

1 day
Test Coverage

namespace ezsql;

use ezsql\ezQuery;
use ezsql\ezsqlModelInterface;
use function ezsql\functions\{get_vendor, create_certificate};

 * Core class containing common functions to manipulate **query** `result sets` once returned.
 * @method void setDebugAll($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setTrace($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setDebugCalled($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setVarDumpCalled($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setShowErrors($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setNumQueries($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setConnQueries($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setCapturedErrors($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setCacheDir($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setUseDiskCache($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setCacheTimeout($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setCacheQueries($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setCacheInserts($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setNumRows($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setDbConnectTime($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setSqlLogFile($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setProfileTimes($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setInsertId($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setLastQuery($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setLastError($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setColInfo($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setTimers($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setTotalQueryTime($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setTraceLog($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setUseTraceLog($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setDoProfile($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setLastResult($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setFromDiskCache($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setDebugEchoIsOn($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setFuncCall($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setAllFuncCalls($args);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setTable($name);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method void setPrefix($append);
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getDebugAll();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getTrace();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getDebugCalled();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getVarDumpCalled();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getShowErrors();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getNumQueries();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getConnQueries();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getCapturedErrors();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getCacheDir();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getUseDiskCache();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getCacheTimeout();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getCacheQueries();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getCacheInserts();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getNumRows();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getDbConnectTime();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getSqlLogFile();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getProfileTimes();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getInsertId();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getLastQuery();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getLastError();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getColInfo();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getTimers();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getTotalQueryTime();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getTraceLog();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getUseTraceLog();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getDoProfile();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getLastResult();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getFromDiskCache();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getDebugEchoIsOn();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getFuncCall();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getAllFuncCalls();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getTable();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
 * @method string getPrefix();
 * A `ezsqlModel` class property that can be accessed with either
 * a `set` or `get` prefix as a function.
class ezsqlModel extends ezQuery implements ezsqlModelInterface
    protected $isSecure = false;
    protected $secureOptions = null;
    protected $sslKey = null;
    protected $sslCert = null;
    protected $sslCa = null;
    protected $sslPath = null;

     * If set to true (i.e. $db->debug_all = true;) Then it will print out ALL queries and ALL results of your script.
     * @var boolean
    protected $debugAll = false;

    // same as $debug_all
    protected $trace = false;
    protected $debugCalled = false;
    protected $varDumpCalled = false;

     * Current show error state
     * @var boolean
    protected $showErrors = true;

     * Keeps track of exactly how many 'real' (not cached)
     * queries were executed during the lifetime of the current script
     * @var int
    protected $numQueries = 0;

    protected $connQueries = 0;
    protected $capturedErrors = array();

     * Specify a cache dir. Path is taken from calling script
     * @var string
    protected $cacheDir = 'tmp' . \_DS . 'ez_cache';

     * Disk Cache Setup
     * (1. You must create this dir. first!)
     * (2. Might need to do chmod 775)
     * Global override setting to turn disc caching off (but not on)
     * @var boolean
    protected $useDiskCache = false;

     * Cache expiry, this is hours
     * @var int
    protected $cacheTimeout = 24;

     * if you want to cache EVERYTHING just do..
     * $use_disk_cache = true;
     * $cache_queries = true;
     * $cache_timeout = 24;

     * By wrapping up queries you can ensure that the default
     * is NOT to cache unless specified
     * @var boolean
    protected $cacheQueries = false;
    protected $cacheInserts = false;

     * Log number of rows the query returned
     * @var int Default is null
    protected $numRows = null;

    protected $dbConnectTime = 0;
    protected $sqlLogFile = false;
    protected $profileTimes = array();

     * ID generated from the AUTO_INCREMENT of the previous INSERT operation (if any)
     * @var int
    protected $insertId = null;

     * Use to keep track of the last query for debug..
     * @var string
    protected $lastQuery = null;

     * The table `name` to use on calls to `ing` ending m
     * `CRUD` methods/functions.
     * @var string
    protected $table = '';

