * Corresponds to the type of the array keys of the array represented by $node.
     * This is a GenericArrayType::KEY_* constant (KEY_INT, KEY_STRING, or KEY_MIXED).
    public static function getKeyTypeOfArrayNode(CodeBase $code_base, Context $context, Node $node, bool $should_catch_issue_exception = true): int
        $key_type_enum = GenericArrayType::KEY_EMPTY;
        // Check the all elements for key types.
        foreach ($node->children as $child) {
            if (!($child instanceof Node)) {
            if ($child->kind === \ast\AST_UNPACK) {
                // PHP 7.4's array spread operator adds integer keys, e.g. `[...$array, 'other' => 'value']`
                $key_type_enum |= GenericArrayType::KEY_INT;
            // Don't bother recursing more than one level to iterate over possible types.
            $key_node = $child->children['key'];
            if ($key_node instanceof Node) {
                $key_type = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode(
                if ($key_type->isVoidType()) {
                $key_type_enum |= self::keyTypeFromUnionTypeValues($key_type);
            } elseif ($key_node !== null) {
                if (\is_string($key_node)) {
                    $key_type_enum |= GenericArrayType::KEY_STRING;
                } elseif (\is_scalar($key_node)) {
                    $key_type_enum |= GenericArrayType::KEY_INT;
            } else {
                $key_type_enum |= GenericArrayType::KEY_INT;
            // If we already think it's mixed, return immediately.
            if ($key_type_enum === GenericArrayType::KEY_MIXED) {
                return GenericArrayType::KEY_MIXED;
        return $key_type_enum ?: GenericArrayType::KEY_MIXED;

    public function hasArrayShapeOrLiteralTypeInstances(): bool
        return $this->element_type->hasArrayShapeOrLiteralTypeInstances();

    public function hasArrayShapeTypeInstances(): bool
        return $this->element_type->hasArrayShapeTypeInstances();

     * @return list<Type>
     * @override
    public function withFlattenedArrayShapeOrLiteralTypeInstances(): array
        // TODO: Any point in caching this?
        $type_instances = $this->element_type->withFlattenedArrayShapeOrLiteralTypeInstances();
        if (\count($type_instances) === 1 && $type_instances[0] === $this->element_type) {
            return [$this];
        $results = [];
        foreach ($type_instances as $type) {
            $results[] = static::fromElementType($type, $this->is_nullable, $this->key_type);
        return $results;

     * @override
    public function shouldBeReplacedBySpecificTypes(): bool
        return false;

     * Returns true if this contains a type that is definitely nullable or a non-object.
     * e.g. returns true false, array, int
     *      returns false for callable, object, iterable, T, etc.
    public function isDefiniteNonCallableType(): bool
        return $this->key_type === self::KEY_STRING;

     * Returns true for `T` and `T[]` and `\MyClass<T>`, but not `\MyClass<\OtherClass>` or `false`
    public function hasTemplateTypeRecursive(): bool
        return $this->genericArrayElementUnionType()->hasTemplateTypeRecursive();

     * @param array<string,UnionType> $template_parameter_type_map
     * A map from template type identifiers to concrete types
     * @return UnionType
     * This UnionType with any template types contained herein
     * mapped to concrete types defined in the given map.
     * Overridden in subclasses
    public function withTemplateParameterTypeMap(
        array $template_parameter_type_map
    ): UnionType {
        $element_type = $this->genericArrayElementUnionType();
        $new_element_type = $element_type->withTemplateParameterTypeMap($template_parameter_type_map);
        if ($element_type === $new_element_type) {
            return $this->asPHPDocUnionType();
        // TODO: Override in array shape subclass
        return $new_element_type->asGenericArrayTypes($this->getKeyType());

     * @unused-param $type
     * Precondition: Callers should check isObjectWithKnownFQSEN
    public function hasSameNamespaceAndName(Type $type): bool
        return false;

     * If this generic array type in a parameter declaration has template types, get the closure to extract the real types for that template type from argument union types
     * @param CodeBase $code_base
     * @return ?Closure(UnionType,Context):UnionType
    public function getTemplateTypeExtractorClosure(CodeBase $code_base, TemplateType $template_type): ?Closure
        $closure = $this->element_type->getTemplateTypeExtractorClosure($code_base, $template_type);
        if (!$closure) {
            return null;
        // If a function expects T[], then T is the generic array element type of the passed in union type
        return static function (UnionType $array_type, Context $context) use ($closure): UnionType {
            return $closure($array_type->genericArrayElementTypes(), $context);

     * @return Generator<void,Type> (void => $inner_type)
    public function getReferencedClasses(): Generator
        return $this->element_type->getReferencedClasses();

     * Returns the corresponding type that would be used in a signature
     * @override
    public function asSignatureType(): Type
        return ArrayType::instance($this->is_nullable);

     * Given a type such as array<int,static>, return array<int,SomeClass>
     * @override
    public function withStaticResolvedInContext(Context $context): Type
        $resolved_element_type = $this->element_type->withStaticResolvedInContext($context);
        if ($this->element_type === $resolved_element_type) {
            return $this;
        return static::fromElementType(

     * Returns a type where all referenced union types (e.g. in generic arrays) have real type sets removed.
     * @phan-real-return static
    public function withErasedUnionTypes(): Type
        return $this->memoize(__METHOD__, function (): GenericArrayType {
            $erased_element_type = $this->element_type->withErasedUnionTypes();
            if ($erased_element_type === $this->element_type) {
                return $this;
            return static::fromElementType(

    public function asCallableType(): ?Type
        if ($this->key_type === self::KEY_INT) {
            return null;
        return CallableArrayType::instance(false);

    public function asNonFalseyType(): Type
        return NonEmptyGenericArrayType::fromElementType(

     * Do not use this. Use ArrayType::instance or static::fromElementType
     * @unused-param $is_nullable
     * @internal
     * @deprecated
    public static function instance(bool $is_nullable)
        throw new \AssertionError(static::class . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . ' should not be used');

     * Overridden in subclasses for non-empty-array and non-empty-list.
    public function isDefinitelyNonEmptyArray(): bool
        return false;

     * @unused-param $can_reduce_size
     * Returns the equivalent (possibly nullable) associative array type for this type.
    public function asAssociativeArrayType(bool $can_reduce_size): ArrayType
        return AssociativeArrayType::fromElementType(

     * Convert ArrayTypes with integer-only keys to ListType.
    public function convertIntegerKeyArrayToList(): ArrayType
        if ($this->key_type !== GenericArrayType::KEY_INT) {
            return $this;
        if ($this->isDefinitelyNonEmptyArray()) {
            return NonEmptyListType::fromElementType($this->element_type, $this->is_nullable, $this->key_type);
        return ListType::fromElementType($this->element_type, $this->is_nullable, $this->key_type);

    public function isSubtypeOf(Type $type): bool
        // TODO more specific
        if (!$this->canCastToType($type)) {
            return false;
        // TODO: Also account for iterables
        if ($type instanceof GenericArrayType) {
            if (!$this->element_type->isSubtypeOf($type->element_type)) {
                return false;
        } elseif ($type instanceof GenericIterableType) {
            if (!$this->element_type->asPHPDocUnionType()->hasSubtypeOf($type->getElementUnionType())) {
                return false;
        return true;

    public function getTypesRecursively(): Generator
        yield $this;
        yield from $this->element_type->getTypesRecursively();