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Test Coverage
from __future__ import annotations

import ast
import gzip
import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import Iterable
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
import SimpleITK as sitk
import torch
from torch.utils.data._utils.collate import default_collate
from tqdm.auto import trange

from . import constants
from .typing import TypeNumber
from .typing import TypePath

def to_tuple(
    value: Any,
    length: int = 1,
) -> Tuple[TypeNumber, ...]:
    """Convert variable to tuple of length n.

        >>> from torchio.utils import to_tuple
        >>> to_tuple(1, length=1)
        >>> to_tuple(1, length=3)
        (1, 1, 1)

    If value is an iterable, n is ignored and tuple(value) is returned

        >>> to_tuple((1,), length=1)
        >>> to_tuple((1, 2), length=1)
        (1, 2)
        >>> to_tuple([1, 2], length=3)
        (1, 2)
        value = tuple(value)
    except TypeError:
        value = length * (value,)
    return value

def get_stem(
    path: Union[TypePath, Sequence[TypePath]],
) -> Union[str, List[str]]:
    """Get stem of path or paths.

        >>> from torchio.utils import get_stem
        >>> get_stem('/home/user/my_image.nii.gz')

    def _get_stem(path_string: TypePath) -> str:
        return Path(path_string).name.split('.')[0]

    if isinstance(path, (str, os.PathLike)):
        return _get_stem(path)
    else:  # path is actually a sequence of paths
        return [_get_stem(p) for p in path]

def create_dummy_dataset(
    num_images: int,
    size_range: Tuple[int, int],
    directory: Optional[TypePath] = None,
    suffix: str = '.nii.gz',
    force: bool = False,
    verbose: bool = False,
    from .data import ScalarImage, LabelMap, Subject

    output_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() if directory is None else directory
    output_dir = Path(output_dir)
    images_dir = output_dir / 'dummy_images'
    labels_dir = output_dir / 'dummy_labels'

    if force:

    subjects: List[Subject] = []
    if images_dir.is_dir():
        for i in trange(num_images):
            image_path = images_dir / f'image_{i}{suffix}'
            label_path = labels_dir / f'label_{i}{suffix}'
            subject = Subject(
        images_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
        labels_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
        iterable: Iterable[int]
        if verbose:
            print('Creating dummy dataset...')  # noqa: T201
            iterable = trange(num_images)
            iterable = range(num_images)
        for i in iterable:
            shape = np.random.randint(*size_range, size=3)
            affine = np.eye(4)
            image = np.random.rand(*shape)
            label = np.ones_like(image)
            label[image < 0.33] = 0
            label[image > 0.66] = 2
            image *= 255

            image_path = images_dir / f'image_{i}{suffix}'
            nii = nib.Nifti1Image(image.astype(np.uint8), affine)

            label_path = labels_dir / f'label_{i}{suffix}'
            nii = nib.Nifti1Image(label.astype(np.uint8), affine)

            subject = Subject(
    return subjects

def apply_transform_to_file(
    input_path: TypePath,
    transform,  # : Transform seems to create a circular import
    output_path: TypePath,
    class_: str = 'ScalarImage',
    verbose: bool = False,
    from . import data

    image = getattr(data, class_)(input_path)
    subject = data.Subject(image=image)
    transformed = transform(subject)
    if verbose and transformed.history:
        print('Applied transform:', transformed.history[0])  # noqa: T201

def guess_type(string: str) -> Any:
    # Adapted from
    # https://www.reddit.com/r/learnpython/comments/4599hl/module_to_guess_type_from_a_string/czw3f5s
    string = string.replace(' ', '')
    result_type: Any
        value = ast.literal_eval(string)
    except ValueError:
        result_type = str
        result_type = type(value)
    if result_type in (list, tuple):
        string = string[1:-1]  # remove brackets
        split = string.split(',')
        list_result = [guess_type(n) for n in split]
        value = tuple(list_result) if result_type is tuple else list_result
        return value
        value = result_type(string)
    except TypeError:
        value = None
    return value

def get_torchio_cache_dir() -> Path:
    return Path('~/.cache/torchio').expanduser()

def compress(
    input_path: TypePath,
    output_path: Optional[TypePath] = None,
) -> Path:
    if output_path is None:
        output_path = Path(input_path).with_suffix('.nii.gz')
    with open(input_path, 'rb') as f_in:
        with gzip.open(output_path, 'wb') as f_out:
            shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out)
    return Path(output_path)

def check_sequence(sequence: Sequence, name: str) -> None:
    except TypeError:
        message = f'"{name}" must be a sequence, not {type(name)}'
        raise TypeError(message)

def get_major_sitk_version() -> int:
    # This attribute was added in version 2
    # https://github.com/SimpleITK/SimpleITK/pull/1171
    version = getattr(sitk, '__version__', None)
    major_version = 1 if version is None else 2
    return major_version

def history_collate(batch: Sequence, collate_transforms=True) -> Dict:
    attr = constants.HISTORY if collate_transforms else 'applied_transforms'
    # Adapted from
    # https://github.com/romainVala/torchQC/blob/master/segmentation/collate_functions.py
    from .data import Subject

    first_element = batch[0]
    if isinstance(first_element, Subject):
        dictionary = {
            key: default_collate([d[key] for d in batch]) for key in first_element
        if hasattr(first_element, attr):
            dictionary.update({attr: [getattr(d, attr) for d in batch]})
        dictionary = {}
    return dictionary

def get_subclasses(target_class: type) -> List[type]:
    subclasses = target_class.__subclasses__()
    subclasses += sum((get_subclasses(cls) for cls in subclasses), [])
    return subclasses

def get_first_item(data_loader: torch.utils.data.DataLoader):
    return next(iter(data_loader))

def get_batch_images_and_size(batch: Dict) -> Tuple[List[str], int]:
    """Get number of images and images names in a batch.

        batch: Dictionary generated by a :class:`torch.utils.data.DataLoader`
            extracting data from a :class:`torchio.SubjectsDataset`.