     * A `prefix` to append to `table` name on calls to `ing` ending
     * `CRUD` methods/functions.
     * @var string
    protected $prefix = '';

     * Use to keep track of last error
     * @var string
    protected $lastError = null;

     * Saved info on the table column
     * @var mixed
    protected $colInfo = array();

    protected $timers = array();
    protected $totalQueryTime = 0;
    protected $traceLog = array();
    protected $useTraceLog = false;
    protected $doProfile = false;

     * The last query result
     * @var object Default is null
    protected $lastResult = null;

     * Get data from disk cache
     * @var boolean Default is false
    protected $fromDiskCache = false;

     *  Needed for echo of debug function
     * @var boolean Default is false
    protected $debugEchoIsOn = false;

     * Whether the database connection is established, or not
     * @var boolean Default is false
    protected $_connected = false;

     * Contains the number of affected rows of a query
     * @var int Default is 0
    protected $_affectedRows = 0;

     * Function called
     * @var string
    private $funcCall;

     * All functions called
     * @var array
    private $allFuncCalls = array();

     * Constructor
    public function __construct()

     * Magic methods for Calling Non-Existent Functions, handling Getters and Setters.
     * @method set/get{property} - a property that needs to be accessed
     * @property-read function
     * @property-write args
     * @return mixed
     * @throws \Exception
    public function __call($function, $args)
        $prefix = \substr($function, 0, 3);
        $property = \lcfirst(\substr($function, 3, \strlen($function)));
        // Todo: make properties PSR-1, add following for backward compatibility
        if (\strpos($property, '_') !== false)
            $property = \str_replace('_', '', $property);

        if (($prefix == 'set') && \property_exists($this, $property)) {
            $this->$property = $args[0];
        } elseif (($prefix == 'get') && \property_exists($this, $property)) {
            return $this->$property;
        } else {
            throw new \Exception("$function does not exist");

    public function get_host_port(string $host, bool $default = false)
        $port = $default;
        if (false !== \strpos($host, ':')) {
            list($host, $port) = \explode(':', $host);
            $port = (int) $port;
        return array($host, $port);

    public function register_error(string $err_str, bool $displayError = true)
        // Keep track of last error
        $this->lastError = $err_str;

        // Capture all errors to an error array no matter what happens
        $this->capturedErrors[] = array(
            'error_str' => $err_str,
            'query'     => $this->lastQuery

        if ($this->showErrors && $displayError)
            \trigger_error(\htmlentities($err_str), \E_USER_WARNING);

        return false;

    public function show_errors()
        $this->showErrors = true;

    public function hide_errors()
        $this->showErrors = false;

     * Turn on echoing of debug info, for `debug()`
    public function debugOn()
        $this->debugEchoIsOn = true;

     * Turn off echoing of debug info, the default, for `debug()`
    public function debugOff()
        $this->debugEchoIsOn = false;

    public function flush()
        // Get rid of these
        $this->lastResult = null;
        $this->colInfo = array();
        $this->lastQuery = null;
        $this->allFuncCalls = array();
        $this->fromDiskCache = false;

    public function log_query(string $query)
        // Log how the last function was called
        $this->funcCall = $query;

        // Keep an running Log of all functions called
        \array_push($this->allFuncCalls, $this->funcCall);

    public function get_var(string $query = null, int $x = 0, int $y = 0, bool $use_prepare = false)
        // Log how the function was called

        // If there is a query then perform it if not then use cached results..
        if ($query) {
            $this->query($query, $use_prepare);

        // Extract public out of cached results based x,y values
        if (isset($this->lastResult[$y])) {
            $values = \array_values(\get_object_vars($this->lastResult[$y]));

        // If there is a value return it else return null
        return (isset($values[$x]) && $values[$x] !== null) ? $values[$x] : null;

    public function get_row(string $query = null, $output = \OBJECT, int $y = 0, bool $use_prepare = false)
        // Log how the function was called

        // If there is a query then perform it if not then use cached results..
        if ($query) {
            $this->query($query, $use_prepare);

        if ($output == OBJECT) {
            // If the output is an object then return object using the row offset..
            return isset($this->lastResult[$y]) ? $this->lastResult[$y] : null;
        } elseif ($output == \ARRAY_A) {
            // If the output is an associative array then return row as such..
            return isset($this->lastResult[$y]) ? \get_object_vars($this->lastResult[$y]) : null;
        } elseif ($output == \ARRAY_N) {
            // If the output is an numerical array then return row as such..
            return isset($this->lastResult[$y]) ? \array_values(\get_object_vars($this->lastResult[$y])) : null;
        } else {
            // If invalid output type was specified..
            $this->showErrors ? \trigger_error(" \$db->get_row(string query, output type, int offset) -- Output type must be one of: OBJECT, ARRAY_A, ARRAY_N", \E_USER_WARNING) : null;

    public function get_col(string $query = null, int $x = 0, bool $use_prepare = false)
        $new_array = array();

        // If there is a query then perform it if not then use cached results..
        if ($query) {
            $this->query($query, $use_prepare);

        // Extract the column values
        if (\is_array($this->lastResult)) {
            $j = \count($this->lastResult);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $j; $i++) {
                $new_array[$i] = $this->get_var(null, $x, $i, $use_prepare);

        return $new_array;

    public function get_results(string $query = null, $output = \OBJECT, bool $use_prepare = false)
        // Log how the function was called
        $this->log_query("\$db->get_results(\"$query\", $output, $use_prepare)");

        // If there is a query then perform it if not then use cached results..
        if ($query) {
            $this->query($query, $use_prepare);

        if ($output === \OBJECT) {
            return $this->lastResult;
        } elseif ($output == \JSON) {
            return \json_encode($this->lastResult); // return as json output
        } elseif ($output == \ARRAY_A || $output == \ARRAY_N) {
            $new_array = [];
            if ($this->lastResult) {
                $i = 0;
                foreach ($this->lastResult as $row) {
                    $new_array[$i] = \get_object_vars($row);
                    if ($output == \ARRAY_N) {
                        $new_array[$i] = \array_values($new_array[$i]);
            return $new_array;

    public function get_col_info(string $info_type = "name", int $col_offset = -1)
        if ($this->colInfo) {
            $new_array = [];
            if ($col_offset == -1) {
                $i = 0;
                foreach ($this->colInfo as $col) {
                    $new_array[$i] = $col->{$info_type};

                return $new_array;

            return $this->colInfo[$col_offset]->{$info_type};

    public function create_cache(string $path = null)
        $cache_dir = empty($path) ? $this->cacheDir : $path;
        if (!\is_dir($cache_dir)) {
            $this->cacheDir = $cache_dir;
            @\mkdir($cache_dir, ('\\' == \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ? null : 0755), true);

    public function store_cache(string $query, bool $is_insert = false)
        // The would be cache file for this query
        $cache_file = $this->cacheDir . \_DS . \md5($query);

        // disk caching of queries
        if (
            && ($this->cacheQueries && !$is_insert) || ($this->cacheInserts && $is_insert)
        ) {
            if (!\is_dir($this->cacheDir)) {
                return $this->register_error("Could not open cache dir: $this->cacheDir");
            } else {
                // Cache all result values
                $result_cache = array(
                    'col_info' => $this->colInfo,
                    'last_result' => $this->lastResult,
                    'num_rows' => $this->numRows,
                    'return_value' => $this->numRows,

                \file_put_contents($cache_file, \serialize($result_cache));
                if (\file_exists($cache_file . ".updating"))
                    \unlink($cache_file . ".updating");

    public function get_cache(string $query)
        // The would be cache file for this query
        $cache_file = $this->cacheDir . \_DS . \md5($query);