        RuntimeError: If the batch does not seem to contain any dictionaries
            that seem to represent a :class:`torchio.Image`.
    names = []
    for key, value in batch.items():
        if isinstance(value, dict) and constants.DATA in value:
            size = len(value[constants.DATA])
    if not names:
        raise RuntimeError('The batch does not seem to contain any images')
    return names, size

def get_subjects_from_batch(batch: Dict) -> List:
    """Get list of subjects from collated batch.

        batch: Dictionary generated by a :class:`torch.utils.data.DataLoader`
            extracting data from a :class:`torchio.SubjectsDataset`.
    from .data import ScalarImage, LabelMap, Subject

    subjects = []
    image_names, batch_size = get_batch_images_and_size(batch)

    for i in range(batch_size):
        subject_dict = {}

        for key, value in batch.items():
            if key in image_names:
                image_name = key
                image_dict = value
                data = image_dict[constants.DATA][i]
                affine = image_dict[constants.AFFINE][i]
                path = Path(image_dict[constants.PATH][i])
                is_label = image_dict[constants.TYPE][i] == constants.LABEL
                klass = LabelMap if is_label else ScalarImage
                image = klass(tensor=data, affine=affine, filename=path.name)
                subject_dict[image_name] = image
                instance_value = value[i]
                subject_dict[key] = instance_value

        subject = Subject(subject_dict)

        if constants.HISTORY in batch:
            applied_transforms = batch[constants.HISTORY][i]
            for transform in applied_transforms:

    return subjects

def add_images_from_batch(
    subjects: List,
    tensor: torch.Tensor,
) -> None:
    """Add images to subjects in a list, typically from a network prediction.

    The spatial metadata (affine matrices) will be extracted from one of the
    images of each subject.

        subjects: List of instances of :class:`torchio.Subject` to which images
            will be added.
        tensor: PyTorch tensor of shape :math:`(B, C, W, H, D)`, where
            :math:`B` is the batch size.
        class_: Class used to instantiate the images,
            e.g., :class:`torchio.LabelMap`.
            If ``None``, :class:`torchio.ScalarImage` will be used.
        name: Name of the images added to the subjects.
    if class_ is None:
        from . import ScalarImage

        class_ = ScalarImage
    for subject, data in zip(subjects, tensor):
        one_image = subject.get_first_image()
        kwargs = {'tensor': data, 'affine': one_image.affine}
        if 'filename' in one_image:
            kwargs['filename'] = one_image['filename']
        image = class_(**kwargs)
        subject.add_image(image, name)

def guess_external_viewer() -> Optional[Path]:
    """Guess the path to an executable that could be used to visualize images.

    Currently, it looks for 1) ITK-SNAP and 2) 3D Slicer. Implemented
    for macOS and Windows.
    if 'SITK_SHOW_COMMAND' in os.environ:
        return Path(os.environ['SITK_SHOW_COMMAND'])
    platform = sys.platform
    itk = 'ITK-SNAP'
    slicer = 'Slicer'
    if platform == 'darwin':
        app_path = '/Applications/{}.app/Contents/MacOS/{}'  # noqa: FS003
        itk_snap_path = Path(app_path.format(2 * (itk,)))
        if itk_snap_path.is_file():
            return itk_snap_path
        slicer_path = Path(app_path.format(2 * (slicer,)))
        if slicer_path.is_file():
            return slicer_path
    elif platform == 'win32':
        program_files_dir = Path(os.environ['ProgramW6432'])
        itk_snap_dirs = list(program_files_dir.glob('ITK-SNAP*'))
        if itk_snap_dirs:
            itk_snap_dir = itk_snap_dirs[-1]
            itk_snap_path = itk_snap_dir / 'bin/itk-snap.exe'
            if itk_snap_path.is_file():
                return itk_snap_path
        slicer_dirs = list(program_files_dir.glob('Slicer*'))
        if slicer_dirs:
            slicer_dir = slicer_dirs[-1]
            slicer_path = slicer_dir / 'slicer.exe'
            if slicer_path.is_file():
                return slicer_path
    elif 'linux' in platform:
        itk_snap_which = shutil.which('itksnap')
        if itk_snap_which is not None:
            return Path(itk_snap_which)
        slicer_which = shutil.which('Slicer')
        if slicer_which is not None:
            return Path(slicer_which)
    return None  # for mypy

def parse_spatial_shape(shape):
    result = to_tuple(shape, length=3)
    for n in result:
        if n < 1 or n % 1:
            message = (
                'All elements in a spatial shape must be positive integers,'
                f' but the following shape was passed: {shape}'
            raise ValueError(message)
    if len(result) != 3:
        message = (
            'Spatial shapes must have 3 elements, but the following shape'
            f' was passed: {shape}'
        raise ValueError(message)
    return result

def normalize_path(path: TypePath):
    return Path(path).expanduser().resolve()

def is_iterable(object: Any) -> bool:
        return True
    except TypeError:
        return False