        // Try to get previously cached version
        if ($this->useDiskCache && \file_exists($cache_file)) {
            // Only use this cache file if less than 'cache_timeout' (hours)
            if ((\time() - \filemtime($cache_file)) > ($this->cacheTimeout * 3600)
                && !(\file_exists($cache_file . ".updating")
                    && (\time() - \filemtime($cache_file . ".updating") < 60))
            ) {
                \touch($cache_file . ".updating"); // Show that we in the process of updating the cache
            } else {
                $result_cache = \unserialize(\file_get_contents($cache_file));

                $this->colInfo = $result_cache['col_info'];
                $this->lastResult = $result_cache['last_result'];
                $this->numRows = $result_cache['num_rows'];

                $this->fromDiskCache = true;

                // If debug ALL queries
                $this->trace || $this->debugAll ? $this->debug() : null;

                return $result_cache['return_value'];

    public function varDump($mixed = null)
        // Start output buffering

        echo "<p><table><tr><td bgcolor=ffffff><blockquote><font color=000090>";
        echo "<pre><font face=arial>";

        if (!$this->varDumpCalled) {
            echo "<font color=800080><b>ezSQL</b> (v" . \EZSQL_VERSION . ") <b>Variable Dump..</b></font>\n\n";

        $var_type = \gettype($mixed);
        \print_r(($mixed ? $mixed : "<font color=red>No Value / False</font>"));
        echo "\n\n<b>Type:</b> " . \ucfirst($var_type) . "\n";
        echo "<b>Last Query</b> [$this->numQueries]<b>:</b> " . ($this->lastQuery ? $this->lastQuery : "NULL") . "\n";
        echo "<b>Last Function Call:</b> " . ($this->funcCall ? $this->funcCall : "None") . "\n";

        if (\count($this->allFuncCalls) > 1) {
            echo "<b>List of All Function Calls:</b><br>";
            foreach ($this->allFuncCalls as $func_string)
                echo "  " . $func_string . "<br>\n";

        echo "<b>Last Rows Returned:</b><br>";
        echo ((!empty($this->lastResult) && \count($this->lastResult) > 0)  ? print_r($this->lastResult[0]) : 'No rows returned') . "\n";
        echo "</font></pre></font></blockquote></td></tr></table>"; //.$this->donation();
        echo "\n<hr size=1 noshade color=dddddd>";

        // Stop output buffering and capture debug HTML
        $html = \ob_get_contents();

        // Only echo output if it is turned on
        if ($this->debugEchoIsOn) {
            echo $html;

        $this->varDumpCalled = true;

        return $html;

     * @internal ezsqlModel::varDump
    public function dump_var($mixed = null)
        return $this->varDump($mixed);

    public function debug($print_to_screen = true)
        // Start output buffering

        echo "\n\n<blockquote>";

        // Only show ezSQL credits once..
        if (!$this->debugCalled) {
            echo "<font color=800080 face=arial size=2><b>ezSQL</b> (v" . \EZSQL_VERSION . ")\n <b>Debug.. \n</b></font><p>";

        if ($this->lastError) {
            echo "<font face=arial size=2 color=000099><b>Last Error --</b> [<font color=000000><b>$this->lastError \n</b></font>]<p>";

        if ($this->fromDiskCache) {
            echo "<font face=arial size=2 color=000099><b>Results retrieved from disk cache</b></font><p>\n";

        echo "<font face=arial size=2 color=000099><b>Query</b> [$this->numQueries]  \n<b>--</b>";
        echo "[<font color=000000><b>$this->lastQuery \n</b></font>]</font><p>";

        echo "<font face=arial size=2 color=000099><b>Query Result..</b></font>\n";
        echo "<blockquote>\n";

        if ($this->colInfo) {
            // Results top rows
            echo "<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=555555>\n";
            echo "<tr bgcolor=eeeeee><td nowrap valign=bottom><font color=555599 face=arial size=2><b>(row)</b></font></td>\n";

            for ($i = 0, $j = count($this->colInfo); $i < $j; $i++) {
                echo "<td nowrap align=left valign=top><font size=1 color=555599 face=arial>\n";
                /* when `select` count(*) the maxlengh is not set, size is set instead. */
                if (isset($this->colInfo[$i]->type))
                    echo "{$this->colInfo[$i]->type}";

                if (isset($this->colInfo[$i]->size))
                    echo "{$this->colInfo[$i]->size}";

                if (isset($this->colInfo[$i]->max_length))
                    echo "{$this->colInfo[$i]->max_length}";

                echo "\n</font><br><span style='font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold;'>";

                if (isset($this->colInfo[$i]->name))
                    echo "{$this->colInfo[$i]->name}";

                echo "\n</span></td>";
            echo "</tr>\n";

            // print main results
            if ($this->lastResult) {
                $i = 0;
                foreach ($this->get_results(null, \ARRAY_N) as $one_row) {
                    echo "<tr bgcolor=ffffff><td bgcolor=eeeeee nowrap align=middle><font size=2 color=555599 face=arial>$i \n</font></td>";

                    foreach ($one_row as $item) {
                        echo "<td nowrap><font face=arial size=2>$item \n</font></td>";
                    echo "</tr>\n";
            } else {
                // if last result
                echo "<tr bgcolor=ffffff><td colspan=" . (\count($this->colInfo) + 1) . "><font face=arial size=2>No Results</font></td></tr>\n";

            echo "</table>\n";
        } else {
            // if col_info
            echo "<font face=arial size=2>No Results \n</font>";

        //echo "</blockquote></blockquote>".$this->donation()."<hr noshade color=dddddd size=1>";

        // Stop output buffering and capture debug HTML
        $html = \ob_get_contents();

        // Only echo output if it is turned on
        if ($this->debugEchoIsOn && $print_to_screen) {
            echo $html;

        $this->debugCalled = true;

        return $html;

    public function timer_get_cur()
        list($usec, $sec) = \explode(" ", \microtime());
        return ((float) $usec + (float) $sec);

    public function timer_start($timer_name)
        $this->timers[$timer_name] = $this->timer_get_cur();

    public function timer_elapsed($timer_name)
        return \round($this->timer_get_cur() - $this->timers[$timer_name], 2);

    public function timer_update_global($timer_name)
        if ($this->doProfile) {
            $this->profileTimes[] = array(
                'query' => $this->lastQuery,
                'time' => $this->timer_elapsed($timer_name)
        $this->totalQueryTime += $this->timer_elapsed($timer_name);

    public function count($all = true, $increase = false)
        if ($increase) {

        return ($all) ? $this->numQueries : $this->connQueries;

    public function secureSetup(
        string $key = 'certificate.key',
        string $cert = 'certificate.crt',
        string $ca = 'cacert.pem',
        string $path = '.' . \_DS
    ) {
        if (!\file_exists($path . $cert) || !\file_exists($path . $key)) {
            $vendor = get_vendor();
            if (($vendor != \SQLITE) || ($vendor != \MSSQL))
                $path = create_certificate();
        } elseif ($path == '.' . \_DS) {
            $ssl_path = \getcwd();
            $path = \preg_replace('/\\\/', \_DS, $ssl_path) . \_DS;

        $this->isSecure = true;
        $this->sslKey = $key;
        $this->sslCert = $cert;
        $this->sslCa = $ca;
        $this->sslPath = $path;

    public function secureReset()
        $this->isSecure = false;
        $this->sslKey = null;
        $this->sslCert = null;
        $this->sslCa = null;
        $this->sslPath = null;
        $this->secureOptions = null;

    public function isConnected()
        return $this->_connected;
    } // isConnected

    public function affectedRows()
        return $this->_affectedRows;
    } // affectedRows

    public function queryResult()
        return $this->lastResult;

    public function tableSetup(string $name = '', string $prefix = '')
        $this->table = $name;
        $this->prefix = $prefix;
} // ezsqlModel